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"My First, My Last, My Only" Reviews/Comments [ 79 ]
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 Reviewed By: WaterGoddess9 (not signed in)  On: February 17, 2005 18:00 CST
Yet another excellent chapter! Awesome...sweet....delicious! ^^ No angels...no no no. Lol, well take care, and great job! -:-Natalie-:-
 Title: Oh!
Reviewed By: nymphminxgoddess not signed in  On: February 17, 2005 17:00 CST
I really love your story I really do. I want Inu and Kag to end up together already. It's breaking my heart! But you are such a good writer and I won't dare try to tell you how to write your story.
 Reviewed By: watergoddess9(not signed in)  On: February 15, 2005 18:21 CST
Great chapter, although a bit tense. Good job though, keep up the good work! ^^
 Title: Chapter 11
Reviewed By: Aitu [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 03, 2005 00:05 CST
Wow.I want more. Need more. Please can I have some more? haha. My, oh my, and what an interuption that was! Im not really sure how much more I can take, lol. I just want them to be together so badly. Is that wrong of me? So if I could have a guestimate tha would be FABULOUS! te he he. You know me, always asking questions that usually can't/wont be answered. I have to wonder-- how will Kouga take all this when/if he finds out. And damnit--- that black box from chapter one still plauges my mind like you cannot even imagine! There's a good chance that I might resort to begging in a few minutes, hahaha. I also wonder how Sango will react. Hell, how does every one react, how, when, and why. Oh, and maybe where-- can't forget that little guy! So yea--- this will most definitly be added to the favorites list.. I will triple check to make sure that it ends there this time so I can get the updates as soon as they come out. Don't worry--- I won't be pulling anymore disappearing acts anytime soon-- except when I'm visiting the Mexican Rivera-- but even then- I'll come back, unless the plane crashes (yes, it tried to do that ones) Or maybe the boat will try to find the biggest waves and crash into some rocks again, haha. And yet I go back, time after time. Okay-- so yes, loves it, and the more I read the more I am convinced that you have picked up a Carry Bradshawesque style of writing. Couldn't love it more. Keep up the fabulous work! I'll be waiting!!!!
 Title: Chapter 10
Reviewed By: Aitu [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 02, 2005 23:23 CST
Heart breaking. Finding "them." It's like you know what's going on but you don't want to know because then everything is all right in your perfect little mind. Aw. My heart goes out to her. To them actually. Why can't they just be together right now! hehehehe. Can't wait any longer-- need more story!!!!! (PS--I am sooo having de ja vu right now.. like I've dreamed of this or something... yes. I am weird)
 Title: Chapter 10
Reviewed By: Aitu [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 02, 2005 23:23 CST
Heart breaking. Finding "them." It's like you know what's going on but you don't want to know because then everything is all right in your perfect little mind. Aw. My heart goes out to her. To them actually. Why can't they just be together right now! hehehehe. Can't wait any longer-- need more story!!!!! (PS--I am sooo having de ja vu right now.. like I've dreamed of this or something... yes. I am weird)
 Title: Chapter Nine *kicks the "Chapter Eight" title below to the other review
Reviewed By: Aitu [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 02, 2005 23:15 CST
Yes-- I still have that desire to kick Kikyo in the face. And she hasn't even really spoken yet, hahaha. Oh well. Poor kids, so confused-- why can't they just kiss and make up forever? Ah, probably because then there wouldn't be enough angst to work through for the story, hahaha. AMAZING!! next chapter time.
 Reviewed By: Aitu [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 02, 2005 23:05 CST
Oh good god! The drama! I can barely contain myself!!! hehehehehhe. Holy shit girl-- this has gotten sooo far past good! I'm not really sure what to do with myself, haha. Part of me wanted to go Kikyo in the face... oh wait--I still want to do that. And part of me wants to kick Kouga between the legs and send him packing. And ahhh-- Who doesn't love a good fashion week? Chicago's this year was amazing. te he he. Okay, I can't hold my self back any longer-- MUST read what's going on next!!!
 Title: Chapter Seven
Reviewed By: Aitu [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 02, 2005 22:51 CST
*Gasps for air* Come back Inuyasha!!!! haha. Not only are you a fantabulous writer-- but you have some fierce style! hehehe. So, Kagome want's to be a writer? (or a teacher too, I guess I have to add that in there for the sake of fairness) But I am just really invisioning her as the next Carry Bradshaw (Please tell me you watch[ed] Sex and the City, hahahaha) With the whole sex article that she wrote for a paper in NYC. And oh, how I loathe that Kouga now, haha. I'm sorry, but you've spoiled me and now I only want her to be with Inuyasha. I accidently read in someone's review about Kikyou walking in on Kagome and Inuyasha and I really wanted to be surprised, hahaha. DAMNIT ME!!! And ah, the Crystal Waters' "100% Pure Love." Where do I even start with that-- I sooo had that CD when I was little. I can remember having a boom box (yes, remember those too? haha) And would skate around in my first pair of roller blades with hot pink wheels to that cd for hours-- especially that song. I wanted to be a figure skate roller blader at the time. PS-- Not so easy to do ice skate moves on roller blades, hahaha. Okay, next chapter!!! PSS-- LOVES IT!!!
 Title: Chapter Six
Reviewed By: Aitu [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 02, 2005 22:38 CST
EEEEEEEEEEEE!! Do you have any idea how excited I was over Inuyasha's return?!?!??! hahahahahaha. Okay, getting ahead of myself-- Love the new friends, even slightly liked Koga although I was just waiting for him to do something bad so I could kick him perminantly to the curb in my head-- and yey! It happened-- And Inuyasha, and Kagome, and them being together-- just seems so right. Onwards to chapter 7!!!!
 Reviewed By: Aitu [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 02, 2005 22:20 CST
Awww! Somehow this didn't get put onto my favorites list when I added it, grrr--- So I'm browsing stories and I'm like-- I KNOW HER!!! hahaha, So I just re-read it up to the point that I had before-- and once again, that chapter at the graduation broke my heart and made me cry, haha. Well, on with the reading--sorry for taking so damn long to get caught up!!! hehehhe. YEY! MORE STORY! ---Aitu
 Reviewed By: Night_Miko [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 01, 2005 21:47 CST
 Reviewed By: Night_Miko [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 01, 2005 21:46 CST
It looks like you need more reviews on this website than on fanfiction.net. This chapter was awsome. But I did kinda expected Kikyo to walk in on Kagome and Inuyasha though. But still you did great on this chapter. Can't wait till the next chapter is out. ANi
 Reviewed By: other_hitomi [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 01, 2005 19:01 CST
So I know that the writing must be good because I'm spending all of my time going, "Oh god, why is Kagome so surprised to see used condoms and feminine bathroom supplies when she knew Kikyo was with Inuyasha", "Yes, but it's different to know it's happening and to actually see the evidence", "Oh, yeah, but what's she going to do now?". Keep it up!! (and your grammar and spelling are good, too, which is nice for me because I notice mistakes and they throw me out of the story. also, no one's doing anything anatomically impossible. yay!)
 Reviewed By: thetaisho'sbrothersmate  On: January 30, 2005 03:14 CST
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
*bottom jaw touching floor* TWO USED CON...CO....#you knew it was gonna happen# *eyes drop* I KNOW # then why are you so shocked?#*stares shocked at other half of self in disbelief* BECAUSE SHE WENT WITH ONLY ONE DUDEAND HE WENT WITH COUNTLESS CHICKS THE DIRTY FISHTERD.#True but still she was in for heartbreak from the beginning# *looks defeated*I KNOW, BUT I STILL JUST CAN'T BELIEVE HIM.HOW COULD HE?!?! AND AFTER HE TOLD HER KIKYO MEANT NOTHING TO HIM OR THAT SHE SUCKS OR WHATEVER.#he is just so ohhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!#*looks shocked and stares in disgust* HOW DARE YOU PUT DOWN PUPPY #well he DID deserve it# TRUE BUT SO DID SHE #true# ANYWHO LOVE THE STORY AND CANNOT WAIT TO SEE #you mean read# *glares* LIKE I SAID SEE WHAT HAPPENS NEXT. ITS SO EXCITING #it certainly is# SHUT UP!!ANYWAYS UPDATE NOW!!!!!#yes now# *sends death glare*SHUT UP!!!!
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