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"But I Won't Say That" Reviews/Comments [ 66 ]
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 Reviewed By: dragonheart287 [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 08, 2003 12:55 CDT
I dunno, I always have a good laugh at the bears. I don't know how a bear making a bed out of toilet paper sells the stuff but it seems to work.

 Reviewed By: dragonheart287 [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 08, 2003 12:50 CDT

Thanks for the reply. I'll look into that when I have a free moment. But do I see more cookies ahead. I'm gonna read it.


(Don't mind me, I've had too much sugar today.)
 Reviewed By: Moonshine587 [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 08, 2003 12:18 CDT
Bwaa haa haa!! Shot with arrows made from the stupid tree. That is way too funny! Thanks for all the laughs. Makes work a lot more tolerable ;)
 Reviewed By: Bugsygurl  On: July 04, 2003 22:31 CDT
The pic has been added to my "fanart" something or other. I'm still not used to this site, even *I* can't find it. NONE of the pics on this site are working for me, even the front page pics. If someone REALLY wants to see it, you can join my DBZ screen grabs group. I have the pic in question in the FILES section. That's the only other way I know of to see it, since I forget the addy of the site I found it on....am I making sense?

Anyway, here's the link:

If THAT doesn't work, I dunno what to tell ya.
 Reviewed By: dragonheart287 [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 04, 2003 02:43 CDT
Ok, that kinda cleared a few things up for me, thanks. Where's this picture gonna be posted? You've got me interested here.

Still, well done on another great chapter. The part where Gohan gets attacked by a wild boar cracked me up. Especially the part when Goku sends him to his room for not bringing it home. Awwwww. Poor Gohan.
 Reviewed By: Bugsygurl [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 03, 2003 13:47 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10

ahem, anyway, I just wanted to thank all of you lovely new people for all your.....lovely.....reviews. (I couldn't think of another word besides lovely)

As I've said on my profile...thing....this was originally posted at fanfiction.net, but because they SUCK and deleted it for being of the...."list" type, it's now here. That whole "exam week" thing was from when school just ended, so that was written about a month ago...for anyone that cares...annnnnd that "Eastenders" bit was written by someone in England me thinks. She reviewed and told me what it was about. I had no clue, I don't watch the BBC or International channel to see these shows. I've never even heard of it. Hell, I don't even watch soap operas here in America!

Most of the extra stuff that wasn't written by me was written by past reviewers at ff.net, so if anyone one HERE wants to submit some of their own, or give me any ideas, I'll be glad to add them in here. I used to get a lot of emails from people wanting me to add stuff, but...reviews work too.

As for me watching the Simpsons or Friends, no I don't watch them while I write. Most of it just comes from my messed up brain, but SOMETIMES I will be watching TV and hear a commercial I'd like to have Goku do, and start a-writin'. My dad has every episode of the Simpsons on tape (VHS) and has all their songs on CD though. He's pretty messed up...

Man, I haven't watched Friends in a while, when does it even come on?? I like Chandler and Pheobe, they rock!

Yes dragonheart, the tulip bit does kinda sound like when Bart noticed Homer's mysterious trips to Holland...weird. It wasn't meant to be but...heh, I guess it kinda was.

I'm glad I could cheer you up after eating bad macaroni. I know how that can be. It's a traumatic experience.

To answer whos-ever question it was: "Will Goku ever find out that Trunks is in love with him?" I don't know honestly. I got the idea that Trunks was gay from...well watching him! He's so obviously gay! More-so in the Japanese version (don't hate me), and I saw a doujinshii one time with Trunks telling Goku SOMETHING that made Goku run away. Was he telling him that he wanted to steal his booty? Maaaaaybeeeeeee....it just fueled my belief. Perhaps I shall post the pic so you can see what I mean...hmmm, I think I will when I'm through blabbing here.

And on the topic of Trunks having purple hair...I always figured it was Akira Toryima (or whatever) that decided to give him purple hair, because Bulma had purple hair in the manga. But that's a good idea. Veggie DID kinda look like he had reddish type hair.

Anywayzzzzzzz, thanks all you reviewers, you rock somethin' awesome! I'm glad that I'm not the only one who appreciates pudding, and people ramming into people's butts during leapfrog. That one's my personal favorite actually. How I came up with it, I haven't a clue...
 Reviewed By: dragonheart287 [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 03, 2003 12:33 CDT
Why am I not urprised with that last part from Goku? Oh well, guess thats why we love the big mutt.

If this is gonna be updated then please do it soon. Do you watch Friends or The Simpsons whilst typing or something? These are so good.
 Reviewed By: dragonheart287 [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 03, 2003 12:29 CDT
Aw. Poor Trunks.
 Reviewed By: dragonheart287 [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 03, 2003 06:50 CDT
Hey, I get most of my ideas off Eastenders story lines.

Me and my little sis came up with a theory for why Trunks' hair is purple:

If you'll remember in the beinning of Dragonball Z, Vegeta had reddish hair. Now, then it suddenly went from a very dark red to black almost overnight. So, what if he had found some black hair dye in his space pod and had been secretly dying his hair ever since? Bulma's hair is blue. So what do you get when you mix red and blue? PURPLE!!!

Still, great fic. LOL!!!!!!!!!!LOL, LOL, LOL!!
 Reviewed By: dragonheart287 [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 03, 2003 06:43 CDT
ok, that last prt was strange and spooky but I'm just going to go along with it. And as for Goku's theory on unicorns, I'm thinking that it could be done if you got the raindeer and the horse really drunk. I watch too much tv.
 Reviewed By: dragonheart287 [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 03, 2003 06:39 CDT
That flower bit reminded me of an episode in the Simpsons when Bart discovered that Homer had a secret obsession with eating flowers.

"So that explains his mystery trip to Holland," were his words I believe.

I'm really loving this. I just ate some Macarroni Cheese that tasted like shit in a tin and needed some cheering up and to get my mind off the taste in my mouth.

When I saw the updates here, my prayers were answered.
 Reviewed By: dragonheart287 [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 03, 2003 06:35 CDT
Exam week. woah!!! I've been there. I've just had a whole month of them. That last part with the diary was good but you are starting to scare e a little. Will Goku ever know Trunks' feelings? How the hell should I know.
 Reviewed By: dragonheart287 [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 03, 2003 06:32 CDT
All these movie things. They're so funny!!! "I am your father." LOL!!!!!!

I've always wondered why Krillins head was so shiny. Guess I have my answer now.
 Reviewed By: dragonheart287 [MediaMiner Member]  On: July 03, 2003 06:28 CDT
"I could eat a horse...and some fries."

That was so funny and now I can't get that sweetcorn advert with the green giant out of my head.
 Reviewed By: Shamaria The Ebil Genie  On: July 02, 2003 23:42 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Hey this is really funny. I just cracked up at everyone. Just picturing The DBZ people saying theses things is just too funny. Good job
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