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"Koibito" Reviews/Comments [ 87 ]
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 Reviewed By: MangoAikoTse [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 01, 2009 09:50 CST
ahhhh!!! where's the rest?!?!?! Plz hurry and update.... I can't wait!!! lol
 Title: awesome
Reviewed By: fishiepower  On: April 06, 2008 09:03 CDT
Gahh!!! Writeee moree!! hahah this is awesome!!! i love this pairing!!
 Reviewed By: Nyuka [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 05, 2008 00:58 CDT
Yay My word got though to YOU!.....hehe Its about time you updated......So does that mean you don't hate me....or was my review so depressing you couldn't help but respond......hehe....I'm glad that wasn't then end it was just to sad of an ending you ask me....but now you got to keep updateing.....Kagome is Kidnapped (literaly)....Is she going to be sold as a slave or something that would be terrible...oh hurry Itachi you gota save Kagome.....and Miroku you help too dang it............speaking of Itachi and Miroku....Hes alive you let him live, you brought him back to life with Kagomes love you are sooooooooo great...your makeing tear well up in my eyes......and Miroku you brought him in to the story does that mean their will be a Sango too, ya can't have a Miroku with out a Sango.....hehe..........................Please if any of my word affend you don't take in out ont he readers that love your story oh so much and stop updating for another year.......I await you next up Kind autor of amaizingness......I tip my hat and bow my head to you .......XD........X3.............Nyuka
 Reviewed By: Nyuka [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 05, 2008 00:58 CDT
Yay My word got though to YOU!.....hehe Its about time you updated......So does that mean you don't hate me....or was my review so depressing you couldn't help but respond......hehe....I'm glad that wasn't then end it was just to sad of an ending you ask me....but now you got to keep updateing.....Kagome is Kidnapped (literaly)....Is she going to be sold as a slave or something that would be terrible...oh hurry Itachi you gota save Kagome.....and Miroku you help too dang it............speaking of Itachi and Miroku....Hes alive you let him live, you brought him back to life with Kagomes love you are sooooooooo great...your makeing tear well up in my eyes......and Miroku you brought him in to the story does that mean their will be a Sango too, ya can't have a Miroku with out a Sango.....hehe..........................Please if any of my word affend you don't take in out ont he readers that love your story oh so much and stop updating for another year.......I await you next up Kind autor of amaizingness......I tip my hat and bow my head to you .......XD........X3.............Nyuka
 Reviewed By: Kai3anime [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 03, 2008 10:21 CDT
I love this story, it's awesome that you fit Miroku in. I can't wait for another chapter.
 Reviewed By: Nyuka [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 25, 2008 00:34 CDT
Hay you what do you think you are doing....Hu?.....You haven't updated in almost a year....is it cause I left a review in September....thats not nice I only wanted to say that I enjoid reading your story and you don't want to update it cause I left a review...........T-T...why does every on hate me.......Please don't hate me and not write *cry*...Please update....sniff*.....I don't want Itachi to die ether.....sniff*....why do you leave the story unfinished?....why to you tant my soul with your foul tricker in the belief of finishing a lovly story.....is the story trully over is that trully the end Itachi dying in Kagomes arms and Kagome left alone in a crual and unforgiving world....at such a young age no less...why would you do such a thing ....oh why....pout*.....why do you tant me so...oh why?......sigh*.....please update soon...please don't let your story die with so many other good stories....please don't become part of the statistic of lost story...I implore you to continue....oh please don't hate me for asking....Please..................................................Nyuka
 Reviewed By: alonlygirl [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 02, 2008 10:51 CST
please up date soon pretty please i love this new plot but dont let itatchi-kun die on us please! zetsu:tobi hit him three times and even Buddha ill get mad.... zetsu:i dare you to say something else... deidara:I'll decide how you die!... tobi:whats to decide? you'd just blow me up... Zetsu:theres the third time... Deidara:Suffocation!... *deidara sufficates tobi*
 Reviewed By: AQ007  On: October 10, 2007 16:47 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I try using the link to fanfiction.net and it didn't work so I had to mess around with it a little and use this and it work http://www.fanfiction.net/u/409382/1/Koibito Great story was reading it a school and almost late for my next block trying to finish the chapter
 Reviewed By: jesscg  On: October 08, 2007 06:24 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
My goodness! This is absolutely wonderful!!!!! I'm so much in love with this fic!!! I can't wait for the next chapter! Does Kagome save Itachi with her healing powers? PLEASEPLEASEPLEASE save him *bawls like a baby* Well, I'll be looking out for this fic in the future! keep up the super fabulous work!
 Reviewed By: Nyuka [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 08, 2007 05:49 CDT
Are you realy going to let him die ....you can't do that Kagome's only like what 4-5 maybe like she could realy live on her own.....and Itachi was suppose to teacher how to be a nieja and protect her self if need be she can't die....When are Kagome's miko powers going to come in she could save him with those powers......You just can't let him realy die.....that is just tarrible how is the story going to go if he dies and then she takes her own life it just squrews every thing up......I hope you don't let them die...I realy don't............o-ya um this is the first time I'm reviewing soooooooo ya like update realy soon for your new reader.....k....XD...;p......Nyuka
 Reviewed By: NightStar007  On: July 20, 2007 13:10 CDT
Style of Writing: 8 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 9 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I really enjoyed it. It is the first crossover I've read that has Kagome and Itachi as a couple.It is good that you have stuck with the plotline a little bit to make it more understandable. I can't wait for the next chapter hope you update soon.
 Reviewed By: kai28(not logged in)  On: April 27, 2007 21:18 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
sooo goood please please please please update soon (even though itachi died :(...) oh well ill read another stories where he's alive. Well please please update ill be waiting (im)patiently.
 Reviewed By: bloodbunny [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 27, 2007 02:03 CDT
Roemo and julet! Oh no! Two star cross lovers take their lives! But you can't kill them off yet!
 Reviewed By: Marie-Laure  On: April 26, 2007 15:33 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
plz continue
 Reviewed By: Kai3anime [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 25, 2007 14:09 CDT
This is so good PLEASE UPDATE SOON
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