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"A Tale of Ever After" Reviews/Comments [ 303 ]
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 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 31, 2012 10:29 PDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Excellent update, as always. I'm glad Tsuneo laid one on Aki like that; brat deserved it. The scene with Inuyasha and Kagome was cute, and I loved Daitaro's reaction to learning that even Kazuo wants his sake. Fit for the kami! LOL. Can't wait to see what happens next. :-)
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 25, 2012 18:35 PDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Yay! Bravo! I absolutely adored this chapter! All that kami business, while clearly something you just made up, fits in with the canon so perfectly, and I loved the melancholy remembrance of Kikyou; it wasn't her fault, it just wasn't her time. I love that there is no Kikyou angst in this universe, that Kagome has outgrown those teenager insecurities, and that Inuyasha can acknowledge that his wife possesses the same soul as the late priestess while also knowing that she is entirely her own person. Kagome is the one who was destined for him all along, and yay for the gods finally rewarding them with a decent life for all the darkness they had to trudge through in order to get there. Bet Inuyasha didn't catch that part about he and Kagome being tied together, but nice slip. Beautiful, beautiful chapter. Looking forward to seeing what happens next, with the others, and the conclusion of this arc. Then it's roof building time and the sewing party! Yay! LOL
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 23, 2012 21:09 PDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
LOL, poor Kinjiro. That was a good place to end this chapter, I think. His frustration is palpable. I also really liked the opening scene with Inuyasha and Kazuo, and the hanyou's gradual realization of just exactly who the old farmer really was. Kagome's got nothing to worry about, although I can't really say I blame her for wanting to dash out and see what's going on, just in case. Especially since Daitaro spilled the beans last chapter about Inuyasha being a bit tipsy, and she didn't get to witness for herself just how drunk he'd really gotten and only has that memory of when he'd gotten totally smashed back during the mission that one time with the youkai sage. I can see her envisioning a much more drunk Inuyasha in 'attack first, ask questions later' mode, not that she'd really have anything to worry about even if that were the case, since there's no way he could hurt Kazuo. And shame on Kazuo for sneaking up on him! Although that was really funny, LOL. All in all great chapter, of course. Can't wait to see what happens next!
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 18, 2012 14:03 PDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Wonderful update! Glad Kinjiro popped Aki on the back of the head, I've been wanting to do that myself, LOL. And then as soon as Tsuneo walks back into the room he throws on the scared, sad boy routine again, *sigh*. Love Isao being a man and not wanting to drink the pain medicine yet 'cause it'll make him sleepy and he wants to be awake to hear the discussion; can't say what'll ultimately become of Aki as the years go by but Isao, I can tell, has already learned his lesson and will grow up into a fine, responsible young man. Loved Inuyasha muttering to himself as he wandered around in the garden, and I can't really blame him for his perplexity because how the hell is he supposed to know how village politics work? I don't blame him for being so baffled, nervous and confused, but like he also said, Kagome is worth it. That was cute, the scene at the end with him at the shrine, fumbling through trying to give the kami his thanks. I like him joking about Kazuo not making a bolt of lightning to zap him one, because the belief has always been that hanyou are not welcome in holy places. If humans don't like him and youkai don't like him, then why should kami like him, right? And maybe some of them don't, the pricky ones, but Kazuo at least is a good, decent man who can easily tell that Inuyasha too is a good, decent man, if also a bit of a tipsy man at the moment, LOL. Super looking forward to the next chapter!
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 16, 2012 10:53 PDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
That was a really awesome update. I just loved Inuyasha's amazement that even after everything that happened Daitaro and Tsuneo (especially Tsuneo) would still be so cool with him joining them and even passing the sake jug back and forth, chatting just like one of the guys. Also thought it was cute how those couple drinks of sake loosened Inuyasha's tongue, although I imagine with his metabolism that's completely realistic, that it'd hit him hard and fast as his body rushed to process it and get it out, hence why he recovered after only around an hour even after that incident with the sake sage. LOL, boy, that just made Daitaro's day I bet, to hear that his sake was even better than magic sake. And I actually agree with Inuyasha, he's just drunk, just a bit tipsy perhaps, but I also agree with Daitaro that walking it off is a good idea. Heaven forbid Hisa give him the look, hehehehe. I'm liking Tsuneo more and more; I really kinda feel sorry for the old guy I think, and the situation that life threw at him. Loved Daitaro suggesting that he be the one to put Aki to work, at least after his son's wedding. I can just imagine Kinjiro having him for a few days and making him clean up the cow's mess, LOL, but I agree that Aki probably owes Daitaro the most, since he ruined his last batch of sake for the season. Whatever happens next, I know it'll be fabulous, as always. :-) Keep up the awesome work! Oh wow...how weird...the captcha is 'BEGY'...seriously. Well, how appropriate! I do feel kinda 'begy' at the moment, for more story! More please! hehehehe :-)
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 11, 2012 17:53 PDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Crazy good update! Aki turning on Isao like that, it reminds me of an old movie called 'The Good Son'...which of course is not Aki in this case. It's a good thing indeed that Inuyasha has youkai blood, 'cause it looks like it required somebody with youkai blood to hold that brat until Kinjiro got back with the rope. I loved Tsuneo saying 'He can have you' and all that, angry as all get out over Aki's bratty behavior. I also loved Hisa sympathizing with Inuyasha's situation, how it must be so hard to hear over and over again how it's all his fault when he didn't do anything wrong. Some people might be wary of the notion of Inuyasha living there but they will not say anything negatively about it because they know it's the will of the kami, but Hisa it seems to me, she truly sees Inuyasha as a person as well, just like Kagome and his other close friends do. She was also wise in seeing Inuyasha as a man who needs a moment to himself, 'cause otherwise he would have given Kagome a pointed look, if he'd wanted her to follow him out because he needed to vent to her or something. Specifically not even looking her way, that was his signal to her that he just wanted to be by himself, or maybe he was so single-minded in his need to get away that glancing at her with a look to go with him didn't even cross his mind. Besides, she's busy tending to Isao, and why would he want to interrupt her in that task? Sometimes men just need some time alone to their thoughts, although I'm sure he wouldn't have turned Kagome away if she deed go out after him. Listen to me rambling on, LOL, but there's just so much detail in your chapters! It's so real! All the subtle little things here and there...I love it! More please! :-)
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 09, 2012 12:20 PDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Aww the logic of brainless, bratty boys, LOL. Yes, Aki, it'll be all "Isao's" fault that you get in even more trouble for showing your true colors and beating the poor boy who's already sporting one hell of a bruise from that cow's kick. I do hope somebody catches that fist he's winding up to deck his cousin with before it makes impact. How could Aki have possibly thought that just sitting there looking scared and sad would ease their burden? True, he was starting to earn some sympathy from a few of the men who remembered what it was like to be that age, sympathy that's probably flown right out the window now, but in this kind of situation you've got to be a man, and the boy who bravely faces what he's done and admits it and apologizes with honor and agrees to do the assigned punishment to make up for it is the one in less trouble, in the long run. He'll earn the respect of the men, at the very least, for taking it like a man himself and accepting responsibility for his actions. Sheesh, Aki makes me wish I could jump into my computer and materialize in your universe so that I can smack him upside the head myself, LOL. Aside from his outburst at the end there I really liked the rest of the chapter, too, Hisa's few stern looks here and there and Daitaro sneaking sake and such, LOL. Also liked everyone's agreement to keep it less formal and just between the families. Why involve the magistrate if it can be avoided, right? So great update! Definitely looking forward to seeing what happens next. :-)
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 04, 2012 15:07 PDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Yay! I really loved the way this update went down. Hmm...that almost sounded contradictory. Well you know what I mean! I especially loved Tsuneo's apology and Inuyasha's bafflement afterwards, the way he pulled Miroku aside for a moment because it was all just too stunning. Why, indeed. Yes, he is being treated like an equal now in this village, but why? My answer would be don't look a gift horse in the mouth! LOL. Because that's your destiny, Inuyasha; you had to deal with the bad and so now karma is balancing things out. Enjoy it, you've earned it. Okay, I'm done talking to your characters, LOL, but YOU, little miss genius author you, are creating such a fabulous little universe with all of the various people involved. I especially loved Aki's reaction, and we can hardly blame the boy for being so fearful since obviously his father and grandmother have been filling his head with nonsense. I also thought Miroku's joke at the end there was cute, how he pulled Inuyasha out of his momentary funk. Now to get this meeting underway! Looking forward to your next update. :-)
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 02, 2012 21:10 PDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I agree with vvkimbo07, great as always. I especially liked hearing that story Tsuneo told the boys. Kind of feel sorry for Ume, but such things happen, I suppose. And I knew Aki was going to be afraid of Inuyasha, but you didn't tell me he'd think the hanyou was going to eat him, LOL. Oh man, what has Haname been feeding him, indeed? It couldn't have all been Morio's magic, because he hadn't been in town that long. I'm glad Tsuneo got upset at that and told Aki to knock it off and reiterated the fact that Inuyasha is under Kazuo's protection. Looks like despite however Tsuneo may personally feel on the matter of Inuyasha living there and being married to Kagome he at least also knows to leave it the hell alone and not cause any trouble. Definitely looking forward to the next chapter. :-)
 Reviewed By: vvkimbo07 [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 02, 2012 15:21 PDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Oh boy! They sure must have filled Aki's head with some really strange stories for him to be so scared of Inuyasha when it's obvious that everyone else in the village likes him! Can't wait to see what punishments get handed out and to see how the meeting goes! Great as always!
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 27, 2012 14:45 PDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Good update. I liked the opening scene, the men drinking Daitaro's sake, LOL, but the scene with Kagome changing while she and Inuyasha had that brief conversation was really sweet, too. I think she's right, in that the miko robes do offer her a sense of protection, since they announce to the world what she is and most people wouldn't dare disrespecting a woman dressed like that. Some people would, of course, or might even take offense to her wearing those robes as if she's the disrespectful one, but I think generally speaking that outfit functions as a good reminder to those who might tend to forget she really is a miko if she dressed more like an ordinary wife. I also couldn't help but notice how comfortable they both were around each other as she changed her outfit, even though she didn't strip fully, wearing her under robe the entire time. Even so, just goes to show how much more mature they are now, and how quickly they've grown accustomed to the idea of being husband and wife. They definitely aren't the Inuyasha and Kagome from four years prior...although I also agree with Kagome that she needs to practice her archery skills because her prowess with a bow might be closer to how it was back in the beginning, at least temporarily, until she gets back into the swing of things. All in all fabulous update, as always. Looking forward to the next chapter. :-)
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 25, 2012 17:31 PDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Great update, as always. I really liked the interaction between Morio and Inuyasha, and Mitsuo putting his two cents in was cute, too. Things are so much simpler to children; I can so easily see him shrugging off the question of why Inuyasha looks the way he does, 'because he was born that way' being all the answer he needs. That's all you need to know, and the fact that he's a good guy. I can understand why Morio was rattled, though; no doubt some ghost of a forgotten memory, from either the part of him that already thought Inuyasha was a threat or the part that knows what he did to Kagome and is afraid of Inuyasha for that reason. After what Kazuo already did to him, though, we all know Inuyasha's going to leave the matter alone. Morio's already had his punishment, and I think he's right, it would have been kinder for the kami to just kill him...which is precisely why he did not, LOL. Great chapter! Great story! Super looking forward to seeing what happens next! :-)
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 20, 2012 18:33 PDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Awesome update, as always. I loved their conversation outside of Kaede's hut and then walking up the road; so many interacting personalities and it seems to real! Kaede's right, of course, that Kagome will need that kind of firm patience in order to be a healer, and I'm glad Inuyasha could smile at himself and admit that yes, he did help her with practice, LOL. Looking forward to seeing what happens next. :-)
 Title: The Best!
Reviewed By: akdreamer38  On: September 19, 2012 01:03 PDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
What an awesome story thanks so much and I look forward for more.
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 18, 2012 13:41 PDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
REALLY good chapter! Yay! I'm glad we finally got to meet the real Haname, and after learning more about that youkai attack from her past, it's a little more clear why she is the way she is. After all, it wasn't as if her entire village had just been raided by some random group of random youkai coming through to feed on them. This white-haired youkai had been after her, specifically...and her father had seemed nervous, and the youkai had grumbled about humans not keeping their bargains...not hard to put two and two together. Inuyasha having white hair probably helps trigger those memories. Didn't miss how she'd started to refer to Inuyasha more disrespectfully before catching herself and saying 'that...your husband' so at least she's trying to be nice. I loved that you mentioned what happened to the village during the final battle with Naraku, and how his destruction literally rained down on all of them. It was fortunate, indeed, that nobody got hurt. I also loved Haname drilling Kagome as far as why she chose to come back. We all know the question she was really asking. Why, if she had gotten away, would she choose to come back and 'be' with Inuyasha? I like that at the end Haname, while still not really understanding, did at least accept that Kagome's reasons were genuine, and also that she apologized for whatever she'd done the day before and wished her and Inuyasha peace. Yay for Haname not being a total bitch! LOL. So good job, as always. I'm looking forward to the next chapter, as always. ;-)
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