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"It's my Life" Reviews/Comments [ 584 ]
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 Title: awesome
Reviewed By: mystmoon [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 30, 2011 19:06 PST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I squee'd when I found you'd posted another chapter. And such a battle! Epic! I especially liked that Shippo played a part. Now to see if the two brothers are going to be complete bakas in the aftermath...
 Reviewed By: Snowfall [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 30, 2011 17:40 PST
Whoa! Epic battle. I bet that took forever to write. It was awesome that you let everyone get their hits in on Naraku. Sesshoumaru being a very effective annoyance while Inuyasha did so much damage was great! I loved that plan. Maybe I need to read back some, but I'm wondering why Daigon didn't interfere. Maybe it had something to do with his oath? Well, it turned out good so far. I have a request. *Gets on knees and puts forehead on floor* Pleeeease don't kill Miroku! Please, please, please!? Maybe Naraku's death will save him? Maybe Kagome could purify the poison? I'm wondering if she's going to purify the jewel or if you're going to have something else wicked cool happen. I sure hope that Daigon is able to become himself instead of fading away. *sniffles* There's so much in here that I'll probably end up commenting again. I've just been sick since September, but seem to be getting better now. Anyway, this was such a cool battle. I'd been waiting so long for Inuyasha to take his doggie form. Can't wait to see what you have planned for him next. I'm so ready to see him without constant pain. Poor guy. Can't wait to find out what that poison is all about as well. Weirdest thing. I'm sure looking forward to the next chapter. Thanks so much for posting! I can't go on Y!Gal without cable, so I have to wait until I'm somewhere else with my laptop, something I've been too sick to do much of. Anywho, hope all is well with you - though, with how gory this chapter was, I bet there was someone or someone's you'd like to beat over the head with a club. LOL Take care!
 Title: LOVE
Reviewed By: cms  On: December 30, 2011 16:26 PST
loved it! . . . but so much shorter than i thought it might be. plz don't make us wait so long for the next chapter
 Reviewed By: kale251  On: December 30, 2011 11:24 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 9 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
So nice to see another chapter. The battle was epic and so satisfying from a fans POV. So many times watching the show I just wanted them to get it over with and kill him already. Inuyasha's transformation is an interesting plot bunny. How will being a 'pure' inu affect his personality and his relationship with Sess? I can't wait for the next chapter.
 Title: Love it write more soon
Reviewed By: Angel1221  On: December 21, 2011 06:54 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
OMG1 WTF is going on. Well I do know one thing, please put an update up soon. I can't wait to see what will happen next. What is with all these changes, what will become of Inu and Sess. Will they complete their mate mark? Will Narku be killed? Will they even survuve this next encounter. Boy I sound like a narratior Find out in the next chapter of.... Its my life lol, please keep up the wonderfule work and update soon. I enjpy reading your story.
 Reviewed By: EWFW_99  On: December 20, 2011 21:13 PST
i like the tristen and hayden stories. keep writing them. i like the ( i don't remember the name the one with the 6 arm slave) but you stopped writing that one oh yea the alpha and omega story also the kiss story
 Title: MORE!!
Reviewed By: terri v  On: December 07, 2011 20:23 PST
I've just read your last 2 updates and you certainly haven't disappointed. I love where you've gone with it and can't wait to read your next one so please don't make us wait too long. I've never been a huge fan of sees/inu fics but you've made a believer out of me. Thanks for a wonderful and exciting read.
 Title: AMAZING. pure awes
Reviewed By: usaki (not currently logged)  On: December 04, 2011 18:39 PST
hi usaki here ^_^。ive personally read over 70 different versions of inu/sess fics and i have to say that this was ranking top of my list for any ive read recently! i love how you really incorporated the heartbreaking and sometimes hilarious feelings! haha i enjoyed naughty kid seshy! i am soo happy with how the story progressed and i cannot tell you how I FRIKIN LOVE THE LAST CHAPTER!!! GO FLUFFY TAIL! haha but anyway i love ur writing and i hope when sessh ans inu meet up again sessh will dom!!!! yesss!!! INU AS NEKO ALL THE WAY!!! 加油!
 Reviewed By: Elven_mistress [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 27, 2011 17:49 PST
(I'm the commenter named "Woooo" LOL) I still am hoping for big doggie Yasha. You are still evil wth the cliffies and I am eagerly awaiting the next chapter. I know the longer we wait the longer and more awesome the chapter will be. But I really hope you'll update soon.
 Reviewed By: Snowfall [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 16, 2011 11:43 PDT
Hey there! Sorry I haven't reviewed. Been moving and got sick. Short review for now, but I have been re-reading the whole fic. This was an awesome chapter. I'm frightened about whatever is happening to Inuyasha and what he's going to do. So glad you didn't let Naraku rape him. I must have missed a chapter. Things have been pretty bloody. Hope Sesshoumaru isn't permanently missing an eye. Sorry, this is short, but I'm not feeling well. Will make up for it after I finish reading the fic again. Kind of got lost.
 Title: just keeps getting better
Reviewed By: cms  On: October 13, 2011 17:19 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I was so delighted when I checked this today and there was another chapter waiting for me to enjoy. My title says it all - this story just keeps getting better. When I reread the beginning I really notice the progress you have made as a writer. On top of that the plot keeps me as enslaved as ever. I want to know how this will end and yet I am dreading coming to that point. This is my FAVOURITE inu story without contest!!!!!
 Reviewed By: Woooo  On: October 12, 2011 17:08 PDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Is he gonna transform into a big doggie???!!! IS HE???? Great chappie and you are absolutely evil with those cliffy's LOL.
 Reviewed By: The Normaler  On: October 12, 2011 16:50 PDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Dammit that cliffhanger made me so angry!! In a good way? I think.. I've been stalking your YouTube videos and it just recently occurred to me that you haven't been updating around here lately. It got me a little worried, I'm glad I checked today. Anyway, I wonder what Inuyasha is going to do to Naraku (maybe it has something to do with "KILL"--) and I can't wait to see Sesshomaru's reaction to all this. Aaah so much going on! It seems we've reached a climax~ Do hurry this time. I just can't handle the suspense.
 Title: Like a lovesick crackhead!
Reviewed By: mcdgoddess  On: October 11, 2011 15:31 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I can NOT get enough of this story! HOLY CRAP!!!! I saw it coming, yet I didn't see it coming like that! Full demon transformation in 5 mins!!!! And not out of control demon, but full on, he knows what he is, what kind of power he truly possess and he just made Naraku scared, kind of demon!!! And did Sesshomaru's arm just grow back with a brand NEW sword! WTH! Now I didn't see that one coming at all! No clue what's going on, but I'm dying to read the next chapter! I'm so thankful for my daily stalking for updates to "Its My Life" and that I got to enjoy this today! This was totally a belated bday present :) I know authors hate to read the dreaded line "update soon" because you just cant rush perfection, but you're killing me in the sweetest/worst way with the cliff hangers!!! Maybe we could get Halloween, Thanksgiving & Christmas updates! You can even throw in New Years update too if you feel like spreading the joy even more! Lol! Sooooooooooo looking forward to the next chapter!!!!! My mind is going crazy just thinking about what may happen next!
 Reviewed By: Secret admirer  On: August 16, 2011 19:40 PDT
I have been a fan of your work for a long time but have not reviewed before. My only excuse is that I have no talent for writing, and can never think of the right words to write to convey my appreciation for your talent and dedication. You have devoted four years writing this story and I have been a fan for nearly as long and while I would be sad to see the end, I look forward to reading how you would conclude this story. I simply do not have your command of the written word, it has taken many drafts for me to write this review therefore this will most likely be my only review. I always check in to see if you have updated and will remain a devout fan of your work. Please keep in mind your many fans that for various reasons cannot submit a review but still look forward to all your updates.
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