"Demon's Kin" Reviews/Comments [ 4 ] | Reviewed By: DYquem [MediaMiner Member] On: January 25, 2009 10:25 CST Comment/Review: This was a good chapter. I liked the threats. All the demons in Sunnydale are nothing to Yusuke. Which kind of begs the question. Why would Yusuke care if buffy knows he's a demon. I understand Xander is clueless about Yusuke's real power and fears for his new found brother, but Giles should know better. You havent made mention of any concerns Yusuke has about letting buffy know Xander has demon blood, but that's about the only reason that makes the tiniest bit of sense to me. Buffy, especially in season one, could attack Yusuke all day and get nowhere. Buffy is powerful within her universe, but nothing to what yusuke's done in his universe.
| Reviewed By: Ranuel [MediaMiner Member] On: December 20, 2008 07:53 CST Comment/Review: I don't buy all the pairings but this was a fun read. It's a shame you ended it where you did. I would have liked to have seen Buffy and Willow's reactions. If you ever did a sequel set further down the time line maybe Keiko could turn out to be a potential slayer and really show them scary. Heh.
| Reviewed By: DYquem [MediaMiner Member] On: October 17, 2008 22:46 CDT Comment/Review: I like the words you have putting into the characters mouths. The tone of them rings true to the characters themselves, and I definitely think the half brother concept works. Its hard to remember what they were all like in first season buffy, but its interesting anyway. on the downside, I'm REALLY glad that whole Kuwabara/Hiei and Boton/Mukuro thing is not really part of the story. I just can't see either of those pairings as believable, but the core of the story itself, I am enjoying.
| Reviewed By: GrayPheonix [MediaMiner Member] On: October 15, 2008 13:07 CDT Comment/Review: Hmmm, interesting. And amusing as fuck to boot, heh. Continue to update though, this seems pretty damn interesting. Though one point, this story is slightly AU, if you use the manga as reference, as Atsuko does meet with her Ex-husband in the last volume of the manga, and I dunno if he was an american or just a japanese punk. Neh. Either way, interesting idea for a crossover, there is a buffy category too, under the non-anime section. Neh. Continue to update, ja ne.