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"A Deeper Destiny" Reviews/Comments [ 79 ]
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 Reviewed By: Chase65 [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 29, 2007 09:23 CDT
The path to happiness ain't smooth, is it? Sesshy just set himself back a millenium. I guess another trip to the magnolias would be too easy to straighten out this misunderstanding. And Mareo's going to try to work this in his favor. But we'll have Rin and Sanyu to run interference, huh? Very angsty chapter girl!! My heart clenched a bit during Kag's dream/vision, and with Sesshy's re-freezing. You my dear can really spin a tale!! And, go with whatever flow works for you! :D
 Reviewed By: half cat demon kagome [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 28, 2007 13:16 CDT
Omg,poor Shesshomaru, and everything was going so well, but I guess that it wouldnt be an interesting fic if everything was all bright and cheerful all the time. At first I thought he was greving with Kagome for the lost of his brother, but that was until I read your A/N. I'm so happy that you started putting your responces at the endz of your chapters, because I havent checked my mail for aol in like forever.......Kagome is gonna be heartbroken when she wakes up, she needs the confort of her mate right now, but poor Sesshy feels betrayed about that dream of hers. If I didnt know InuYasha the way I do, I would say that he did it on purpose, comming into her dreams at that particular moment. He prob. did, it was prob. some fate of destiny to make sure that their love for each other is strong and can endure for the hard challenges that they must face from the phophcey. Well enough of me talking, your are great. Oh yea, hope you have a great school year too, I know I will, we both will, and I might not be taking honors this year, so if I'm not I can get my 4.0 instead of the 3.0 I have now, lol.... Well update soon, and I hope the rest of your summer is great too.^_^-HKDC
 Reviewed By: Nyuka [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 25, 2007 15:50 CDT
I just reolized that my last review was number 61....that means Im them best ya...JK...well I guess this is number 62..you just got another review...hehe...eny way I better say something about the story...ummmmmm..I HATE MAREO!....HEHE....NYUKA
Reviewed By: Nyuka [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 25, 2007 15:43 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
NO I HAVE KNOW IDEA WHAT YOUR TALKING ABOUT....*BLUSHING WITH THE EXTREMENESS OF THE SUN IN SUMMER*.....*hu..hemm*....any way I was so nice that Inuyasha was understaning and was ok with her falling in love with another....exspeshaly he brother.....I have read stories where he says that she has betrayed him and that is so not koo like it wasn't hard enoph for her in the first place.....And yes I realy HATE with a passion Missunderstandings...they always screw every thing up....how will she explain her dream to him...will he believe it...I'm mean they are still Mates and all...that is probably what made it hurt so much....you better fix this *on the verge of cring and red with anger*......ok and thankyou for updateing fast then the last time I lovet to read this story....XD...........Nyuka
 Title: Chs. 18 & 19
Reviewed By: Chase65 [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 23, 2007 19:42 CDT
What else can I say but WOW!! Excellant chapters! 18 was sweet & heart warming (& musical!) and 19 was scorching hotness! YEAH, finally mated! That little creep Mareo better keep his distance, perhaps in a little hut on the edge of the Western Lands?? Or is there yet another trouble maker? Seven months huh? Sanyu will be a good mid-wife for Kagome. Update when you can. Good things come to those who wait! :D
 Title: awesome update
Reviewed By: Inuyashalover161 [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 23, 2007 15:45 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
love the whole story so creative though i wish inuyasha didn't die but my favorite pairing for inuyasha is sesshomaru and kagome i think they would make a great couple your a wonderful author ive read all 12 of your stories your awesome when it come to writing lemons i very much enjoyed them i love how you tie amusement entertainment and romance all in to your story it is very romantic i hope you continue writing your so gifted when it comes to writing you are truely a remarkable writer this story is very intense i love the entire story except the fact inuyasha is dead i love him it makes me sad *crys* i cried alot in this story its so sad but so interesting at the same time its what everyone is looking for in their stories it wouldn't be a great fiction without some sarrow and saddness thats why you amaze me how you've tied it all in together perfectly im very courageous and ready to find out what happens next i totally understand about the upcoming of school and the ending of the summer im not to fond of school but we all got to go right well besides some of us need to go *refers to self* haha im kind of a dumby lol well anyways i hope you update when ever you get the time looking forward to finding out what happens next well take care and don't pressure yourself take your time if necessary from your newest fan Inuyashalover161 a.k.a Sheena *hugs you* Take care oh heres my email address i would like to become one of your friends and get to know the amazing author to my favorite fanfiction A Deeper Destiny i hope to become great friends with you my email address is sheena_skatergirl16@yahoo.com well farewell for now i hope to hear from you soon and remember take care of yourself :P
 Title: Three cheers for chapter 19
Reviewed By: Nyuka [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 22, 2007 22:10 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
That was soooo crazy....but I did expect it after reading some of you other fics...hehe....and of course people like this fic...its a good fic...I's got everything...literaly....hehe.....I'm realy happy because now Mareo can't get near Kagome in that way.....(YES!)....was that guy in a villiage near the western lands him??.....Is Sesshoumaru going to ask Kagome about how she got that, is Mareo going to get the boot...Yes!....ok I have nothing against the guy exsept he is a stoker and he was tring to steal Kagome from Sesshoumar and that he reminds me of Onigumo stalked Kikyo...well sora considering he was nearly burned alive and couldn't move....any ways I realy hope that you can update soon I realy do love love this fic....XD....Nyuka
 Reviewed By: Miss Mischief [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 22, 2007 16:14 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Hot. hot, hot, need a very cold shower now and maybe attack my boyfriend. As u can tell I loved chap 19... very sweet and fluffy and citrusy. perfect
 Reviewed By: half cat demon kagome [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 22, 2007 10:29 CDT
Yay, they are finally mated!! Is it just me, or is there something up with Lord Toyoharu, and Sanyu...? I am so happy for them, and Sesshoumaru actually said I love you!!! Hurray, you just the bestest!!!!I can't wait for 20, and I hope you have a great yr of school....But I am happy to say school doesnt start until Aug. 9!!^_^-HCDK
 Reviewed By: half cat demon kagome [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 22, 2007 10:03 CDT
Oh'.'-lol. Stupid me. I should have read it before I jumped to conclusions, but all still the same. Yay, another update! I read your A/M, and don't worry I will always be here, and wait on updates..... And I will send you a friends request as soon as I get on Myspace^_^-HCDK 0FF TO READ CHAP. 19!!
 Reviewed By: half cat demon kagome [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 22, 2007 09:46 CDT
Yay, two updates in the same day! What a way to start off my morning! YOur the best, but I gotta go start reading now......Review when I'm done!!!^_^ -HCDK
 Reviewed By: half cat demon kagome [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 13, 2007 22:27 CDT
Omg, chapter 18 was so heart warming, I felt Kagome's pain. I am so mad at Mareo, not only did he betray Sesshoumaru, he was willing to break Kagome for his own selfish greed. If he really did love her, he would be happy if she was happy, and instead of trying to break her, he would be trying to build her. He is kinda like Naraku in a way, tear people up, for his own personal gain, no matter who he hurts, or the cost. I was kinda shocked about the way things turned out, kinda embrassed to say this, but I was expecting Sesshoumaru to sing a song to Kagome, from the bottom of his heart, to prove to her that he is forreal, and he is not doing it for power, because of with your love, and smile, I have all the power I need.....I know, I know, thats way to open and mushy for Sesshoumar, but Hey, a person can dream can't they? LOL. Thank you for the wonderful update, and once again I apolgize for my empthy mindedness, and I hope you update soon, and I know chapter 19 is gonna be the bomb. Why you might ask? Well, that's an easy answer...Because your writting it, lol....Update soon!!!^_^ -HCDK
 Reviewed By: half cat demon kagome [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 13, 2007 18:13 CDT
Omg, you updated!!!! I am so, so, so, so, sorry that I forgot to bring my dads labtop!!! I was go to Pensacola for a little while. I just got back last night, and I had a dream about InuYasha, and like *BOOM* it hit me 'A Deeper Destiny!' Please forgive me, but I am about to start reading you updates, and once again I am really, really, so sorry.-HCDK
 Title: Good work!
Reviewed By: Nyuka [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 12, 2007 03:17 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
So wonderfully happy that you updated XD.....soooooo whats up for chapter 19 hu!..huuuuuuuuu!....hehe...I can't wait I love this story waaaaaay to much if ya ask me....hehe.....but any ways cuality is nice but...O.O..*on the verge of cring*...please don't take to long to update I don't know if my heart can handle it...JK...but seriously I love this story and I want to read more please don't take to long looking for your insperation....because if you spend to much time looking for insperation when you find it you'll have forgoten why you were looking for it in the first place......XD.....but any way this was a great chapter...I was hopeing that more would have happened though.....thats mainly why I wan't you to get chapter 19 ready because I want to see how the two work things out...oooooow will Sesshoumaru confess his utmost dieing devotionous love to her...(are those even words?..XD...hehe)...I don't care what other people say I love..well..love stories...hehe...please keep up the great work and I sooo glad Kagome still loves him.....score: Sesshoumaru: 1 bizilian....Mareo: 0.....hehe....keep up the good work and get those updates in...you'll make me very happy...XD...Nyuka
 Reviewed By: Miss Mischief [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 12, 2007 02:23 CDT
ohhhh it was so fluffy and sweet, i loved it and i loved the lyrics to the song too. sob
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