"Digimon Tamers: Reconfigured" Reviews/Comments [ 54 ] | Pages (4): [ 1 2 3 4 >  » ] | Reviewed By: ffttyy On: February 12, 2005 20:03 CST Rating(s):Style of Writing: 6 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 9 of 10 Comment/Review: the only thing i have to say is when are henry and ryo gonna duke it out
| Reviewed By: Sorry, sorry, sorry... On: March 06, 2004 18:17 CST Comment/Review: I didn't realize that you'd updated until just now, so of course my commentary's a bit late... I keep forgetting about the whole Bakemon = Champion thing... Still on task for 51 episodes? Good luck with that. Oooh, so somebody gets left out... Wonder who it will be. Hee, so I did get a couple right after all! ...From your comment about Rika, I almost want to guess Sincerity, but if that's the case... Anyway, on to the new episode! Calumon obviously entered the Cave of Foreshadowing. If that's a typical meeting, I'd hate to see an atypical meeting... Huh, so Culamon is Calumon's dark side? That certainly explains how Calu's so sickeningly cute and pure all the time... ...The Cave of Foreshadowing and Exposition, apparently. So, why take only a couple others with you instead of EVERYONE at once, if you think you're going to the enemy base...? Air, sea and ground... So, what, the next one will be commanding evil from the very bowels of the Under-digi-world itself? Episode preview: So, what are the chances that's a digimon disguised as/possessing/controlling everyone's 'favorite' jerkwad? ...Kazu needs a new line. He just used that 'Captain Obvious' routine in both the eyecatch and the episode. ...HAD to get a Matrix ref in, eh, Kazu? So, Culamon is the one who's helping them unlock the Crest Cards? Well, Culamon and Calumon now, but... So, they just came in to test the defenses or something? Well, now Alice KNOWS they know where this base is, so... Nope, just can't see the logic. You know, discovering the limits of that loophole could bring around some very disasterous or shocking plot twists... Next episode looks like it'll be very interesting, indeed. Hopefully I'll be able to find it sooner than I did this one...
| Title: gomen, gomen, gomen... Reviewed By: Pistoffveemon [MediaMiner Member] On: February 08, 2004 04:57 CST Comment/Review: Uh, yeah, sorry that this is just under a year late. I didn't really realise that I hadn't properly submitted the form that I had filled out with my Chapter 13 reviews. So, here's this now and I've finally cleared up that nasty writer's block (I think) so you can expect more soon (if you still care). Now onto the replies. First, Coconut, no, I didn't die. Now onto the meat, potatoes, hell the entire meal of the reviews, the Anonymous Fan Yeah, Grandma may be pushing it slightly, but it'll be important in the future. I'm not sure what you mean about Jeri having other things on her mind, unless that's referring back to the D-Reaper. Wouldn't be Guilmon if he got the point, would it? Well yes, she would be better off not hearing that, but it's not like she's a mindreader, is it? *hands Jeri a 'f*ck-up of the century' ribbon* Takato's temper yet again causes him to do something without thinking at all. Bakemon was basically telling Jeri that he had made mistakes 100 times worse than hers in the past. Oh, as you see later this is neither timing nor bad. I made it Devimon to add more doubt to the trustworthiness of the information. Yeah, about that episode preview, you see, I had that one written out and then my computer chose to crash. After a while, I just forgot to get back onto the story. The good news is that I know what I'm doing this time. Common mistake: Bakemon = Champion. A very weak Champion, but a Champion none the less. I remember enjoying writing this battle when I did it. Fated to happen. For more on this encounter, see distant future episodes (yes, I still have my goal of 51 dangling in front of me) Ah, you's gotta love that timing. Heh, yeah, contrived plot-point never to be mentioned again. Basically, only current members of the Phoenix's order (guess where my time went after June 21) have the mark, and since Lopmon was no longer a member... Of course it makes sense. I know. I just have a tendency in fanfiction to take the most horribly unredeemable character and turn him into a pawn in the grand scheme of things. Don't believe me, read the other stories which I never actually wrote down. Oops. You are correct in guessing that one pair doesn't get a Crest Card. In fact, in the future there's an episode entitled "Odd One Out" which deals with this. And as for Miracles, it was more or less Ryo's in the past anyways, hence the connection with the Crest of Kindness. Well, you got Hope and Light right. If you ever read this comment you'll know that Rika wants to kill birdbrain for her Crest Card (that more or less gives you Rika's if you think about her character and who owned which crest). Now, to ensure that this gets posted PROPERLY...
| Reviewed By: coconut 2003 On: May 11, 2003 07:00 CDT Comment/Review: did you die or something? | Reviewed By: Pistoffveemon [MediaMiner Member] On: March 12, 2003 23:13 CST Comment/Review: I posted two at the same time to make up for the time without a new chapter.
Yeah, Takato was predictable, the bakery wasn't.
Monodramon was basically doing what he could. How much that actually helped is probably negligable.
But, this is Impmon we're talking about. The only thing that causes him to freak out is implications of personal weakness.
The Ring/Ringu situation was explained in the ending notes, so I see no need to go into it now.
You think?
He's watched it more than seven times, I'll tell you that much.
Suzie's more enthusiastic about keeping practice because she just discovered her partner's Champion level recently.
The grace period doesn't exist when he's pulled into the TV to battle.
Yeah, it's a movie Henry can really get in to.
A suitable comparison.
Since when was Alice in her right mind?
When he's alone and talking to a Digimon he outsmarted in her own game, he's allowed to brag a bit.
I'll be honest, that was my original plan, but then I thought of something else.
Yeah, hidden from the public since it's so far in advance. It was up for about a month separate from the rest of the story before I removed the solo entry and hid it in the normal fic.
Only if I was superstitious or still recovering from my one viewing so far. Yep, definitely the DVD version.
On the subject of alternate versions, did you know that there was a couple of seconds removed from "Hidden Truths" in order to suit the prank to a Samara attack as opposed to a Sadako Attack? (the warp-move is a creation from The Ring, not Ringu)
That's more or less what I'm saying, but don't expect that to go anywhere.
It slices, it dices, it screws up plotlines, it's the Dub Machine!
I'm running out of time, so I'll get to 13 tomorrow. Hope you're feeling lucky... | Reviewed By: My commentary and predictions... On: March 12, 2003 14:30 CST Comment/Review: Since you’ve uploaded two episodes this time, I’ll simply combine my commentary for both into one long review again.
We finally seem to resolve the issue of where Ashley and Impmon are going to stay now that Henry’s house is no longer an attractive option. While most people probably saw the ‘who’ from miles away, at least the ‘where’ is interesting…
I was under the impression that Monodramon’s arms weren’t made for picking up and moving much, but I could be wrong…
Only Impmon could talk that way about his tamer. You would think he’d be freaking out about the thought of his partner in the vincity of another of the opposite gender (or even the same gender) after her past experiences, but…
You would think they would be watching the original Japanese version, Ringu, but since this is cult-culture we’re referring to, and your audience is more likely to have seen The Ring…
Methinks Ashley is bitter about not getting Henry as a boyfriend. You would think that after seeing how perverted he is, she wouldn’t let that bug her, but hey, different strokes, right?
How often has Henry watched this tape, anyway?
Suzie’s more serious about keeping up her training than her older brother.
What happened to his ‘seven days’ grace period?
I’ve heard of gripping television, but this is taking things too far.
It’s Henry’s version of the Dark Ocean!
Samaramon would be a freaky digimon, if they could get the rights… But then, who in their right mind would design one?
Henry calls himself the smartest Tamer? And I thought Hirokazu had an ego problem…
So he gets the Crest Card of Knowledge. I suppose it makes sense, he was talking like Izzy for a while there. I would have pegged him for Friendship, myself, but you obviously have someone else in mind…
The hidden chapter 39?
Yeah, you likely wouldn’t want to watch a movie about a cursed video tape on VHS.
Ooooh, cut scenes and alternate episodes. Nice touch for realism there, especially on the planned dub differences.
Are you saying that Monodramon has a thing for Guilmon?
I remember ‘Here We Go’. I actually have the American soundtrack they released for the Digimon ‘movie’ (read: three movies spliced and diced into one feature), and it has pretty much all of those ‘songs’ on there. No big surprise, though, that I much prefer the original Japanese songs. ‘The Biggest Dreamer’, ‘My Tomorrow’, ‘Days’… all much better than their so-called American ‘counterparts’.
It makes sense for somebody to have multiple obsessions.
…Nope, can’t picture Rika wearing jewelry. ‘Spiritual Amulet’, maybe, though it sounds a bit like Grandma’s pushing it.
Couldn’t she just tuck it under her shirt?
Jeri’s taking this fairly well. But, then, she’s got other things on her mind.
…Good old Guilmon, missing the point.
Considering what he was thinking when he hesitated, I should think Jeri would be better off not hearing his initial response to her question.
…Ok, she just screwed up BIG time there. ‘Which one?’ REALLY! That was NOT something I needed to hear, and the last thing poor Takato needed.
Ouch. I can see how he would say all that in the heat of the moment, but…ouch. Jeri’s gonna have a relapse.
Dum dah dah! The truth about Bakemon is revealed! I suppose anyone can be redeemed, but is this the best time for him to come out to Jeri? Everybody’s timing in this episode sucks so far…
You know, he suddenly sounds a lot more like Myotismon with that quip.
Wow, Devimon as the Ghost of Digimon Adventure past. Who would have guessed?
Hmm, the episode preview promises action for Kazu and Kenta. I wonder if one of them will get their Crest Cards – or perhaps both to save time? After all, Izzy and Matt got their Crests at the same time in the well near Fairymon’s hideout…
Wait, Demidevimon? I thought he was Bakemon…
…Now this is a much cooler battle to start rounding out the Adventure series: Kari confronting the evil from the Dark Ocean.
I thought they weren’t allowed to change things. Or was this fated to happen from the start?
Damn, we cut out before the link between Ryo and Millenuimon was revealed…Oops.
So they all have a mark, only Lopmon conveniently lost hers.
Jeri with the Crest of Love…makes sense, too. Even with her messed up relationship with Takato and Henry…
Don’t beat up on yourself. Myotismon may be a badass in Adventure, but there is the possibility that we never got to see the other side of him that might have made him a bit more redeemable. Practically everyone loves Impmon despite the fact that, while corrupted by our resident birdbrain Sovereign, murdered Leomon and sending Jeri into the depressive cycle that turned her into the perfect power source for the D-Reaper.
So, what’s left? Takato has Courage (big surprise there), Jenrya Knowledge, and Jeri Love. Kenta seems like the perfect candidate for Reliability, so that leaves Friendship, Sincerity, Hope, Light and Kindness to be divided among Ashley/Impmon, Ruki/Renamon, Hirokazu/Guardomon, Suzie/Lopmon, Adam/BlackVeemon and Mikiko/Leomon. (I assume the ‘perfect Ryo’ needs no Crest Card.)
…What the heck? I’m either missing one, or somebody else is never gonna get a Crest Card. (That, or maybe somebody gets a new one? I know there was a Digi-Elemental of Miracles at one point in 02…)
…Anyway. Both Ruki and Ashley seem likely candidates for Friendship, since both are more or less loners save for their partners, who are also somewhat detached from the rest of the group. But Hirokazu does’t really seem suited to Sincerity or Kindness… I would think that the youngest Tamers, Mikiko and Suzie, would get the Crest Cards of Hope and Light respectively much in the same way Takeru and Hikari did…
Well, we'll just have to see. With my luck none of my predictions will turn out to be even remotely correct. | Reviewed By: You know... On: February 19, 2003 12:47 CST Comment/Review: If Henry and Jeri wanted time alone, the least they could have done was have Leomon babysit or something...
Just how out of control are Henry's hormones? Is it because he can't trust his father enough to discuss these sort of things with him, so he's left to his own judgement (which, as we've seen, isn't always that great...).
I do kind of understand why Leomon would have to hide most of the time; I just don't see why he would have to hide when it's just Mikiko, Suzie and himself in the house. At least, that was how I ended up interpting things...
Well, another trend in Digimon is that they seem to like having at least one pair of siblings: Yamato and Takeru, then Taichi and Hikari in Adventure; Henry and Suzie and Ai and Mako in Tamers; now from what I've been hearing, Koji and Kouchi in Frontier. (As for Adventure 02, everyone became Digidestined in that twisted TV ending... So the fact that Jun and Miyako's gaggle of siblings weren't chosen for most of the series doesn't really count.)
Hmm... As long as we're going on trends with the Digimon anime translating to your series... That would mean that an enemy that was a thorn in the Tamer's sides for a long time before will make a serious comeback near the end of this series. Myotismon did it in Adventure, so... It would be a little too unfair to Bakemon right now to pin it on him just yet, so either Yamaki and/or Hypnos or Zhuquaomon...
Well, in my opinion, Henry deserves more torment than Jeri right now. As I said before, she went through enough with the D-Reaper... | Reviewed By: Pistoffveemon [MediaMiner Member] On: February 18, 2003 21:38 CST Comment/Review: Good to hear from you again already.
It was not only silly, but also unintentionally mocking, since everything is perfect with Ryo. Takato's interjection was basically pointing out "This isn't your life, pal."
Considering that he was able to see through the act put up by Rika, yes, you can consider him very able to recognize sparks.
Ah, then you get playdates perfectly. It's leaving people you are supposed to be responsible for with someone else that should be taken care of.
Two words, my unknown friend, movie theater. I won't say what actually happens (or would have happened) up there, but I will say Henry would stoop.
The thought didn't cross her mind.
Well, maybe for a second...
Uh, plot contrivance? People can't see a humaniod lion walking around? I got lazy? Make your own choice.
Now that the fight's come to her, you can see exactly what she did.
Again, you can see just how it happened.
Jake as a Tamer... *shudders* ...remember Ken as the Emperor? Good, now add an inherrent hatred towards any Japanese monster-anime ending in 'Mon. Not a pretty sight.
The answer is neither of the above...
Oh yes, great significance. As in the entire battle revolves around it.
Er, once again, take any one of the above explanations.
Yep, they found something to do alright?
Mispronounciation: used by the young and the new-to-the country.
Poltermon's not quite as powerful as he seems. His Chains of Control only work on Champion and lower stages.
For now...
Yep, Turuiemon (I love writing that name) has finally made her entrance, and not a minute too soon.
Mikiko has finally become a Tamer. It had to happen at some point.
Actually, we are caught up now. Ashley just left, which is where The Crest Cards cut out.
Not everything that happens is necessarily seen. Jeri may find out about Mikiko while the story isn't on.
Thanks. This one was crucial. Be warned, we're heading into major filler in just a few episodes.
The rule of 21 is confirmed as fact. Whether it's a coincidence or planned out, I don't know. However, The Digimon Encyclopedia's Episode List (Chris McFeely = minor god) lists the four Episode 21's as "Home Away From Home", "The Crest of Kindness", "Jeri's Quest", and "Darkest Before Duskmon".
Once again, the answers will soon become evident. Until then, you'll just have to wonder.
I'm trying to keep the level of torment on Jeri down, given what she's been through already. Henry, however, has an interesting challenge coming up next time. See ya again then. | Reviewed By: Another chapter, another partnership... On: February 18, 2003 10:47 CST Comment/Review: Oh, good, this time I managed to find it relatively quickly…
It does seem rather silly for Ryo to talk about how he never saw the idea of Jeri/Henry coming when, after all, he isn’t directly involved. Not to the same level Takato is…
Ryo would be attuned to how the new girl would feel toward Henry, wouldn’t he?
One thing I don’t get about playdates is how it always seems those arranging them aren’t the ones who have to put up with each other for the actual playdate. Not that I’m trying to insult Suzie or Mikiko, mind you… I just find it a bit strange that the ones arranging the playdate usually seem to benefit the most.
…They had better just be talking up there. Even Henry wouldn’t be that perverted to try something like that right over the heads of younger kids…
I hope Suzie doesn’t get the idea in her head to dress Mikiko up as Princess Pretty Pants…
…Or, for that matter, Leomon.
What the heck was Leomon doing just standing in the closet, anyway? Don’t tell me he managed to get himself locked in. (Leomon: “Jeri, I got your coat… Oh frigg.”)
Like I said, Suzie needs experience in a fight. Otherwise, what’s she going to do once the fights start coming to her…?
How exactly do they plan to learn Lopmon’s Champion stage if she never fights?
From one set of siblings to another.
Jake is very good at being a pesky, annoying little brother. Can you imagine what sort of crap he could cause if HE ever got to be a Tamer?
…Ok, what the hell? Is Jake involved with Hypnos now, or is he just tattling on his brother to their parents?
The commercial seems to be hinting at the significance of that Ring reference. I wonder if that Devimon is Jeri’s Bakemon, or is that too obvious? I mean, ‘personal demons’ would be the perfect clue that it’s her partner…
They left Leomon in the closet?
Well, they just found something to do, didn’t they?
Nice touch with the mispronunciation of Ethereal Orb.
Geez. Invisibility, Ethereal Orbs, and now the ability to control its opponent’s movements… and it’s only Champion Stage. Wonder what it’s capable of at higher stages…
Lopmon and Leomon make a pretty good team. Too bad only one’s got a Tamer spotting for them right now, huh?
Well, not only did that save her, but we finally get to see her Champion form.
This is what I’ve been waiting for since Leomon returned. Finally, Mikiko’s a Tamer. It has to run in the family…
So now we’re just about caught up on this part of the timeline.
When does Jeri learn about Mikiko and Leomon’s partnership? Is that covered next episode?
I think you did a good job on this chapter.
I’m not a huge fan of the Dragon Ball series, so I’ll just take your word for it…
This is the first time I’ve heard of the ‘rule of 21’. It does make some sense, though.
Wait, wait, Alice’s accomplice?!? Great, little brothers are annoying enough in their own right… What, did she see his postings and contact him through there?
Regardless, next chapter looks like it has great dramatic possibilities. Plus, we’ll get to see Henry and Jeri, the ‘betraying couple’, scared out of their wits. While I’m not so keen on Jeri, who’s suffered enough… Well, it should be interesting to see what happens. | Reviewed By: Sorry about my absence... On: February 11, 2003 13:51 CST Comment/Review: I didn't mean to lose track of this series the way I have. Sorry for my slip-up. For the sake of simplicity, I'll include comments for Chapters 9 and 10 together in a single (LONG) review…
Odd that Alice would order retreat like that. After all, she had an advantage. Unless she has something in mind…
Half-sister? And with our luck, it’s on her ‘father’s’ side… What with the blond hair and creepy demeanor and all…
Good summary of Terriermon. Sometimes I think he has more in common with Henry than either wants to acknowledge.
…I dislike hearing only one side of phone conversations. True, it’s realistic, but it can be a real pain when it’s obvious something extremely interesting is about to be revealed. But, knowing you, we’ll find out sooner or later… Judging from the wrap-up of that conversation, sooner.
Good old Kazu. Well, maybe he will get his Mega level sometime. Especially if his Digimon has the same sort of connection Kenta’s does…
Hypnotic Enterprizes… Oh, THAT’S not obvious, Yamaki…
He wouldn’t be Kenta if he didn’t find something negative to complain about.
If there is a connection between Jeri’s Bakemon and Adventure’s Myotismon, then we’re all screwed. Judging from his comments way back when he first arrived, that doesn’t seem to be the case, but you never know…
…Gomamon likes making references to strange song lyrics. Yup, it must be the same one.
How can saying ‘I haven’t had a laugh like this since Joe was still alive!’ cryptic! Seems pretty blunt to me…
Well, we’ve seen that commercials can be both misleading and reveal important plot points, so this one could go either way.
Thank goodness. That ending was tacky, contrived and way too cheery. It always seemed more like a cheap wrap-up for a TV show, and that’s how I’ve seen it ever since it was revealed that Takato and the others watched Adventure on television.
Sounds like references to another fanfic. Should be, anyway: reading about these events would make it a lot easier than just hearing bits and pieces of a flashback.
Is Ryo the best guy to go to for advice on this? Then again, there really isn’t anyone else who seems to be involved with another friend of the opposite gender…
Something is up with Jeri… Hmm…
Why would she make up an excuse that could be easily disproven? Surely Takato would have known her brother’s birthday anyway, even without Ryo there to remind him of cake.
Renamon and Candlemon handle some obvious foreshadowing. Sounds like our resident two-tamer is in for a rough time in the future…
Poor Joe. He and Gomamon were one of my favorite Digidestined pairs in Adventure, actually…
Hmm. Agumon and Gabumon will likely show up sometime. Maybe as Omnimon?
More foreshadowing. If they keep hinting that Bakemon is bad, I won’t be surprised if he turns out to be good.
Heh, popular movie ref. Nicely done.
Complex set-up for a prank, but it was likely worth it to see the look on Henry’s face.
Poor Terriermon, has to stay behind with Suzie and her Princess Pretty Pants outfits.
…Uh oh. It can’t be good that Jake just found out about that. Well, hopefully nobody online will believe him. Hell, this could even be good for the team if one of the second-generation Digidestined sees his ranting and decides to check it out…
Henry and Jeri? Well, that’s an interesting development…
Now, what are the chances that Kazu would attend the same movie Henry and Jeri went to see together?
Perversion is infectious… Heh.
Poor Takato. Kazu was the worst possible person to see that and break it to him.
There’s nothing wrong with fanons. This one’s more interesting than most, in fact. So far there isn’t much sign of serious couple worshipping, other than some nice sprinklings of Kazu/Kenta here and there: not having to deal with “INSERTCOMBINATIONOFTWOCHARACTERSNAMESHEREFORVER!!!11” really helps. Plus, it doesn’t wrap up all nice and neat at the end…
Don’t push too hard to finish Darkened Hopes. Although I admit I’m now more intrigued by the premise, knowing what it is and all, nobody wants you to burn yourself out. Let it stay in Suspended Animation until you’re ready; nobody else matters. It’s your tale to tell, after all.
Ooh, closely guarded information…
Like I said, I like that there’s no serious couplings established yet, other than some hints here and there of Kenta/Kazu.
Ryo? Something happens to Ryo? Oh hell yeah! That will be sweet to see. What can I say, I dislike the guy.
So the Ring reference did have a point other than comic relief.
Poor Suzie and Lopmon are still getting cut out of the action. Hardly fair, plus it may set her up as vulnerable later. While I understand Henry’s desire to protect his little sister, the harsh reality may very well be that by denying her the ability to hone her skills now, he is setting her up for serious problems down the road as the war develops.
Pick your dance partner, everybody, and let’s get this battle started!
So she can handle two partners at a time. I suppose it’s fortunate she was the one who was saddled with two instead of one. Can you imagine Henry handling, say, both Terriermon and Lopmon?
Is Dragomon referring to Jeri in particular, or just a Tamer with a weaker partner?
So now Kenta finally is able to run his partner through the regular cycle instead of simply having Marineangemon on hand. Sort of a pity they don’t have that little Mega on hand, but…
Ironic that the same strategy Rika wanted the others to use is being turned against them. Dragomon cuts out of the fight only to have SkullSatamon take his place? It’s a bit too much like tag-teaming…
Ah, the Crest of Courage in card form. Was waiting for Takato to get that.
I like that he didn’t know what exactly to call out to activate it this time.
For some reason, Wargrowlmon’s little comment made me laugh. He certainly has his priorities straight, doesn’t he?
Well, that seems to take care of Phantomon. Still, I’m not so sure for some reason…
So we’re off to deal with… HYPNOSIS? Cute.
Like that Adam keeps getting it wrong. Nice touch.
Ah… This makes sense. So that particular link was supposed to always be around, but got delayed because of…
Takato and Ashley? Kind of interesting to think about. I like it a lot better than most pairing of a canon character and a created character, anyway. We’ll just have to see how this develops.
Was the little author’s note really necessary? I think you could pick up from just his tone alone what he was thinking about…
So Daisy and Babel are still around…
Go Henry! I’ve been waiting for something like that! He deserves much worse, but hey, take what you can get…
Janyu obviously doesn’t know what he’s talking about.
Something else I was waiting for, albeit not as seriously or nearly as long…
Hmn, so she does like him. Well, romances are never as easy as television and movies tend to try and make them…
Now, will Ashley end up at Rika’s, or Jeri’s, or…?
At least the commercial in 9 didn’t give away some of the plot twists for this part directly.
Nice jab at ‘The Lion King’. Shameless ripoff of a Disney movie that happens to be a shameless ripoff of a Japanese classic… I like it! | Reviewed By: Pistoffveemon [MediaMiner Member] On: February 11, 2003 23:14 CST Comment/Review: Hey, Don't sweat it. I don't hold it against you that you lost track. I mean, this story's on the seventh page now, the mere fact that you looked hard enough to find it tells me a lot about your devotion.
Oh, there's a very good reason for the retreat. Of course, I can't exactly reveal what tyhe reason is yet, but it will all make sense in the end.
Gee, ya think that in a story with so much revolving in one way or another around Yamaki it might be his side?
Actually, Terriermon seems to share more traits with Kazu than Henry.
Well, as you know now, there was no way that both sides of that phone conversation could have been heard.
Yep, good old apathetic Kazu.
Kenta defined.
Oh, now with the increasing hints towards Bakemon's nature, I refer you back to Episode Seven with Veemon and Salamon.
It wasn't actually the singing that was the giveaway, it was more the bizarre sense of humour.
Meh, everyone's entitled to the occasional dialogue slip-up.
Well, it was supposed to be obvious, but not utterly blatant. It was actually SUPPOSED to be a nod to the Tamers.
The commercial may be able to go either way, but everything besides the bit with Mikiko makes absolutely no sense until the actual story is written/read.
Geez, you just said more or less the same thing Kenta said about the ending.
Unfortunately, you can't fully read the events yet, but since you know that by now...
Compared to Takato's other options, Ryo's lack of experience with romantic problems is absolutely nothing.
Jeri was kind of put on the spot there and needed to come up with an excuse.
Oh, if you only knew what was coming for Rika. If you only knew...
Yeah, I was sorry about doing that to Joe, but I needed some reason that it was Gomamon transferred to a Tamer and none of the others.
Omnimon? Hmm, there's an idea.
Yes, the Ring bit took a fair bit of thought in the setup. And I'll bet when you first read it you missed that I had added a fairly useful new card.
Jake's message is actually on the fairly exclusive (only people who are signed up can use it) MSN Messenger. That said, it is definitely an international service, so it would probably be found in Japan.
Honestly, when I wrote that part, I was trying to make it like a groaning "duh" realization. Especially since the hints don't extend back through a lot of chapters.
Yeah, I thought of who would be the worst person to tell Takato, taking into account total lack of tact, attitude towards Henry, and connection to Takato, it eventually came down to ol' Hirokazu.
In order to finish Darkened Hopes, I would need to rewrite the first six chapters entirely so nothing contradicted either established canon or anything I came up with in this fic. So it'll take a while.
And while we're on the topic of Fanon, if you saw the Daikari worshipfest that was the original planning page for Darkened Hopes... *shudders*
Ryo gets his, the chapter's already written, and it's freaking sweet.
Oh yes, the Ring bit. I wouldn't spend so much time setting up something like that if it wasn't going to be significant.
Ch 10 comments coming tomorrow. | Reviewed By: Pistoffveemon [MediaMiner Member] On: February 12, 2003 16:49 CST Comment/Review: Told you this was coming today, now let's get down to it.
Don't worry too much about Suzie not getting in on the battles, she'll get a more important role soon. In fact, the next chapter's timeline is somewhat mixed up. Starts pre-battle, ends with Suzie asking Henry where Ashley went.
Yeah, I made Rika the one with two partners because of her experience with the card game. *skickers at the thought of Henry trying to control two dogbunnies*
Actually, Dragomon was referring directly to Jeri, but also foreshadowing a revelation on his true nature coming... eventually.
Kenta's into the usual rotation now, and as such you'll see him being developed more.
Oh, it'll seem more ironic when we get to yet another revelation later.
Well, given the title and the fact that the Goggle Boy always gets everything first, and the fact that Courage never goes anywhere near anyone else...
Of course, it's not like Takato should instinctively know what to say to activate every single card (I'm still mad that he knew how to use the Blue Card in "Grow, Mon, Grow")
Yeah, that line was supposed to get a quick laugh.
That should take care of Phantomon, but please keep in mind the name of his official Mega stage... I may have said too much already.
Yeah, I figured I couldn't have Adam messing things up one episode and speaking perfectly the next. So, Adam speaks normally in scenes with just his family because there's no basis for comparison.
Yep, one of the first things I did while writing this story was figuring out how Ashley and Impmon were connected.
The thing that makes this one better is that most "created" characters are annoying Mary Sues/Marty Stus with all the romantic success anyone could ever want and no problems whatsoever. (see also: Ryouki)
True, the author's note was somewhat unneccesary.
Yeah, the Monster Makers are all still around.
That bit was supposed to be one of those fisting-the-air "Huzzah!" moments.
Of course Janyu doesn't know what he's talking about. It's not exactly like Yamaki was going to tell Janyu what Henry had said when he hit him, so Janyu only heard the story Yamaki wanted him to.
What can I say, I aim to please.
Nothing comes easily in this fic. Henry's hobbies have unfortunately left him with no ability to pick up subtle hints in relationships, so he couldn't tell, even when she revealed her secret past which she hadn't even told her partner about to him.
Or *smirks*
See ya next time. | Reviewed By: coconut 2003 On: February 03, 2003 18:59 CST Comment/Review: that was cool! I think the origin of impmon was the best part and vary well writen. the questions I have to ask is whare did the kokuwomon came from,and do you watch frountier? | Reviewed By: Venris On: January 31, 2003 20:34 CST Comment/Review: Oh wow, I just sat down and read all 10 eppisodes @_@;;
I'm hooked!
And I LOVE the comercials(sp?) Its such a reminder of my old tamer days! I need to shuffle through my tapes to see if I have any of them.
I love the plot develoupment. Ashley and Adam really stick to me. *waves a fan-made banner of the two* I think I'll sit here a rot away, waiting for the next chapter *plays with her Kotemon Plushie* | Reviewed By: Nyachu On: January 26, 2003 10:54 CST Comment/Review: I just read chapter 10; I'm really into this fanfic now. I check almost every day for updates. Oh, and I know you told anyone who knows the name of Jeri's brother to correct you if you got his name wrong and you got his name wrong. I don't remember what you thought it was, but his real name's Masahiko. Just telling you in case you want to change it. I also like how you're putting the crests in your story. I thought about doing something similar in my fanfiction, but you beat me to it.^_^ I can't wait to read chapter 11! | Pages (4): [ 1 2 3 4 >  » ] |