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"A Tale of Ever After" Reviews/Comments [ 303 ]
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 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 12, 2013 11:43 PDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
WONDERFUL update! I can't blame Michio for being so freakin' angry; made me chuckle when he was like I take it back, I should beat her. LOL, I guess really no he shouldn't, but damn, some people can just make you so mad. Maybe he shouldn't beat her up like a true wife batterer would do, but one nice hard smack across the face for good measure wouldn't hurt from time to time. In that day and age, for a wife to act like Chiya's been doing is shameful indeed. If you want to spread rumors with your lady friends and meddle in women's affairs that's one thing, but you obey your husband when he tells you to do something, damn it. Poor Inuyasha, thinking the whole thing is somehow his fault because Michio kicked Chiya out for not apologizing to him, but he needs to listen to the others 'cause they're right. It's not really about him, it's just the principle of the thing, that she wouldn't do as he'd told her to, and like they also said this wasn't the first time, either. Kimi's too kind for her own good, though I didn't miss how she knew she needed to get Eiji's permission first, because it's not her place to offer her home like that without his say so. Eiji's too nice for his own good, too, LOL. Doubt she'll be staying with them for very long, though; Michio suggested Tsuneo have her take care of the crazy man, and I think having her look after Morio is a fabulous idea. She needs some kind of serious punishment, so if a firm beating isn't an option, and dissolving their marriage for real isn't an option, and selling her off to Edo's pleasure quarters certainly isn't an option (doubt Tsuneo would let it go that far, if for nothing else than Haname's sake, and Chiya and Michio's children) then shacking her up with Morio seems like the perfect solution. Good riddance! LOL. And bum Bum BUM, can't wait to see what happens when Miroku and Inuyasha make it to Hisa's. Keep up the awesome work!
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 07, 2013 17:31 PST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Guess we were just about due for a 'meanwhile' back with the women. Poor Sango, and I can totally see why she fell for it, believing Chiya when she said how the other women felt, if she was bad luck or what have you. Since Chiya was so nice before, and especially because she was donating to the temple, then why would she have been doing it on purpose just to be spiteful, right? Like Sango said, while other girls were learning womanly things she was learning battle techniques, so if one of the women of the village tells her that the other women think she's odd and they don't want her around, why wouldn't she believe that? So I guess it really was a good thing after all that Chiya decided to crash Hisa's sewing party; Chiya sabotaged herself and doesn't even realize it, the dolt. They never would have been clued in to how she was alienating Sango on all their behalves otherwise, and now, it's quite clear to me that Sango is going to be involved with a lot more of the women's things, and there isn't anything Chiya can do to stop it anymore. Can't wait to see Miroku's reaction, when he finds out what all Chiya's been up to. Sure, he probably already knew how she felt about Inuyasha, but I'm guessing he's got no idea how against Sango she's been acting. Definitely looking forward to your next update, and the next update after that, and the next update after that. ;-)
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 05, 2013 19:33 PST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Oh HO! Things are getting good now *rubs palms together greedily*. I can't believe she freakin' tried to run away like a spoiled little five-year-old, LOL. At least spit out the words of an apology, woman, disregarding however much hatred you show in your eyes. To turn and run like that... Go Tsuneo, for catching her, LOL. SUPER looking forward to seeing what happens next. :-)
 Title: Amazing
Reviewed By: AC  On: March 02, 2013 12:10 PST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
this is an amazing story and i just read 2 of your newest chapters! i cant wait for the rest. GOOD LUCK TO YOU!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 01, 2013 07:50 PST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Woo-hoo! LOL, it's a party! Yes Chiya, what the hell? Too bad we can't really blame a black kitsune; Chiya's ugly all on her own. I absolutely adored the way Kimi handled it, politely disagreeing in that argumentative way that's somehow not argumentative at all, continuing on with sewing Inuyasha's sleeve all the while and actually laughing at what she found amusing. I really, really like Kimi. She's definitely different from all the other people pretending to be holy, namely Chiya, LOL. Project much? It's always the bitches accusing everyone else of doing whatever who are the ones guilty of doing it themselves, I've noticed. 'Bout time Miroku saw her true colors, too, and he doesn't even know what happened at Hisa's yet. So glad Michio's there, and that he and Tsuneo had the opportunity for a brief talk before all this happened so that he could learn of his father-in-law's view of Inuyasha, and come to fully understand how the hanyou's not the bad guy here, learning of the trouble that Aki caused and such. SUPER looking forward to the next chapter. Looks like Chiya's about to get it from all sides. Wonder if she'll actually learn anything... Probably not, but it'll still be fun to watch! :-)
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 26, 2013 17:41 PST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Yes, the Buddha's compassion extends to all...except youkai, in Chiya's mind. So much for her being in the Buddha's favor, LOL. But I really like Kimi, and I love how Inuyasha is starting to learn that yeah, while there are a few pricks here and there, a lot of the villagers actually don't have a problem with him and would love to be nice to him and treat him like a normal person. This ought to be interesting...forget the Buddha, but Chiya's not going to be in Miroku's good graces for much longer, either, exploding like that and insulting his friend, insinuating that helping with the temple is no place for youkai and all that. And then we mustn't forget that Isao is on his way with a message from Hisa, and it's not too hard to guess the general idea of what that entails. REALLY looking forward to the next update, LOL! :-)
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 21, 2013 18:02 PST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
FABULOUS update, LOL! I'm laughing right along with Kagome. Oh to see Chiya's face when she goes storming up to the temple wanting to get away from 'those types' of people only to see Inuyasha in all his silver-haired, dog-eared glory working right alongside everybody else. And they might not have had telephones or text messages back then, but a little boy sent on a mission by the headman's wife works just as well. I have a feeling I'm really going to like the next update. :-)
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 19, 2013 11:10 PST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Why is it always the people who claim they don't like drama that cause the most drama of anyone? LOL, Chiya reminds me of a few people I've had the misfortune of knowing throughout different stages of my life. Just flounce in, stir up trouble, and then with an air of superiority, flounce back out again. It's so hard to put someone like that in their place, too, when they live in their own warped little bubble, and no matter what you say or what truths are revealed they will continue to live in denial, continuing to believe wholeheartedly that they are the only sane one, the rest of the world gone mad. It's people like that that make me want to lose control and just up and deck them one, LOL, although in this instance, with several children present, I think just throwing her out was the better solution. I love how you portrayed her having issue with Sango and the twins as well, and not just exclusively Kagome. Having 'litters' as she called it really was looked down upon back then, although I don't think there's anything animalistic or shameful about Sango's multiple birth in this instance. I think the twin girls were given to her on purpose by the kami, karmic payback to Miroku for all his womanizing, LOL. Now he'll know what it's like to be a father to a daughter, and two daughters to boot, once they grow to the point where the boys start noticing. Fabulous update, as always. Really looking forward to seeing what happens next. Especially since Chiya's storming off to the temple, ;-).
 Title: Village Family Tree
Reviewed By: Knittingknots [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 14, 2013 20:21 PST
There will eventually be one...once I discover all the villagers and how they're related. The Writing Kami are still revealing them to me...
 Reviewed By: youkaineko [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 14, 2013 20:13 PST
I hate to say it but even with the most recent who's who update back in chapter 126, I still sometimes get really confused with who everyone is. Add to that I then have to go looking thru back chapters to find the who's who list to figure it out, it makes me wonder if a separate chapter could be added that is just the genealogy/family tree for the whole village. Mating Season by SplendentGoddess has a family tree as a Related Fanart. I think that something similar would be wonderful for this story as well. If you would like help creating something like that I would be more than willing to do so.
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 14, 2013 16:02 PST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Bum Bum BUM, LOL. Can't wait to see what happens next chapter, ;-). Really liked this update, though, and how all the women helped Kagome with fabric preparations for her own kosode. I wouldn't have wanted to cut the cloth either, if I were her, far too paranoid of screwing it up. I would've held onto it and waited however many months until I felt I had the experience to do it, maybe asking Sango for help, but certainly not wanting to impose on anyone else. I can understand why she never thought to ask Hisa and the other women about it, but that was awesome that they volunteered, and did the cutting for her so that it'd be done right and she could go ahead and start work on her own pretty thing instead of it having to wait. Also loved the way it showed Inuyasha off a bit as the good husband he really is, buying that fabric for her in the first place. With the guys, it's really starting to remind me of last year when we finally got a new roof put up here at our house, LOL. Had some bad leaks, and lots and lots of rotted wood that had to come down. But it was the original roof, approximately 40 years old, so it'd ran its course. Now we've got a brand new roof to last us a few more decades, and I'm sure Miroku's roof will last him a good while too once they get it finished. He'll have to find something else to whine about, donation-wise, LOL. Looking forward to the next update, as always. :-)
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 14, 2013 10:36 PST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Man, with my stupid Internet troubles I had to wait two days to read this. *sigh* On the plus side, now I'll get to read the next chapter later on today! LOL, so looking forward to your next update, but in the meantime, really loved this latest update, too. All the women joking and talking was a cute scene, especially the part about how they were talking about the women who weren't there, serving tea at the temple. And I agree that Kagome's going to get a lot of practice mending Inuyasha's shirts; wonder who did it for him before? I suppose a small tear he just never had fixed, and maybe a really bad one Sango or Kaede fixed for him. Now it's Kagome's job, as his wife, and poor thing, trying to explain how she's never sewn before and everyone automatically assumes she was rich. When you consider the type of life they were living back then, we are rich, even the poorest among us. You can just go get food to eat that's already cooked? Clothes to wear that are already sewn? That's rich. And so sure okay we still have to work, to earn our paychecks to buy said items, but there was way more hard work back then, when even just putting a meal together consisted of back breaking labor. If I were Kagome though I would've made the same decision in a heartbeat; she and Inuyasha are meant to be together and I'd gladly walk away from modern luxuries for my one true love. It might be more work, but it's still a simpler time, regardless, and there are times when I've wished I could escape into the past just because, just to get away from this world. Best I can do is escape into fanfics, though, LOL, and yours especially fits the bill! So looking forward to today's update when you get it posted! Until then...
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 07, 2013 11:31 PST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Wow, what a tangled web you weave with your list of villagers, LOL, but that's cool, though, and thanks for the update on who's who. Lovely chapter, as always. Can't really blame Koume for being set in her ways initially, I guess, but I love that she actually apologized and gave Kagome that invite. I can totally see how she'd have always thought one way, and now with suddenly all this craziness, but she's not truly against Kagome and Inuyasha, and it's clear from the way you've portrayed her here. It was more that Kagome's a miko, I think, than her just being with Inuyasha by itself, but Kagome does have the gift of reiki, so why shouldn't she be a miko, right? Bottom line, Kazuo gave her and Inuyasha his blessing, and Koume clearly understands what that means. Loved them teasing Kagome about when she'll have a baby, and Kagome deadpanning, LOL. After all, she has only been married two weeks. It's much too early to think about babies, although it's also true, usually, that what newlyweds think of leads to babies, LOL. Not necessarily in Inu's case because of the limitations on when he can father a child, which is a blessing in disguise if you ask me! LOL. Plenty of time for 'fun', for Kagome to 'enjoy' her husband, and not have to worry about having a baby yet if she isn't ready. Wonderful update! Looking forward to the next one, of course. :-)
 Reviewed By: SplendentGoddess [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 05, 2013 12:08 PST
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Wonderful update, as always. Stupid Yoshimi, but you'll get one of those in just about any kind of gathering, I suppose. Figures that he wasn't even that into roof work and just showed up 'cause of the free food; Miroku probably hadn't thought it'd be a problem because he'd probably only invited him on principle, to not exclude him, and had been convinced he wouldn't show, knowing Seiji's position and all. Can't really blame an ignorant younger brother for blindly listening to what his older brother says, I suppose, since older brothers are supposed to be someone you can look up to; it's just too bad that his older brother just happens to be Seiji, the idiot who would've rather let those bandits make off with Masu's kids than let a 'monster' rescue them. I'm sure he hadn't really meant to sacrifice Masu's kids on principle, convinced that they could've rescued them without Inuyasha's help, and that was the point that bothered Seiji, that they don't 'need' a 'monster's' help, but hell if it were my kids I'd be just like Masu, not giving a damn about Inuyasha's youkai blood and feeling eternally grateful to him for saving my babies. Good thing Yoshimi's friend Tadaki had a brain, and knew that such negative talk was bad luck, at the very least. Regardless of how you might personally feel, don't start a fight in front of a temple about the monk of that temple's youkai friend, especially if the local head kami also gave that same youkai his blessing. Besides, like Tadaki also said, everyone knows Inuyasha is Miroku's partner, so why wouldn't he have been part of the roof project? Duh! LOL. And Miroku also raises a very good point in that some kami do indeed have youkai helpers. Ah well, the trouble maker's gone now, and I liked how Inuyasha didn't get too riled up, thanks in part to Daitaro I'm sure, and how he was even able to loosen up enough to tease Susumu a bit afterwards. Looking forward to seeing how the rest of the roofing party goes down, and of course the sewing party, as well. So far so good, though then again they've only just arrived at Hisa's; they've got a long afternoon ahead of them. Keep up the awesome work!
 Reviewed By: ponygirl2112 [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 31, 2013 19:26 PST
Now that I've caught up I'm really looking forward to your update days, can hardly wait to read what goes on at Hisa's. Just to let you know you have up twice in this sentence; InuYasha gave the twins an amused grin and picked up them up as they reached him.
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