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"It's my Life" Reviews/Comments [ 584 ]
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 Reviewed By: a sad sessinu fan  On: August 10, 2011 23:27 PDT
Style of Writing: 3 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 7 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 1 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 1 of 10
Overall Rating: 2 of 10
Oh jesus christ why? I can't read anymore of this. Actually I can't read any more inu/sess fics on this site. And it is not because I dislike the pairing. I love the pairing. But only in hella's poison. And that is because she had a a story with a slow progression towards the romance built up through believable interactions between the brothers. She was forced to use her wonderful imagination for this. She didn't use the excuse of 'mates or demon blood or whatever the fuck kind of forceful bonding' to push them together, to make an excuse just to write the slash. Where is the enjoyment of that? There is no developement of their characters in almost all these poor excuses for fanfiction. Seriosly. How is it that every writer, every single one, in this pairing is so horribly bad at it? Or those fics where they actually secretly desire eachother? Boring! Unbelievable! And it cuts out the best part that any good writer would know. The chase! Almost all of hellas fic was the chase, in this case the slow believable bonding where inuyasha and sess get through their past issues and come to realize they like eachother as people and eventually realize they have more feelings. Also hella kept them in character. More then anybody ever has on this site. All the rape in these fics? Hell no. Not buying it. Sesshoumaru's high, noble character is not enjoyably imagined in my mind stooping to something I'm certain he would see as far beneath him. Not to say he isn't cruel. But it is a different sort of cruel. Power hungry cruel maybe. Not rape cruel. For the love of god they don't need to knock eachother up in every single fic. The children of the writers imagination is often not what readers want to read about. If you worried about the last of the friggen white dog demons dying out...well...don't be. Its not an issue in ppls minds when they eant to read a good romance or whatever knid of story. Its pretty irrelevant. I never thought about it while reading poison that's for sure. Please learn how to keep them in character. Develope your characters in a believable way. Give the reader suspense. Build up the romance. And for god's sake quite usong the mate/alpha/beta excuse to skip over building the characters up to make them ready for romance. For the crap stories we get that comes with the slash in this fandom we may as well read a pwp
 Title: Sic'im Sesshomaru!
Reviewed By: Bib11  On: June 27, 2011 09:55 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Absolutely great sequence movement between all the characters and scenes! I know I forgot to blink enough because my eyes hurt...lol...yeah, got too engrossed with the action. Well worth the wait!! There was just so much going on it's hard to focus on just one thing; the whole chapter is just amazing...Sesshomauru in full battle mode and now we get to see Daigon as the 'Wind of War'. Cool!
Reviewed By: mcdgoddess  On: June 24, 2011 04:42 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
OMG!!!! Ok, I understand that you can't just dedicate your entire life to writing "It's my life" because clearly you have other things going on, BUT you CAN NOT leave your adoring fans with this type of cliff hanger!!! Please, please, please, please, PLEASE don't let it be months before the next update because this is killing me!!!! What was this other oath that Daigon took? Just as I felt that I was finally going to get answers about his past, you go and just end it! I was literally saying NO, over and over when I got to the end. And where in the hell did that ogre creature come from? Once again you have written another great chapter that continues to draw your readers in and make us only crave more! You always make it so where I'm completely surprised that I've gotten to the end of the chapter. Its weird that I want you to go ahead and just finish the series so all my questions will be answered, but at the same time, I never want to see it really end because this is just too good! I know how many authors hate the whole "Update soon" comment, but if you just happen to update next week, that would be AWESOME! Looking forward to the next chapter as always!
 Reviewed By: LadySess [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 21, 2011 22:45 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
OMG!!!! I love Daigon i mean i cant wait to see what he does to Kagura and I hope Sess catches Naraku and punishes him for what he did to Inu-chan
 Reviewed By: carlos6764576  On: June 21, 2011 11:34 PDT
omfg i cannot wait to find out what diagon is going to do to kagura!
 Reviewed By: RokketQueen  On: June 21, 2011 08:21 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
This is the first that I've reviewed your story even though I've been reading since you began it (bad me!!). I've never read a fan fic that has held my attention as well as this one has. I find myself on the edge of my seat every chapter! You have a flair for storytelling. I especially love that the characters are actually in character, which is sadly not often the case in most stories. I generally do not get into original characters, but absolutely love yours! I'm especially fond of Daigon. Love him:) I actually let out a squeal of delight when I seen that a new chapter was posted (scaring the crap out of my kid..hehe). I understand that life gets in the way of writing, but this fic is so worth the wait. That said...I'll be impatiently awaiting the next installment:)
 Reviewed By: kale251  On: June 20, 2011 22:15 PDT
So happy to see your still writing this fic. Sess seems to be making some real progress with his feelings. Even if they are psychotic feelings. And poor, poor Inu, he just can't catch a break. I so want him to have his happy ending.
 Title: Awesome
Reviewed By: Wigi00  On: June 20, 2011 21:53 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Wow awesome chapter. you can always tell a good story; when your so sad that the chapter ended. This chapter kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time. Can't wait to read more!
 Reviewed By: Snowfall [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 20, 2011 20:08 PDT
Oh Wow! Totally awesome guy chapter! You kept me on the edge of my seat! Loved it! Gruesome cool! Naraku is a bastard and I hope he dies a horrible, horrible death. First I was scared for Inuyasha (which I still am). Now, I'm worried for Sesshoumaru, though he's so strong I'm sure he'll kick that ogre's butt. The imagery of him being yanked down into that hole was cool. I love how strong you have portrayed Sesshoumaru. It's thrilling. Damn, you put poor Inuyasha through a lot. I can't believe he's still alive. And, I have to wonder how you plan to save him. Poor guy. Would someone please put some subjugation beads on Kagome? She is really wearing on my nerves. LOL Daigon is wise and I know he's going to take care of Kagura. He's an excellent choice for fighting her. I'm glad he has an older oath to fall back on. Can't wait to see what you do. ^_^ You keeeeel me! Such cliffies! I do apologize for not updating my stories, particularly Centennial Hunger. Too much rl stuff and my mind got lost. I had well over 4000 words and then deleted most of it. Will have meds tomorrow and a laptop soon, so my mind will be back! Thank you for a super awesome chapter! You really satisfied the action whore in me. I'll be reading your chapter again and will probably make a more detailed review later, when I'm not multi-tasking. ^_^
 Reviewed By: Inumimi [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 16, 2011 10:24 PDT
Thank you so much for updating us, it really helps to know that a new chapter is in the works! So sorry to hear of the loss of your dog, I have been through it several times and it is always hard.
 Title: WOW?
Reviewed By: Ashlan  On: May 08, 2011 07:24 PDT
Yay! Wait, Nooooooooooo!!!!! Sorry for expecting your stories but not expecting this. Even though youre stuck, but youre still a marvelous writer. Im a experience reader for 8 years and always admiring your stories, especially this. Always waiting your miracle, I am truly sure. I have faith on you. And truly grateful for your channel that I am also gamer myself. Well PC only. not a greatest gaming laptop but it serve me well, and we are trusting and working each other. and i'll look upon your channel now as well. truly hope for your next story.
 Title: Aww
Reviewed By: Angel122189  On: May 07, 2011 14:19 PDT
Well I hope everything evens out soon stress wise. I'm sorry about your dog. I know what it is like to lose a long time companion. I hope you start feeling better and up to full strength soon
 Reviewed By: Animemimirue8  On: May 01, 2011 05:33 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
As always this is an amazingly wonderful chapter, this would be the 13th time I've re-read your story as a whole and I've fallen in love with it all over again! Dying for the next chapter, please update as soon as you are able. Plz and Thanks ^-^ ~Mimi
 Title: emotion nearly burst
Reviewed By: Ashlan  On: March 27, 2011 04:59 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I wanted to wait a little longer can u update a note to tell when u gonna update, the situation of your chapter makes me become more and more impatient, regarding of the time of suspence and I wanna know what is going on with Inuyasha. Also, I am betrayed by the sudden mockery from the guards of the castle including Imalia goons, and to think I wanna trust her that she would be a nice companion of arms to Inuyasha(just friend). But I truly, truly confused about the situation between Imalia and Garith right now, truly dont know what to expect, Imalia can be trusted because her situation is same like Inuyasha, and Garith is stupid because of his son, I still dont know his reaction towards Inuyasha though. Imalia, her action is unforgiveable but I can understand because she still doesnt know about Inuyasha, and thought he is a spoiled prince. She doesnt know what he is suffer and she doesnt know why Inuyasha acting rude towards her.- (for me, hes acting because he doesnt trust anybody and he doesnt like to be mocked) That is for I wanted to know why she act like that, and why her goons act like they have their own law, and for that I truly hoped for the updated.... Noted: I have situation with my broadband right now, so I hope for immediate update cause I might have slim chance to read your wonderful fic in the next 2 months(can be account terminated or blocked) and I dont want that, please....
 Reviewed By: midnight whispers  On: February 02, 2011 02:35 PST
Anxiously looking forward to the next one. Excellent - as always. (Sorry I took so long to read it.) I'd half-forgotten about Sesshomaru putting Kagome in that room. *sniggers* No less than she deserved really. I hope Sesshomaru gets there on time. Couldn't bear for something that awful to happen to poor Inu. Soft, I know, but.... Can't wait to find out the whole Kouga/Miroku thing pans out either. Should be interesting to say the least! Sorry about the crappy review.
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