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"Dead Famous" Reviews/Comments [ 1081 ]
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 Reviewed By: DBZ Lover [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 02, 2004 19:42 EST
LoL! Sell Kagome on E-Bay! Those three really are the spawn of Satan. Me and my friend here are betting that the first thing Kagome's mom is gonna do is either slap Inu, yell at him, or box his little doggy ears. Though I think that she's probably just gonna be happy to see Kagome. Whatever, it's your story, not mine. Anyway, I'll be back 4 da next update, see ya then!
 Reviewed By: Ithilwen Unacknowledged  On: February 02, 2004 19:34 EST
Ah! After all that tension we really needed the brotherly love of Sesshoumaru's rugrats. ~~~~~~~ You continually blow up your mother's microwaves. You still try to put the cat in the washing machine ~~ Ah! Memories!! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~ It may have been only a documentary, but if Sess' fam can be saved from being what Inuyasha has been, then bless its over-narrated film reel! ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Strictly speaking, Inuyasha WAS acting in self-defense, even if Fushira wasn't armed. Fushira kidnapped Inuyasha, drugged him and threatened him with torture and (implicitly) death. I'm pretty sure that's legal self defense on the western side of the pond. Point is, I don't quite buy that Inuyasha's in legal trouble. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Here's a question: How does Inuyasha know it's true? Jinko Aida might have been lying. He might really have dreamed that his dad came to rescue him. Even if it is true, why does he believe her? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ My guess: either Kagome's grounded forever and forbidden to see that nasty Inuyasha boy ever again or Inuyasha totally turns on the charm and tells about how Kag saved his life and wins the mom over with manners that Kagome is shocked to find that he has.
 Reviewed By: katz21 [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 02, 2004 19:11 EST
hey hey! likin this chapter! wut u said bout win a date with tad hamilton and the plotline being so over-used....u were totally right...that movie wuz a waste of my money anywayz...on wit da review.... lol wow i rele thought that Hiko (wuz dat his name?) was actually intelligent....i mean using those big words...wow....is he like 8 or sumthin? anywayz....yea...i rele wanna noe wut Inu Yasha's gonna say...like whoa....geezz....Kagome's mom just HAD to interrupt didn't she? lol
 Title: dead famous
Reviewed By: trinity757575@yahoo.com  On: February 02, 2004 18:51 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Haaha, WOW that really was a blind slap to the head!!*though leaving me with enough curisoty to choke a horse ;) as to what Inuyasha was going to say* Your story has me going up,down,and all turned around with each chapter i read leaving me quite dizzy with dillirum! Heehe. and here's that box of GODIVA'S to keep you going, yummm. Entil next time!!! Arigato-sama
 Reviewed By: Lily Thorne  On: February 02, 2004 18:49 EST
I didn't see the Mom thing coming, but then again, I'm not the brightest crayon in the box, so what does that say about me ^^ NOTHINGI know there's probably supposed to be a point to this review, but there isn't. I've just inhaled an entire bar of Laura Secord Dark Chocolate, and enough good Inuyasha fanfiction (yours) to kill. But I'm NOT DEAD YET! I shall not die until I see this story end! *realizes how morbid she sounds* Oops...never mind me. Good job, and I can't wait to read more!
 Title: haha......
Reviewed By: lovin_sesshomaru_isnteasy(offline)  On: February 02, 2004 18:18 EST
Agh, now we don't know what he was going to say... just great! LOL Update soon!
 Reviewed By: S1Cherry *too lazy to log in*  On: February 02, 2004 17:59 EST
yay! another good chapter! * is laughing* I loved the part about the triplets and Sesshomaru, and the casserole pot on the head! and then when he was telling Sesshomaru WHY he was like how he was,and I was like 'who told the kid to say that?' ^-^ funfun and then when the triplets were arging about how much to sell Kagome for on E-bay, and I liked the whole 'three spawn of Satan'part ^-^ you're right, I certainly didn't see Kagome's mom arrival coming. *did that make ANY sense to you* I'm looking foward to the next chapter. later ^-^
 Title: OMG!
Reviewed By: InuGirlTeen [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 02, 2004 17:51 EST
 Title: Awwies!
Reviewed By: KohakuTenshi [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 02, 2004 17:44 EST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Ooh! So the cutie hanyou's startin' ta open up, eh? *hugs* Keep up the good work! :)
 Reviewed By: 12blue12 [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 02, 2004 17:35 EST
ahhhhhh cliffy how could u lol coolie i mean awson chappie love your work (like u don't know) well hopin u update soon cuz im on pins and needles about this fic wowzy its apsolutly great well cya!
 Title: Kate ^_^
Reviewed By: Kate _ [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 02, 2004 17:01 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Eyaaaa!! XD that was so good!! ::jumps up and down:: there conversation was wonderful! that was so perfect. ^_^ I wonder what Inuyasha was gonna say anyway...? Oh, but you know how you wrote 'how many people saw that coming?' (or something along those lines) Well slow little me totally didn't. ^.^; it fit in really well though! yes yes, very nicely. Anyway, thanks again for taking the time to write such beautiful stories. ^_^ you're such a great author... so yea. umm.... ja ne? ~Kate ^_^
 Reviewed By: neokey  On: February 02, 2004 16:33 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
you are wonderful, i luv the angst
 Title: *applauding wildly*
Reviewed By: Tiranth(is never signed in)  On: February 02, 2004 16:21 EST
Another excellent chapter. The beginning was just priceless. Poor Jiro. Did you have the three stooges in mind when you named them? Cause during that whole scene that's all I was thinking of. And dang nabit Kagome's mom...just when they might have kissed or something you had to come spoil it. Ah well, I hope the next chap comes out soon. Happy writing!
 Reviewed By: Kitsune_Bi [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 02, 2004 15:48 EST
WOW that was good! Geez! I think Inu is starting to fall for Kago-chan! Poor Inu. I can think of a perfect defense for him, if I were his lawyer. I hope he gets out of this mess alright! 6_6 sheesh. ^-^
 Reviewed By: E. Marie [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 02, 2004 15:32 EST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Great update! I wasn't really anticipating Kagome's mother breaking in at a private Inu/Kag moment, but it certainly makes sense! (I know my mom would be a little rabid after my life being endangered countless times, as she watched the drama unfold on the evening news.) Wonderful! Update soon!
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