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"Birth of a Prince" Reviews/Comments [ 58 ]
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 Reviewed By: BlackAzurite [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 22, 2002 14:33 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10

What did you mean, you aren't going to fall for us... *sniffles* *puts on pouty-face*
*snickers* Well, I'll just have to try it out ^__^

Do you know that today I almost wished that I had gone to school? (I was ill today) At home, my router blocks so I can't get online in the afternoon... (NOT my fault ^^;;)

Anyway, if I had been at school today, I could have read the new chapters earlier. I would also have reviewed earlier.... *sniff* ah well...
Thaaaaaaank you for updating so much again *smiles madly* (No, not Chichi-like x_x)
*LOL* I loved the new chapters, and especially that part where Sage spoke his second word.
First, that Vegeta thought Sage called HIM Baka... I can sooo imagine this scene *rolls under her table*
But I want to see Goku's face when he discovers Sage's new vocabulary ^______^

I just saw Sera wrote something about Gohan and Piccolo... I'm also very impressed that you managed to keep Piccolo asexual and yet write a decent lemon. And usually I'm also not that much of a P/G shipper (oh I don't have anything against them but I'm just more intent on G/V), but you managed to make me like it in your fic, too. Isn't that great?? (lol I'm still on my full moon high so if I'm writing nonsense in any part of this review, please don't mind, kay? ^^;;)

And, okay... I will TRY and be patient... waiting will make it the better in the end, ne? But that doesn't stop me from reviewing again and again. *vg*

Oh, and I was also wondering if you were on ICQ. If you don't find us all too annoying, I would really like to chat with you some time.

So, now I have absolutely no idea what I've already written... you know, I'm ill and lunar high (God, are these excuses bad..) but I think it's enough for a single review ^_^
*smiles and lets herself be carried off*
 Reviewed By: Winged Revenge  On: October 22, 2002 14:04 CDT
Things got *hot* and *heavy* in the graviity room I see *starts to giggle* Thats the thing about gravity! Really gets you down *sputters* but then again Gohan's acting like he's *higher* than a kite *begins to laugh uncontrolably and falls out of her chair* Yep! One more cup 'o coffee and I'll beee fffiiinnneeeee.... *slurs whilst reaching for her empty mug*
 Reviewed By: Winged Revenge  On: October 22, 2002 14:03 CDT
Things got *hot* and *heavy* in the graviity room I see *starts to giggle* Thats the thing about gravity! Really gets you down *sputters* but then again Gohan's acting like he's *higher* than a kite *begins to laugh uncontrolably and falls out of her chair* Yep! One more cup 'o coffee and I'll beee fffiiinnneeeee.... *slurs whilst reaching for her empty mug*
 Reviewed By: Winged Revenge  On: October 22, 2002 12:56 CDT
How can Chichi not love the tail?!!! Tails have to be the coollest things ever *makes dreamy eyes* I'd love to have one ^_^ not to mention powers, glory, fame, a gorgeous boyfriend... *carries on and on and...*
 Reviewed By: Winged Revenge  On: October 22, 2002 12:51 CDT
AAAAAHHHHHH!!! Chichi is such a b***h *death glares *Is still loving this story* ^_^
 Reviewed By: Winged Revenge  On: October 22, 2002 12:30 CDT
*Big smile* Thank you!! I've just come across all the other additions of this story *bounces off the walls in true anime style* Right! I'm going to read them RIGHT NOW ^_^ *yay*
 Reviewed By: Dark Serapha [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 22, 2002 04:33 CDT
Sorry, couldn't help it, had to write one more review after reading the latest parts!

"Baka.." *is still laughing
I can't wait till Goku discovers his new nickname..
As for Chichi.. uhoh me sense danger.. *shudders* Whatever does she plan? I think she's probably gone mad..
eagerly waiting..

 Reviewed By: Dark Serapha [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 22, 2002 04:15 CDT
While I was writing my review ANOTHER two chapters were uploaded! I think I'm starting to creep out here.. do you wield any magical powers? Hmm? Admit it!!! :o)))

By the way, do you knwo how one can add a story to favourite stories? So far I only discovered how to add authors, but not stories...
 Reviewed By: Dark Serapha [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 22, 2002 04:13 CDT
Yepp, my turn again!
Whopee, I sure am glad this works so very nicely! hehehehe...

Ookay, well, the idea with Vegeta as a childbearing mother who is unavailable for poor Gohan sure was interesting. By the way, since I did not mention that earlier, the scene with Chichi seeing Sage feed from Vegetas blood was priceless. Though i still have shivers when I think of that last sentence about her having plans.. *shivers..
I wonder how the relationship between Gohan and Piccolo will change now and wether it will change at all. Surely I can't imagine something like that happening and no change at all. I am quite astounded about how you wrote the whole thing actually. Most authors can't resist to make a sudden changes to certain parts of the Namekian physiology and then have them have a go, but you resited. Interesting. I wonder are they going to be together or will Piccolo forever stay the mentor he was?
As for Sage's first word I am utterly confused. You keep making these hints that Sage is way of the time table with his developing skills but as to why I have not the slightest clue! I have only little experience with babies (though I am a triple godmother and twice aunt for crying out loud, but they all live too far away so I can't see them very often) but two months is definetely VERY early for a child to speak (or to be able to stand up on his own and creep and everything).
Well, Goku's announcement sure was shocking though I kinda knew that this had to come since the conflict between ChiChi and Goku is not even nearly settled. This part of the story strongly reminds me of a story I have once red, wherein Chichi was actually mentally and physically abusing Goku! Yes, I know, it sounds really unbeliavable, but it was really very good written and it kinda made sense! It explained Gookus fear of needles, and it made use of the fact that he would never turn against someone physically weaker, and of his good nature which makes him constantly think the best of everyone. It was Yaoi too with Vegeta to the rescue - kawaiii! - and it was really creepy but very romantic too. I think I came across it on Syldanas page, yepp, I just checked, and its "To live again" by Hieimaru on http://stories.anzwers.net/sss/fics.htm
Anyway I am looking forward to the next parts! You wouldn't happen to have ICQ, do you? I'd love to talk to you.. It is so very rare that I find authors on the net that write such a brilliant style and such a high niveau and I think I could learn a great deal from you ( No, this is not just mindless boot licking, I really mean it! Yes, I write Yaoi-fanfiction, too, though most of it in my native language german, though I have written some english ones too)
I've also started reading "Restraints and Liberations" and I like it very much! I've always been fond of Tales (probably because I play him in a RPG.. *ggg)

Okay, that's it for now, back to my fellow worshipper Azurite!

Your's truly

Dark Serapha
 Reviewed By: Dark Serapha [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 21, 2002 13:29 CDT
Agh.. I forgot that I was going to say something on the "contagious heat" matter. So, heat is not contagious? Well, pity. I thought I had figured, that Gohan would trigger the heat in Goku which hopefully would have implied some "help" by our favourite prince as it was mentioned that a full blooded Saiyajin would risk permanent damage or death if he can't get what he needs. Anyway that just affirms my point from above - I have no clue about what is going to happen next and that makes me all nice and squirmy!
But wait, there is still hope.. you said it was not contagious in the way I thought - so maybe there is another way...? *snickers evilly..* I just can't wait...
 Reviewed By: Dark Serapha [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 21, 2002 13:21 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10

*highfives Azurite back

Okay, my turn again!

Whoaa that was absolutely intense! I am normally not very in for the Gohan/Piccolo-Pairing, but that was well done! And I can just affirm my fellow addict Azurite's words (and quote Gohan while I'm at it.. *ggg): Puleeease more.. and preferably with Goku and Geta.. hehhe..
Ya, I know we're really pushy here, and it won't do us any good since you say that the story is already finished and so it makes no difference anyways. But, ya know, I red LOTS (I'm talking thousands (no underestimation!) of pages here - have I mentioned that I am an addict??) of Lemon-One-Shots and other Geta-Goku-Yaoi-Fiction and somehow they've worn me down, I can't stand most of them anymore. If I have ta read another single one where Goku and Vegeta suddenly discover their attraction towards another while sparring and then go at it like rabbits, I will most probably scream. I mean, EVERY Yaoi-fanfic author out there seems to have done one of those!
Anyways, back to your story: The reason I am being so pushy (as for Azurite I guess that might go as well) is, that this is a REALLY good story, with a beautiful plot, very well narrated and extremely inventive. Which means that for once I can't guess what will happen on the next page, which makes me extremely anxious to read more. So. Long explanation for a short reason. And if you should wonder: Yes, I am famous for my long reviews, but I only do them for VERY special authors, so feel honoured!
Hoping for an update soon

Your's truly addicted fan

Dark Serapha

(by the way: Where do you live? I'm from Germany. I was just wondering because of the time-shift...)
 Reviewed By: BlackAzurite [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 21, 2002 12:14 CDT
While I was writing my last review, there's benn still ANOTHER chapter uploaded... Whoa!!!
Thanks again *begins to read* *smiles like crazy*
 Reviewed By: BlackAzurite [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 21, 2002 12:12 CDT
HEY!!! Konkret krass!! You uploaded only four minutes after we posted our reviews... wow... and thanks O.o
So now that I know how effective reviews are what do you expect me to do? *sits there and smiles patiently* ... *begins to shiver slightly* ... *twitch* ... Oh allright!! I admit I'm addicted...

Yeahhhh and finally, some two get it on ^^ *lol* But it seems that this was just the beginning? *gulps*
Well I can only hope our favorite two fullblooded Saiya-jin are the next to follow *hentaiyarogrin*

(Maybe I will be able to surprise Sera when she comes back from shopping ^^ *waaaaaaaaits*)
 Reviewed By: BlackAzurite [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 21, 2002 11:56 CDT
*LOL* I just need to review again...
That last chapter was really promising *hg*
Yesssss and I hope heat is damn contagious *wipes drool off her face*

Still, thank U for the music.. (umm...) for the story and for every following chapter you might upload for us ^____^
Aren't I convincing?
 Reviewed By: BlackAzurite [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 21, 2002 11:48 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
*high-fives DarkSerapha*
... so it's my turn again?

I'm delighted you post your chapters so fast... hope you keep that on ^^
Ah, almost forgot it *goes into whimpering slave stance* pleeeeeeeease do tell when will THE SHOW begin? *coughs* How many chaps are there to come? *pokes*
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