"Bitter Memories" Reviews/Comments [ 256 ] | Pages (18): [ « ‹ 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 ›  » ] | Reviewed By: Icy_Mirror [MediaMiner Member] On: January 21, 2004 23:28 EST Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: Loved the new chapter. Can't wait to read more! Soo UPDATE SOON!!!
| Reviewed By: firedemon86(not signed on) On: January 21, 2004 22:26 EST Rating(s):Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: AAAHHHHH!!!! HOW COULD YOU???? Your so evil you can't stop there! WHY!!! OH why do you delight in torturing me? To make it worst you had just gotten to the fluff then bang; chapter over. WHY??? OH PLEASE PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!!!
| Reviewed By: bloodbunny [MediaMiner Member] On: January 21, 2004 21:52 EST Rating(s):Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: NO! UPDATE! Why did you have to stop there!?!? I want to know what happens next!
| Title: sorry accidentally submitted before finish Reviewed By: animelove [MediaMiner Member] On: January 21, 2004 20:09 EST Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: -S-class youkai, Raizen! So, Yusuke is a hanyou and when he's in demon form, his hair grows up to his waist and markings appear on his chest, wrists, and ankles. Yomi is a blind demon, who takes Kurama as his heir. He shows Kurama how to transform into his Youko form any time he wants to. THIS IS THE PAIRINGS!!!: 1) Yusuke/Keiko 2)Yukina/Kuwabara...you don't have to put him with her if you don't wanna. 3) Hiei and Kurama could go with anyone they like! If you have any other questions, Pleaz e-mail to: Midgetboy10@yahoo.com. Thank you!
| Title: Love it Reviewed By: animelove [MediaMiner Member] On: January 21, 2004 20:01 EST Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: For a person who hasn't watched YYH much, you totally captured my interest! You portrayed the characters so well! And Hiei...*drool* anyway, if you need info, here it is: Bad Guys in YYH: 1)Rando...he was defeated by Yusuke in the Genkai Tournaments. 2)Torugane...he was beaten up by Hiei cause he kidnapped Yukina, Hiei's twin sister, to make her cry hiruseki stones. 3)Toguro brothers...they were the toughest bad guys during the Dark tournaments, which Hiei, kurama, yusuke, and kuwabara participated in by force. 4)Sensui...he is an S-class youkai that wanted to visit makai before he had to die, so he made a machine to get him there, but the YuYu gang stopped him. 5)Mukuro, Yomi, Enki, Raizen...I wouldn't exactly call them bad guys, but YY gang had to fight them. Mukuro is a woman of great power. She met hiei before, after the sensui episodes. Hiei had slaughtered about 100 A-class youkai by himself and he sat there as she approached him. She told him that she would give him his tear gem from his mother back if he fought Shigure, the guy who implanted the Third Eye in hiei's forehead, and won. During the fight, Hiei lost an arm and half his torso. He slashed through Shigure's forehead and died. Hiei was brought back to life by Mukuro in her machine, while she revealed herself to him. Enki is the current ruler of Makai. Raizen is the father of Yusuke, who is a direct descendent of the powerful
| Title: Love it Reviewed By: animelove [MediaMiner Member] On: January 21, 2004 20:01 EST Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: For a person who hasn't watched YYH much, you totally captured my interest! You portrayed the characters so well! And Hiei...*drool* anyway, if you need info, here it is: Bad Guys in YYH: 1)Rando...he was defeated by Yusuke in the Genkai Tournaments. 2)Torugane...he was beaten up by Hiei cause he kidnapped Yukina, Hiei's twin sister, to make her cry hiruseki stones. 3)Toguro brothers...they were the toughest bad guys during the Dark tournaments, which Hiei, kurama, yusuke, and kuwabara participated in by force. 4)Sensui...he is an S-class youkai that wanted to visit makai before he had to die, so he made a machine to get him there, but the YuYu gang stopped him. 5)Mukuro, Yomi, Enki, Raizen...I wouldn't exactly call them bad guys, but YY gang had to fight them. Mukuro is a woman of great power. She met hiei before, after the sensui episodes. Hiei had slaughtered about 100 A-class youkai by himself and he sat there as she approached him. She told him that she would give him his tear gem from his mother back if he fought Shigure, the guy who implanted the Third Eye in hiei's forehead, and won. During the fight, Hiei lost an arm and half his torso. He slashed through Shigure's forehead and died. Hiei was brought back to life by Mukuro in her machine, while she revealed herself to him. Enki is the current ruler of Makai. Raizen is the father of Yusuke, who is a direct descendent of the powerful
| Title: Love it Reviewed By: animelove [MediaMiner Member] On: January 21, 2004 20:01 EST Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: For a person who hasn't watched YYH much, you totally captured my interest! You portrayed the characters so well! And Hiei...*drool* anyway, if you need info, here it is: Bad Guys in YYH: 1)Rando...he was defeated by Yusuke in the Genkai Tournaments. 2)Torugane...he was beaten up by Hiei cause he kidnapped Yukina, Hiei's twin sister, to make her cry hiruseki stones. 3)Toguro brothers...they were the toughest bad guys during the Dark tournaments, which Hiei, kurama, yusuke, and kuwabara participated in by force. 4)Sensui...he is an S-class youkai that wanted to visit makai before he had to die, so he made a machine to get him there, but the YuYu gang stopped him. 5)Mukuro, Yomi, Enki, Raizen...I wouldn't exactly call them bad guys, but YY gang had to fight them. Mukuro is a woman of great power. She met hiei before, after the sensui episodes. Hiei had slaughtered about 100 A-class youkai by himself and he sat there as she approached him. She told him that she would give him his tear gem from his mother back if he fought Shigure, the guy who implanted the Third Eye in hiei's forehead, and won. During the fight, Hiei lost an arm and half his torso. He slashed through Shigure's forehead and died. Hiei was brought back to life by Mukuro in her machine, while she revealed herself to him. Enki is the current ruler of Makai. Raizen is the father of Yusuke, who is a direct descendent of the powerful
| Title: Love it Reviewed By: animelove [MediaMiner Member] On: January 21, 2004 20:00 EST Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: For a person who hasn't watched YYH much, you totally captured my interest! You portrayed the characters so well! And Hiei...*drool* anyway, if you need info, here it is: Bad Guys in YYH: 1)Rando...he was defeated by Yusuke in the Genkai Tournaments. 2)Torugane...he was beaten up by Hiei cause he kidnapped Yukina, Hiei's twin sister, to make her cry hiruseki stones. 3)Toguro brothers...they were the toughest bad guys during the Dark tournaments, which Hiei, kurama, yusuke, and kuwabara participated in by force. 4)Sensui...he is an S-class youkai that wanted to visit makai before he had to die, so he made a machine to get him there, but the YuYu gang stopped him. 5)Mukuro, Yomi, Enki, Raizen...I wouldn't exactly call them bad guys, but YY gang had to fight them. Mukuro is a woman of great power. She met hiei before, after the sensui episodes. Hiei had slaughtered about 100 A-class youkai by himself and he sat there as she approached him. She told him that she would give him his tear gem from his mother back if he fought Shigure, the guy who implanted the Third Eye in hiei's forehead, and won. During the fight, Hiei lost an arm and half his torso. He slashed through Shigure's forehead and died. Hiei was brought back to life by Mukuro in her machine, while she revealed herself to him. Enki is the current ruler of Makai. Raizen is the father of Yusuke, who is a direct descendent of the powerful
| Title: Love it Reviewed By: animelove [MediaMiner Member] On: January 21, 2004 20:00 EST Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: For a person who hasn't watched YYH much, you totally captured my interest! You portrayed the characters so well! And Hiei...*drool* anyway, if you need info, here it is: Bad Guys in YYH: 1)Rando...he was defeated by Yusuke in the Genkai Tournaments. 2)Torugane...he was beaten up by Hiei cause he kidnapped Yukina, Hiei's twin sister, to make her cry hiruseki stones. 3)Toguro brothers...they were the toughest bad guys during the Dark tournaments, which Hiei, kurama, yusuke, and kuwabara participated in by force. 4)Sensui...he is an S-class youkai that wanted to visit makai before he had to die, so he made a machine to get him there, but the YuYu gang stopped him. 5)Mukuro, Yomi, Enki, Raizen...I wouldn't exactly call them bad guys, but YY gang had to fight them. Mukuro is a woman of great power. She met hiei before, after the sensui episodes. Hiei had slaughtered about 100 A-class youkai by himself and he sat there as she approached him. She told him that she would give him his tear gem from his mother back if he fought Shigure, the guy who implanted the Third Eye in hiei's forehead, and won. During the fight, Hiei lost an arm and half his torso. He slashed through Shigure's forehead and died. Hiei was brought back to life by Mukuro in her machine, while she revealed herself to him. Enki is the current ruler of Makai. Raizen is the father of Yusuke, who is a direct descendent of the powerf
| Reviewed By: bloodbunny [MediaMiner Member] On: January 21, 2004 18:49 EST Rating(s):Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: please update soon! I want to know what happens next! I want to know what happens between hiei and Kagome!
| Reviewed By: firedemon86(not signed on) On: January 21, 2004 15:32 EST Comment/Review: I love it!! WOW you got Kagome awake and a jelouse(sp) Hiei! The two of them checking each other out!! And all of it done well so it all flows. PLEASE UPDATE SOON!!!!!!!
| Reviewed By: Icy_Mirror [MediaMiner Member] On: January 21, 2004 15:31 EST Rating(s):Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: one word..Excellent! UPDATE SOON!!
| Title: Bitter Memories Reviewed By: IceYoukaiEnchantress [MediaMiner Member] On: January 21, 2004 13:12 EST Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: OMG i loved it especially how u describe as 'bug me and die' type that makes him soooooo sexy! well please update!!!!!!!!11
| Title: Bitter Memories Reviewed By: IceYoukaiEnchantress On: January 21, 2004 13:03 EST Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: OMG that was so good! Please update ASAP!!!! (or sooner ^_^!)
| Title: Ahhhhhh Reviewed By: Short_Sinister_Sammi [MediaMiner Member] On: January 20, 2004 20:57 EST Rating(s):Style of Writing: 10 of 10 Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10 Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10 Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10 Overall Rating: 10 of 10 Comment/Review: Omg I love it. Hurry Hurry Hurry!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
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