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"Future Memories" Reviews/Comments [ 27 ]
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 Reviewed By: modnar_redaer  On: April 08, 2008 03:43 CDT
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
Awesome story. I liked it even though I don't really like yaoi stories. But when I saw that Ed would go back in time to see his mother, I had to read it, and I'm glad I did. It's a really nice story, well written and I like the confrontation with Ed and his mum. I was wondering how you were going to end it, because there would be loads of complications and changes in the future. Nice twist to make them all think it's a dream. I would have liked it for Ed & Mustang to have remembered properly though. Good work!
 Reviewed By: TaintedShikonShards [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 26, 2007 07:14 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Chapter two made me cry in the beginning, then i was laughing in the end.....this was an amazing story, im glad i found it. Great job!
 Reviewed By: blondebrat2006 [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 06, 2006 17:37 CST
this story totally rox! i read it all in 1 day. i ment 2 start readin it a while ago, but skool kept messin me up. lol. the ending was sooooo perfect.
 Reviewed By: littleolmee [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 07, 2006 09:51 CDT
Great ending, I do hate to see the story go but you ended it so well. I future for both Ed and Roy to work on. Like I said before the whole it was a dream thing is a wonderful idea. But I am glad that Roy and Ed didn't just write it off and actually hung on to what they learned through the 'dream'. This was a fantastic story ZaKai, you are a wonderful writer, the characters and their interaction was presented in a way that really drew me in to the end of the story. Loved the ending and all the twists you placed in this story were well thought out and worked great. I hope to see more from you and I'll will certainly keep a watch out for more of your writings. Oh by the way, this occured to me after I had reviewed to the last chapter. At the end Trisha said she had a dream once that Al was inside the armour in the corner of the room talking to her but when she opened it all she found was kitties. . . hmm, does that mean that Al has gone back before as well? Kitties inside the armour, LOL!
 Reviewed By: littleolmee [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 07, 2006 09:41 CDT
Whaa! Such an ending ZaKai! Trisha thinks it was all a dream. That is how you made sure things would not be altered by this. You made them think it had all been a dream. Wonderful idea! Loved the chapter.
 Title: linainversethedramata@gmail.com
Reviewed By: Lina_thedramata  On: September 25, 2006 19:50 CDT
Style of Writing: 7 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 8 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
OH MY GAWWWWD *insert characteristic fan girl squeal HERE* You kick ass *hugs you spins you around kisses both you cheeks italian style* Keep writing! Why? Cause the idea of Roy and Ed in the past is soooo kick ass!!!!
 Title: You are God of updating.
Reviewed By: Child Xylia [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 23, 2006 00:37 CDT
Just read this on FF.net. VERY nice conclusion. I'm sad it's over, but I feel oddly satisfied. I applaud you for updating so quickly each week, it has brought us much happiness. ^_^ Well, it was a great ride.
 Reviewed By: Misa92  On: September 21, 2006 21:54 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
awww only one more chappie left? how sad i wanted to see more, although i dont know what you'd write about so yeah this seems like a good place to end it. hmmm, though you could of added some things in somplaces but i wont get into that. this has been a great story! well done!! =]
 Reviewed By: Queenphoenix7 [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 21, 2006 20:46 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
You made me cry! Now my keyboard is all soggy and it's all your fault! But that was just the one part. The rest was really funny, and it was ALL very good. I love the idea of it, and I'm glad it was all a dream. They'd change too much, otherwise...
 Reviewed By: Misa92  On: September 13, 2006 21:02 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 8 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
ahhh this story promises to be one of the greats (in my book) i just wish i hadnt come across it at this specific time. i like reading completed stories so i dont go insane wondering what happens next. btw that was a compliment in a twisted sort of way. never the less this is a great story and i look forward to reading more of it! just dont make me insane by not updating for like a month... =] *looks around the room to make sure no one is looking, then falls to knees* plz update!!! *foams at mouth then starts choking* coughupdateeeecoughgaspbreathecough
 Reviewed By: Akyre  On: September 10, 2006 00:12 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
I love this story!
 Reviewed By: vincents_lover_ffall [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 02, 2006 17:49 CDT
This is great! I really love it, its so orginal! And its good to have no lemon and just story for a change though Im glad that you have a drabble section for that stuff which I am going to read right now...
 Reviewed By: Go Elsewhere  On: September 02, 2006 12:39 CDT
I started this fic yesterday and finally caught up to you! ^_^ I have to say I'm enjoying it a great deal, but these last couple of chapters concern me. Not because they were badly written, but because Ed TOLD his mother what happened, which means she will probably try and change it, which also means that what happens to Ed and Al will turn out differently some how. Like if she gets treatment and doesn't die, then Ed and Al won't send out letters asking for Hohenheim to come back, and Mustang will probably never come looking for them, and he and Ed will never meet sending that relationship clean out the window. Or if she does die but tells them not to do human transmutation and they listen that would make it turn out differently as well. I can only imagine how much of the future they've already altered just by being there... Makes me even more eager to read your updates! ^_^ I love your depictions of the two Roys as well, and I can only imagine how hilarious it must be to Ed to see those two going at each other's throats all the time. ^_^ Ooh, I can hardly wait for the next chapters to see what you're going to do! ^_^
 Reviewed By: littleolmee [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 02, 2006 09:24 CDT
*offers up iburphofen for sever writter cramp* Oh ZaKai. . . were do I start? Well, first damn it I got tears in my eyes from it. It was so touching, you really did a marvalous job on it. Your heart had to go out to Ed for all his pain and he was trying to answer he without having to come out and tell her what the future held. She's not an alchemist so some of the stuff was lost on her but she figured it out. And then Ed showed her his automail, it was so painful for him and her but I wonder if she really understands how he sees those metal limbs as the price of his sins and how it must have killed him to show her. (At least that is how he comes across to me at times when he has to show them off-almost as if they are like the red A puritans use to put on the clothes of adulters; wearing their sins for all to see) How he kept telling her it was his sin, his fault . . .was so heartwrenching. I'm sure Trisha will never beable to look at that armor the same after this. I liked that (o)Roy was able to help, lead her to her son, by telling her where he was. That was also very sad to have him at the cememtary probably imagining that someday in the future they would be laying there mother to rest there. It was the place where the journey began really so it was a fitting place for her to find out.(at least I think so)You did a excellent job ZaKai and you deserve a rest now. I give you the rest of the day off to recover your hand and rest your mind. (if only it was that easy right? sure you just tell everyone littleolmee gave you the day off i'm sure that will work. LOL!) All your hard work certainly shows, thank you for such a wonderful chapter.
 Reviewed By: littleolmee [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 30, 2006 20:11 CDT
Don't worry about the chapter being sort of short ZaKai. I agree it is a great place to break for a little cliffy. No matter what has happened Trisha loves Ed, I like that you added that part. It showed a little more insight to her thoughts and feelings towards her boys. Just loved the twin Ed expressions part. Trisha doesn't like Ed's alchemist name, well the name is really heavy . . . sorry I just had to do it. Loved Trisha's thinking on why to keep the Roy's, especially (o) Roy, close by so she can yell at him if she needs to. You handled this whole TALK so well so far. I can't wait to see the rest of it. You certainly do a great job at expressing the characters emotions, keep up the good work.
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