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"A Cross of Blades" Reviews/Comments [ 54 ]
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 Title: Lady Banshee 999
Reviewed By: ady anhee 999 [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 01, 2005 22:38 CST
I loved XI when I had my account. Saddly my account went bye-bye so I have to renew it and start new. But that is ok. The game is just so much fun. Plus there are so many interesting people playing. So far I have seen Sesshy's name like 3 different ways (an elf with white hair), Inuyasha (also a white haired elf), a human monk named Miroku, A ninja named Sango, a little er.. I forget what they are called but it was a small red haird person named shippou, and all other characters it Inuyasha. (even Rin, Jaken, and Myouga!) I totally recommend it. Plus, they just came out with an expantion pack for it. So I am soo waiting to get my hot little mitts on it. :D Still, I must say, I so love this story. You know I was actually looking for one of your stories earlier this week. Actually, I didn't know it was yours until I found the story again. On Kag-Ses forgotten faith site. "A Role Reversal" is a very good story as well. (Kag's taming Sesshy.. whohoo!) Please, tell me you haven't given't up on the story. I don't care how long it takes, I just don't want to see that one get discontinued. Yeah, so now after I have rambled on about everything. I can't wait to see what happenes with Sess and Kags now. As my kids would say, "They fall down... go boom." TTFN!
 Reviewed By: Aitu-- not signed in  On: January 29, 2005 12:14 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
ouuu. What can I say. This story is [fucking] amazing. I've never read/seen Final Fantisy stuff but I have heard of it so does that count? lol. I think now that I have read this I might do some checking into it to get the background info-- none the less, your story is incredibly good!!! I just can't say that enough. I should have reviewed every single chapter because they were each so good by themselves but I just couldn't wait to begin reading each new chapter. I just love how you have depicted Kagome. And Sesshoumaru-- could he be any more perfect for this role? hehehe All of the characters just seem to fit perfectly with the entire story. This is a definitly a "going onto the favorites list as soon as I finish typing this" kind of story. wow-- can't even say in words how much I adore this story. I wish that it was all complete and like 3948494 more chapters were added,hehehe. Okay, I'll be more reasonable--- only 29495 more. Well, I'm very curious to see how you will progress things from this point on--I have a feeling that Inuyasha will be in for a rude awakening soon-- and how about that Kag and Sexxhoumaru (hehehehe) Will there be sparks flying anytime soon between those two? I'm sure it will make Inuyasha reaaaaaal happy, haha. Well, keep up the amazing job and I simply cannot wait to read more of this utterly fanstastic story. Take care and good luck with the story!!!!!!! ----Aitu PS-- LOVES IT!!!
 Reviewed By: Lady Banshee 999 [MediaMiner Member]  On: January 17, 2005 20:41 CST
YEAH! Hehehe. Another wonderful chapter! Wow, Dark and Light with Kagome holding the balance. Eh, don't mind me. Just got done typing out another chapter from my story and thought I would take a break and re-read this one. (besides give my hands a break from typing.) Man, I so look forward to Mondays... Cause I believe this is the day you post this story, right? So like does Shippou have a crush on Kags? Or is it more like a brother type thing. It seems to me that it could go either way... but then again, maybe I missed something. Oh, well. Can't wait to find out about the necklace, and about her crasy power. Hehehe, especially what she pulled against the aircraft! She almost acts like um, what was her name... The sorceres. Eda or something like that. LOL, I still go with the who, "She's a GF in human clothing" idea, but then again... that could be just because I am really weird that way. :P TTFN! Lady Banshee 999
 Title: A Cross Of Blades
Reviewed By: Megan Consoer [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 27, 2004 20:13 CST
I really like this story alot. Can you write some more chapters?
 Reviewed By: Broken Visage [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 19, 2004 16:51 CST
Interesting, but you might want to think about making actual paragraphs. I'm going to assume it's formatted the same for you and there's no space between paragraphs, except in CH2. If that's true, it'd be easier to read once reformatted. It's good, but that's a little annoyance you might want to correct.
 Title: This is great
Reviewed By: VoidPheonix [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 15, 2004 00:11 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
This story is freaking sweet very original gotta say gunblade weilding kagome awsome idea
 Title: Tis me again... :P
Reviewed By: ady anhee 999 [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 11, 2004 21:58 CST
Of course I will be sticking around. :) You couldn't keep me away from this story if you tried. *snickers* Like I said, it is so hard to find good stories now a days. I have played X2 but lately enjoy FFXI a lot on-line. *giggles* Although I do go back and play the others. My mother has that on her wish list for her PS2 so we can play together. Shippou was such a cutie in this story. I must admit I was thrilled to see Kagome get a sword. :D Sesshy with Shiva was perfect, but I have to chuckle about Miroku having Carbuncle. I could so see him trying to use that to get a girl... :| It would be interesting to see what would happen if Kagome got Alexander since she absorbs holy attacks and his GF attack is Holy Judgment. (uber Kagome... :P) Hehehe. Anyways, once again a wonderful chapter and I eagerly await your next chapter. TTFN! Lady Banshee 999
 Reviewed By: akuma_river [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 08, 2004 03:19 CST
 Title: YEAH!! I'm the first reviewer... :P
Reviewed By: ady anhee 999 [MediaMiner Member]  On: December 03, 2004 23:35 CST
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
... ok, well at least on this site. ANYWHO, I must say I am truly in love with this story. I am a major fan of the FF game. The detail in which this story is written is wonderful. I so enjoy well expressed stories, and yours are all so well written. You always make sure to flesh out not just the character's and their interaction with one another but also fleshing out the detailed movements, backgrounds, and the likes. It is so hard to find such detail in fanfiction and your stories do just that. Even though I am more of a Inu/Kag fan, the first Sess/Kag story I read was your 'Unexpected Allies' trilogy. I must say that I was very impressed. Anyways, I am running out of room so I shall just say that I eagerly await your next chapter for this wonderful story. TTFN! P.S. I couldn't give you a score for spelling due to the fact that I am not a very good speller myself so if there where errors, I wouldn't be able to catch them. :S
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