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"Dead Famous" Reviews/Comments [ 1081 ]
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 Reviewed By: yugis_chik_4eva(logged out)  On: March 11, 2004 03:46 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
AIIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I TOUGHT HE WAS DEAD!!!!!! *screams and bangs head on desk multiple times* Great two chapters!!!!! ^.^ I can't wait until the next one! Sad though that it's ending. THis is indeed the best fanfic I have ever read!
 Reviewed By: Precious [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 10, 2004 23:04 EST
Sorry I know I've been M.I.A. Busy, busy, busy. But I did get a chance to read you updates even if I didn't review. (Sorry about that) And it wasn't such an evil cliffy. But I was wondering there. How in the world did he survive that? I'm guessing it looked a lot worse than it really was. Kagome was to nice I wouldn't have shot her but I damn sure would have used the gun to clock her a couple of times. And these three little spawns are in for it. Of all the things they could have pick to do they sabatoge the roof? But I guess Kagome is greatful for it away way. I wonder if InuYasha heard Kagome say that he could smoke and drink all he wanted? But he is a man....he didn't even noticed that she switched the ring when she grabbed his hand. Anyway, great chapters. The last one sounds promising. I have a few guesses but I in no way think they are actually going to get engaged. Someone else might though. But knowing you you were probably talking about a meeting of some kind. But I can just imagine the talk/gossip that is going to come of this. Oh well, guess that having her friends there didn't keep her safe. Her mom is going to freak...again!
 Reviewed By: X_X  On: March 10, 2004 19:58 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!! UPDATE NOW OR ME KILL YOU!!!!! ahahahaha jus kidding PLEES PLEES PLEES UPDATE SOON i just love ur fic. I'm going crazy waiting for the next chapter so plees update soon *faint* from screaming and waiting and waiting and waiting
 Title: Hum-an-a-hum-an-a
Reviewed By: E. Marie [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 10, 2004 16:06 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
See the title of this review?? That's just a small sample of the incoherent babble that constituted my thoughts after reading the last two chapters. I would have reviewed sooner, but I didn't think you really wanted a paragraph of, well, THAT choking up your review board. Your style of lightening dark situations with a frothy tone of humor make even the harrowing chapters where Inuyasha has another hole in his head very enjoyable. I liked the little twist where the murderer's name appeared backwards on the guest list and "nobody thought that was odd." I am saddened, of course, that this story is drawing to a close, but all good things must come to an end. Here's to all our questions being answered and, hopefully, a very happy ending (and to me promising to never again send a review with "hum-an-a-hum-an-a" in the title.) Cheers!
 Reviewed By: pyscho_bitch (not logged in, who couldn've guessed?)  On: March 09, 2004 22:59 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
ahhhhh...fluff...*grin* i love the relationship buildup in this story! For some reason i think your going to trick us. "the engagement"? could it really be? or are you going to do something totally different. I can never know with you. Well, i love your story, and i'm very sad that you're finishing it, because i always look forward to more cute fluff between inu/kag and sango/miroku. *sob* and it'll be gone forever... nooo!!!!!!! waaaahh!!!!!!!
 Reviewed By: Drof Tceferp [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 09, 2004 22:27 EST
.....UPDATE IT SOON DUDE!!! Man, this story ROCKS!!! Once more, I plead with you, please could you lower yourself to read the pathetic collection of words I call my fanfics? They're not this good, but could you at least R&R them, even if it's only to flame them? Please? And update soon as possible, kayees? I'm one to talk...So I haven't update in like, a month! So what?! Sorry, bitter moment there.
 Reviewed By: Kitsune_Bi [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 09, 2004 21:22 EST
 Title: I just love a good arguement!
Reviewed By: sutlesarcasm [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 09, 2004 20:44 EST
I am lovin this story. Lots of good arguements, good followable plot, smooth dialog, high readability factor. Anticipation is a GOOOOOOOD THING!!!!!!! Don't stop writing, and take as long as you need to get it right. Writing isn't breathing, it isn't always easy.
 Reviewed By: katz21 (stupid MM.org won't let me sign in)  On: March 09, 2004 19:29 EST
omg!!!! wut a great chappie.....i almost had a heart attack wen he got shot (i usually do that wen im so involved in the story)jus to let u noe.....i luv ur fics n i think that ur a BRILLIANT writer....i mean that with all my heart...i've moticed that i had pretty much the same reactions to your other fics as well...(u noe wen u feel wut the characters feel? its just like that...n i think that its great! keep on writing! ur the best!)
 Reviewed By: deachan:)  On: March 09, 2004 05:19 EST
OH MY GOSH!!!! HE'S ALIVE!!! HE'S ALIVE!!!!! Can't wait for the last chapter.....Love this story!!!!
 Reviewed By: S1Cherry ^-^  On: March 09, 2004 01:40 EST
yay! *is doing a happy dance* Iawas really worried that you HAD kiled Inu off. but you didn't, so yay! so, is it just going to be the engagement, or is there going to be a wedding? huh? huh? huh? *is jumping up and down* I can't wait to read the next chapter, which is the last, right? *sob* it's over! it is definitly a good Inu/Kagome, one of the few I've ever read, that I actualy liked. definitly a story tha needs to be recommended to everyone I know. heh ^-^ later
 Reviewed By: InusDemoness [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 08, 2004 23:06 EST
I cried...I cried...I really really cried!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You scared me so bad!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!! And I hope that wench Aida gets life in prison!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! If I can't have the death sentence they better lock her away!!!!!!!!!!!! *lets a breath and slumps back in seat* Buthe's okay right????? And he didn't die and everything had better all sunshine and flowers fron here on out!
 Reviewed By: Kagura_Yasha_Offline  On: March 08, 2004 22:23 EST
Yea! Happieness... The death of Inu-chan isn't something one likes reading... Well done!
 Reviewed By: galene  On: March 08, 2004 22:05 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
awwwwwwww so sad, and so sweet ^_^
 Reviewed By: LSIE(offline)  On: March 08, 2004 22:04 EST
Oh god. What a great chapter. Short but tot***y kick ass!!
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