"Midnight Blood" Reviews/Comments [ 74 ] | Pages (5): [ « ‹ 1 2 3 4 5 ›  » ] | Reviewed By: RaiRai On: August 23, 2016 23:12 PDT Comment/Review:
Woohoo!! You're back! And the story seems to be moving now,
hopefully we'll meet Nataly soon(or is it?) Anyway, I can't wait.
But I do understand about having sore wrists and hands. I have
carpal tunnel and arthritis as well. Makes it difficult to draw or
play my instruments when I get bad flare ups. So don't hurt
yourself, (really excited for the next chapter though.)
| Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member] On: August 23, 2016 12:50 PDT Rating(s):Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review:
Yay, you updated! While your updates are few and far between I do
hope you keep plugging along with 'em because I will definitely
keep reading them! I love this universe. This chapter was fun, LOL.
For a minute there I thought maybe Kagome had healed some of the
wounds Narek had inflicted on Inuyasha, or does it work that way?
If she has *all* of his powers, then she could injure and heal just
as he does, right? But maybe she can't heal something Narek himself
did, or maybe she could've but Narek just beat her to it. That's a
good way to threaten someone. Cut them up one cut at a time and
then heal it each time so that you're not really killing them, but
then once you've given them too many phantom injuries to survive
then threaten to reopen them all unless they comply. Sneaky
bastard, LOL. Obviously, he does need them for something, for
rescuing Lilliana, so that's why he hasn't killed them yet. That
glowing stone thing was weird. Why not just be like I know where it
is, follow me? Then again, why would he want to travel with
them? So yeah, here's a compass, find your own way there and I'll
meet you at the finish line. That makes sense since they're enemies
not even in a real truce at the moment. Besides, it gave them
"alone time" to play in the desert, LOL. I agree with
sane-Inuyasha. The beast calls him an idiot, when it wants
to put sex before rescuing Lilliana? How selfish of it! But if I
were Kagome I don't know if I could've resisted, LOL. But what a
genius idea she had! Obviously, if he's going to try to ravage her,
he's gotta be touching her, so then she can do her digging into the
memories trick, and it worked. It also looks like Inuyasha
remembered what happened this time, so that's cool, and now we know
about his powers. He can make dogs do his biding, huh? Summon an
army of dogs to help fight off the army of spiders? That'd be a
cool addition in some climactic battle later on. For right now,
though, how are they supposed to get Lilliana out of that frozen
block of ice? And poor Lilliana! Although I'm assuming she's
clearly still alive, even though that would obviously kill a human.
She's not human, so she's fine. Or she'll be fine once they
rescue her, anyway. Still no sign of Shippou or Myouga but I bet
they'll both show up right when the moment calls for it. And yeah,
if Inuyasha lets his beast come out to play while there's an enemy
to be defeated then he should be less distracted by Kagome's
awesome sexiness, LOL. Can't wait to see a transformed-Inuyasha
kicking some ass!
| Reviewed By: kagome01234567890 [MediaMiner Member] On: June 29, 2016 08:27 PDT Comment/Review:
Sorry haven't review in a long while life got in the way and
finally got caught up on my story but omg can't believe all the
twist and turns in this story so far can't wait to to see where you
go with it but why has narek suddenly reappeared although I don't
think he has left just watching and waiting until the right time to
strick or he was watching lilly. I don't think inuyasha and kagome
will break the bond they are finally being honest with each other
but can't wait for the next chapter repost soon
| Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member] On: March 20, 2016 17:31 PDT Comment/Review:
Nooooooooo! Inuyasha! LOL. Well, okay then, *clears throat*, I'm
so glad they had their mutual confessions and everything's
out in the open! For a minute there I thought they were just going
to fuck in the desert, LOL, until that sand worm attacked. Would
saying "Home" three times work, like in Beetlejuice? LOL, but I
digress. I wasn't surprised when Inuyasha finally transformed, as
that was a rather dire moment, but I was not expecting him
to be in dog form! Thinking about it, though, it makes perfect
sense. The only reason canon Inuyasha doesn't have a dog form is
'cause he's a hanyou, but that's not applicable in this universe.
Makes total sense that he'd have a dog form, although what Kagome
said also makes sense, that maybe he has other forms, and the large
dog was needed in that case to kill the giant worm. Leaving that
open-ended gives you the opportunity to do classic
transformed-Inuyasha should the moment call for it. I guess I'm not
surprised he didn't remember anything from being transformed, and
it was actually a good thing because it made way for that moment
when he thought he'd hurt her, at the beginning of their
confessions, but I do hope that in the future, the more he relies
on his beast, that he'll wind up remembering what happens while
transformed. Break the mate bond? Noooooooooooo! But *sigh* if it's
what Kagome wants... Besides, that's for after everything is said
and done and something tells me that maybe, just maybe, they'll
feel differently about it once the time comes. In the meantime,
interesting theory, that that snake-like voice is somebody's
specific inner beast. How would that work? Then again, at
this point, anything is possible, I suppose. And where the hell did
Narek come from all of a sudden? And why stab Inuyasha! Nooooooooo!
Annnd now we're back where we started, LOL. GREAT update! Finally
more answers than questions, or at least a more balanced
answer-to-question ratio, LOL. Now the main question is just, how
are they going to get out of this immediate situation? And where
did Shippou and Myouga end up? Inuyasha just left them in the dust
when he took off after Kagome but were they in pursuit? Did either
of them bear witness to Inuyasha's dog form? Hmmm...guess there are
more questions than answers, after all, LOL, but at least Inuyasha
and Kagome aren't keeping anything hidden from each other any
longer and they're no longer angry at each other. Yay! *happy
dance*. Now since I seriously doubt you plan on killing Inuyasha
off right now, LOL, I guess I'll just have to wait and see just
what happens in your next update. Keep up the awesome work!
| Title: Yay!! Reviewed By: Rairai On: March 11, 2016 07:45 PST Rating(s):Overall Rating: 9 of 10 Comment/Review:
Yay your back!!finally, it seems all the good writers have left
this site. Hopefully you'll update soon! I'm dieting to learn
Kagomes connection with the blood stone, and why it chose her.
Hopefully things will be explained soon! I love how you mixed in yu
yu hakusho nicely in this. As well giving Inuyasha his ears back.
| Title: Please :) Reviewed By: Kiki&Pho On: January 22, 2016 17:56 PST Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review:
Omg seriously this is one of the best stories on this site. Updates
take a little long but are totally worth it. Please please please
update soon :)
| Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member] On: August 16, 2015 08:57 PDT Rating(s):Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review:
I'll stop starting my reviews with 'finally got a chance to read
this' LOL. Damn real life, getting in the way of such an awesome
story! *shakes fist* Sooooooooo glad the whole inner beast thing
has been explained! Yay! Guess it freaked Kagome out, but she
certainly heard enough to make the connection back to Inuyasha's
fevered confession of hearing a voice in his head. Myouga also
probably just assumed it was a delusion since, like Inuyasha said
here, he should supposedly be way past the deadline for his inner
beast to wake up, so Myouga probably honestly thought there was no
way it could be his legit inner beast. Freaky dream Kagome had, but
good for her for realizing it wasn't really Inuyasha! Now how will
the real Inuyasha convince her to knock boots with him, now that he
knows he'd better listen to his inner beast's insistence of
reclaiming her? LOL. Of all their current problems - not with
regard to their own relationship, but rather, their entire
situation - finding a chance for a quickie seems the least of their
worries. And so the Ice King used, or will be using, Lilliana as
ransom to rescue his own females? On the one hand I want to say
that bastard! But on the other hand, why should he give a rat's ass
about some random woman when he has his own citizens to deal with?
I guess I can see how and why it's not his concern, but on the
other hand, that bastard! LOL. Awesome update, as always, and as
always, I'm super looking forward to the next one!
| Reviewed By: Kiku.902 On: July 11, 2015 02:24 PDT Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review:
Okay like there's NO WAY I can give you an awesome review like your
"reviewgoddess" but I still thought I'd leave a comment and say
had it as just a one shot then it became a full story FAV! and omg
just found out that you didn't really end it! MY ULTIMATE FAVE
STORY! (Wow. I've been folling this story since '07?! Holly shi!)
Anyway please please pleeeaase continue it! I'm dying to know what
happens next!!
| Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member] On: June 03, 2015 05:59 PDT Rating(s):Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review:
Finally had a chance to read this! Oh wait, that sounds familiar,
LOL. I'm so, so glad you're still continuing on with this
fabulous story, even despite your ongoing formatting issues which,
quite frankly, don't bother me in the slightest because there's
simply no way I'm not reading this! Okay, so cool, thanks
for the couple answers. Lilliana is Blood Class, like
Kagome. Is it normal to have offspring a different class from you?
But then of course, it's not like she's a biological child. I guess
if you 'turn' a human, they're Blood Class? Or maybe it's just a
roll of the dice. Okay, I'll stop worrying about that part, LOL.
And speaking of biological children, what's up with the Ice
Nightwalkers? If this were the human realm where you make blood
children then a whole town of all men would be perfectly fine, but
in this land they're supposed to just pair up and breed normally.
There are certainly no humans to turn. So maybe the Ice Women are
elsewhere, or... well you'll explain, LOL. And I'm glad Inuyasha
finally told Kagome about his inner beast, even if he was delirious
at the time and she's not sure if she should believe him or not. At
least now if she suspects it might be true she can keep a closer
eye on him and if he starts to act weird again she might notice
this time. And I couldn't help but notice how Myouga was right
freakin' there but didn't say jack about Inuyasha hearing voices,
whether it's normal or not and whether Inuyasha is crazy or not.
Well he did say in passing the poison made him delirious, so does
that imply this is something even Myouga doesn't know about?
Or was Myouga just trying to blame the poison because he didn't
want Kagome to know? Something tells me it's only a matter of when,
not if, Kagome will learn beyond a shadow of a doubt that it
is true. That was a cute scene at the end there. She's lucky
it was just a giant leech and nothing poisonous. Looks like slowly
but surely they might be okay after all. Looking forward to seeing
what happens next!
| Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member] On: February 18, 2015 18:43 PST Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review:
Phew, finally had a chance to read this! Yay, more answers! Boo,
more questions, LOL. If Shippou is a spy he isn't a very good one,
unless he hasn't really run off to get firewood and has been nearby
eavesdropping while all that important conversation was going on.
Not that too much got explained *smacks forehead*. Well, at
least Totosai told Kagome why she's special and always
potentially in danger, if her blood is one ingredient in a cocktail
that'd make Super Nightwalkers. Can't have that... Cut to Myouga
drinking from her, LOL. Good thing there are other ingredients. But
why the hell is Inuyasha in danger? I would assume it has to do
with his inner demon voice somehow or another, that his blood is
special too in some other way, and I foresee him possibly losing
his mind in the future and going this universe's equivalent to
full-youkai. No his father didn't explain anything! His father was
a bad guy! Do Totosai and Myouga not know this? Although perhaps
'bad guy' is in the eye of the beholder. Inuyasha and Sesshoumaru
just had differing opinions from their father. Maybe Totosai's
right, and he's been in the human realm too long, now they're all
like human sympathizers. But whether or not Nightwalkers should
reveal themselves and take over the world and enslave/slaughter
mankind isn't really the debate of the hour. Why did Inuyasha not
have ears and now he does? Obviously being in that atmosphere
changed him. So then the question is, will he change back when he
goes back to the human realm? Presumably, he originally had the dog
ears as a baby in the Nightwalker realm, right? I can understand
why Kagome doesn't have animal traits since Inuyasha didn't make
her, she's a different class of Nightwalker, but then what about
Lilliana, who is Inuyasha's blood-child? Shouldn't she get
some kind of animal trait? Or will she not because she was born
human? Could make total sense that being human-born changes things
in that regard, but it doesn't seem to me that she's a beast
Nightwalker at all based on Shippou's descriptions. Sounds like
both her and Kagome are blood class. Hmmm... I'd have to go back
and reread the breakdown of classes but I'm too lazy, LOL. I'm sure
there was a clue in there somewhere. You're just FULL of surprises!
And why the hell is it a-okay for Sesshoumaru to have a blood-child
and only Inuyasha can't? Is it because he was born in the
Nightwalker realm, and Sesshoumaru was born in the human realm?
Was Sesshoumaru born in the human realm? I can't remember
now without going back and reviewing past chapters although I want
to say I remember that. Besides, Sesshoumaru's older, and wasn't
with his parents while they were in the Nightwalker realm with baby
Inuyasha. Like you said yourself in the a/n, it was only around a
hundred days or so in the human realm for Sesshoumaru while his
parents were away. They went back to that realm without him
(presumably he was old enough to take care of himself at that
point) and then whoops, had a baby (or was Inuyasha not a whoops?)
and then they freaked out that baby was in danger so they rush
back...and proceed to not explain jack shit to said baby. Thanks,
dad, LOL. Well, slowly but surely the puzzle pieces are coming
together, only problem is we're also realizing it's a much larger
puzzle and every time we think we're actually getting somewhere we
realize we're still nowhere near finished, LOL. Well as long as
you know what you're doing, I trust you to explain it all
eventually. Keep up the awesome work!
| Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member] On: November 01, 2014 23:00 PDT Rating(s):Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review:
Shippou! And Myouga! Wasn't expecting to see either of them
show up. LOL, Kagome's reactions to Shippou were priceless! Looks
like slowly but surely, Nightwalkers are becoming more and more
Japanese-animal-youkai-like, not that that's a bad thing. They
always had been adamant about the fact that they were
not vampires, after all. Now at least it makes sense why
Inuyasha's ears popped out, if he was actually born there. At first
I thought maybe his family was actually from there, until
you said his parents just stayed there for a few centuries (Where
was Sesshoumaru during this time? Then again, only a few centuries
in that plane wouldn't be too long in the human world, huh?) but
even so, I guess being born in that world did something to him,
made him a part of that world. I was surprised Kagome hadn't asked
Myouga to find Lilliana first and foremost, shame on her! But good
thinking Inuyasha! Hopefully we'll see that Lilliana is alive and
well - or alive, at least. We know she didn't stay behind with the
others since Kurama and Kikyou were discussing how all three of
their 'guests' had ran off. Oh well, even if Narek does come across
her, I seriously doubt at this point that he'll harm her. It's
fairly clear that Narek doesn't want to hurt Lilliana, but even if
he were indifferent to her I bet he'd keep her alive for the simple
reason that Lucy wants her dead. Those portals can't be as rare and
random as we think they are, with Narek going back and forth like
he does. Plus that portal in Lucy's house was obviously put
there, deliberately to pull them through, so obviously
somebody has the ability to create them at will. If not
Narek, then somebody helping (or being used by) Narek. Maybe
somebody else brought Inuyasha and the others there, but Narek
previously learned of this technique and has used it himself just
to travel back and forth himself, and then some other person we've
yet to meet was responsible for their abduction. Regardless of
whether Narek brought them there or somebody else did, WHY did they
do it? To get them out of the way so they couldn't stop what was
happening in the human world? Or to learn HOW to stop what is
happening in the human world? But if Narek did it, surely he wants
them alive, but yet he wasn't doing a very good job of protecting
them when they nearly died before, unless he was watching from the
shadows all along and didn't interfere with rescuing Kagome that
time when he saw her already being rescued. Hmmm... Still some
unanswered questions, but that's a good thing! It keeps it
exciting, LOL. Definitely looking forward to seeing what happens
| Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member] On: October 13, 2014 15:19 PDT Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review:
Yay! You updated! And here I was worried Kikyou's appearance was
going to go and cause a whole bunch of new questions, but actually,
I think you answered them all already. She was once human, Inuyasha
loved her, she died, her soul went to that other place, somebody
gave her a new body, she mated what's-his-name and is his mate now
and the mother of the previous Kagome-look-a-like. That about sums
that up. I wonder if in all her jealousy during the
eavesdropping moment it dawned on Kagome what Kikyou had said about
a beast awakening inside of Inuyasha. I wonder if it'll dawn on
either of them that her hurt over Kikyou's appearance means that
deep down, they shouldn't break their mating bond. Although
right now in this moment, for right-now right now, I agree that
they should just focus on finding Lillianna and getting the hell
outta dodge. I don't know if I would've wanted to run into the
forest of darkness if there were giant spider monsters all around.
Even if the spider monsters also can't see anything, they go by
sound and vibration; they're spiders. I'd have probably rather
stayed where I could see and fight. But meh, running away in a
blind panic doesn't usually lead to the best results, LOL. Thank
goodness Inu/Kag are together, at least. Nothing like life or death
peril to rekindle romantic feelings! LOL. Looking forward to the
next update! Oh PS, I swear I'm not making this up, but the captcha
right now for me to enter this review is BSXY - swear to God, LOL.
Yeah! Get on with your bad self! LOL
| Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member] On: August 12, 2014 16:44 PDT Comment/Review:
Of course I'd review you again as soon as I saw they were
working! You totally deserve it, and more importantly than that, I
wanted to make sure you knew I hadn't abandoned you. I'm sure a lot
of people jumped ship with all of MM's continued problems, but I
wasn't one of them! Anyway, fabulous update, as always. Answered
one question, and posed a whole bunch more, LOL. Why the hell does
the 'Fox Lord' look so much like Inutaisho and sons? Heh, that
sounds like a corporation. Would've made sense, though, if they
were kin, which I'm sure is why Inuyasha asked, but then he went
and said Inutaisho was just a general of legend, rumored to have
ruled over a thousand millennia ago. The time difference is no
surprise, what with the way time passes differently between
dimensions, but still, only rumor? Only legend? Why the
resemblance, then? Well, I'm sure you'll explain eventually
LOL, and at least you totally cleared up what a half-mate is, in
the meantime. I also don't find it a mystery why Kagome and
Lilliana didn't feel that danger pressure from the vines like
Inuyasha did. Probably something human-borns just can't feel. Now
if only we knew why Inuyasha has an inner demon voice, and why Sayo
didn't even know what he meant when he mentioned hearing voices. I
can't believe Kagome didn't pick up on that one, but then again,
she's too busy playing 'to sever the bond or not to sever the bond'
in her own head to notice much of anything about Inuyasha, I bet.
At least they're both in agreement that Lilliana needs to butt out,
LOL. Yay! They agreed on something! Progress...hehehehe. So anyway,
as always, I shall be eagerly awaiting your next update. Do try to
rest your hands so you don't do any permanent damage, but that
aside, try to get it out as soon as possible! ;-)
| Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member] On: July 10, 2014 14:43 PDT Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review:
REVIEWS ARE WORKING AGAIN! Which means I can once again review this
totally awesome piece of literature! It's been so long since I read
the last chapter I had to comb back through it to refresh my
memory. So...first of all, super glad Kagome and the others got
rescued. Phew! I thought the woman who looked like her was gonna
turn out to be Kikyou. Sayo, is it? Well, still super glad she and
her brother found and rescued Kagome before that Beetlejuice worm
digested her. Guess Claire's question has been answered, as far as
what the nightwalkers eat in this other realm. Just 'cause there's
no humans doesn't mean there's no food, after all. Once upon
a time they must have just discovered those gateways into the human
realm, and after realizing how tasty humans are, that's why a lot
of them decided to permanently relocate. Makes me wonder if the
first human-to-nigthwalker conversion actually happened by
accident. After all, if they'd never before interacted with humans
(or at least live ones, not counting all those wandering souls,
although that would explain how they knew the human realm
even existed), how could they have possibly known in advance that
they could 'turn' them in order to reproduce without reproducing?
But I digress, LOL. "Spider King" you say? Have you said that
before? I can't remember, but we all know who is usually
called the Spider King in any Inu/Kag AU. I wonder if that's who
you have in mind as the grandiose bad guy? I wouldn't be bothered
by the cliche if you do. While you're queen of OCs, there's nothing
wrong with taking a preexisting character and twisting it to fit
your purpose. And what, pray tell, is a HALF-mate? Doesn't seem to
be the reason Sayo can sever their bond, since she just said she
had the ability to sever a weak bond between mates, like it's an
ability her kind has, not because their mate bond isn't 100%. And
will they want their mate bond severed? And why does
Inuyasha have this new demonic side awake within him? Oh! Are they
half-mates because that other side of him also has to mate-claim
Kagome? Hmmm...curiouser and curiouser, LOL. Well, whatever you're
doing, I like it, so keep doing it!
| Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member] On: November 28, 2013 19:51 PST Rating(s):Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: Bum BUM BUM. Inner monsters, and Narek, and sand worms, oh my! And Kikyou, apparently. I'm assuming the 'more beautiful' version of Kagome giving her that 'looking into a mirror' sensation is Kikyou, although 'more beautiful' is in the eye of the beholder. At least I don't have to worry about any Inuyasha/Kikyou drama - or do I? I feel your cryptic warning that Kagome and Inuyasha's inner turmoil will be continuing does not bode well, in that regard. Well no matter, Kagome's already his mate, no ands, ifs or buts. And apparently Lilliana is not Narek's mate, so that's good. He's full of all sorts of tricks that break the rules, isn't it? So why not one more, right? I'm glad he healed her. I get the impression that even though he probably honestly wouldn't mind killing Inuyasha, he does want to protect Lilliana. Not sure how he feels about Kagome. But I think since Lucy ordered him to kill them, that's reason enough for him to want to keep them all alive, Inuyasha included, since it goes against Lucy's wishes. At least with knowing that one year in that world is only one day in the human world there's no pressing hurry with trying to escape that place. I mean obviously they want to find their way out as soon as possible, but even if it takes them a few months to succeed then they'll have only been missing for a few hours in the long run. At least they don't have the added burden of knowing that the rest of their family is worrying sick about them. Except of course for the fact that they are worried, come to think of it, since they'd already been Lucy's captives beforehand. Well, no matter, at least their time in that world isn't contributing to the time that they're missing. It's like a free pass, sort of, provided that in the end they can figure out how to get out of there before something kills them, of course. But something tells me you'd never, ever be cruel enough to them - or us - as to kill off our beloved Inuyasha and Kagome. Put them through the ringers, sure, but not kill them. So I shall be happily awaiting the next chapter, knowing it will be drama-filled, but not beyond my angst threshold. :-) | Pages (5): [ « ‹ 1 2 3 4 5 ›  » ] |