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"Planet Vegeta: Final Rewrite" Reviews/Comments [ 23 ]
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 Reviewed By: Zofo [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 16, 2008 17:53 CST
Sad that Vegeto died and they can't bring him back, but I guess Goku is right that the dragonballs should be left alone now :( I was worried that Goku would kill Vegeta but glad you went for the happy ending. Somehow I don't think Goku would be happy to achieve Heaven no Tenshi under those circumstances. It goes against his very being. I didn't realise that Goku had died until I read the foot notes so am a little confused at that. Thank you for a wonderful read, hope you write many more :)
 Title: Chapter 8
Reviewed By: Kayou [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 14, 2008 22:55 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I have never been a big fan of DBZ, but I must say I am enjoying what I have read so far. One thing that set me laughing though was one sentence. You wrote; "This will increase the possibility of child consumption." Vegeta was explaining something about mating or whatever, and when I read that I stopped, went back and read it again to make sure my mind was not playing tricks on me. I am sure you meant consummation because I do not think they wanted to eat the babies, at least I hope so anyways. I just found that one little error incredibly amusing.
 Reviewed By: Zofo [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 21, 2008 18:06 CDT
How come Brolli is alive, you didn't say? Maybe it's in the next chapter. Interesting legend but what a horrible way to become a full angel! I really don't want Goku to do that to Vegeta. I hope you make it a happy ending as I hate sad ones.
 Reviewed By: Zofo [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 18, 2008 16:47 CDT
I actually had a little tear in my eye at Brolli's funeral with Goku remembering all their encounters over the years, and now knowing that Brolli could have been an ally if they had got him away from his father and persuaded him to stay on Earth like Vegeta (would have been one hell of a fight to impress/mate Goku though). Who has Vegeto if it isn't Frieza? Whoever it is wants to make Goku believe he did it, but who would pretend to be Frieza? Brolli's alive! How? Oh I'm itching for the next chapter.
 Reviewed By: Zofo [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 18, 2008 16:17 CDT
This is one of the few stories where I kinda liked Brolli, then you kill him off! You are so cruel :-) Poor Goku was really sad. Any chance the dragonballs could revive him, or is he determined to stay dead. Hope Frieza gets his comeuppance soon. Just noticed there's another new chapter to read, yippee, *dashes off to read it*.
 Reviewed By: Zofo [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 14, 2008 18:12 CDT
Yippee Goku doesn't have cancer and the heart attacks were caused by a chip. Phew! *huge sigh of relief*. I had hoped you had a way out for them and you didn't let me down :-) I still think Gohan is possessed somehow, even if he was being blackmailed, he did do the deed in the chamber in the first place. Goku really needs to have some closure on that, maybe Gohan could use some therapy or just lock him away. I don't mind as I never liked him. Uh-oh now Goku feels betrayed by everyone and has called it off with Vegeta! You certainly know how to get a reader's heart racing. I'm still hoping they stay together in the end. Wouldn't mind Goku/Brolli sex, somehow you've made me warm to him in this story. As long as he goes back to Vegeta in the end :-)
 Reviewed By: Zofo [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 11, 2008 15:58 CDT
Who is the dark presence in the palace? Is it Frieza? Are Gohan and Raditz being controlled by him? Can't wait to find out. Nice lemon but shocking at the end. I read with dread when Goku had the first heart attack but now he's had two and also has lung cancer! I can't see a way for him and Vegeta to grow old together *sobs*. Please tell me you have a way out for them.
 Reviewed By: Zofo [MediaMiner Member]  On: May 09, 2008 16:47 CDT
You posted the last three chapters on this site in a different order to FF. Confused me for a bit! Brolli's really trying to be a friend to Goku isn't he. I still don't trust him though so I'm glad Goku doesn't either. Has Gohan been tainted by Frieza? How? It would explain how aggressive and unreasonable he's been acting. At least Trunks and Goten are defending Goku and Vegeta. Hope they can somehow get through to Gohan but at this point it seems a lost cause. I always wondered where Oozaru kept their dicks too. You can't see them in any of the shows/manga. Maybe they can retract them for protection whilst battling. Oh no Chichi's alive! Nothing good can come of this. Bet she takes Gohan's side and makes things worse. Nasty woman.
 Reviewed By: Zofo [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 22, 2008 15:50 CDT
Gohan really doesn't like Vegeta does he and is blaming him for everything. I don't think this is the last time he will try to interfere with their marriage. Despite the sex and seeming to understand why Goku can't love him like he does Vegeta, I get the sense that he's still not satisfied. Interesting idea to put the baby in Turles but what does Turles think of it? What if he rejects it or Brolli doesn't like the idea? Sorry you've hit a block and hope the hamster or doujinshis inspire you. I've bought a few on Ebay myself and they are good but I really wish someone would translate them for me as they are all of course in Japanese! I look forward to when you restart writing.
 Title: Zofo
Reviewed By: Zofo [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 19, 2008 21:27 CDT
I'm with Vegeta, why does Goku have to have sex with the others? Now they have said they both love each other, he shouldn't have to keep that deal. Wow, it's Brolli's child, I didn't realize that. No wonder Vegeta doesn't want to keep it. However Goku seems obligated to, so where do they go from here? Sounds very complicated. Goku wanting to keep every life sacred but Vegeta only wanting Goku's child. Awww Goku tearing himself up and crying into his diary at the Majin incident, it really cut him up *huggles Goku* I'm looking forward to the interludes. Wonder what they will be? *Shudders at the possibility of Goku/Krillen sex*
 Title: Zofo
Reviewed By: Zofo [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 14, 2008 17:19 CDT
Glad Goku didn't go with Brolli though surprised Brolli didn't put up much of a fight. He seemed remarkably sane and even caring. Still a little puzzled that Vegeta would have him raped, though I'm now getting the battle he is having with himself, and the pain it is causing him. Not to mention Goku who almost had a complete mental breakdown in this chapter. I was worried for his sanity at one point. Neat trick of Gohan's to switch the pregnancy. I didn't see that one coming. Wonder how Vegeta will cope, especially with his dark side surfacing whether he likes it or not.
 Title: Zofo
Reviewed By: Zofo [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 12, 2008 22:17 CDT
I'm almost speechless at the last two chapters! How could Vegeta do that to Goku? If he had even 1% of goodness in him he wouldn't let anyone be raped by anyone let alone participate in it, and it was his mate! I'm so angry at him. Goku's reactions are puzzling. I understand his hatred of Vegeta but why is he going to Brolli? He must hate him as much. I want Goku to destroy them both. Then maybe wish back Vegeta with conditions.
 Title: My Best...
Reviewed By: flame-washu [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 10, 2008 09:41 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
This is perfect, I just got ch. 11 printed out, and I have it for my camping trip that i'm going with my dad. So whenever it's dark and there's nothing to do, I will pull out PV:FR!! I never read Ch. 11 yet, but I read that it has something to do with Brolli appearing, well that's gotta be interesting. I'm excited for the rest of this story, and LMK, I am really supportive of your story and I would do anything for you if you need me, just send me a message! Or by reviewing "Collapsed" My preposted G/V story, it's dedicated to you! Go ahead and check it out! Love Ya Little Washu!
 Title: Zofo
Reviewed By: Zofo [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 04, 2008 18:58 CDT
Interesting tour Goku took through Vegeta's memories whilst Kakarot was having his way (though I secretly wished I could have read what happened!). Filled out Vegeta's relationships with his father, Radditz and Nappa. Was worried for Vegeta for a while as Saiyans never seem to get sick but glad Kakarot helped Goku out, maybe it will help Goku accept that side of himself better. Really felt for Piccolo when they were talking about Gohan, not often he cries. Wow a power of 145 billion, but I'm not happy that Vegeta's is only 5 billion, that seems too low, after all he is the only one that tries to keep up with Kakarot and can give him a decent spar. I think he would be more like 100 billion. With all that power between them I was shocked that at first they were paying any heed to what King Vegeta said, but delighted when Goku stood up to him. Glad they are finally at planet Vegeta and are amongst Saiyans but troubled that Vegeta hasn't completed the bond yet.
 Title: Zofo
Reviewed By: Zofo [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 28, 2008 20:14 CDT
Interesting couple of chapters with a lot happening. Goku was so panicky during the birth when he had to cut his own mate open. I felt for him. Don't know why he is so hung up on marriage though, I think he was right that he had been brainwashed by Chichi on that matter. Loved the part when Goku was researching sex on the net, made me chuckle. Being unable to kill Vegeta during the final battle with Buu (despite the universe being in danger) has to me always been a sign of Goku's true feelings toward Vegeta and I love stories that include it. Vegeta meeting Kakarot during fusion was something I don't think I've read before, interesting, and now Kakarot is temporarily in charge. Hope he doesn't hurt Vegeta too much. Glad Goku got Vegeta to stop acting wimpy, a Saiyan prince should never do that, I want a feisty Vegeta!
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