"Because of You" Reviews/Comments [ 71 ] |
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Reviewed By: GIDDY On: November 20, 2006 17:14 CST Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: PLEASE UPDATE I LOVE THIS STORY!! IT@S REALLY GOOD! PLEASE DO IT SOON! AS I CANT WAIT!
Reviewed By: Is O Eirinn Me [MediaMiner Member] On: October 12, 2006 17:22 CDT Comment/Review: Oh please please please please update soooon...I wanna know whats gonna happen next! I really want to know about the photographs I cant quite figure it out it!!!!!!!!
Reviewed By: SA198 On: September 20, 2006 22:41 CDT Comment/Review: MORE MORE MORE!!! It's so good I can't wait until the next chapter!
Reviewed By: amber kohaku bara On: September 19, 2006 12:24 CDT Comment/Review: gotta say that phone call btween hiro and shu almost made me burst out laughing. i just about did. and what is with that picture? why would they send it to shu? that is just weird. cant wait for more.
Title: More :D Reviewed By: gravilove19 [MediaMiner Member] On: August 26, 2006 22:30 CDT Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: Can't wait for your next update, and I know how it feels to go back to school. I went back to school on the 8th of August D:. See you next time.
Title: catti-dono (baka deshi of Tsuki-sama sensai) Reviewed By: catti-dono [MediaMiner Member] On: August 25, 2006 19:45 CDT Comment/Review: Kami...I thought you would never up date....Im sorry that Shuichi, so far, is not pregnant...Im interested in his leg problem....since it seems to be one of the major focuses in this story....cannot wait for an update....catti
Reviewed By: Morlana [MediaMiner Member] On: August 25, 2006 10:50 CDT Comment/Review: Though if Eiri had a suspicion that Shu could still be pregnant why is he kicking his leg? Kind of had me thinking he as mad cause he's not pregnant. and why kick him at all what happened to the head thwap or even a verbal snap?
Reviewed By: Morlana [MediaMiner Member] On: August 25, 2006 10:48 CDT Comment/Review: phew almost missed this chapter, it 'snot connected for some reason to chapter 12 and I just came here to reread the entire story and saw 13. Yeah I agree a home test isn't always accurate and I have my fingers crossed that Shu's problems are minor with his legs.
Title: wow... Reviewed By: Enzeru [MediaMiner Member] On: July 30, 2006 11:48 CDT Rating(s):Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: OOhhh Me likey. I love reading M-pregs and personally I think there aren't enough of them. Your writing truly captivates me. I can't stop reading your works once I've started. I hope you'll update soon, cant wait. Great job... //Enzeru
Reviewed By: Tamu Ali [MediaMiner Member] On: July 26, 2006 13:47 CDT Comment/Review: awww...babies, babies, babies! yaay! wow! you didn't notices the boys had "K" names? cool! true writer!
Reviewed By: Ashcatnot logged in On: July 22, 2006 21:27 CDT Comment/Review: Aww...what a cliff hanger! I really like this story, its simple uncomplicated nature realy works well, and I love seeing your vision of Shu and Eiri as parents! Indeed is he pregnant or not?! If he is I really *reallY* hope you do what you havn't done in all your other pregenancy stories, that you really talk about him being pregnant beyond the steroetypes and how Shu will handle it so soon after his last little baby :) I really have been hoping to read you discussing shu's pregnancy in detail in one of your fics!
Reviewed By: catti-dono(bakadeshi) On: July 20, 2006 16:11 CDT Comment/Review: Kami-sama, you are a big tease, leaving us hanging like that....GEEZE some writers...laughs...teasing us with his legs giving him problems but then the main problem is he preggie or not?...youll probably wait another 2-3 weeks before updating just to be mean to us...cries...I love this story, its sooo awesome...cannot wait to see what happens...(still think his spine and legs need to be addressed)...catti....
Reviewed By: sherlock sunshine On: July 03, 2006 19:26 CDT Comment/Review: oh come on! you cant just end it like that! it's not fair! YOU BIG MEANIE!!
Title: Awesome Reviewed By: Kalico (laziness is my worst virtue) On: July 01, 2006 23:31 CDT Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: I so loved this, i hope you can update soon. you made my day!!
Reviewed By: catti-dono(bakadeshi) On: July 01, 2006 00:08 CDT Comment/Review: Oh you are sooo bad leaving us like this...I hate it when we are left hanging...I still think Shu-chan's back prolems should take prediscent...no baby...Shu-chan needs to have back surgery...then baby...laughs..I have a one track mind...just how much can I give to Shu-chan...love your story...was wondering if you were ever going to update....you are a big tease sometimes.....I cannot wait for another update....love you to pieces...waiting with bated breath for an update...catti
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