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"The Journey to the City of Endless Night" Reviews/Comments [ 281 ]
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 Reviewed By: I am Foxglove [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 16, 2007 06:36 PST
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
[Chap. 66] Absolute gold. What a treat for the Sesshomaru and Rin fans! [Which I most certainly am ^_^] Well, this chapter most definitely delivered. There was no shortage of emotion here! Rin's character is really developing, isn't she? Yup, no doubt she has entered the turbulent waters of adolescence . . . *sigh* I think you've portrayed her innate fear of Koga and his kind really well. It comes across as very genuine in particular for the fact that she's angry at herself for feeling that way, and that she wants to rise above it, as her lord would; it's clear that she emulates Sesshomaru and his bravery and wants him to be proud of her, and that she loves him very deeply. And speaking of which . . . "They had certainly become much more openly affectionate with one another since beginning this journey." Ah, so one of them's finally acknowledged it. Wonder when the other will? *prods the fluffy-sama* Their relationship really is evolving at a good pace. Of course it isn't always easy or comfortable - that's what makes it believable and heartfelt. But the more sweet and touching elements of that you write just as convincingly too. It's balanced very well, in my opinion. I look forward to more! ^_^ And Sesshomaru, the poor old dog. She certainly gave him quite a turn, didn't she? Can't imagine what his reaction to her vanishing right in front of his eyes must have been! Will you go into detail on his POV? I imagine it might have reminded him quite sharply of the last time she disappeared before his eyes like that . . . His response was written well and was definitely consistent; very in keeping with his character. He's certainly undergoing some stress lately, isn't he? First the one responsible for Rin's death shows up and frightens her senseless, to the point of the poor thing injuring herself, then his brother rampages, then he's further put on edge by Inuyasha's resemblance to their father [which doubtlessly might have brought on memories both fond and painful], and now this? It's easy to see why he was reluctant to so much as let her go afterwards. I'm glad he set her straight on the way she feared his disappointment and rejection. He was certainly firm and no-nonsense about that - yup, that's definitely the Sesshomaru we know and love! I hope Rin tries to take his words to heart. Otherwise I could see her anxiety distracting her in a time when she certainly needs to concentrate her efforts. I think all she needs is reassurance - and reminding that there's certainly no small amount of individuals who care for her so! It sounds as though her birthday will do just that. So! This Makor. *raises an eyebrow pointedly* He does seem familiar, if I'm not mistaken. But what on earth did he do to Rin? Why did he bespell her? Why on earth did he help her learn to create fire, anyway? Isn't he an enemy? Intrigued? You freaking bet I am! Hmm. Well, I don't doubt we'll be seeing more from him in the future. And can I just say the last part of this chapter just about melted my heart? The interaction between Sesshomaru and Rin in this story is priceless. Just priceless. An absolutely wonderful chapter. Awesome work, both you and your beta. I have the feeling this was perhaps the setup for something important [Rin and "Makor's" meeting?]. I very much look forward to the next instalment, and you can bet I'll be reviewing every chapter from now on. I imagine the Big Dog'll be glued to Rin's side until she's healed up; should be interesting to see how Poledra will work around her injury with their next lesson . . . that is if Sesshomaru isn't being all belligerent and over-protective again. XD And how are the rest of the company going to react to what happened here? Will they even be told about Rin's little slip-up, or will it be kept between the few that featured in this chapter? Yikes. I can only imagine how Inuyasha is going to react . . . Oh, and one last thing? Did Sesshomaru ever manage to pick up a birthday gift for Rin? Phew! Well, til
 Reviewed By: Charles Watford  On: February 11, 2007 15:49 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I have question: Will So'Unga (Inutaisho's third sword) be making a comback? just wanted to know.
 Reviewed By: Charles Watford  On: February 11, 2007 15:31 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
ive been reading this since 05 and its kept me excited ever since. This is my absolute favorte fan fiction ever! I practicly live from chapter to chapter. please update soon. I love how you left Jaken behind which gave Sesshomaru the chance to be himself around Rin.please update.
 Title: That just about made me cry...
Reviewed By: doggieearlover [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 26, 2007 18:16 PST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Poor Rin! Feeling so guilty and blaming herself for so many things that were not her fault. Afraid that she had failed Sesshomaru, and that he would not want her any more. And she's just a little girl, but she feels that she's a coward for running from something that would have terrified even an adult under similar circumstances. And Sesshomaru, so tender in his care of her. He could easily have found someone else to wrap her ankle, and yet he chose to do so himself. And Rin feels so badly that she manages to send herself away. I bet Sesshomaru was frantic when she disappeared. And the bird… is it good, is it evil? Is it someone who wishes to atone for his previous evil ways? It's rather disconcerting that Rin can no longer remember him once he was gone. Sesshomaru was so relieved to find her. Of course he would be since he cares for her more than he can admit. And now she suddenly knows how to make fire; I guess Poledra must know something is up since Rin couldn't do that before. She seems a bit suspicious, anyway. In fact, it seems like Sesshomaru kind of does as well. But I'm glad he's able to reassure her. Poor Rin really did have a trying, hard day. It was nice to see that side of Sesshomaru, even if no one else really did but Rin. As always, I look forward to your next chapter.
 Reviewed By: Jester08 [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 13, 2007 12:38 PST
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Great chapter. Poor Rin, she still doesn't get how much she means to Sesshomaru. I wonder who the guy that Rin met was exactly........friend or foe?!? Update soon please because I can't wait for more!!! ^_^
 Reviewed By: MetsukiKaraTen [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 13, 2007 12:31 PST
Poor Rin!! She really doesn't see how much she means to Sesshoumaru, and his need for her is such a tangeable thing. It is disconcerting that she is compelled to not clearly remember or to even speak of her encounter with the old man, I am guessing this is Belgarath's brother... and definitely trouble. Does she not remember the lesson he gave her? I understand that she can't speak of it, however the fib about how the fire came about just seemed to come a little too easily. There was a sweetness in her angst over being too troublesome, and her determination to be better, stronger, to not be a burden. Sesshoumaru's private response for her was wonderful, the words carried a tone of real pride in the person his little Rin is becoming. Excellent job!! Thank you for the Update!!
 Title: inuyashaloverr
Reviewed By: inuyashaloverr [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 13, 2007 06:50 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Oh, excellent chapter FAE. I was wondering what was going to happen after Koga left. Sesshomaru stayed by Rin instead of going after Koga, heh, it should prove very interesting as to what he will do to Koga next time he sees him...as well as what will Rin do. And whats with the strange old man...he made it so Rin cant remember him. Cant be a good sign. Love the story, keep up the good work and Update when ya can... :D
 Reviewed By: inusrosebudforlife [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 06, 2007 19:18 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
just so you know your draging the story out a bit to much other than that the storys great
 Reviewed By: Inu Hanyou Nikkie [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 17, 2006 14:33 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
And here we go the next of the reviews!!! This will make it Part Six!! Whoot!! Whoot!! Whoot!! Part Six!! This is getting some seriously good!! I am sooo enjoying the story!! And in all the twenty seven chapters I have read so far!! This certainly assures me every award that you have won is more than deserving!! I really like the dancing scene with Sango and Miroku! I hope there will be a dancing scene sometime in future with Inuyasha and Kagome and a Super Cute one of Sesshoumaru and Rin!! Oh my God!! Miroku just kissed Sango!! *faints from shock* Sesshoumaru I am loving his character more and more as the story progresses! Inuyasha, I wonder, will be thankful for his brothers a) protection of Kagome and b) for thinking about his temper... err... after he throws his fit... And again another accurate capturing of Kagome's personality! That she takes the blame for the situation! (Ce'Nedra's fault!) And Kudos to Sesshoumaru for pointing it out to her. I really loved how Sesshoumaru knew that Rin and Inuyasha would find each other and Inuyasha would without a thought take care of her and protect her. Again another shining example of the bonding and growth between the two brothers!! Bravo!! Bravissimo!! Whoot!! Waves the Pom-Poms vigorously!! Again I thrill at the many layers that create with each character!! That Sesshoumaru accepts Kagome into his "pack" as a family female. Glomps onto FarAwayEyes again!! Huggles!! This is great!! I am shocked!! Sesshoumaru just spoke highly of Inuyasha to Kagome!! I knew he has done it before but the pleasure of reading it again, is just a thrilling and happy warm creating as the first time!! Loved that Sesshoumaru noticed Inuyasha having a glazed look in his eyes... funny! Poor Hanyou is being overwhelmed by the boorish conservation! Giggles!! No!!! It would sooo NOT be ridiculous for Inuyasha and Rin to dance!! I would be melting into the biggest puddle of happiness ever!! But I guess from Sesshoumaru's point of view... maybe... considering all the airs of "royalty". Wow!! He just asked Kagome to dance with him! This is giving so many wonderful surprises!! Awesome work! Beautifully written and exquisitely presented!! Floored me!! Sesshoumaru was flirting with Kagome!! And Kagome was protesting quite a bit about dancing. Snickers. And Kagome should awful about the Shoe incident... using the sit command like that. She knew he wouldn't accept them. Snickers... noticed you didn't describe the dance (didn't want to give those estranged Sess/Kag fanatics anything to feed them illusions?) Loved how Kagome pointed out poor Inuyasha's situation. And Again a correct characterization of Kagome with her putting blame on Inuyasha for his refusal of the shoes, and she knows Inuyasha more than well enough that he swears, there is no curbing that. YES!! Sesshoumaru defended his brother against Kagome!! Yes!! Oh THANK YOU YES!! Inuyasha is dancing with Rin and it is the Sweetest thing I have ever read in a while!! I am soooo happy I could get bowled over with a feather!! Poor Sesshoumaru he may think it's silly looking but it is the sweetest!! (he won't understand it until he dances with Rin himself! I agree, It is a definite Kodak Moment and I Thank you soooooo very much for like a Master Craftsman to paint the scene!! I doubt that many could pull it off!! Only a Very select few!! (can name only the Literary Goddesses...) Bravo! Bravo! Bravissimo!! Kagome did a good job with explaining camera to Sesshoumaru and awesome way showing his intelligence with saying it was like drawings. I adore the way Sesshoumaru's presence makes it clear to others to stay away from them while they dance! This an awesome and thoroughly enjoyable interaction between the two characters!! Positively Amazing!! Building the bonds between Brother and his kin! "I have no intention of interfering between you and your mate." I am confused by this meaning. Sesshoumaru saying he's enjoying dancing with Kagome! Wow!! Bravo!! Too cute!! Wow!
 Reviewed By: Inu Hanyou Nikkie [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 17, 2006 12:19 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
And here we go, onto Part Five of the Reviews! Part Five!! Am I on a roll right? I am so thrilled! So pleased!! This chapter is certainly making me sit on the very edge of my seat!! Okay I totally am putting the blame on Kagome's situation on Ce'Nedra! Nuisance of a woman. She put her right into it and now has gotten Kagome trapped. How is Kagome supposed to get Inuyasha when Ce'Nedra Dragged her away from Inuyasha!?! Please say she will be given a very good lecture or punishment! She's going to die isn't she, Kagome is going to die. I won't forgive Ce'Nedra for causing Kagome's death all because of her selfishness!! (Nikkie rants some more!!) I am totally shocked she left Kagome! Okay... Really don't like her right now... Oh sweet lord!! He IS going to kill her!! If not by knife then that smell!! Gods, where is Inuyasha!!?? Anyone?! Eeewww!! He is touching her!! Kagome should cry! That is one thing Inuyasha knows very well! I am really ticked off at a bunch of people right now... (Nikkie in panicky mode...) He cut her neck! And Inuyasha never noticed the scent??!! That evil Zelleth's scent is covering it isn't it? Thank the gods!! Sesshoumaru arrived to save Kagome! (I hope someone gives Miroku, and Especially Ce'Nedra Hell for putting her through this!!) I hope that Zelleth will be punished for this and handed over to Sesshoumaru or Inuyasha for punishment!!! Sesshoumaru is losing his cool and control... Oh sweet lord! I don't think I can take all the excitement right now... LOVE the story!! Must go get myself a cup of tea to calm down... ... ... back.. OH!!! Sesshoumaru is SOOOO my hero right now!! He came and save and protected Kagome!! I hope Inuyasha gives Ce'Nedra what-for for this. Yes, sighs... I am quite ticked that she basically threw the maimed lamb before the starving wolf. The multi-faceted depths in which Sesshoumaru has been presented in this chapter really drives it home just how much of an honourable but extremely complicated character he is. And you just made him even more sexier in this!! I sooo wanna worship you!! Bravo!! Bravo!! Bravissimo!! Magnifique!! Stupendous!! Pulls out the Warner Brothers Marching Rubber Band to help celebrate more!! Really intelligent of Sesshoumaru to want to avoid the bloodbath that would occur with Inuyasha going into a rage (and the demolition of a section of the room from Tessaiga.) Good!! That she'll stay with Sesshoumaru maybe Ce'Nedra will leave her alone if she is smart. Oh gods!! That was a Big Cliffie to end the chapter with!! Can't wait now for the next chapter!! And that's Chapter 28!! Now for Chapter 28: Oh what is going to happen!! What is going to happen!!?? Sango certainly does need some anger management in the form of breaking a certain monk's wrist. Snickers... Might clue in then if she did... Okay... Oh gods you described that horrible outfits of those two... I can't stop snickering! Oh man she was trying to imitate Polgara!! Too funny... She needs centuries of practice to do this! And I completely melted when Sango saw Inuyasha in typical pose, crossing the arms then he was dropping a hand down to Rin for her to hold!! That was precious!! Truly adorable!! I must sketch this as well!! Remind me!! I might forget to jot it down!! Those two males make me think about gaudy Christmas decorations that frightens people away!! Giggles... And their smiles match the gaudy colours!! LOL!! You did the music world proud with that beautiful description of the song! Sango has noticed that Sesshoumaru is now with Kagome! And yes... that is one of Kagome's attitudes... sullen... Yep, that would be someone's first thought when they have been around Inuyasha for a long time. Giggles happily!! I am thrilling at this story!! Loved how it was let known the need to meet and talk. And cute how she thanked Zakath for the music. Ah, Polgara being the matchmaker again is she! I am amazed that Miroku is dancing with Sango and well so far, he hasn't been a lecherous jerk towards her.
 Reviewed By: Inu Hanyou Nikkie [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 16, 2006 17:52 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Yippee!! Part four! Part four of the reviews!! I am on a roll!! Chapter 26 we are at the ending: I loved how Inuyasha just takes Rin under his protection without any word of complaints! It really shows his maturity in this story! Awesome work Literary Goddess! And now we start the review for Chapter 27! And here we go with poor Sango! Poor Sango.. Miroku was going to embarrass her terribly in front of all those royal persons. He'll never learn will he. I wonder if he understands just how much she mistrusts him. Ha!! Even Shippou said the same thing! That was nice having the Entertainer.. who we don't know... winks... taking Shippou off to see the entertainment. I liked that touch! Think Miroku better give Sango her space, she is liable to kill him or seriously maim him. Good that he is going to leave her alone. Oh sweet goodness... Miroku has just been informed of purchasing ranks. Shudders... I dread where that is going to lead to. Ah, I see they are discussing businesses. I am puzzled though very puzzled. Silk brings Miroku over to women to parade him in front of them basically saying it is okay for him to ask them to have sex then tells him no? I am scratching my head over that one. Disappointed in Miroku saying the equal of Sango means nothing to him. Sighs... Poor Sango. Miroku is wondering about Inuyasha, Kagome, Sesshoumaru and Rin. I am too... on the edge of my seat!! So Zakath is letting those two search for any usurping amongst the mini-royalty. Nice warning Zakath gave I wonder if they will remember that. Oh my!! What are they overhearing!! Inuyasha not bright!! Oh, he would sooo make him eat those words and then some... while colourfully swearing up a storm. Is it me or did Miroku completely miss that threat towards Kagome?... Yep, he missed it too busy laughing about Inuyasha and his reaction. I cringed in my chair at the comment about Sesshoumaru. They don't know him at all. Sighs... they won't keep their heads long enough to learn anything about Sesshoumaru. (sic em Sesshoumaru!) And I guess Miroku also missed those remarks about Kagome as well. I am getting ticked at him! It seems that Silk is the one to mention anything! I am disappointed in Miroku! ARGH!! Is no one concerned about the threats against Kagome!!??!! Love this!! I am sooo on the edge of my seat!! It doesn't seem the two villains are confident with their accomplice. Throws a mini fit... why isn't anyone concerned about Kagome!! I am happy the king was informed, good they are feeling the tension. I guess Kagome being out of sight is out of mind for everyone. Sniffles... I fear something bad is happening to her!! Darn it! I am quite worked up and I'm scolding the computer screen!! Turns huge adoring eyes to FAE, THANK you so much! For writing this story that pulls me into it and weaves me into the fabrics so fully!! Smooth how Zakath and Silk communicate without talking to each other! Miroku was just reprimanded by Silk?!! Wow!!! Miroku wants to dance with Sango... ? That I could see happening and then him of course ruining it as usual. Oh no... I don't know if I want to read about the bad thing that is going to happen to Kagome... can't turn away... must read to see if someone rescues her! Oh no, more small talk. Poor Kagome. I chuckled again about being reminded of the shoe incident! That highness thinks Sesshoumaru is young!? Oh my if only she knew his age and that he was a demon!! That highness would simple die of heart failure. Good, Kagome is aware of the stares she is getting! But no one is there to protect her!! Polgara is going to have to have another talk with Ce'Nedra. I am curious though, How is Kagome turning down guys? When she can't do anything about Hojo and Kouga. That she never wants to hurt anyone's feelings at the expense of her own? Ce'Nedra is certainly not making things easier for Kagome. She has just put her in a very bad situation. Great, Kagome just made it seem like she wants more besides Inuyasha. Will have to work on it.
 Reviewed By: MetsukiKaraTen [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 08, 2006 14:32 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
The way that InuYasha is maturing in this fic is inspiring. He decides to not ask prying questions to avoid an argument then 'waits'... actually WAITS for Sesshoumaru to acknowledge him, rather than just jump in there. Respect. Wow. Its disconcerting that Sesshoumaru wouldn't look at him. I mean, I understand the most likely reason why, but still. And InuYasha's genuine concern as to why his half brother looked so sad was moving. So different than the past indifference between them. So now, the transformations will be different. I had to laugh out loud when he nearly squished Myoga for asking more questions before he explained himself. "That's cheating!!" lmao. So not only has Kagome gained from their union, but InuYasha has as well. How perfect! Now, for the voice in his head... hmmm... still not sure who that is, but I suppose I am not supposed to know yet, eh? Poor hanyou arguing with himself though, it's a sad sight. lol and the voice in his head doesn't like it when he swears at it...lmao at that. That has got to be frustrating, to have it just come and go at its whim. I know I certainly would be going crazy. I have to say I felt kinda sorry for that old bear, Far. Even though he was probably doing it a favor in the long run, still *sigh* I'm just too soft I guess. I mean I don't have a problem with overcoming of a threat, but that poor ol' bear was just tryin to get some dinner. *sniff* but his pelt will serve an honorable purpose, so I will just shut up about that. That Kagome was so completely accepting of him during the transformation when he reclaimed her, was significant. That one line said it all to me: "No matter what form you're in, Inuyasha, you're still my hanyou." I have to say that is the way it should be, IMO. Otherwise might make for interesting story telling, but that's who Kagome is. Accepting. At least in my perception. InuYasha's initial reaction to her gift was honest... and I think true to his character, though I still found it sad. That he brought it around in his mind without argument or prompting is indicative of the way he is maturing in this fic, and I applaude the way you handled that! Now if Kagome can just keep that 'useless' glass rose intact during the rest of their adventure, life will be perfect, ne? Good Chapter!! lots going on, and I really enjoyed the read... you are an inspiration, Far!! Looking forward to your next update!
 Title: Part Three
Reviewed By: Inu Hanyou Nikkie [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 25, 2006 11:29 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
And here we are onto part three of the reviews!! Loving the story so very much!! Inuyasha really can't help the way he behaves. If they were so unhappy with his manners perhaps then during their travels They could have practiced a little bit each night when they could! Inuyasha should make a point that they grew up with a family and a table in which to practice these manners while he was in the wilds trying to survive. I wanna smack Kagome/Sesshoumaru they're unknowingly rubbing Inuyasha's inadequacies and their own upbringing into his face. They had so many opportunities, especially on the ship. Sesshoumaru and Rin both left the table?! I wonder what for? Thank you!! I was wondering when Inuyasha would notice that Kagome was covering up his mark and thank you for having him get upset! Very true to his character! He has every right to know why Kagome is "ashamed" of his mark. Dear gods, Ce'Nedra took Kagome off. That isn't going to end well for Kagome at all. Still feel she has an unfavourable influence on Kagome. Garion... I wish him luck... trying to do the impossible... reassure Inuyasha that Kagome will be fine. I'm with Inuyasha on this one. Bad feeling! Oh!! I do like that thought. Inuyasha plotting a punishment for Kagome. Gah! I cringed when I read about that guy's smell! That would sooo ruin Any fantasy anyone would have!! Eww!! I can almost smell it myself!! Can picture it!! Shudders... some people... have no concept of bathing and soap and hygiene. (Been to a Billy Graham Crusade and some people hadn't washed it was awful... so nauseating!! ) Thank you! Garion rescued poor Inuyasha from it! He knew how bad he smelt and that man's insults! Behaving just like Koga! Insult intended there! Poor Inuyasha! First; he is forced into shoes, gets tricked by Kagome, next gets his ears blasted by fanfare, then gets tongue burned by hot foods, gets his manners slammed and now gets his sense of smell assaulted... At least Inuyasha is "mingling" if one could call it that! Giggles... I am worried about Kagome. Dear gods!!! I didn't think it was possible for another person to smell worse than that other guy, but you have gotten my imagination all worked up and excited! I am just picturing Poor Inuyasha... He must be nearing the passing out point for his sense of smell. Thank you!! Garion is the only one who is helping Inuyasha to understand to teach him without putting him down. I seriously am loving this story and can't wait to read more!! Even when there are parts that I don't feel happy with! It makes me read more!! Very smoothly written and very true to those poor two. It would be rather boring after doing the same thing over and over again and knowing that 99% of the people are all shallow and not good. Poor Inuyasha he needs to rest his poor senses. Okay. We have Sesshoumaru in the picture again and same with Rin. That is great you offered up a more descriptive informative of Rin and her growth. I agree Rin will be a small woman when she grows up finally. And Inuyasha also noting that Rin looks beautiful in her special Kimono. So cute! Did Rin just do a chest puff like Inuyasha? She did!! Giggles! That was awful what those kids did to sweet little Rin! It just emphasizes why she dislikes being around other humans so much. I wonder if Sesshoumaru will hear about the awful things they said to her? I hope so, I would love to see him put respect into their collective heads. I just about cried and melted. Rin sought Inuyasha out for comforting after what that rotten kid said. I loved it. She sees Inuyasha as another person she can trust and knows to protect her. And Loved Inuyasha getting protective of her! Good for him showing off a fang! Rin is going to be having a birthday!! Squeals happily!! Hoping there will be a birthday chapter for sweet Rin with parties, gifts and all of the gifted people using their powers to provide sweet little tricks for her... fireworks, sparklers, story telling with imagines... etc... Can't wait!
 Reviewed By: Inu Hanyou Nikkie NSI  On: November 25, 2006 09:57 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
And now we are onto review part two!! Literary Goddess!! This is Awesome!! I loved the description of Hettar, that Horse Lord is also one piece of nice eye candy! Very nicely done to keep him in his leathers. Heee! That Protocol man is really having a bad night isn't he? He so needs his titles to announce and he is announcing people for the most with no titles. (Inuyasha is a Lord even though he rejects it). Why did Kagome have to step on Inuyasha's foot? She is being... well, for lack of a better word at the moment... nasty to Inuyasha. Then again she has always been unkind and very childish to Inuyasha whenever she was embarrassed. Though I did approve of her when she spoke to Inuyasha like a person, an equal. I can seriously believe the nasty headache that people with Sensitive ears (Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru) will have from all this at the end of the night. I really don't understand I guess the need for one to dig one's nails into the arm of another... unless it's during watching a scary movie. I wholly agree with Inuyasha's sentiment about shoving trumpets down the throats and I love brass instruments. Chuckles. Awesome and Breath-taking, the way you had described Polgara entrance. Truly Beautiful and Masterful!! I loved it!! Loved It!! Yay!! Kudos! Bravo! Squeals with lots of joy and pleasure!! It really enhanced her sense of presence and richness of character!! Squeals!! And I just thrilled at the way you presented Belgarath and Poledra!... I can't even begin to describe the radiating joy I had! The beauty of it!! The Amazement and pleasure at the description!! Kudos!! Bravo!! Whoot!! So cute ! Now that was a treat! Belgarath was flirting (the proper way) with the ladies of the court (harmlessly) and Poledra was good naturedly teasing him back!! Perhaps Miroku should VERY close attention to the way to flirt with ladies without being a complete Jack*** and only thinking on his own genitals. Yah,... I don't like Miroku that much... He does have his moments that are redeeming and he is a great comrade and friend (well iffy there too.) They do so love each other. Sighs romantically... I'm so glad they have found each other again! Melts... That almost unconscious gesture on Sesshoumaru's part of comforting little Rin at the table was soooo sweet!! You really are one of the amazing ones who can bring forth the softer side of SesshouMaru and develop his character growth without losing one speck of his identity. Without making him a serious OOC!! I adore it! Love it! Thrill to it!! Thank you so much!! Bravissimo!! Kudos!! Oh dear! Poor Inuyasha!! He got a spicy hot dish!! He hates them so much! I laughed at Sesshoumaru's reaction! Sesshoumaru is puzzled! Okay, had to laugh here! ... Nope... still can't stop... maybe now... nope... still laughing... getting images of Inuyasha with his tongue lolling out of his mouth sideways and panting... And then Sesshoumaru really rolled his eyes at Inuyasha's reaction. He doesn't know do he? Giggles devilishly!! Okay... okay... that is priceless!! I shouldn't be laughing, I really shouldn't! But Thank you so much!! You sprinkle in the different emotions so perfectly to create a feast for the senses!! Sesshoumaru! Sesshoumaru fell for it!! Thank you, Literary Goddess, Thank you!! Sesshoumaru is true to character here while even suffering the effects of spicy hot foods. That is going to be another one for the books! That was beyond priceless! I wonder if Sesshoumaru will be like Inuyasha now and avoid the spicy foods from now on? I will treasure it!! Bravo! Bravo! That makes it even funnier! Rin is happily munching away at the dish that made Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru whimper. LOL!! Sighs. It does feel like pick on Inuyasha chapters. He can't help the way he acts, he was never brought up practicing proper table manners for all his life. They should have remember that! Yea, I hope Inuyasha makes a point of that to Kagome. She needs to feel guilty about her behaviour towards Inuyasha tonight.
 Title: Reiycheru!
Reviewed By: I am Foxglove [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 25, 2006 06:16 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Oooooooh . . . and the plot just keeps ON thickening . . . Is a certain Taiyoukai feeling a little bit disconcerted because of SOMEBODY'S resemblance to his honored father . . . Hmmmmm . . . I do hope we'll find out what had him so shifty . . . Must say, can't wait for Rin's birthday now! It's so sweet that Inu's putting so much effort into her gift (feel kinda bad for the bear, though . . .). . . Gosh, it seems like it's gonna be quite the event! I love the closeness between Inuyasha and Kagome now that they're mates . . . It's just like Miroku and Sango that way, too. They just belong together! . . . And that just goes without saying when it comes to Rin and Sesshomaru, certainly . . . =D I cannot wait for the next chapter. This story has just swept me up entirely and I keep seeing the scenes in my head like they've been animated . . .Have you got any songs that set the tone for the tale? Y'know, like a soundtrack? . . . Oh, and can I just say? GARION ROCKS!! =D
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