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Obession Meets Reality [X] by: Miss Mayhems Collection
Anime/Manga: Gravitation Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Drama / Hentai / Romance | Type: Alternate Universe
Latest Revision: June 16, 2006 19:31 PDT | Pages: 30 | Size: 212Kb | Visits: 1967
Summary: Tatsuha meets Ryuichi while standing in line for Nittle Grasper tickets, and they quickly become lover's while falling in love.
Review(s): 1 Reviews
Obessions [P] by: wonkycat24
: Gundam Wing Fan Fiction
Genre(s): | Type: One Shot
Latest Revision: February 23, 2002 08:39 PST | Pages: 1 | Size: 1Kb | Visits: 520
Summary: Sappy little piece I did after watching too much VH1. Only like 200 words haha.
Review(s): 2 Reviews
Obeying Orders [X] by: Animegrl750
: Bleach Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Hentai | Type: One Shot
Latest Revision: December 15, 2007 08:27 PST | Pages: 4 | Size: 25Kb | Visits: 2035
Summary: Byakuya's found the perfect way to get Renji to follow orders. Read and see how.

Warning! Yaoi inside. That means man-on-man lovin' ^_^
Obituary Boys [X] by: Linkin Fantasy
: Original Stories Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Drama / Angst | Type: Continuation
Latest Revision: November 26, 2023 09:13 PST | Pages: 199 | Size: 2684Kb | Visits: 2126
Summary: Seq: Silent Worlds saga. The lives we live have ups and downs, and for some of us we can move on as we grow. But, funny thing about the past is that it grows too, and sometimes... it follows you. MxM
Obivious Solution [A] by: alwayshiei
: Naruto Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Romance | Type: Other
Latest Revision: July 20, 2006 07:04 PDT | Pages: 1 | Size: 3Kb | Visits: 935
Summary: Sasuke/Hinata

Sasuke always figured that he and Hinata getting together was merely the obvious solution to their love line thing.

If you want me to continue, then you must review!! Please! If nobody reviews, then, it'll proba read more
Review(s): 2 Reviews
Object [A] by: Isabel Night
: Ronin Warriors Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Psychological / Classic | Type: One Shot
Latest Revision: November 21, 2007 13:15 PST | Pages: 2 | Size: 13Kb | Visits: 1106
Summary: Fifteen years after the war with Talpa, Yuli gets something in his office inbox...
Review(s): 1 Reviews
Object of Desire [T] by: Dreama Tsuki
: Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction / Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Romance / Comedy | Type: Crossover
Latest Revision: August 30, 2002 20:26 PDT | Pages: 7 | Size: 27Kb | Visits: 1764
Summary: Lady Allure-neechan and I have written this fic! Yohji Kudou and Duo Maxwell have met the girl of their dreams, too bad they have to compete for her.
Review(s): 4 Reviews
Object of Lust [X] by: Hope4love92
: Naruto Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Hentai | Type: Yaoi
Latest Revision: November 30, 2007 02:58 PST | Pages: 32 | Size: 186Kb | Visits: 21712
Summary: During a mission, Sasuke comes in contact with a odd black powder. The influence of this black powder drives the Uchiha mad with lust for Naruto. How will Naruto survive being Sasuke's object of lust?

Pairings: SasuNaru,KakaIru,GaaLee,ShinK read more
Review(s): 54 Reviews
Object of My Affection [Y] by: asiancherries
: InuYasha Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Angst / Romance | Type: Other
Latest Revision: March 02, 2005 13:24 PST | Pages: 32 | Size: 269Kb | Visits: 1499
Summary: COMPLETE(Sess/Rin, postseries) Some things we want, and some things we need. Some things stay with us for the rest of our lives. Three ordinary objects that are present throughout the lives of two people.
Review(s): 10 Reviews
Object of My Lust [X] by: Rain Camui
: Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Hentai | Type: Continuation
Latest Revision: September 14, 2003 01:56 PDT | Pages: 21 | Size: 100Kb | Visits: 8265
Summary: Seifer x Squall. Yaoi, Lemon. Seifer lusts after Squall. . .
Review(s): 46 Reviews
Object of Twisted Affection [X] by: ChidoriAmie
: Naruto Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Hentai / Romance / Angst | Type: Other
Latest Revision: September 15, 2006 13:21 PDT | Pages: 21 | Size: 114Kb | Visits: 4258
Summary: Hinata's been avoiding Neji lately because of his changing attitude towards her.Could his increasing sexual appetite for her be the result of a frustrated love triangle between he, Rock,and TenTen?(Hin-Nej) Contains Adult material.(Rape)Please Read&Review< read more
Review(s): 15 Reviews
Objection Tango [Y] by: jprincess16
: InuYasha Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Action / Comedy / Romance | Type: Alternate Universe
Latest Revision: January 31, 2004 11:17 PST | Pages: 37 | Size: 271Kb | Visits: 13214
Summary: Undercover agents seeking down the notorious villian holding on to the Shikon No Tama.The problem is how can they catch what they can't find. Pairings: Inu/Kag Mir/San Sess/Rin
Review(s): 21 Reviews
Objectionable Secrets [Y] by: vampyremiyu
: Fruits Basket Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Drama / Hentai / Angst | Type: One Shot
Latest Revision: January 24, 2005 19:35 PST | Pages: 3 | Size: 12Kb | Visits: 811
Summary: Yuki learns a terrible secret and decides to use it against Akito. Told from Akito's point of view.

This story contains spoilers from chapters 97 & 98 of the manga in regards to Akito's character. (See Author's Notes for a link.)
Objective Legend: The Unknown [T] by: Kairi K
: Final Fantasy - All Series Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Adventure / / Fantasy | Type: Other
Latest Revision: January 31, 2005 10:48 PST | Pages: 18 | Size: 155Kb | Visits: 2267
Summary: Yet another Final Fantasy VII fanfic written by me and it even has Final Fantasy VIII in it as well. It’s a random story that I began to enjoy writing while I’m in a writer’s block. A lot of names of the characters I changed for some reasons since I first read more
Objective Legend: The Unknown [T] by: Salira Nymire
: Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Adventure / Fantasy / Romance | Type: Crossover
Latest Revision: September 12, 2005 10:12 PDT | Pages: 24 | Size: 222Kb | Visits: 2100
Summary: A story about a legend where 8 teens have been vanished into the Final Fantasy World (7 & 8) to save the lives of themselves, and possibly their own world. Except for one thing, the legend was competely messed up, and now there has been additions in this n read more
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