"The legendary Hedgehog" Reviews/Comments [ 9 ] | Reviewed By: ThereisnoSega On: November 26, 2007 06:02 CST Comment/Review: Like, really dull.
| Reviewed By: j320 [MediaMiner Member] On: January 22, 2007 14:27 CST Comment/Review: hello again. i read the latest ch and it wasnt nearly as funny as the others, i am sorry to say. BUT since it clearly wasnt meant to be funny i can let it slide... anywho, thankees for gettin some action in there. YAY! btw check out tiny tots of terror, i had loads of fun writin it so i bet u'll have fun readin it. peace out bruddah! use the ice cream to your advantage!
| Reviewed By: j320 [MediaMiner Member] On: January 14, 2007 16:40 CST Comment/Review: oh by the way, if u liked vise versa, check out vise versa 2! which i just updated! its sucks more than vise versa but meh... have a kookie *gives u a kookie*
| Reviewed By: j320 [MediaMiner Member] On: January 14, 2007 16:37 CST Comment/Review: HI! yea its me, to the rescue with an actual review! OK, well, when it started off i got confused because my small mind could not comprehend all the grammar and spelling mistakes. BUT as I read more the grammar mistakes got fewer and it got better and funnier to read. I've been inspired by you and TheVulpinewhatshisface to write a random fic. Think I should do it? Would you review? Not bad fic please continue. .....OMG! I USED NO ABBREVIATIONS AND PROPER GRAMMAR! oops too late....
| Title: Hey! Reviewed By: TheVulpineHero1 [MediaMiner Member] On: January 14, 2007 08:54 CST Comment/Review: Yo L! I found those anime drawing tips, and I've put them on my memory stick. I also found some really cool stuff I can use as wall paper for my computer. It's nice that you're online, now REVIEW ME, you jerk!
| Title: Tosties Reviewed By: TheRealScootTh [MediaMiner Member] On: January 14, 2007 07:41 CST Comment/Review: yeah 1 i do know TheVulpineHero1 he's my best mate 2 this was supposed to be serious but then i drank some fizzy pop and WHAM this is what happened 3 there's going to be more chapters of this 4 i'm planning a serious one but that'll be hard 5 thanks and keep reviewing
| Title: That was quick... Reviewed By: TheVulpineHero1 [MediaMiner Member] On: January 14, 2007 06:47 CST Comment/Review: Hm. Looks like you reviewed him him just after I did, Toasties. Still, to explain for my typos, I have to transfer data to get my fics up, and sometimes it goes wrong. I'm gonna try and combat that problem. Talking of I.I.F, I'm trying to write the next chapter somewhere within the next week. I'm also gonna ready my crazy juices to get ready for that baseball one. Oh, and by the way, I hold muffins, not donuts. I blame all my crazy fics on muffin fumes...
| Title: Yay! Reviewed By: Toasties On: January 14, 2007 06:42 CST Comment/Review: Wow...It's a TheVulpineHero1-esqe writer! And, you guys seem to know each other! Wow! I mean, what are the chances of two chronically insane authors existing within the same social sphere? I loved H.T.I.O.I.P, B.O.D and I.I.F by good ol' Vulpy, so I really liked this one as well! Keep up the good work. Maybe you should try serious writing, like Vulpy did. His serious writing might even be better than his random writing, so I wanna see if your serious writing is as good as your random writing. I saw a review by TheVulpineHero1 that said there would be upcoming fics. So, please, hurry!
| Title: Hey Reviewed By: TheVulpineHero1 [MediaMiner Member] On: January 14, 2007 06:37 CST Comment/Review: This is great and all, but I told you: If you move your fics, all your readers will have to review again. I'll give you your first review to kick start things, but make sure to spread the word more adequately. I'm looking forward to reading some of your upcoming fics. Keep at it!