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"Birth of a Prince" Reviews/Comments [ 58 ]
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 Reviewed By: shivalatina [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 06, 2006 15:30 CDT
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
I really like this story. It took an entire day to read it but it was worth it. This was really well done. It was funny, dramatic, and it had many surprises. Congratulations.
 Reviewed By: Kaialicious [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 11, 2003 19:33 CDT
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
It took me two days to finish reading it all, but I must say that I thoroughly enjoyed those two days. ^__^

Talon, WOW! *____* I wish that I had read your Birth of a Prince series much sooner. I have become addicted to your little beautifully Ouiji-fied creation, Sage. For me, he belongs in the DBZ Toriyama world.

I wish I could say more, but I am still reeling at everything that I have read, and I am a bit sad that it is over. Yes, yes, there are sequels I am sure, but this one was wonderful. I love the way you write. Keep on writing these interesting scenarios. I am going to read everyone of them, or at least try my best to. ^__^

And thanks for the review for Saiyan Companion. *not meant to be a shameless plug, I swear*

I'll uh...go now, don't want to sound too much like a stalker, heh, heh...O__O...I'm not, really! >__
 Reviewed By: Purple Mist  On: June 20, 2003 16:16 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I'm so glad you're here! I found you at For-Chan's Cookies' place, but I'm glad you're here in case I ever lose that other link! *Sobs* Which would suck! You've made me like to read DBZ fanfics again!! I love and adore Sage!! But I can't read the stories where he gets...*Sobs* Won't say it 'cause I love him too much! Birth of a Prince is my favorite! I love how the characters are within character, but have your touch to make them more enjoyable. Like with Vegeta. I love how emotional he can get with his kids and other loved ones. Love the use of purring, scents, and everything!! Damn, damn! I want a tail!! I also like how you take the time to create information on the Saiyians.(Is that spelled right?) I wish it was real information so I could use it in my stories. Keep writing!^_^
 Reviewed By: Talon Sage [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 17, 2003 22:10 CDT
Reminder...for the direct sequel to BOAP, see Princeling, also posted here at MM.

Thanks everyone!!!

 Reviewed By: dreamer  On: April 17, 2003 22:07 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
That has to be one of, if not the best dbz fic i have ever read. It was awesome and i loved it. You are truly a great writer and i hope you continue. i couldn't stop reading and it was just wonderful how you ended it. Family is very important and sage is so cute. Please hurry with the sequel. :)
 Reviewed By: Princess Emeraude  On: January 05, 2003 17:29 CST
*tiny Neko Sage nips Princess's ankle* Ouch!

Oh, I didn't put up a review for the first Sage Universe? *falls over*

*Neko Sage mews impatiently*

I must say I read this wonderful fic first at the website ForChan's Cookies. I was drawn in by the lovely pic and the cool back ground. I just had to find out who that cool looking Sage was! *smile*

I am so glad I did! I have read and re-read Birth of a Prince so many times now. It is my most favorite fanfiction of all time!

*tiny Neko Sage purrs happily*

Hopefully there will be more of Sagey goodness before long...or else my Neko will get upset.

*tiny adorably cute hiss from irritated Neko*

Keep up the great work! This fic rocks!
 Reviewed By: autumn  On: November 11, 2002 15:47 CST
Aww... I'm so glad I read this. What a great story. You did a good job making a rather interesting family arrangement seem so normal and comforting. And I admit, I am now addicted to the Sage universe. I've already been to your web site to check out some of the Chibi tails and can't wait to read them. :)
 Reviewed By: bakayaro onna  On: November 04, 2002 21:41 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
So, THAT'S why my hair has been acting up lately! I have a Sage burrowing in it!

He seems to favor the left side because that's the one sitting up higher than the other.

C'mere, honey, let's go to the kitchen for some of Auntie Onna's homemade lemon cake, hot from the oven...
 Reviewed By: Shader  On: October 28, 2002 19:34 CST
why do that to chichi shes cool but i guess you like goku and vegeta more o well but what about bulma will she stay single geeze i cant wait for next series. Sage is nice but what about bra huh will she ever show up maybe vegeta gets drunk one night or something please do tell
 Reviewed By: Talon Sage [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 27, 2002 01:43 CST
Well well well!!! *looks over her reviews quietly gloating*

To be honest, it is really REALLY wonderful to get such awesome reviews on something you wrote MONTHS ago. Frankly, to me, being my first fanfic, it lost some of its lusture...wasn't as good as I originally thought, mostly in the beginning where I could see myself struggling to settle down and find MY writing style.

Sage is a character I cannot take credit for, because he simply showed up one day and told me, "Here I am, you will write me. Now get to it." I tried to protest. "But I can't make a DBZ character, I tried, remember??" His response was, "He wasn't ME baka. Write." So I did.

Those of you looking for Sage will NOT be left hanging, I promise, though you will probably hate me after a bit...those of you who have already read some of my fics in the BOAP universe know what I'm talking about.

And no matter what universe he shows up in, he always ends up dragging angst along with him. Fair warning and all...

Dark Serepha and Black Azurite: at the behest of my better half, my koishii tsuin, we have declared you to be twins and have adopted you. Congradulations.

Winged Revenge: you shall be glomped repeatedly and fed coffee at every possible opportunity. *smirks* We'll be certain your magick coffee mug is never...lonely.

zingzinglee and the others who left comments stating they didn't usually read yaoi fics, but were glad they read this one, I can say that is one of the most gratifiying reviews an author can get. I had a similar one for Homecoming that I prize because the reviewer liked the story so much and was so taken in by it, she said she completly forgot she didn't like incest. So, thank you, from my tsuin and I. *grins*

Damn the cache...I can't name EVERYONE because this stupid window isn't showing all the reviews. So, please don't feel slighted if I don't mention you by name, believe me, each and every review is imprinted on my heart. I come often to read and gloat. *grins*

autumn and Crafty, thank you both so much for your sparkling reviews!!! *smooch*

Thank you everyone, for making posting this fic pure pleasure. I hope you'll all follow the Chibi Tails and such as I post them...it really IS true, more reviews, more ficage. Though I do not write for reviews, it is gratifiying when I get them.

For those who care, here is a list of current incarnations of Sage, most of which will appear here at some point in time. Bear in mind, some of these are not yet published on the web yet, owing to my twin's exacting standards.

Birth of a Prince Sage: you know him, you love him. Written mostly by me, but a few fics by my twin Dasia, and one delightful fic written by For-chan. Both with my permission.

Reflections Sage: My twin's universe. Sage invited himself over there, and made himself comfortable. The Reflections universe is a Trilogy spanning Reflections of a King (Ou's POV), unfinished, Reflections of a Prince (Vegeta's POV, unpublished due to a re-write) and Reflections of Eternity (unwritten)

Like Father Like Son: One shot universe, written for my twin, Dasia. Mirai Sage. Will be posted here, pending a massive beta.

Black Dragon Sage(Ryu Sage): Another one of my twin's universes. Too complicated to get into here. You'll either love it or hate it. I adore it. Unpublished.

Restraints and Liberations Sage: Used to be a play-verse of mine...forced me to write it. Archived here. Currently in-progress.

Sage-rihs: my twin's original fic. I am adoring this and spork her nightly for it. You can actually read it in her blog *looks around and hopes tsuin won't mind me posting it here*


You have to scroll down to get to the beginning of it, *grins* but it is worth a read. New parts added all the time.

Again, thank you all. Truly from the bottom of my heart.

*bows gracefully and exits, presumably to work on a Sage fic*

 Reviewed By: Mary  On: October 26, 2002 21:59 CDT
Talon, I really enjoyed your story. I am not a real big fan of yaoi stories but this one was good. No loose ends. All characters taken into consideration. Sage is such a cutey too. Please consider a sequel.

 Reviewed By: BlackAzurite [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 26, 2002 17:05 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Soooooooooooooooo ... I'm not online for two days once in a while and when I come back, I find that my favourite story has been completely posted!! *hugs*
While reading those last chapters, I just sat there with butterflies in my stomach and literally drooling on my keyboard, and when they were over I always hoped that story would never end. You worked so much emotion into it (YES and I am referring to the lemon especially)... and I think what sets your story apart from other yaoi fics is that you let everything build so slowly, so subtle that it all seemed very very plausible. Though we were most impatient with "The Show", as I still like to put it, no one could have done it better imho.

Now I'm wishing that you created another story that detailed and emotional.
Also I have to thank you for always being so nice and uploading your chapters so fast. I could never believe how fast you are.... are you online 24/7???

Now I might just read your Chibi Tails series to feed my addiction some more ...
*waves* See ya there ^^
 Reviewed By: Crafty [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 26, 2002 10:13 CDT



I don't know if I'm happy or sad. I'm both, I guess. When I was reading the last three chapters last night, I had the biggest smile on my face. I couldn't have asked for a more perfect, beautiful ending. It was everything I had hoped for!

But at the same time, I'm really sad that it's over! I've really come to look forward to checking MM.org for updates. It was one of the high points of my day. This was just such a wonderfully written, descriptive, believable, engaging story! You *are* going to write more, right? Preferably with Sage involved? Wouldn't it be wonderful for Goku and Vegeta to have a child of their own? Oh, well...I'll try to look forward to a new day without updates, and I'll wait eagerly for your next story. Thank you for writing this! ^_^
 Reviewed By: Winged Revenge  On: October 26, 2002 09:55 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
And so ends an impressive and very much loved series -_-

But you said there would be more *looks up hopefully* OH PLEASE SAY THERE'LL BE MORE!!! *starts to squeal like an excited Sage* If there is, you know me and the other stalkers will be there to review!! ^_^

As for a name to your new series *scratches her chin in thought* hows about... um...

'And life goes on' or 'The Sage Chapters' or 'Life with Royalty' or 'Our knew lives together'

There just a few little suggestions to get you thinking about a title ^_^ because you had better continue this AU otherwise... *holds a small version of Chichi with duel frying pans* I'll seek this nasty piece of work on ya *smirks* you wouldn't want a horrid little chichi with ankle bite attack attacking you do you?

*smirks again* I thought not!!

Well, then! I guess that's it! Now more reviews from me because theres no more story -_- And I strongly advise that if anyone out there is reading the reviews before the story to see how good it is then... YOU GOTTA READ IT!! This story has everything you could ever want in a Yaoi AU!!

All praise Talon and start to pester her if she doesn't continue this universe!! ^_~

Thanx again for posting this story Talon-sama!! You've made my week!!! ^_^ *raises her coffee mug to you before she drinks the last mouthful* G'bye ... for now *cackles*
 Reviewed By: Winged Revenge  On: October 26, 2002 09:28 CDT
*Adds a large amount of *lemon* into her ()tea() and smirks in Talons direction* They make such a lovely couple don't they? *smirks* nothing like some *lemon tea* to wake you up eh? *giggles* I enjoyed chapt 33

And death to Chichi *for obvious reasons* I bet she drinks 'instant de-cafe with no milk and sugar' *hisses* drinking that stuff would make any person evil *then again not to many people like the loudmouthed harpy anyway because she's evil to begin with*. Where as my coffee supplement makes me crazy in a nice way! Don't ya think? ^_^
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