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"Requiem of Time" Reviews/Comments [ 19 ]
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 Reviewed By: Sharae  On: July 27, 2010 18:56 CDT
Are you still writing the story? i've only just discovered it and am enjoying it emmensly but its not been updated in a year.. it this just a writing break or is the story been abandoned?
 Title: ^_^
Reviewed By: B  On: July 23, 2009 01:13 CDT
I'm not a writer so I feel like I can't give out any critical/technical reviews, sorry. But I can give you my opinion...Awesome story! I've read all three parts too and I think that this last one is my favorite. There were some spelling errors but I didn't really notice till I reread it again. Which I guess that means it was really engaging. ^_^ but yeah, thankyou for the story, I enjoyed it and I hope the next chapter is going awesome!
 Reviewed By: Myani  On: March 14, 2009 21:21 CDT
i don't need an e-mail to express my feelings because i only have one thing to say. THEY TOLD EACH OTHER THEY LOVED EACH OTHER!!!!YAY, YAY, YAY!!! ok, i'm good. i was so happy to read that. ok, i lied. i have more than one thing to say. i love how sessh and his mom always argue. i liked when he said "did you just say an inappropriate word?" or something like that. it was funny. and when after they said i love you and Kagome said "don't think i'll have sex yet" or something along those lines. and Li Hua said "for the love of--" or something like that. i keep saying or something like that cause i'm not looking at the chapter currently and am going from memory. plus when they kissed. but i always love that. and i am very happy to know this isn't the end. please update soon, i love this story so much! one more thing: 3:12 am? tsk tsk little missy! jk
 Reviewed By: DZ  On: February 21, 2009 23:37 CST
Can you redue chapter six it kinda hard to understand when it all jumbled together.
 Reviewed By: Myani  On: February 21, 2009 15:03 CST
so are you saying the next chapter will be the last chapter. Nooooooo!!! it can't end this soon! i love it too much! *regains composure* i'm ok. anyways...i'm actually reviewing instead of writing an e-mail. and the reason for that is...i barely have anything to say. i feel so bad about that. but i do. i can tell you i was really happy to find out you'd updated again. i squealed again. 11:15, acceptable. i thought it was funny when Kagome was like, "sleeeeeeep." that was about the only thing. i didn't find myself bursting out laughing, which i look forward to. i regret to say, i didn't really like this chapter. it was kinda uneventful for me. except the fight between Le and Kagome, but i'm not good at visualizing fights. but i still love you're story regardless. huh, i guess i had more to say about it than i thought. update soon please!
 Reviewed By: Zumm  On: December 01, 2008 02:34 CST
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
What is his cousin up too? I hope that Kags gives Sessy her trust and Love. I also hope that they decide to mate while the cousin is there so that Sessy can establish that part of his life. Pluss it wouldn't be a bad move for him taking over the Land from the council. What are they going to do? Oh please update soon!!
 Reviewed By: Raeko [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 12, 2008 18:13 CST
This is very chewy--you seem to have accomplished your goal! What the heck is going on?! I loved the Shippo Spying Incident--and the fact that it only took him ten minutes to dish! This whole chapter was very enjoyable, really, although I would've been amused to get a description of how, exactly, Inuyasha was being annoying. I'll look forward to your next post. Cheers!
 Reviewed By: Zumm  On: October 18, 2008 03:36 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I cant belive that you have completly made my feelings about this pairing do a 180. I am absolutly in love with this story and I cant wait and see what happens next. Im making guesses about the burned house and the cradle. Im just so into this story I feel like its a installment of one of my friends love life. I just sit in front of my computer and drink tea like I do with my girl friends and listen or read what the two did last time to completly grate oneach others nerves. I cant wait until the next chapter comes out. Im hopeing that I can reread the beginning before you suprise me with what is around the corner. I hope that you dont get too board with my review. I only hope to inspire you to continue writing this till the bitter sweet ending. Love you writting style by the by. I find the way you give both sides of the charaters story so close together fantastic! I love the way you paint the picture in my mind too! I can just see the little smirks Sessy only give Kagome in my mind and I just find that so cute!! Keep up the fine work!
 Reviewed By: duck113 [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 09, 2008 16:58 CDT
Excellent! Bout time that girl got some self-respect! & I love the interactions you do of Sess & Sess-mom. Even vicious blood-thirsty assassins remain a little child in mom's mind- ;)
 Title: Perfect...
Reviewed By: WiccanMethuselah [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 08, 2008 15:03 CDT
Absolutely perfect. And what a way to move things forward, yet leave us all feeling somewhat satisfied that all is not complete turmoil and angst!! I'm sure a lot of us were waiting for just that sort of meeting, but you threw that right out the window, and kept Kags in top form. I must admit, I was cringing somewhat after reading your a/n... yes, I read that first, but understood completely after reading the chapter. And now we can ALL look forward to seeing how Sesshoumaru meets her expectations. I'm also looking forward to seeing what's going on in HIS head for this part of things. Yes, we got a lot of his introspection last time, but that was to be expected. You had to let the readers in on the thought processes of a besotted, but totally confused, youkai. (As in "What? I can't just take what I want? Now what??") It was only fair. Now, we know Kags point of view (now that she's finally figured it out herself) and we can wait with bated breath to see how Sesshy goes about making her believe that he gets it. EXCELLENT STUFF! Thank you so much for the break from my reality that this afforded me. :D ~~Wiccan~~
 Reviewed By: duck113 [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 06, 2008 20:01 CDT
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
An update- wonderful! Good timing to- I really needed a chuckle today. Love the way you do Sess's POV, very in-character. Also liked Kagome putting her foot down about Shippo's behavior- even a saint has to lose patience with him once in a while. Inuyasha was just right (as always!). Great job!
 Title: Chapter 2
Reviewed By: WiccanMethuselah [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 06, 2008 00:19 CDT
Well, thank goodness the dirty dog (Lord Fancy Pants, of course) is going thru hell. He deserves it, quite frankly. I am still (as patiently as possible) waiting to see what happens when they do meet again. Hmmm, will she push him away? I just know she'll make him work for every concession - and how much will that piss him off?? I read your responses to reviews at the end of this chapter with great interest as well, and then hastened to re-read my review of the trilogy to make sure I hadn't committed any of the listed offenses! At least, I don't think I did. Perhaps I lacked some specificity as to what I enjoyed the most? That is a difficult thing to identify in a tale as multi-faceted as this - sorry!! At any rate, I am glad to see that you have not orphaned this (planned) last part of your saga, and will resolve to contain myself until we next hear from you. I sincerely hope that Real Life isn't being too much of a bitch in the interim - and THANK YOU (sorry, too lazy for html) for the latest installment!!! :D ~~Wiccan~~
 Reviewed By: Raeko [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 05, 2008 22:22 CDT
Doesn't it crack you up when people don't use any spaces at all? I don't think I can even type like that--I'd have to go through and take all the spaces back out. And probably mess up the spelling while I was at it. This was a pretty slow chapter to be honest--not much action--but I didn't mind. Life is like that sometimes. Make us wait like you're making Sessh wait, right? ^_^ Poor guy. I do feel bad for him, despite what an idiot he was being in the previous story. All the introspections here were fun. I laughed when Sango and Inuyasha were both worrying about Kagome in their own ways, and then Shippo was the one to figure it all out. I kind of wished I'd gotten more of Kagome's thoughts on the situation--not much of her internal monologue like we got with Sesshomaru toward the end--but the outside viewpoint of her actions coming from Sango, Inuyasha and Shippo were telling in themselves. Besides, too much omniscience a boring story makes, eh? ^_^ I'm looking forward to hearing from you again. Cheers!
 Reviewed By: ldwjr10  On: September 18, 2008 02:13 CDT
Style of Writing: 8 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 8 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
I like this ive read it on fanfiction and just read all 3 again. they are really good. I can't wait for you to update. Any idea when that might be?
 Title: More please!
Reviewed By: Sango-san  On: August 26, 2008 18:31 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I love it so far! But I have a question... When Sesshoumaru kicked Chiro out, why didnt she challenge Kagome for him? I mean I know that is over done in these stories but its still always funny. Love your work love your story love you!
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