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"A Deeper Destiny" Reviews/Comments [ 79 ]
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 Reviewed By: DarkAnubisPuppy [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 04, 2009 00:59 CDT
Hmm.. this is an awesome fic ^.^ What's really scary, is that, I have never seen te lyrics to My Will, and I do not know very much Japanese... but as I read the lyrics in this chapter, for some reason, my mind automatically started reading them to the tune of the song!!! And the only time that I have heard the song is in the InuYasha episodes!!! LOL!! I guess, whn you have heard a song repeated so many times..you can tell what it is, even if it is in a foreign language!!! LOL!!! DarkAnubisPuppy
 Reviewed By: Nyuka [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 25, 2008 16:44 CDT
Oh thank God that you have updated again....I was beginning to fear never seeing another update from this beautiful story....and I could never hate you I could never hate any one....My filosiphy entitles me to be friend with every one even if their not my friend or they don't know I'll be their friend.....so I don't think its possible for me to hate you.......the chapter may not have been much but it was beautiful and I hope it enspires you to continue with the story.....I'm glad to find you are well, I feared you were ill or something......I hope you continue to update I will be so happy if you do....XD.....................Nyuka
 Title: Oh My!
Reviewed By: Chase65 [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 25, 2008 10:11 CDT
Nice return with Sessy both crying & apologizing! Amazing what you will do when your mate returns from the afterlife! And now hopefully both truely understand that they must TALK to each other & not ASSUME they know what is in each other's heads. I am glad you are well, other than life's usual interferences. I started to email you so many times, but didn't until it sunk in just how long you had been MIA. I was worried but like I said, I figured it was just real life being...real life. Much luck with the SAT's - take at least 4 #2 pencils! Are the fill-in-the-circle answer sheets still used?(yes, it's been that long since I took the SAT's - LOL!) Update when you can...even if it's just an A/N to let us know you are still kicking but busy! And congrats to Nyuka!!
 Reviewed By: Nyuka [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 15, 2008 02:21 CDT
Why....Why did you stop updating.....Why Its almost been a year....ok maybe not...but I'm graduating soon and you stoped updating the summer befor my senior year......I hope you continue this story one day I really miss seeing the updates..........................Nyuka
 Reviewed By: Nyuka [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 17, 2007 20:25 CST
DONT FORGET THIS FIC DANG IT...*pout* you where doing realy good with updates all the way up untill August now you haven't updated in a long time why are you taking so long....are you realy realy sick for like five months, I don't know whats up mayber you not ok but I realy want you to update please date this fic....don't sercome to the writers block I emplor you do not sercome....*pout*...please..................Meow
 Reviewed By: Nyuka [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 23, 2007 22:03 CST
Are you ok I haven't seen an update come from you resently are you ok?.............I hope itsn't nothing to serious cause I want you to continue this fic.............ummmmmmmmmmm did you for get about it...........well if you did this is a reminder to keep writhing............................Please.............Nyuka
 Reviewed By: kagome95323 [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 07, 2007 14:21 CDT
omfg!!!! i read this a while ago and you still... i repeat STILL havent put in the twenty effing third chapter in!!!!!! god now im pissed.... i was going to do some leisurly read ing while at work but no you didn't put the chapter in so now i have nothing (im liein ignore me) any way......... update asap!!!!
 Reviewed By: kagome95323 [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 17, 2007 16:39 CDT
omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg omg!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! i hate you so much!!!!!!! *kills* no i don't i love you!!!!! and you can't die!!!! no dont die!!!!! *ressurects* write more dammit!! lmao
Reviewed By: Nyuka [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 14, 2007 15:22 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Sweet thanks for telling me the title name of the song it will make it easyer to search for.......and that was so unfair the reason everyone...(well my reason any way)..thought it was going to me Inuyasha is because Midoriko called her a fool...I think I would have to go back an check to be sure but that is some thing Inuyasha would say not a enchanting Miko.....Well I'm glad that Sesshoumaru was able to hear what she had to say...(well at least Inuyasha came in this chapter so I wasn't tearably wrong...hehe)....now when she come back at least he won't think she did it because she regreted it and wanted to be with Inuyasha that sure would have put a damper on things...I so glad I did work out that way..............so what is the danger that is comeing in their future...well I guess you won't tell me strate of I'll just have to struggle though reading every chapter.....ya...ok...update soon....Nyuka
 Title: Ch 21
Reviewed By: Chase65 [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 11, 2007 14:54 CDT
No way, can't hate you! And not interesting enough? BAH! A lot of the Sess/Kag fics are all 'wham, bam, mates". You have taken these 2 from friendship, to courtship, to mutually agreed mating. You are actually telling a story & not just some sweaty little smut fic (NOTHING wrong with those *wink*), with a beginning, middle, and (*SOB* eventually) an end. I love your 'eye' for details & can easily picture everything. And of course ya just gotta love the music you add because it does fit in with the scenes. Shinjitsu no Uta is perfect for this scene. It's always made me feel that something not good was about to happen (had not seen the lyric translation til now). For those interested, it can be sampled at www(dot)j-fan(dot)com if you don't recognize it as 1 of the anime's ending songs. That all said...yes, extreme angstyness in this chappie! These two are so friggin hard headed (yes, it would be boring if everything just fell into place). Did they not learn from their time spent in the magnolia grove that talking is a good thing? Grrrrr, obviously not! I know you will take care of this in your own time so, again, can't hate you for creating a story that just begs to be read! InuYasha had better not mess this up for them. Even he understands how hard it is to love two, so he's got to allow Kags her happiness since he cannot give it to her from the great beyond. I guess this chappie was a sink hole in the road to happiness *wink* Thanks for the update!!!!
 Reviewed By: half cat demon kagome [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 05, 2007 14:34 CDT
NOOOO!!! Why does Kagome have to be all out going, why Kagome, WHY???? Sesshoumaru and Kagome both think that each other regretted the mating, and they were both wrong, man you have to fix this, and fix it quick. I dont know who the voice is but I have a strong feeling that its InuYasha again....Songo, Miroku, Kirra, and Shippo needs to come and help too, they could be like her muses, I hope the the Tensiga can bring her back to live, or InuYasha has some after-life healing magic he can use, but we both know that that is too good to be true.....I jus hope that she wasnt pregnaunt when she desided to do all this, and if she was thats just another reason for InuYasha to get on her case in the after life.......Oh the work of InuYasha is never gonna be over....I wonder what Sesshoumaru is gonna do when he wakes up??? I'm just surprised that KAgome Miko powers can work on Sesshoumaru....InuYasha is prob. gonna talk some since into her, and remind her of all the people who needs her, Rin, Sesshoumaru, her family in the future, and the people she is gonna get to help by mating with Sesshoumaru....OMG random thought, what is by Sesshoumaru being a Tai-Youkia and Kagome being the great Miko that she is, and mated with this all powerfull Tai-Youkia, think of the baby they would have... I would be like the strongest half demon in the world(no offence InuYasha) Demon blood mixed with a miko, he wouldnt have to worry about becoming a blood thirsty monster because Kagome's Miko powers will conseal the demon with in him....That baby would be an un-sttoppable force.... Oh but enough of my thoughts, update soon, and Im still in honors classes, I have all honors but english, and I have Spanish first block!!! This is gonna be a hard semester, I wanted P.e first but I can deal with it, Update soon, abd hope your first day of school was a blast^_^-HCDK
 Reviewed By: Miss Mischief [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 03, 2007 13:30 CDT
talk about the angst in this chapter and don't tell me there is more. i enjoyed the lyrics for the this chapter too, very apt.
 Title: The edge of the world
Reviewed By: Nyuka [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 02, 2007 17:12 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I couldn't find the song...*sniff*...I wanted to hear it...*sob*...I know who it was Kagome found in the steamy mist it had to be Inuyasha am I right...O-ya I'm right I have to be right....Sesshoumaru is going to revive her with tensaga right..he has to....what will he say what are they going to say to each other...Acuward silence realy ruins the mood....they love each other so much and now they o gosh this stinks......well try to update soon.....Nyuka
 Reviewed By: oldestmaiden [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 02, 2007 10:41 CDT
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 7 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I don't hate you for this chapter but if it was going to make your readers mad at you and you knew it what was the compulsion to write it so sad? I can't really say I enjoyed it though because it was so sad...the OMG NO! type of sad.
 Reviewed By: kagome95323 [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 30, 2007 17:57 CDT
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