[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
By: Lady Nightshade 
In the near future the vampires will rule the world and bring eternal darkness to the world. A group of women that are descended from a clan of Hunters are the only ones that have the courage to fight. When King Yami decides to take revenge on them for the deaths of all his kin, he does it in a rather different way then simple killing them. He is going to turn the girls into vampires while their leader watches from her cold cell. Though what neither the vampires or hunters know is that fate has something in store for all of them. Here is the line up of characters
The Vampires
Yami - King of the Vampires and son of Dracula.
Joey - Yami's second in command and closest friend
Duke - Advisor to Yami and his trainer; an old friend of Dracula.
Tristian - Hunter turned Vampire by Serenity.
Serenity - Was killed by Tristian's family for changing him.
Yugi- Younger brother of Yami
Ryu - Healer
Bakura - Avisor to Dracula
Malik - Guard
Marik - Guard
Rasid - Advisor
Seto - Dark Mage
Mokuba - Seto's little brother
Isis - Leader of the Hunters
Arora - second Hunter and half breed of the group
Pernia - Mage of the group
Tea - Psychic
Mai - Fashion Fantic with a nasty right hook
Okami - Is the half wolf demon of the group and is very protective over her "pack"
Arashi - Tea's cousin and the healer.
Umi - The Senior Princess of the Water Nymphs
Mizu - The Junior Princess of the Water nymphs
Couples so far
Anime/Manga: Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction |
Genre(s): Supernatural /
Romance /
Martial Arts /
Hentai /
Drama /
Action |
Type: Alternate Universe |
Uploaded On: 02.20.2004 |
Pages: 40 |
Words: 33.1K |
Visits: 10.6K |
Status: Completed