"The New Friend" Reviews/Comments [ 58 ] |
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Reviewed By: Biganimefan1 [MediaMiner Member] On: January 25, 2004 19:48 CST Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: hahaha put more chapters up please
Reviewed By: cutie_pie_2101_1012(2 lazy 2 sign in) On: January 16, 2004 11:10 CST Comment/Review: ya kno i noticed that miroku thing to that is wierd and those people r idiots
Reviewed By: guess who me! On: January 15, 2004 17:20 CST Rating(s):Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: omg yes! i heard them say MIROKU also!!! i was like "u dumbass! its Naraku!" i was yellin at tha TV for like 15 minutes LMFAO!!!!!!!! update ur fic soonies! ^_^
Reviewed By: darksqall [MediaMiner Member] On: January 15, 2004 13:44 CST Comment/Review: UPDATE SOON PWEEZ???!!! O-O
Reviewed By: Higurashi Kagome [MediaMiner Member] On: January 14, 2004 18:04 CST Rating(s):Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: great chappy can't wait till u up-date again^_^
Reviewed By: Biganimefan1 [MediaMiner Member] On: January 10, 2004 17:56 CST Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: dang i wanna read more chapters
Reviewed By: hyperchick On: January 10, 2004 02:26 CST Comment/Review: Yay I like your fic! =D You HAVE to update or you'll be seeing some fans of yours holding pitchforks! XD Continue! ^_^
Reviewed By: i think this is a awsome story though no ones really reviewed which is weird all my friends said the rad it and it was cool and told me i should read it but i guess they didnt review On: January 04, 2004 20:48 CST Comment/Review:
Reviewed By: Sammy -.-zzz On: December 16, 2003 16:50 CST Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: Good story! I like how Inuyasha is so perverted!Make sure to include more pervertedness in the story ahead.
Reviewed By: c_dog On: December 14, 2003 22:41 CST Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: HAHA I laughed when you wrote 'pop' cuz I'm from Nebraska (not by choice, mind you) and I say it too! LoL, cute story though... keep writing!
Reviewed By: c On: December 14, 2003 22:39 CST Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review:
Reviewed By: koi07 On: December 14, 2003 10:00 CST Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: I love how the story is playing out and I can't wait until you update again, I'll be so happy!! well update as soon as you can... I'll be waiting! MERRY CHRISTMAS!
Reviewed By: loulou4729 [MediaMiner Member] On: December 13, 2003 18:46 CST Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: Hey, I really like your story. It's coming along great. Though I have decided to give out some constructive criticism. Instead of using bold or italics to signal when someone is speaking, maybe you should use quotes instead: Inuyasha get back here!,Kagome screamed. or "Inuyasha get back here!", Kagome screamed. That is the style writers usually use. But this is your story so you should write which ever way fits you best. Like I said I'm not flaming you or anything, I was just giving my personal input. But other than that I really like your story. :)
Reviewed By: Higurashi Kagome [MediaMiner Member] On: December 13, 2003 08:02 CST Rating(s):Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: alrighty then guess i'll read more after x-mas yay!!!!!!!!^_^
Title: loved it! Reviewed By: Duchesscarml [MediaMiner Member] On: December 07, 2003 22:23 CST Rating(s):Style of Writing: 9 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 8 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: Ooh, this was soo funny!! LOL That is a new Inuyasha! Loved it! ~*duchess
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