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"Finally, Some Real Friends" Reviews/Comments [ 30 ]
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 Reviewed By: GrayPheonix [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 01, 2007 14:54 CST
It's an interesting story. Please update, nearly 2 years since your last one, there migh tbe a bit to this story since you last wrote. I like this thus far, and there's a ton of awesome foreshadowing. So,update soon, ja ne.
 Reviewed By: gelionlegends [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 23, 2007 23:10 CDT
i like the story and wondered when you are going to update it. plus will we see some flashbacks to each wedding, that and will we see each of the three wives friends and family like going to hina inn or the two school. but i just thought about why not have a 4th wife and my choice would be either hild or devil princess seto just to spice things up even more. as i am sure that ranma having to tell the other 3 wives that there is a fourth wife and that she might want a say in the second wedding. sort of them asking who she is though one of them may know and wonder why she is there. just wonder why ranma is so whipped and weak when they come round as i am sure he would try his best to become their equal or better in the art? but like i asked earlier when are you going to up date this fic?
 Reviewed By: Shinu 13th Sage Sage of Pain(Not logged in)  On: April 02, 2007 16:56 CDT
Lurvely. Very nice. I like it. Sorry if I'm late or something, but this is really nice. I like it, and you've actually got the characters down pretty well for being ignorant. Keep it up. You could check grammar, though.
 Reviewed By: WolfDaughter  On: November 02, 2006 16:35 CST
Style of Writing: 3 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 4 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 8 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 6 of 10
Overall Rating: 3 of 10
I think the idea for the story is very creative, although it could stand to be developed a bit more. Also your spelling could use some improvement, for instance you spelled the word 'persuade' as 'per swayed'. Normally I could overlook these things, especially given the originality of your idea. One thing I really do think you could stand to improve upon, however, is keeping people more in character. Most of them are characterized wonderfully, but the ones you don't personally like are overly portrayed as stupid or inept. In particular, Kuwabara, but Akane as well. In the Ranma 1/2 manga, Akane and Ranma truly care for eachother (though neither seems inclined to admit it) and Akane's violence towards him stems from misunderstandings and denial of feelings. The one you really need to work on characterizing (or at least not outright bashing) is Kuwabara. He's actually an extremely deep character beneath his goofiness and many things would have gone for the worse for his teammates without him. May I suggest you read the fic "Plot Holes" by nightwalker3 on fanfiction.net? It is extremely well done and may make what I'm trying to say here more clear. Please do understand that I mean all of this merely as constructive criticism and that it is by no means intended as a flame. We all wish to improve afterall, do we not?
 Reviewed By: Crazed One  On: August 25, 2006 10:56 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Boton and Ranma make a cute couple! Try to put in another fight with Ryoga. I like what you have written so far please update soon!
 Reviewed By: proud yusuke fan [MediaMiner Member]  On: August 04, 2006 02:21 CDT
yeah your making Ranma way too powerful he should be just below yusuke and hiei but other than that its cool update soon.
 Reviewed By: Cheyanne Nelson...fomally known as FoXy_hOtTiE  On: July 20, 2006 18:35 CDT
I havent read this yet but I was wondering why you havent updated 'yuskes cousn...'s sequil yet....Hope every thing with you is okay.....Please continue to update all your stories that are not yet compleated....(sorry if I mispelled any thing)
 Title: Well a review duh!!!
Reviewed By: Saineesama  On: October 14, 2004 15:06 CDT
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 9 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Man,this is like a totally great fic.Keep it up! Can't wait for the next chapters! Pairs RanmaBotan because it seems that you want it that way KuramaKasumi because their both calm and they just fit together plus it seems that Kasumi is the type of person who would love Kurama for himself since he's spent most of his life with girls falling for him for his appearance in both as a fox and human HieiShampoo because Hiei's a bit too cold and detached so he would need a firey mate like Shampoo to help bring out his masks and I just think Shampoo can do it I mean she's not really an idiotic bimbo like most people make her out to be it's just that she can't speak Japanese clearly I know if she was able to speak clearly she can come out as smart and Hiei being a telepath can make him see her for who she can truly be and the usual pairings for others. Well this is just my opinion. And oh yeah UkyoRyoga just because Uyko seems to be the dominate type so she'll be persfect to controll that insane guy Ryoga. What else can I say!?! Um...can't what for more I guess...um...BYE!!! I am a member of mm.org name's Saiyukianime.
 Reviewed By: Zack2.0  On: September 12, 2004 22:52 CDT
Style of Writing: 9 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 9 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Great Story. Don't stop writing it! First of all pairings Ranma/Boton, Ukyo/Ryoga, Hiei/Nabiki, Kurama/Kasumi
 Reviewed By: animelove(nl)  On: September 04, 2004 13:08 CDT
Overall Rating: 8 of 10
I voted!!! no blaming here...and also...i dun know if you like constructive criticm...but, if you wanna read, keep reading on. If not, STOP HERE. i think that your making ranma WAY too overexagerrated. Other than that, it's all good. i vote for Kurama/Botan. Hiei,...er, as long as it's not ukyo...and that rose girl.
 Reviewed By: Gopu  On: September 03, 2004 00:12 CDT
Great chapter
 Reviewed By: animelove(nl)  On: July 11, 2004 17:55 CDT
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
This is all great and all, but can you please tell me the pairings?
 Reviewed By: Metal_is_cool  On: June 19, 2004 16:39 CDT
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
Very good. I like it alot! Don't stop writing it! First of all pairings, Hiei/Boton (Please not Ukyo!) Kurama/Boton or Ranma/Shampoo. Also, MORE HIEI AND KURAMA! Lastly the announcers name is Juri not Yuri.
 Reviewed By: Itsukami Urokum (i'm not logged in)  On: June 16, 2004 17:38 CDT
love your story. just read chappy one, and goin on to the next! uh, by the by, Kurama's last Human name is Minamino. Minamoto is Koji's last name from Digimon season 4. just so you know! great ficcy! SHUUICHI MINAMINO IS MY HOTTNESS! HAVE HIM PAIRED WITH BOTAN! CUZ SHE IS ME!
 Reviewed By: animelove(nl)  On: June 15, 2004 18:11 CDT
Overall Rating: 9 of 10
I would seriously appreciate it if you didn't put Hiei with Ukyo...she..er, creeps me out. Put him with Shampoo or something when she learns better english...lol. SEE YA WHEN YOU UPDATE!
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