"My reality" Reviews/Comments [ 4 ] |
Reviewed By: Cheyanne Nelson...fomally known as FoXy_hOtTiE On: July 20, 2006 16:39 CDT Comment/Review: hEY!!!!!THATS NOTFAIR!!!!This would be a great story!!!I my self am a true rpmantic at heart.....but really it would make an awsome storie!!!you could probably do a lot with it....Its okay I only watched the show till the end of the dark tournament and a few after that....if you could Please continue.....If not thats okay tooo....LOL YOUR GOOD!!
Title: very enjoyable (*snickers* I sound like a teacher) Reviewed By: Tenchi Usagi [MediaMiner Member] On: June 17, 2006 00:40 CDT Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: hey I really like your story. I found it very interesting and deep. too bad it's a one-shot though I think that you really could build upon this *winks* and I'd love to offer my services as a beta if you think about doing another inu/yu yu crossover and would be really good at answering questions 'bout yu yu hakusho for you.... oh by the way Keiko is Yusuke's g/f, Atsuko is his mother just thought you might like to correct that little bit...
Reviewed By: DYquem [MediaMiner Member] On: June 16, 2006 20:14 CDT Comment/Review: I liked it a lot. Of course, Yusuke would never have let them escape like that without answers, but it made a nice ending this way.
Title: Not bad, not bad Reviewed By: Hieis_soulmateis_Kagome [MediaMiner Member] On: June 16, 2006 08:46 CDT Rating(s):Overall Rating: 9 of 10 Comment/Review: I bet that block hurt. However, if it produces a story this good, maybe you should try to be hit with blocks more often. I enjoyed it immensely, and I hope that you write even more.