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"A Tale of Ever After" Reviews/Comments [ 303 ]
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 Reviewed By: inufan666 [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 12, 2022 21:36 PDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I've really been enjoying this and was thrilled to see its had recent updates. Looking forward to future chapters
 Reviewed By: Silver.film26  On: August 28, 2015 21:00 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I tend not to review something unless it's really good or really bad and this is astoundingly good. It reads like a great novel and the detail is stunning. It feels more like the village is the main character that sort of favors Inuyasha and Kagome. I don't know how you keep track of all those characters but you really do and flawlessly at that. It's so geniusly woven together that I can hardly believe it's fiction. I know you haven't updated in a while but I hope that doesn't turn away any new would be readers because to pass up on a story like this is to miss out on something extraordinarily special, you certainly have a gift for writing. I do hope that things will clear up for you so that you will be able to post again as I look forward to reading the rest of this great story.
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 12, 2015 05:25 PST
So glad you were able to get this posted finally. Sorry about real life being such a pain in the butt right now. Hopefully switching to Wednesdays and Saturdays will work better for you, giving you that extra day for the second chapter each week. At any rate, thoroughly loved this update, as per usual. Can't wait to see what Sesshoumaru has to say.
 Reviewed By: youkaineko [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 04, 2015 20:36 PST
I can't help but notice that three regularly scheduled new chapters in a row have been missed, as well as several recent previous chapters have been late. While part of me really wants to know what is up with the bird demon, and people getting sick and all that, the bigger part of me is starting to get worried about you. Is everything alright? Have there been complications from you husband surgery? Maybe the bad weather back East has knocked out your power and you simply are unable to write or post. Or is life just throwing you a lot of curveballs right now? Whatever is the case I hope all will be well soon, and if not my thoughts and well wishes are with you.
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 23, 2015 15:15 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Nice update. Better to have it a day late than skip an update altogether! Do we have another naysayer in our midst? Although I guess if you want to get technical, Denjiro's not far off in his grumblings. It *is* Sesshoumaru's scent, and presumably Inuyasha's as well, that lured that bird-youkai to them. But that's one youkai drawn to them out of HOW many random pesky ones Inuyasha has chased away? I bet even he doesn't know how many youkai attacks he's prevented, because lower beasts and oni, I bet a lot of them just smelled him (and Sesshoumaru) and decided against a confrontation, heading the other way. Plus let's not forget how he comes in handy during a bandit raid. Yes, it's unfortunate what happened to the cow, but I think the bottom line here has got to be the fact that all the local (and even not-so-local) kami are on Inuyasha's side and say he belongs there. And now that Kagome's back, well sure they might run into the occasional youkai trouble, but they've also got a very powerful miko to help deal with it when it happens. Like Tameo said, the kami gave them the right tools to do the job. You know this is a great story when we can get a chapter that's 100% original characters and it's still just as awesome as any other chapter, LOL. That's quite the community you've created for yourself. I'm definitely looking forward to seeing what happens next!
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 21, 2015 06:03 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Whoa...okay, was not expecting that! So it's explained well enough that Sesshoumaru's father agreed to something or another that created a magic spell that now binds him in the presence of at least that yosuzume if not others, but why the hell would he do that? She could have pecked at him had Jaken not been there! At least we know why she's bothering the village now. 'Curiosity', indeed. I guess the wording of the spell could have been intended to be a promise that Sesshoumaru would never attack her, never harm her, but damn, it shouldn't make him completely immobile like that! Just prevent offense, not defense. Well I bet Inuyasha isn't bound by that promise, since it sounds like something that originally happened before he was born. Thank goodness! And least he and Kagome can take that bitch out, if need be. Sounds like Rin was indeed the target when the bird was circling that field. Can't have that. I would say 'never a moment's peace' but of course, this is months later after all the craziness of the previous arc, so in reality they *have* had some peace before this new development. Looking forward to seeing what happens next!
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 15, 2015 19:48 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Uh-oh...so much for Sesshoumaru rushing in to save Rin's life from the dive-bombing bird-youkai, LOL. So Inu/Kag scared it off (or it was just toying with them) and now it's gone to pick on Sesshoumaru? Well, I suppose that hints towards it being the same yosuzume that attacked Inuyasha before...unless there's a whole family of them that have a bone to pick with the Inu no Taisho's family, for some reason. Like Inuyasha said, there's always a reason. It might not be a human reason, but there's a reason. Glad nothing bad happened to Kimi, Tazu and Rin, I guess aside from Tazu now having that same sore throat curse thingie that's still affecting Nakao. I guess she'll be okay, though. How's that old joke go? Doctor it hurts when I do this...well then don't do that, LOL. So I guess if she's only just not 'allowed' to speak of the bird-youkai, then she's fine otherwise. Still though, it'd definitely be better if they could figure out how to cure that. And I can feel Inuyasha's frustration with being that close and losing his prey, but it was the right decision to not pursue at that moment. I'm sure it'll be back...provided Sesshoumaru doesn't kill it with a flick of his wrist, of course, LOL. Looking forward to seeing what happens next!
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 13, 2015 19:54 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Ah, good. Glad to see that we won't just have Sesshoumaru rushing in to the rescue, but that Inuyasha and Kagome are right there by Rin as well as the yosozume shows itself. Glad it showed itself at all; much easier to catch that way. And dropping little treasures, indeed. Good for Kagome, picking the feather up unafraid and letting her powers zap it one. Her powers would definitely win out, no doubt about it. Her arrow should take care of the whole bird too, I'd imagine, provided Sesshoumaru gives her a chance to fire, LOL. Looking forward to seeing what happens next!
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 08, 2015 17:51 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
LOL, poor Inuyasha. My oh my but has he matured over the years, or he never ever would've been able to keep his temper like that, LOL. I'm not worried about the bird-youkai approaching Rin since we know who else is approaching from the west. Hopefully Inuyasha can pick up a scent trail. Even if he can't track it, especially since it flies like he pointed out, if he can at least locate the scent that'll confirm once and for all they're dealing with the same type of youkai (or same exact youkai?) instead of it only being a good hypothesis. Definitely looking forward to seeing what happens next!
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 06, 2015 17:23 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Yay, progress! I laughed when the adults were ignoring Nakao for a minute there. Just like adults to ignore a child in such an important conversation, but good for Nakao to speak up and get himself noticed. Glad Kaede had been able to cure whatever spell had been causing his throat to clamp up on him when he tried to tell what he saw. After hearing what the scratches look like on the cow we know it's definitely the same creature. I guess 'creature' is the wrong word since the bird becomes a girl. But what the hell does she want? Guess we'll find out pretty soon. Keep up the awesome work!
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 30, 2014 17:24 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
So glad you're back! What a crazy week, huh? Well, hopefully like you said things will be calm now and you can be back on your twice a week schedule. Loved this update, of course. Glad Kaede had something to take care of Nakao's throat magically closing up on him every time he tried to tell his story. That bird lady definitely did that one too him when she glared at him, I'd say. And was that a dig, Inuyasha, about you not having the power in your glare to shut Kagome up? LOL. No, Kaede's right, he's not the one in his family with that gift, our miko is! LOL. So glad we're getting to the bottom of this, but damn, one of Toshiro's cows? I guess a bird youkai's gotta eat, but seems to me she's picking on them on purpose. But why? And IS she the same one Inuyasha saw as a child? Is Inuyasha the reason she's there? I guess I'll find out, LOL, but this is a lovely new arc you're shaping and the mystery is fun! Keep up the awesome work!
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 18, 2014 16:55 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Does sound like it's all connected to me. Could be another of the same species, but something tells me it's probably the same one. But Inuyasha's not on her mountain, she's invading his territory, so what the hell's her deal? And nobody's heard of the feather magic, so that is definitely something new. Then again, from Inuyasha's story, she just ran him outta town, so it's not like he had a chance to learn all of the different tricks she had up her sleeve. Not surprised that by Kagome's time, our time, the legend of the yosuzume has become so toned down, warped away from what they really were. Or maybe there are different types, different levels, and the little sparrows are the weaker ones. Whatever. Looking forward to getting to the bottom of this, though! Keep up the awesome work. :-)
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 11, 2014 18:24 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
All's forgiven for skipping Tuesday! This was a really good update! Yosuzume, you say? *strokes chin thoughtfully* Very interesting. So Nakao DID see a bird turn into a girl. We're dealing with a bird-youkai...but what the heck does she want and why make the peddler sick? How the heck did he wind up with a youkai feather tied to his wrist? IS his rambling connected to that other peddler in any way, or was that part just a coincidence? Or maybe he didn't bump into that other peddler, but whatever messed with Hajime's mind also messed with that other peddler. Except he just seemed 'off' in the head in a more normal kind of way, and he was a stranger there and therefore didn't know Inuyasha. We can excuse his reaction, if he is a touch crazy, is plagued by ghosts, and legitimately fears all youkai and got spooked at the sight of him. Hajime, he KNOWS Inuyasha, so it took a fever to make him delirious. Perhaps there is some other youkai monster eating people somewhere, and they're confusing Inuyasha for that monster. Well whatever is going on, something tells me it's all interconnected with everything else. Quite an interesting new arc you're weaving. Keep up the awesome work!
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 04, 2014 16:21 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
What's up with Nakao? Sounds like an actual, magical reaction, like somebody or something's trying to stop him from telling what that person or thing deems he should not be telling. Interesting twist. And it's funny about Hajime not recognizing Inuyasha at all despite his fevered state. You'd think he'd kind of remember him. I guess he's just really, really out of it. Interesting theory about somebody poisoning the local peddlers. Guess that means it wouldn't be catching, if that's the case, although that first peddler wasn't sick, just sick in the head. Could be he's the one that filled Hajime's head with such nonsense and because of his fever he believed it. Could even be that he didn't believe it at first, but then got sick, and now not really being aware of what's going on that peddler's warnings are somehow coming to the forefront of his mind. Whatever's happening, something tells me that bird-youkai woman thing Nakao saw might just play a part in it. Good twists! Super looking forward to seeing what happens next!
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 02, 2014 19:26 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Now I'm very curious, too! I wasn't expecting this twist. I just figured Kagome was going to make her way to Kaede's and bump into everyone else and the sick herb peddler. So there's a bird youkai nearby? Did she have anything to do with the peddler's fever? If she had mean eyes like a rooster before it charges, that's probably not a good sign. I would think, like a bird, she was just glaring if Nakao got too close to her nest, but Inuyasha usually does patrols, I'm sure, so he wouldn't let a youkai that powerful make roost so close to the village. Not unless they'd already had a conversation in which she'd sworn she meant the local humans no harm, and Inuyasha would've made sure the villagers knew she was there so that a situation like this wouldn't happen. No, she's definitely there uninvited, but what, exactly, is she up to? Hmmmmmmm... Good twist! Looking forward to seeing what happens next!
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 27, 2014 18:04 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Poor Inuyasha, LOL. First that one crazy peddler, now this peddler, who's even been there before and knows of Inuyasha already! But, I suppose, we can excuse his delirium because of the fever, and we already know the crazy peddler probably wove one hell of a tail. Wonder if it was that poor child he helped that got him sick? And they said there was a fever going around. Sure hope it doesn't spread into something bad. Any of Daikoku's good luck still hanging around? LOL. That's just too funny. 'Get the guard', 'You're looking at him' LOL. Wonderful first day on the job, ne, Inuyasha? Looking forward to seeing what happens next!
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 20, 2014 14:41 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Oh dear, now what's happened? LOL, well, Inuyasha will definitely earn his stripes. It's good that he agreed to become an official member of the guard. He'd help out if the shit really hit the fan anyway, so may as well make it official. Not that there's very many, if any, people left in the village who still have a problem with him, but it does also help give him a leg to stand on as far as status and power goes. People *do* have to listen to him, at least when it's his turn wielding the club. Of course technically, he's higher status anyway, not that the naysayers paid his status any attention. It's just so cool seeing him act like a part of the community he is in fact a part of. I can understand how it still feels a little weird to him, like when he realized they were just teasing him about being late. He definitely had a good excuse for why he was late, though, LOL. The opening scene was cute, too. Damn...so close and yet so far, LOL. Now Kagome has to wait a whole month to play with his human ears again. He better not think she'll forget, either, LOL. All in all, a lovely little chapter. Looking forward to seeing what happens next!
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 18, 2014 14:56 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Awwwwwwwwwwwwww.. . So sweet! The opening bit with Sesshoumaru was good, too. A little bit of insight. He doesn't even realize how long he's staying away from Rin's perspective. Time passes differently for youkai than humans, after all. Back with Inu/Kag... AWWW! LOL. Seriously though, cute scene. So glad they finally got to enjoy a new moon alone together. And with a thunderstorm going on, no less. Awesome! I'm a sucker for a good nighttime thunderstorm. Anyway, so awesome update, and keep up the good work!
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 13, 2014 18:36 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Awww...lovely update. I love everything from the subtle information on flowers (most lilies are indeed poisonous, especially to cats), Kagome and Inuyasha's mature moment as she briefly brought up Kikyou, to their speculations about Sesshoumaru and Rin. A wonderful little scene of peace and calm. It was definitely a good idea to avoid Tameo's place if they were discussing the peddler. I can't blame Inuyasha for wanting to just put all that behind him and forget about it. Looking forward to when the new moon night gets here! :-)
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 11, 2014 13:10 PST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Awwww... Lovely update! So nice, the way you wove in that status update on both Chiya and Maeme. Chiya was just being a spoiled brat, so it looks like she finally learned her lesson and has sucked it up, acting like the mature woman she ought to be. Quite possible that one day, she might even look back on how much of a bitch she used to be and actually realize she had been the one in the wrong. Maeme...SO glad to know that she's doing okay, and maybe even more than okay from the sound of things. If anyone deserves it, she does. Lovely, lovely update. :-)
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 06, 2014 19:24 PST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Cute update. Dang noisy bird, LOL, though I guess it was for the best since Inuyasha got to speak with Miroku for a second before they left town. I love all the little back and forth banter you have Inuyasha participate in. He's come such a long way from the closed off, lonely boy he used to be. Now he's a man, and a husband, and part of a community. Definitely looking forward to 'tonight', in story time. Keep up the awesome work!
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 05, 2014 06:22 PST
I'm falling behind, shame on me! I blame Halloween weekend for distracting me. I completely brain farted that Thursday's chapter even existed, and as eager as I was to read your update yesterday 'real life' got in the way. What a pleasant surprise to find I have two chapters to read this morning before leaving for work. Chapter 299 was very sweet. So glad they finally made it home okay and all the little details you threw in were just lovely. Subtle things, like mentioning the fire in the firepit, which under normal circumstances is supposed to be left burning even during the summer. I loved Inuyasha's feeling of 'home' - he deserves it. And Kagome made him a summer kosode? Awwww... Beige and blue plaid sounds pretty. He can't be in fire-rat red all the time. Their light joking of if he had stripped down to his fundoshi during the shard quest was funny. I bet they weren't too far off on what would have happened with Miroku and Sango, LOL. As for chapter 300 - and congrats on the big 300, by the way! - what a sweet chapter it was. Awwwww, nice and WAFFy. Poor Rin. Even knowing she'll eventually get her own happily ever after, it's sad to watch her now as a child, lonely and missing Sesshoumaru so much. I guess it's not really the daiyoukai's fault he perceives time differently, but he definitely could make the effort to see her more often, for her sake, even if to him the visits would seem ridiculously frequent. It doesn't matter if to his perspective he just saw her (last month), he needs to realize she's human and do things according to her perception of time. Ah well, that's a worry for another day I guess. At least Kagome cheered Rin up in the meantime. Looks like Inu/Kag are about to enjoy some nice rabbit for dinner, and then each other for dessert, LOL. Looking forward to tomorrow's update... And I'll try to read it on time this time!
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 28, 2014 14:24 PDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Awww...sweet update. I'd forgotten about Chika, silly me, but was glad to see you'd thought about who would cat-sit while they were away. Funny how Chika was jealous of Kirara. Just because she's not demonic anymore doesn't mean her advanced intelligence left her. Oh no, that Chika is a smart one. I think all cats are pretty smart to begin with, but as a bakeneko she could *talk* and you know she wouldn't forget a language skill once acquired; she understands every word being said to and around her. Glad to see Kohaku's doing all right. I bet it does still haunt him at times, but what's done is done and nothing was really his fault. He's doing the right thing, being a taijiya, working now to save as many lives as possible. Can't bring back the ones already dead, but there could be a whole lot more people dead in the future without him there to save them, so every time he slays a troublesome youkai that would've destroyed a village, that's added to his karma. He'll atone, one day. Poor Inuyasha, smart Miroku, LOL. It's like jeeze, do they have to spell it out for everyone, that they want to be alone on the new moon night, just the two of them? LOL. Never hurts to have ofuda on hand though, I suppose. Never know when those might come in handy. Hope Inuyasha doesn't take Kagome's statement the wrong way. It's not like she really needed to be away from *him* for a while, she just needed quiet and boring for a while. It's amazing she wasn't a total PTSD case and was able to do well in school and act normally around her friends, after everything she lived through. Anyway, looking forward to seeing what happens next. Looks like pretty soon here we're gonna have some new moon snuggle time, so definitely looking forward to that. :-)
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 23, 2014 18:08 PDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Still chuckling about that stupid peddler. Figures that after the miko told him off, and told him 'the youkai' was her husband, he'd still go and tell those boys that there was a monster about to eat the children. Once somebody's got it in their head that the people siding with the youkai are merely possessed, and that dark magic has warped everyone's minds, there's no convincing them otherwise. I thought it was a really nice touch that it didn't even dawn on the boys that the peddler was talking about Inuyasha. I would say 'good riddance' but there's no getting rid of people with that kind of attitude. At least their village is peaceful once again, for now. And what perfect timing! Weren't Inu/Kag just wondering about how they could go about having the new moon night all to themselves? Well, now they don't have to be the ones to broach the subject, asking Miroku and the others to stay away because they want the privacy. That certainly worked out in everyone's favor. Also love that you commented on Kohaku using a youkai-forged weapon. I think everyone made a good point, though. Tessaiga is youka-forged, made to protect humans, and even though the taijiya created it, Hiraikotsu is made from youkai bones - and apparently has sentient youkai spirits within it if that one arc of the manga with the sage youkai and his vats of sake is anything to go by. Looks like we're about to have some WAFFy Inu/Kag moments coming up pretty soon here. Looking forward to it!
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 21, 2014 15:11 PDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
At least the peddler didn't turn into another Morio. Too funny! I can see why Koichi was amused, but on the other hand I can see why Kagome and Inuyasha weren't. It's one thing to get that sort of thing while out on the road, but in their own home village? And like Hisa said, they're known all throughout Musashi, so any locals from any of the nearby neighboring villages know just who Inuyasha is and they'd walk into Kaede's village knowing in advance that he lived there. That guy was a tad touched in the head, I'd say. He certainly didn't know when to shut up, LOL. I think Kagome handled it very well, under the circumstances. I wonder if this was an eye opener for some of the locals as far as what Inuyasha's had to deal with his whole life until now, and maybe it'll help them realize why he's as closed off as he is, and is as slow as he is to coming around and being friendly with them all. I think all things considered, Inuyasha's really come a long way, able to joke with the guys on occasion, and having agreed to take up being on the village guard. He's an active member of the community, and now for the first time some of the people he's gotten close to have experienced just why it is that becoming a member of the community was a hard transition for him to make. Good chapter! Poor Inuyasha, just barely getting home and then this. Home is supposed to be a safe haven away from all that crap. Kagome's going to have to kiss and make it better ;-).
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 14, 2014 17:24 PDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Uh-oh...and just when I thought this was a nice and calm, easy going chapter, LOL. Even Inuyasha's not as used to that reaction anymore these days, although on the other hand the villagers' open acceptance of him was still weird. I bet he bristled, stiffening up, but in his mind was thinking something along the lines of 'here we go again' or what have you. Kagome I can just imagine, LOL. Look out! Pissed off Kagome coming through! Will she keep her cool? She's not the same fly off the handle fifteen-year-old she used to be. My Kagome would narrow her eyes, and with tight lips would calmly, with a dangerous glow in her eyes, tell the man that she is not purifying her husband. After all, they aren't in somebody else's village where they might want to keep their relationship on the down low. That, I could completely understand, pretending he's just her youkai protector, an inugami of sorts. But this man is in their village. On a side note, it's so funny how we use the word 'purify' to mean 'kill'. Basically he was saying, oh there's a man that looks like a youkai, I don't know anything about your village whatsoever and nobody around seems to be concerned but that can't possibly be right so yes, you must murder him immediately without asking questions, LOL. I wonder what Susumu, Koichi and everyone else's reactions are going to be? After all, it's not just Kagome and Inuyasha there, but a bunch of other people too, people who all call Inuyasha friend. Even if they just try to calm the frantic man down as if his panic is understandable, going 'it's okay, it's okay, Inuyasha is a good youkai,' somebody with that strong of a reaction at first sight probably wouldn't be calmed down too easily going 'oh, you know him? Oh all right then.' This ought to be interesting...
 Reviewed By: Thayet [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 09, 2014 18:05 PDT
Another amazing chapter. Was the italicized area part of a one-shot? It looked familiar and I've been rereading a lot of your work recently. Just a thought, it might be nice to put a link to the interconnected stories when they come up at the end. That way if someone hasn't read it they can read it again. I can't wait for next week's chapters.
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 09, 2014 14:54 PDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Good update! I love how you incorporated that old New Moon one-shot into this one. That's always been one of my favorites of your many, many one-shots. I don't reread most of them, but that one I've reread at least a couple of times. I know more or less those one-shots represent the same universe as this story, although they were like a trial run since that was so long ago and now this is the final, official product. I hadn't even really known when in the timeline that scene was supposed to have taken place. So nice to see it woven in as having taken place during your time jump. Yay! And you made it make sense in regard to that bakeneko having been seeking revenge for Chika. Neat twist. You are so very good at weaving, after all. And LOL on Inuyasha actually being pickled out. I didn't think it was possible! I bet eating all that vinegar while out on the road really does have health benefits, and I'd like to say I'd rather eat the vinegar than be sick, but even so, I think I'd definitely be ready for a change once I was back home, too. Looking forward to seeing what happens next!
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 07, 2014 22:11 PDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Awwww...sweet little reunion chapter. I'm not surprised at all that they ended up collapsing onto the floor in a pile of clothing. Back in the day, Inuyasha never knew what he was missing, but now that he's got a wife waiting for him at home? Adds a whole new, much more important reason why he'd get frustrated with his trips with Miroku. If you don't count ye olde Bake Neko arc then I think this marks his first trip away from home since Kagome came back, and regardless of how many chapters it actually took to get through that other day, it was only a single day in story time. He wasn't gone over night, like he was this time, for several nights. Glad they both made it back safe and sound, Inuyasha and Miroku, not that I imagine there's too many things they couldn't handle. I guess it really was all meant to be, and a good thing they were there, since they did save that guy's daughter, and were rewarded handsomely for it, too. All's well that ends well. Looking forward to the next chapter!
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 02, 2014 12:53 PDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Lovely chapter! I especially liked Inuyasha unable to resist running to Kagome, grabbing her and spinning around like a love sick fool, even right in front of Miroku. That would've been downright inappropriate behavior in the village proper, but in front of Miroku we all know it's okay. Still though, for Inuyasha to be okay with showing that level of affection in front of anyone, especially someone who loves to tease like Miroku does, that really shows us not only how much Inuyasha has matured, but how much he really loves Kagome. And proving he himself has also matured, Miroku didn't even tease...Daitaro did. LOL, good ol' Daitaro! I also loved the quick reference to kitsune lore, because they do indeed exploit sexual tricks. Male kitsune, especially, will take female form to seduce human men. It was cute the way Shippou was like uh, I gotta go, LOL. He's not there yet, but he will be someday. I bet he'll practice on Miroku first, LOL. But that's fun for a few years down the road, story time. Even with your time jump it's only been what, a couple of months since Kagome arrived? Maybe three at the latest? We've still got a LOT of story ahead of us, in this fabulous soap opera of yours. I can't wait!
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