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"Borderline" Reviews/Comments [ 65 ]
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 Reviewed By: Koji-chan [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 02, 2003 07:48 CDT
Yep, bed action...we want bed action, but not only between Schu and Yohji^^...that's my opinion ^___^...you know what I mean, ne. But I know, I know...it's too early for bed action with Ran x ? anyway ^_~. What, I missed a chap...how is this possible ?_?...well, sorry...I didn't know I missed it! Oh yes, I enjoyed it (the chap where they found Ran)...like I imagined it to be ^___^! Aaawww cute...Ran is sleeping with his head in Crawfords lap...am I right...how kawaiii ^_^! Such a lovely scene! Ja *till next chap ^.^* Koji-chan
 Reviewed By: Pandora.81 [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 05, 2003 06:22 CDT
Pandora: Uhhh, the beginning was quite scaring. *shudders*
Schu: Awww, poor girl. Do I have to shelter you? ^.^
Pandora: -_- *smacks Schu and smiles at you* Anyway... Good chapter, Morgana-chan! Exciting and suspenseful as always. ^_^
Schu: What did you expect? Fuuma knows how to give nice ideas after all.
Pandora: I don't know if 'nice' is the right word considering his inspirations.
Schu: Whatever... I'm looking forward to visit Morgana and give her some nice ideas myself. ^.^
Pandora: *sighs* Poor Morgana-chan... I rather look forward to the next chapter. ^.~
 Reviewed By: Miss J  On: August 05, 2003 04:48 CDT
 Reviewed By: Pandora.81 [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 04, 2003 03:20 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
*remembers the two nice Japanese at the airport and tries not to drool but to concentrate on the review* ^.~
Way!!!! Another enthralling and awesome chapter! I love this story, I really do. ^^ You describe the characters so vivid!

And about sweet Schu-chan's eye colour: I think they're actually blue or blue-green. Sometimes they seem to be green and in a lot of fictions they are described as jade green (well, I used that colour myself ^^') so I think you can use all of those tones. ^^

Oh, and tell your darn, hentai muse the following: FORGET IT!!!! *sticks tongue out and runs back to work snickering *
 Reviewed By: Simply_Kim  On: July 31, 2003 00:13 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Those pictures... those were so gross! WAH! I dont think I could ever sleep tonight... the BABY was BAKED with CONDIMENTS and ALL?! AAAAGH!!! *gasps for breath*
But still, it's interesting to know what would happen next... and will Ran EVER be with BRAD?! *drumroll* I hope so! ^___^ Wishing you luck on the next chapters! ^___^

KIM ^_^
 Reviewed By: Koji-chan  On: July 30, 2003 19:04 CDT
WOW, it's good...it really is!!! You know, at first I have given your fic NOT much attention, because at the beginning there were only Yohji x Schuldig action and no sign of Ran, so I didn't read it...*ooohhh forgivemeforgivemeforgivemeforgiveme* ^^;;...PLEEEEAAAAASEEEEEE!!! I'm not sooo in Yohji x Schu pairings ^.^ Well, that should give me to think for the next times ^_^ (ooohh this grammar X_X...I'm talking about mine ^.^).

Waaahhhh I'm sooo looking forward to the moment, where they find Ran *uuuuhhhh GREAT*...GO GO GO, I CAN'T wait -_-;;!!!

Eeeh, I wonder what's up with the Crawford x Ran pairing...I mean, how close will the two of them get...in what kind of relationship will they stand to each other *argh...throws her dictionary in the next corner*...*oohh yeah, sometimes I need it...AND it doesn't help much ^^;;*? I'm asking this, because Brad is in a relationship with Ken...or am I wrong?

Enough of that ^_^...I will see...hopefully soon, ne ^_^. *ooh Koji-chan she already posted a new chap...you have to wait*...*MOOOOUUUUUUUU*

 Reviewed By: MiniMorr [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 30, 2003 04:24 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
*grins madly* The muse says "Hi!" and apparently I'm to tell you that there's always more chapters to have Schu & Yohji go at it in Crawford's study... ;) And for once, I'm agreeing with him!
Looking forward to more, but you already know that! ;)
Take care and hugs Schwarz from me, okay? :) *hugs*
 Reviewed By: Rei Eien  On: August 07, 2003 01:41 CDT
Wow! Double Wow! Talk about some screwed up bad guys. Poor Ran. I so hope Brad takes good care of him. And I so love Schu and Yohji together. ^^
 Reviewed By: kato-chan [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 13, 2003 15:40 CDT
Wow! How the hell did I miss seeing this fic????????? DAMN YOU MEDIAMINER!!! This fic is friggin' unbelievable. You have YxS in there.... I love you!! BradxRan.... Did I mention already that I love you! So angsty, so intriguing. I love this storyline. It's so original. I also love the interactions between the couples. *sigh* I hope you give us more soon! I wanna see how Brad (yes he is damn sexy!) comforts Ran.
 Reviewed By: ranma  On: July 30, 2003 14:47 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
 Reviewed By: Sardius [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 30, 2003 21:52 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Wow. I'm hooked. My coffee has turned all cold. This is lovely, this plot you have woven. I'm a real sucker when it comes to crime scenes so I can't wait till I find out more about the murder cases. Yohji and Schu is very sweet, and I liked how you have included Brad in this fic as well. I'm actually really anxious to see what would happened to Ran, and hope Bradley will take the kitten(s) in later chapters. ^__^

Great fic. Will be sure to track it down when its updated.
 Reviewed By: MiniMorr [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 30, 2003 09:51 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
*blushes to death* Thank you so much for those kind words! *bows deeply* I'm so honoured to be your beta-reader for this one!
Now, the next chapter, please oh please? *grins*
And I still get all dreamy when I read of Ran and the kitten, it's sooooooooooo sweet!!! And I can't wait for him to meet Crawford!!! *dreamy sigh*
Oh, and can I have Ken to play "put the tail on the piggy"? *evil grin* He's going to stay away from Crawford!!! He's Ran's!!! *glare at Ken and flex claws*

Hope to hear from you soon! ;)
 Reviewed By: Pandora.81 [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 29, 2003 13:33 CDT
Ahhh!!!! *cuddles Schu and Yotan* The two of them are so kawaii!!!!!! *__*
Well, another great chapter, Morgana-chan. I really admire your choice of words and writing style. The flow of the story is very good and it's very atmospheric. ^^ Could you give me a little hing how you manage to do this? ^^'
Anyway. I always enjoy reading this and please keep on working on Flame Dancer, too... ne? ^^ Hehe, I would recommend to bring your muse into romantic mood but since I know him and how he would react to that, I rather don't. ^^'
 Reviewed By: Miss J  On: June 15, 2003 19:02 CDT
this is gonna be good!!

luv the S/Y part!! ^O^`
 Reviewed By: MiniMorr [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 15, 2003 10:16 CDT
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Just read it again, and me still likes! ;) I just hope that I didn't mess up the text...

"I just wish I have a muse like Mini Morr, and Pandora."
Trust me, you don't want mine... ;)

Looking forward to the next chapter! :)
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