"Shattered Dreams, Broken Soul, Unbound Love" Reviews/Comments [ 95 ] |
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Reviewed By: Eoko la numero uno fan! On: June 13, 2003 18:13 CDT Comment/Review: *does a dance while saying-* Do the Little Cicken Dance... *stops dancing* Yes, that is my 'happy dance' but I refuse to call it that. All guys call it their little 'happy dance' so mine is the Little Chicken Dance.... Anyway. FA-BU-lous! Totally deserving of an award... of some sort of greatness... and you said 'mare'! Not 'girl horse' or something stupid like that! I happen to be a horse-y type person, or was... I mean, hell, there are 4 outside right now! So I know horse-y stuff. And the Link/Shiek kid scene.... BRAVO! It was so cute, and Sheik's such a little tease! And he's just so happy with himself. I wuv them! I do! I want them to - WHOOPS! I amost went rhyme happy there. Anyway... I would read the next chap right now but I'm going to reply to your e-mail first! |
Reviewed By: Eoko On: June 13, 2003 01:37 CDT Comment/Review: Oh, a chapter, and a chapter calls for a review... but only good chapters get reviews and look what I'm doing... a review. You know what that mean? *wiggles eyebrows* Yep, it means that this was a good, no, a great chapter... and even greater because you used proper punctuation! I just had my English final today AND read a fic where they didn't even use commas! So this was utterly fantastic. The people of Hyrule are ungrateful Idiomoronics! Yes, you heard me, idiomoronics! Now listen up you, and by 'you' I mean Squall-sama... I AM YOUR BIGGEST FAN! I dun care what anyone else says! It's me! I'm the biggest! *looks in all dirrections, nervously, with my poison enchanted rapier held in front of me*... If you flame Squall-sama I will slash you! Slash? SLASH! SLASH ROCKS! Ewww, no, rock yaoi would be wrong... but oh, something as hard as rock could be better! Okay, this is how I think... so beware your number one fan Squall-sama... Beware! lol |
Reviewed By: Eoko On: June 13, 2003 00:44 CDT Comment/Review: Oh man... I think you may remember me from that e-mail I sent you... and I know this isn't a chapter but I think it deserves a review. And no, I'm not crazy. I just think you're a really cool person. You aren't afraid to tell the fucktard flamers just what they are, and jeeze, who could listen to someone with the name of a 'madeup' pokemon! Okay, in short, you rock, I am a huge fan and I haven't even read your fic yet and you can be sure to never hear a flame from me! |
Reviewed By: leila15rose On: June 10, 2003 18:43 CDT Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: I love this fanfic! Keep it up! :D |
Reviewed By: Spryte [MediaMiner Member] On: June 09, 2003 12:19 CDT Comment/Review: :( come on and review people. |
Reviewed By: Spryte [MediaMiner Member] On: June 07, 2003 13:12 CDT Comment/Review: ~pouts~ I'm reviwing! I'm reviewing! Can we have 10 now? |
Reviewed By: Eoko the Sidekick On: July 31, 2003 20:03 CDT Comment/Review: Wow, that is a good idea! And you know what's a better idea? *walks over to Spryte Triple F and whispers* Going through his stuff to find the chapter, since he's said numerous times the fic is done but not all posted....
Spryte Triple F: That's true... *looks back and forth*
Eoko the Sidekick: I will save your place in line if you go to search from the update! It is my duty as your sidekick to aid yo-
Spryte Triple F: Um, why don't _you_ so look for the update... that way I don't get in trouble for rifling through his stuff.
Eoko: Okay, that sounds good. *walks over to bedroom and starts looking*
Spryte: The update isn't in this bedroom!
Eoko: *drooling... points* But him and Seifer-san are....
Spryte and Ine: *pratically fly over to where Eoko is standing*
Eoko: *hands Spryte and Ine popcorn* |
Reviewed By: Spryte [MediaMiner Member] On: May 31, 2003 11:45 CDT Comment/Review: Update soon!! |
Reviewed By: spryte On: May 30, 2003 16:07 CDT Comment/Review: O.o Poor Sheik. Did you edit the story a bit? The plots the same as ffnet but something seems different... Update soon! I found a Zelda Yaoi site, http://zya.sivan.nu/main.html it has tons of link/sheik, and fanart and fanfics. |
Reviewed By: Mina Tsukiyono On: May 24, 2003 09:54 CDT Comment/Review: Ahh!!! I love your story!!! Where is chapter 9??? Where is it??? I'm still wainting!!! Gaa!!!
hee hee. Keep writing, I'm getting so anxious to find out how this turns out. ANd I WILL get that number for you even if it's the last thing I do!!! |
Reviewed By: Phoenix1 [MediaMiner Member] On: June 18, 2003 15:24 CDT Rating(s):Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: Oh My God!! This is an absolutely Amazing story!! Please say Link and Sheik will be all right!! PLEASE!!!!!! |
Reviewed By: Spryte [MediaMiner Member] On: April 12, 2003 11:13 CDT Comment/Review: Yay! You updated! Update again soon. ~sticks tongue out at celaary~ |
Reviewed By: Akurei13 [MediaMiner Member] On: April 12, 2003 00:47 CDT Comment/Review: This is interesting, I hope you write more. |
Reviewed By: Bejita-ou [MediaMiner Member] On: April 11, 2003 18:23 CDT Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 9 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: really great fic!! please post more soon!!! great writing ^_^ |
Reviewed By: Spryte [MediaMiner Member] On: April 09, 2003 22:20 CDT Comment/Review: ~glares at celarry~ I think she knows that. that's why it's called an AU fic. |
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