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"Fireside Chats" Reviews/Comments [ 33 ]
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 Reviewed By: DarklessVasion [MediaMiner Member]  On: March 22, 2006 11:50 CST
Nice little battle scene there. Violent bloodshed and snarky comebacks...and we all know that dog-boy can never keep his mouth shut, not when he could be cursing someone down. -- Hehe, Looney Toones, Imouto-chan? I just adore Bugs Bunny! XD
 Title: :P~~~~~~~
Reviewed By: DarklessVasion [MediaMiner Member]  On: February 28, 2006 13:58 CST
I loved InuYasha's blunt conffession: "...I'm the one who struck the killing blow," Inuyasha interrupted. "Therefore, if you seek vengeance, you seek it against me." So in-your-face and beligerant...2 of dog-boy's strongest traits. LoL -- The conversation between characters was very smooth, easily followed. A point of difficulty when writing. Telling a story is infinitely easier than understandable conversation that makes sense. I've noticed that lack in many, many fanfics in my readings. Well done. Aaannndd....you've left us on a cliffhanger! Shame on you! *ponders ways to torture Imouto-chan for teasing* I could always fall back on my 2-step attack...hehehehe!
 Reviewed By: DarklessVasion [MediaMiner Member]  On: November 29, 2005 12:14 CST
Whew! Gobs of info. You must be keeping a score-card somewhere. Interesting link to the Shikon no Tama. But, I can't help feeling like it's moving a bit too fast. With conversation, its flow can tumble into motor-mouth-ness with nothing to break it up. Sometimes less is more. Let's face it; people do not trust others easily. And when the players in a story start spilling all the beans to people they've just met, it starts bringing the believability down. Don't get me wrong, I think the conversations were extremely coherent and fullsome. Maybe just a little too fullsome and quick though. -- I also found InuYasha's responce to the baby hanyou to be a bit on the violent side. They have met other hanyou in their travels, who have admittedly been treated awfully by others...but not by their parents. The only new element would be the child's accepting youkai step-father. I would expect Dog-boy's confusion and envy, possibly cautious questions...maybe second hand questions by way of Kagome. I did not expect virulent accusations and words that sound driven by prejudice. It just doesn't seem right. -- Well, *cringe* that's how it hit me. Please don't hurt me! XD
 Reviewed By: DarklessVasion [MediaMiner Member]  On: October 13, 2005 11:13 CDT
Well, this chapter was very informative yet they still want answers. I'm sure they'll get them. That's a pretty dangerous blade Hiuchimaru is carrying. I'm guessing it's important to your current plot. I like how almost crazy-protective InuYasha is, not surprising with Mukotu and Renkotsu's near-success in trying to kill them. (Go Dog-boy, Go!) -- Your premise with the exotic/imported animals sounds plausible. The overly-powerful and pampered rich often do horrible things just for the sake of entertainment, and as you pointed out, the Romans were guilty of it in a big way. Understanding that the Taijiya would have been called to take care of a youkai problem, only to find that the details were misleading because the general populace would be very unfamiliar with such strange animals and, needing to put a name to them, simply labeled them youkai.
 Title: Ch. 23
Reviewed By: DarklessVasion [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 13, 2005 23:18 CDT
An interesting premise; to make Demon Trees the Chroniclers of History and Information. Very interesting. And Sesshoumaru, fighting and ultimately destroying the very things he'd been told to never kill, regret and anger viing for supremacy...his vengance on Hiuchimaru was mild in comparison. Dude, he got of easy. He has to wonder why Sesshoumaru was there...and if he will be back?
 Reviewed By: DarklessVasion [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 13, 2005 23:02 CDT
I've been enjoying Sesshoumaru's frustrating struggle with his swords' personalities. When you hold something in your hand, you expect to control that object. Not so with Sesshoumaru's weapons. Toukijin is fractual and one minded in seeking death while Tenseiga often demands when it is used, making for a very unconfortable alliance. This is the first time I've ever seen a writer tackle the awareness or ego of the two swords. In the Manga and the Anime, they make themselves known quite visibly, thier intentions eventually clear but no one (in my expreience) has tried to unravel what kind of intelligence might lurk withing their forged forms. Nicely done. In answer to someone's review of Miroku's OOC...I found him to be very in character. Too many authors are quick to label him ecchi or pervert, forgetting that he is a well educated and experienced Buhddist Monk, traveled and versed in things spiritual, mundane and the supernatural. He has often been the voice of reason amid chaos during the Inu-tachi's travels. He is reliable, trustworthy and wise...and he has shown this on many occasions. Just because he has larcinous and womanizing tendencies, doesn't mean that's all he thinks about. A fool would never be able to hunt down and destroy a villian like Naraku...and fool he is not!
 Title: Ch. 21
Reviewed By: DarklessVasion [MediaMiner Member]  On: September 03, 2005 10:28 CDT
*whiiinny snort snort* Attack of the bad-tempered demon-horse! hehehe, that was so cute...dog-boy cuddling Shippo...awwwwwwww That episode, when the gang is poisoned then trapped in the burning building is an intense one...and when it was thought to be dead...the way InuYasha flipped out had me aching for him all over again. Poor widdle puppy, him needs hugs. I've always adored how protective he is, how emotion-driven his actions are. He's never "done his job" like it was a chore (even when he bitches about it like it is, lol) After that run-in with Mukotsu and Renkotsu, you can bet that his protective instincts have been kicked into high-gear. Look out you flaming hay-burner, you're messin' with more than you can handle...more than you want to handle.
 Reviewed By: DarklessVasion [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 29, 2005 16:01 CDT
Wow, that was almost epic! This story seems to be taking on a new plot and I think that Sesshoumaru was portrayed well. Interesting. Definately a case of "still waters run deep". Not much to say but that it was well planned and well executed.
 Title: Chapter 19
Reviewed By: DarklessVasion [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 12, 2005 11:59 CDT
Uh oh...Sesshoumaru has arrived...and InuYasha has already warned his malr companion about staying away from Kagome. What will our dog-boy do with an even more dominant male intruding? - Well, there they go; Dukefest 1500! Man, I love a good fight scene! LOL - Miroku dropped his little tidbit about InuYasha's behavior around Kagome. I wonder how long it will occur to Kagome or Sango that InuYasha doesn't react the same to Sango's time. Probably it will be Sango. I can just see it, she's 'taking care of business' and stops, frowning, 'Hmm...InuYasha seems normal right now. So...it's only Kagome that affects him?' *smile*
 Title: Chapter 18
Reviewed By: DarklessVasion [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 12, 2005 11:59 CDT
Hmm...InuYasha doing stupid things. A common occurance. Sometimes not stupid though, just impulsive and not well-thought through. Kinda contradicts my earlier comments, but being impulsive is not a sign of stupitidy...just a lack of patience, and that our Hanyou all over! LOL Ooh, I like that bit about Bouksenuo being linked to InuYasha by virtue of Tessaiga's sheath. In the youkai world, that makes a kind of sense. That would also explain how a tree could be so well informed. Well, Nijimaru's information about Naraku was not surprising. Naraku is a facinating villian/character and is constantly re-invening himself, much to the Inu-tachi's dismay. You never know when, where, or how he'll show up and he always prefers to mess with your head and/or heart before using anything physical. Naraku is that rare villian that is evil through and through; no redeeming qualities whatsoever...and he revels in the mayhem and confusion he creates. Well, once more - On to the next chappie.
 Title: Chapter 17
Reviewed By: DarklessVasion [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 12, 2005 11:58 CDT
LoL - I liked the way Miroku teased InuYasha out of the tree...and Kirara got some quality time too! I think you handled it nicely. Miroku may be a hentai but he's observant and decisive with a store of wisdom unusual in one so young. Living with 'death' hanging over your head makes you look at life differently. That may be one reason he is unapologetic for his groping tendencies. That old "live life at its fullest" and "Live every day like it was your last" probably motivates much of our beloved Houshi's behavoir. Wow, InuYasha sure got wordy there...but he does that on occasion; when something is weighing heavily on his mind. InuYasha is not stupid like many like to portray. He's lived a long time on the fringes of two separate societies at war with one another, accepted by niether and relying on his wits to keep himself alive...but remember, his mother was a high-born lady and I'm sure he must have had some kind of learning before her death and he has always carried her gentle ways in his heart. He understands humans and their ways...and their prejudices. I wish we had more information about his early life, but even in the manga he's mentioned that he was little when he lost his mother. You can't survive unless you have intelligence to rely on while waiting for his own growth to provide the strength he needed to thrive. - On to the next chappie!
 Title: devoted Inu-Yasha Reader!
Reviewed By: D-Chan3 [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 11, 2005 13:38 CDT
Style of Writing: 10 of 10
Spelling & Grammar: 10 of 10
Originality/Creativity: 10 of 10
Enjoyment Factor: 10 of 10
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
I loved this chapter! Especially the part about inu not knowing that there were demon trees in the forest. I also liked it when Sess showed up. I do hope that Inu-Yasha will give in to Kagome\\\'s alluring scent and claim her as his mate. Keep up the good writing and please don\\\'t leave us hanging like you did in this latest chapter....the ending kindof fell flat. I think it needed a bit more to polish it off. Also, It would be a great idea to have Sesshomaru egg his brother on by mentioning how good Kagome\\\'s scent smells and antaginize his brother into actually claiming Kagome. Oh, that would just be the highlight of the next chapter...especially when their fighting as they\\\'re doing now!
 Reviewed By: HeartStar [MediaMiner Member]  On: June 10, 2005 15:53 CDT
Overall Rating: 10 of 10
Wow I mean damn what are they going to do now...
 Title: So sorry for the wait...
Reviewed By: DarklessVasion [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 22, 2005 09:56 CDT
Wow! Kagome sure is pissed. I don't blame InuYasha for taking off. Everyone giving him the 'third degree' probably made him feel like he was being verbally attacked, not his strongest skill or choice mode of battle. His uncharacteistic silence may be evidence that, whatever the problem is, he's having difficulty solving it. He's just too stubborn to ask for help and will continue to struggle internally. Silly doggie-boy, he has good friends now; friends that know almost everything about him. Maybe they could give a different point of view to his dilemma and make it easier to fix. His behavour over the shard is puzzling though. Keeping a tainted shard is never a good idea. I hope that Miroku can get the moody Hanyou to open up. *crossing fingers*
 Reviewed By: DarklessVasion [MediaMiner Member]  On: April 06, 2005 16:50 CDT
Well, Kiniromaru chose death. Her reasons were valid and she was following a different code that Kagome is unfamiliar with. Death is not a bad thing, it is a natural thing...and it comes to all of us in the end. Chosing oblivious and peaceful death over directionless and hopeless life made a lot of sense for our unfortunate Kiniromaru. Now the Inu-tachi has one more shard of the Shikon no Tama...and another shard that belonged to her Kiniromaru's father before it was lodged in her own heart. What will they do with the other shard? Does it need purifying just like the Shikon shards do? And what is it's danger potential? Will it retain the healing powers or will it grant increased power and draw youkai to it just like the Shikon shards? So many questions. I hope you have answers! Nicely done.
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