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The Obsolete Self [T] by: Xhadow_Kiss
Anime/Manga: Death Note Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Angst / Psychological | Type: Vignette
Latest Revision: July 11, 2009 17:32 PDT | Pages: 1 | Size: 1Kb | Visits: 761
Summary: There is nothing now.

I don't own DN
The Occidental Tourist [T] by: Chinstrap
: InuYasha Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Comedy | Type: One Shot
Latest Revision: December 10, 2004 00:37 PST | Pages: 1 | Size: 3Kb | Visits: 435
Summary: A flightless waterfowl encounters a strange girl near a mysterious well covered in barbed wire. One-shot, parody.
The Ocean Called Us [X] by: linxlynks
: Samurai Champloo Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Hentai / Drama / Adventure | Type: Continuation
Latest Revision: August 03, 2006 19:57 PDT | Pages: 3 | Size: 26Kb | Visits: 1053
Summary: Four years after they separated at the crossroads their paths have yet to cross. Now the ocean calls them together once again. Rated for future chapters.
Review(s): 1 Reviews
The Ocean in a Pirate's Eyes [T] by: Star_Fox
: Original Stories Fan Fiction / Romance Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Romance / Fantasy / Adventure | Type: Other
Latest Revision: June 30, 2008 17:41 PDT | Pages: 14 | Size: 107Kb | Visits: 1629
Summary: Aurora Williams is a sorceres-in-training, and she's worked hard in her three years at Owleyes Academy in the peninsula of Inoreth.

Unexpectedly she finds a pirate ship docked at a port near the town of Mystra, where she currently resides at read more
Review(s): 1 Reviews
The Ocean Rose [A] by: menacing-shadows
: Original Stories Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Romance | Type: One Shot
Latest Revision: October 09, 2006 14:09 PDT | Pages: 1 | Size: 4Kb | Visits: 581
Summary: These two lovers are not star-crossed.
The Ocean's Mystery [A] by: Trenody11
: Original Poetry Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Mystery | Type: Songfic
Latest Revision: September 02, 2007 17:20 PDT | Pages: 1 | Size: 0Kb | Visits: 486
Summary: It's not like a mystery novel or poem that makes you guess. It's a miniature poem asking about the ocean's mystery itself.^^
The Od Riders of the apocolipse [T] by: gundam06serenity
: Gundam Wing Fan Fiction / Beyblade Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Sci-fi / Supernatural / | Type: Alternate Universe
Latest Revision: August 05, 2004 12:57 PDT | Pages: 17 | Size: 64Kb | Visits: 3087
Summary: The od riders of the apocolipse: the original shinigami went missing, enma, the king of hell, completely lost controal and almost caused the apocolipse to come sevral millenia earily. shinigami has returned, with a new apprentice, one who takes over. his n read more
Review(s): 1 Reviews
The Odango and the Baka [P] by: Lady Catherine
: Sailor Moon Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Romance | Type: Continuation
Latest Revision: July 19, 2003 19:47 PDT | Pages: 24 | Size: 85Kb | Visits: 3074
Summary: Will Usagi and Mamoru ever get over their issues, or will fate step in?
Review(s): 4 Reviews
The Odd and the Weird [P] by: chanel_jay
: Sakura Wars Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Comedy | Type: Other
Latest Revision: April 28, 2007 20:06 PDT | Pages: 27 | Size: 141Kb | Visits: 2041
Summary: Experiences the Sakura Taisen cast go through when encountering particularly odd or weird events or machines used in the series.
The Odd Couple [P] by: Akio the Dragon Master
: InuYasha Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Comedy / Romance | Type: Other
Latest Revision: November 19, 2005 23:28 PST | Pages: 5 | Size: 19Kb | Visits: 2022
Summary: Possibly the weidest Inu-Yasha pairing EVER! What's the pairing? Read to find out!
Review(s): 8 Reviews
The Odd Couple [X] by: dharmaserenity
: Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Romance / Hentai / Adventure | Type: Yaoi
Latest Revision: February 04, 2008 19:52 PST | Pages: 88 | Size: 478Kb | Visits: 24061
Summary: WARNING:YAOI (VxGk)

Can two Saiyans share a space capsule without driving each other crazy?

The long awaited Chapter 18 is up!
Review(s): 82 Reviews
The Odd Frogger Discussion [T] by: Myst Runner
: Fan Fiction
Genre(s): Comedy / Fantasy / | Type: One Shot
Latest Revision: August 26, 2002 19:26 PDT | Pages: 6 | Size: 10Kb | Visits: 429
Summary: This is weird, let me explan. Two of my charcters/Alter-egos are playing frogger and disscussing. well. nothing. it's just mindless persistant rattling. hope you like. rated pg13 for the mention of Pot, curses, selling of your soul, dieing, bunjee jumping, read more
The Odd Night [X] by: Innocent_Assassin
: Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction / Weiss Kreuz Fan Fiction
Genre(s): | Type: Crossover
Latest Revision: December 21, 2004 03:32 PST | Pages: 17 | Size: 48Kb | Visits: 3202
Summary: Omi is on his way back from a mission.
But what did he see?

You choose the pairing *Yaoi* ???/Omi
Review(s): 11 Reviews
The odd things we do [P] by: Bookkbaby84
: InuYasha Fan Fiction
Genre(s): / Suspense / Romance / Adventure | Type: Other
Latest Revision: January 22, 2004 17:27 PST | Pages: 24 | Size: 85Kb | Visits: 5164
Summary: Fluffy fic about what happens after they beat Naraku, collect the Jewel shards, etc. Look for my sequel, New Journey coming out soon! Pairings:
Review(s): 3 Reviews
The Oddest Notion [T] by: anonymousfangirl
: InuYasha Fan Fiction
Genre(s): | Type: One Shot
Latest Revision: June 01, 2006 06:00 PDT | Pages: 4 | Size: 19Kb | Visits: 671
Summary: Why would someone who has suffered as much as she want to live? And why would she want him to keep living?
Review(s): 1 Reviews
Pages (931): [ «    433  434  435  436  437  438  439  440  441  442  443  444  445  446  447  448  449  450  451  452    » ]

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