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"Shades of Gray" Reviews/Comments [ 670 ]
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 Reviewed By: silveraliora [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 30, 2007 12:44 PST
Oi, took me long enough to finally read these last two chapters. And they are awesome chapters! I'm glad that we finally know the secret about Kagome's family. Please update soon!
 Title: Blaccwolf123
Reviewed By: Blaccwolf123  On: November 28, 2007 05:14 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
My god, your a mastermind.Jiro is already my favorite character.I love the way he talks, u really are amazing.He is exactly how I thought he would be.A older and crazier Inuyasha.And souta is Kagomes kid?I did not expect that at all.Big suprise that was.Keep up the good work. your loyal fan, -Blaccwolf123
 Title: Blaccwolf123
Reviewed By: Blaccwolf123  On: November 28, 2007 05:14 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
My god, your a mastermind.Jiro is already my favorite character.I love the way he talks, u really are amazing.He is exactly how I thought he would be.A older and crazier Inuyasha.And souta is Kagomes kid?I did not expect that at all.Big suprise that was.Keep up the good work. your loyal fan, -Blaccwolf123
 Title: inu_miko
Reviewed By: inu_miko [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 25, 2007 19:27 PST
omg you have to update, im on the edge of my seat waiting for what happens next. love it by the way. please please update soon for me >inu_miko
 Reviewed By: MistressKagome4U [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 13, 2007 18:43 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Aaaaiiiii-yaaaa! Took you long enough! I thought maybe you had slipped into a coma or something! Anyways, chapter 25 was AMAZING... as always.. and 26 I will most assurely read tomorrow! Thank you for updating ^_^
 Reviewed By: ChibiRin (offline)  On: November 13, 2007 14:12 PST
Is is bad that I love Jiro? He fits right in. And wow, why does Kikyo have to get complicated right now? Oh well, great chapter and I can't wait to see what happens next!
 Reviewed By: inuyashacutie [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 11, 2007 20:18 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
OMG I Cant wait for kagome to finally be free of that guy and go with inuyasha this is too much for my little heart to take this story is too good it's self how do you come up with things like this?
 Reviewed By: malitiadixie [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 08, 2007 18:39 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
OMG I'm so glad you finally let the cat outta the bag. It was so hard to know what was going on and not just say it! J/K I would have kept your little twist forever. I can't wait to see the fallout when 'Jiro comes to town. Rin's gonna be like "Huh?" and 'Jiro's gonna be like "What!?". I'm really excited if you can't tell. Anywho, you made my week with that chapter. It's getting better and better. How the hell do you come up with this stuff. You have so many twists and the best I can come up with in my story is one. Wahhhhhh!!! :sniff: Okay, I'm better now. I hope we get to hear from you soon! Take care!
 Title: Wow!
Reviewed By: Shizuka Kaze [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 08, 2007 14:29 PST
I can't believe I haven't reviewed in such a long time! But I have been following every single chapter you've posted and am completely thrilled with this quick update... though I do hope you get well soon. It's no fun being sick, so I hope you're feeling better. Another marvolous chapter. Everything is coming to an closure, and it looks like life it spinning out of control. I didn't quite understand Inuyasha's reasoning why he wouldn't reveal that he is, in fact, Sha - since she already knows that Sha is hanyou and obviously not repulsed by him - but it adds another dimension of supsense and intrigue. And it seems as though Kagome isn't the only one hiding things; Kikyou appears to have some secrets fo her own. You've managed to add a very human side to Kikyou while still keeping her in character, and I applaud you for that. And you've done a wonderful job with Kagome's past - I was literally sick to my stomach after I read it, and seized by an urge to tear this Kagawaki limb from limb. How dare that asshole do that to a 14 year-old girl! And she didn't have to get to all the details to make the reader sympathize with her! It's a completely beautiful portrait of how a somewhat ordinary girl was mized up in a life pf debauchry and just when she thinks she can't get out of it, slavation and grace come from the most unusual places. I can't begin to describe how realistic thia story it, and I hope everyone out there who thinks that life can't get any worse, will realize that there is always help... all you need is the courage to step out of the comfort zone. Thank you again for the quick update. Shizu-chan P.S. Don't let anyone tell you what to write! Do it at your own pace; you aren't here to please the readers, we're the ones who are blessed to read this!
 Reviewed By: kagome313 [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 08, 2007 14:06 PST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I cannot begin to tell you how mad i was when i saw you updated XD I HAD JUST finished dressing for school when i suddenly had the urge to check my e-mails. >.> I should of waited, cuz for the whole damn day in school i was imagining what you wrote... and even then what you actually dumped on us was waaay out of my imagination! I'm mean... FUCK!! *pants* I want to scream!! You seriously have this amazing talent, and i just cant help but be addicted to it all!! Now... on to da story.. ^__^ *pauses in shock* THIS CHAPTER WAS FUCKING AWESOME! K-KAGOME... SOUTA... I mean shiiiiitttt!! I never... and i mean NEVER saw that coming! I cant blv her dad did all that shit... Man, having business family(close ones) can be something, ne? I should know -_- They always think about how profitable their business can get; even if it causes their kid's own happiness.. It's a fucking pain i tell you *sigh* Her mom is something else... What she did for kagome was so... incredible. I'm kinda suprise that even tho kags been through all that; (knowing that Souta is her son but he thinks she's his sister is soo... WOW!) I jus thought that she'd wanna change.. .but she jus went deeper into the shit.(I'm sure we'll come into the light with that more, once you've updated a few^^) She's kinda like the town slut or whore >.> LOL... I never siad that! =X hehe, i still love her... i cant hate kaggie no matter what =p Ohk... so i'm still in shock so give me a few moment. lolz. I could of SWORN that sesshy was rin kid's dad. I jus keep forgetting that both sesshy n inu had an older bro who was also more stoic or much more as a badass than sesshy! My my my, you need some big arse prize or some shit close to it. And... you made Jiro so freakin hawt! If i've never told you... my mind is hentai. I cant stop imagining him now *dreamy sigh* Now inu n sesshy is mad at me now *pouts* lolz ~~~I was typing and reading.. ^^ But seriously your jiro is so damn hawt! I like how inu knows all these stuff 'bout kaggie, when she still knows nothing about him. I hope you feel better... i mean for a sick person... WONDERFUL update!! And kikyo... was she some kinda porn star???? That 'red eyed' dude is really... really something. I cant say much but we all know he's no good. I feel bad for kikyou, especially since she really thought inu was faithful to her.... I all done with my ramble, i gotta go anyhoo... Thanx for this update tho! =)
 Reviewed By: Oyuki [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 08, 2007 13:34 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
argh! there's just no end to the secrets and the lies. i still want to see jiro's surprise. and by the way, where has rin been? more soon please!!!
 Reviewed By: legacycyrah [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 08, 2007 10:56 PST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
This is a fantastic and HOT story. I look forward to the next chapter!
 Reviewed By: Precious [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 08, 2007 07:53 PST
Well everything I wanted to say before was spectacularly derailed by that last section. All I could think was you wouldn't be cruel enough to make Kikyo's lover be the guy that impregnanted Kagome. I mean you said "boyfriend's father" so that would be someone connected to Inuyasha. So what if all three of their fathers move in the same circles...I'm wrong, right? Naraku doesn't have red eyes....And while Ban' is cruel enough to screw them both he wouldn't put himself in THAT sticky of a situation. *nervously tries to descramble her thoughts* Right? RIGHT? It's someone "new" yes? See what you have done?! I can't think now! I had all this other stuff I wanted to say. Like how 'Jiro seems like an interesting guy. His dialouge, how long did it take you to get it right? (I have seem to have a thing for smart mouth assholes but jeez.) Everything that flies from his mouth is a bluntly crafted insult. I'm giggling at everything he says when I'm sure I should be shocked/offended. If that's a phone conversation what is he like in person? (Thanks for making me feel like Inuyasha does about Kagome being tied up. Now stop it! Well not really...) How will he react when he finds out that this is Sess' baby and not his? Badly, very badly. But at least he can work off that anger with the Bankotsu situation. Kagome just dumped a lot on Sango but she did ask for this burdon. I know she wants to help but Kagome just told her that she was the insurance policy. Which mean Ban' doesn't know about her. If she starts poking the people already involed she will be "on the grid" as they say. Just to make sure...that whole distaster only took 20 minutes? Really? The whole thing with Sota, well it was a big plot twist wasn't it? How long have you been sitting on that one? Since the begining? (I can see why this would spur her to go back to him. Her reputation is one thing, her son/brother's is another. This is a VERY Kagomish thing to do.) I just can't believe how horribly her dad handled eveything. It was basically his fault. Under all that denial I know he knows it too. All he did was smear the stain. Sure it's bad but wildly scrubing at it makes it worse and calls more attention to it. If he had just went along with the her mom he would have had an heir that he could primp and train, plus keep a better leash on his daughter. He could have used this as a stepping stone instead of a scandal. If this is the way he runs his buisness then he sucks. No wonder his company isn't as good as his brother's if that is the way he handles a crisis. I knew he was a jerk before but I'm replacing that with a few other 3 and 4 letter words now. Is it bad that I'm more ticked off about that than the rest of what's going on? It seems to be the root of the problem to me. If that point in time was changed all the events after it would have been different. It's really bugging me. As always, I'm happy that my review has helped (personally and professionally). That's what I strive for when I review. It's hard when you want real feedback and don't get any. I see you didn't work on that new phrase but seeing as you gave us a chapter I'll let it slide. So after the Kagome drama (still have no idea how you can delay that meeting or make Inuyasha stop her without letting her know that he and Sha are the same AND that he is a hanyou but you're the author) we get to see Rin's face when she is brought the wrong brother? (Been waiting for this moment forever!) I guess 'Jiro will forgive Inuyasha if he gets to tell Sess right? Is Miroku going to be the "inside" contact? He said he was dying to where those pants and see the club. Um, hey does that chat the impending chat Kikyo and Kagome have coming up spiral out of control? Her lover (still not sure what he gets out of this...experiment he called it) has already pushed up her suspisions. She knows they don't hate each other anymore, that they're "friends". Because I'm not sure Kagome needs to hear this before going into the devil's den.
 Reviewed By: leila-chan [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 08, 2007 07:27 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
wow, kag has gone through a lot. and what a bastard her father is. i am curious about who kikyou is getting it on with... sounds like a great guy. T_T lol and man, i LOVE your o.c's like ryen. omg, i can't wait to see how you flesh out jiro. mmmm, he sounds good already. that you updated so fast is amazing and made my day. i hope you do again soon. all this going on with everyone, rin, kag, kikyou and yash has me on edge. ack, i just have to know what will happen next. you are TOO good at what you do. oh yeah, everyone's gonna sh*t when they find out rin's kiddo is sess's. XD can't wait for that!!! t.c.
 Reviewed By: Autumn_the_Reviewer [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 08, 2007 04:17 PST
meh, i dont know if i reviewed the last chapter, its been a rough week. But wow oh wow. Great story unfolding right before my tired eyes. I can't believe its taken this wicked twisted turn, but oh, Me likes. You finally introduced kagejiro as more then a thirdly character. He has a voice and everything. And ooohhhh he sounds hot. hehe. Kikyou is bieng blackmailed?! and we still dont know who it is?! Man, he really sounds like Naraku. Really he does, but if he isn't Naraku, why does Hiten pop into my head? Gods, the turmoil. Really, this sounds like a t.v. soap opera. It should really be titled, Two lives to live, or All my Sins.. heheh. anyways, great chapter, twisty and all. I can't wait to read another one. Really, i can't wait. Hurry up!!! *grins* Keep up the fab. work!!!! *your loving admirer*
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