Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ A Light in the Darkness ❯ Pains of Growth and Separation ( Chapter 49 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

A Light in the Darkness - Part 49: Pains of Growth and Separation
by Mia Skywalker & Wataruo
PAIRING: Yamcha/Hakusai, Bulma/Vegeta
DISCLAIMER: Neither of us owns any of the DBZ characters or anything about DBZ, but we both wish we owned the Saiyans. All of them. At least all of the ones with hair. And yes, we're including Yamcha in that, now you know. These characters are owned by Toei, Viz, Akira Toriyama, and FUNimation. We do own what we've written here, and our specific storyline, just not Dragonball itself. We make no money off of any of these guys, nor off this fic. We just have fun writing it.
SUMMARY: Yamcha continues to suffer from bonding withdrawal and other Saiyan changes.
ACKNOWLEDGEMENT: Thanks to saiyangerl and Two Moons for beta'ing!
Day 8 - Chikyuu
After the tailoring droids had measured him, Yamcha tried to sleep. He found, though, that he simply could not. Whenever he closed his eyes he could hear her, smell her, taste her, feel her. After a while he simply gave up and decided to step outside. He had forgotten about the moon and his newly grown tail, but fortunately the moon wasn't even close to full at the moment so there wasn't any danger. He realized as soon as he had walked outside and looked up at it how incredibly stupid such a move had been. Once outside, though, he stayed out there for about an hour, hoping the cold wind would help. It didn't.
Eventually he went inside, and although he tossed and turned, he did eventually sleep, dreaming of Hakusai pressed against him, kissing him and making love with him.
When he woke the next morning he realized it was still dark, but had given up on the idea of getting sleep. His eyes felt like sandpaper and his hands were shaking, but he went downstairs to get a cup of coffee. He was on his tenth cup when the others began to get up.
Vegeta awoke feeling more relaxed than he had in years. He suspected that the woman who was snuggling in his arms had something to do with it. He smiled down at her affectionately. He pressed his mouth against her forehead to give her a soft kiss before lowering his mouth to her ear and nibbling on the earlobe in an effort to wake her up.
::Wake up, woman. I am hungry.::
::So? Do you have to wake me up just so you can eat?:: she thought at him drowsily, a hint of peevishness in her tone. ::I'm still tired, Vegeta. I can eat later.:: She was too tired to consider the fact that she probably wasn't going to see him again that day until he came back for lunch.
He kissed her mouth briefly, before slipping out of bed. ::Have it your way then. I am going to see if Yamcha is awake. Might as well get some sparring in after breakfast. I'll see you when I get back.::
::Good night, Vegeta,:: she thought automatically, slipping back into sleep again. He shook his head, realizing that somehow she thought it was still night. She was more tired than he had realized, he thought as he headed downstairs.
When Vegeta walked into the kitchen, he was not at all surprised to see Yamcha sitting there looking like the world was about to end. The dark circles under his eyes indicated that the warrior had not slept at all the previous night. His eyes narrowed on the almost empty pot of coffee.
"Did you drink all that?" Vegeta grumbled at him. "No wonder you can't sleep."
Yamcha eyed the smaller man sourly. "That's not why I couldn't sleep," he growled, then lowered his eyes in embarrassment. He wasn't going to tell the Saiyan prince that he had been pining over his sister. "I slept. I drank this after I woke up. I'm hoping it will make me feel more alert."
He stood up abruptly. "You said you wanted to spar early this morning," he said, trying to cover up his discomfiture. "It's not going to get any earlier." With a start, he realized he towered over Vegeta even more than he had the day before, that he was probably another inch or two taller. He flushed slightly. "Guess I'm still growing," he muttered.
Vegeta shrugged. "Looks that way. We will get started after we eat."
He gave Yamcha a pointed look. He knew the other man had not eaten, and he had only poked at his food the night before. Vegeta did not know why he suddenly felt the need to look out from Yamcha. It could have been because if the younger man had not attacked him Bulma might never have defended him. It could have also been the fact that he did not want the other man to die because his sister was not present.
Whatever the reason Vegeta sat down at the table and gave Yamcha a look that purely said that he was going to do what Vegeta told him, or else. "Hakusai would not be happy if you starved to death before she got back," he told the other man. "Sit and eat."
Yamcha shrugged, wondering why Vegeta was so concerned about him. ::Maybe it's because I'm a Saiyan now,:: he thought cynically. ::Since I'm no longer a 'weak ningen' he doesn't hate me like he used to.::
He walked over to the food processor and programmed it to make breakfast. He started to punch in the quantity when he paused. He had been about to request an average sized breakfast, forgetting that he was a Saiyan now and should have a Saiyan appetite. He winced, then programmed it for two Saiyan sized meals. He sat back down at the table and waited as the robots began to deliver plate after plate of breakfast to the table.
After both men had eaten and even Vegeta was satisfied with the amount that Yamcha had managed - he might not have eaten as much as he should have, but he did eat - the two men headed out to the same site they had gone the day before and started to spar.
Vegeta found that not only had Yamcha grown by several inches, but his speed and strength had increased as well. He did not know whether to be angrier that Yamcha's strength now rivaled Piccolo's, or that his mother had crippled him so much.
The two men were catching their breath when Goku and Gohan arrived. "Wow, you two sure started early," Goku commented. He looked over at Yamcha and blinked. "Hey you grew again!" he exclaimed. The younger man now really had to look up at his oldest friend as he grinned. "You are stronger too, I can tell."
"You think so?" Yamcha put a hand behind his head, almost in embarrassment. "You've always been the strongest warrior I've known, Goku. Even when you were a kid. Do you really think I've gotten stronger?" He looked at the younger Saiyan hopefully, as one would look to someone he expects to lead him.
"I'll say. Your aura is different too." Goku tilted his head and studied his friend, wondering what it was that was different about him besides his increased strength and size. He shrugged it off as unimportant but something was nagging at him, telling him he was missing something he should know.
"Are we going to stand around all day?" Vegeta complained irritably. "Or are we going to fight?"
Yamcha glanced at him in surprise, and then rather casually raised a hand and threw a ki blast at him. "Fight, I think," he said calmly.
Gohan giggled as Goku grinned. "Vegeta-sensei!" the little Saiyan shouted. "You promised to show me some of your attacks. Will you? Please?" He floated over to Vegeta and looked up at him appealingly.
Vegeta backhanded the ki blast out of the way, and actually grinned at Yamcha before he turned his attention to Gohan who was hovering near him. "Have you perfected your Masenko attack?" he asked. When the boy nodded he commanded him, "Show me."
Gohan considered for a moment, and then put his hands over his head. "Masenko!" he cried out as he released the blast.
When it obliterated the small mountain that he had aimed at, Yamcha and Goku stared in surprise. "Where did you learn that, Gohan?" Yamcha asked curiously.
Gohan smiled happily at them. "It's from Piccolo's Makankossappo. It's not as big, but it's almost as big, and I don't have to charge it up as long." He beamed proudly. "I made it up myself!"
Vegeta studied the rubble with a bored expression on his face, not really betraying his surprise at seeing how much Gohan had improved in a day. If the little runt kept this up, he would surpass all of them.
"Not bad," Vegeta admitted after a moment. "Not bad at all."
"I've been practicing!" Gohan stated, then looked sad. "I was bored, when everyone was busy and I was all alone. So I had nothing to do but practice."
Yamcha was startled, realizing that when he and the others had been searching for the cave, Gohan had been alone. As well as the past few days after that. "I'm sorry, kid. We didn't mean to ignore you that way. I guess...."
"That's OK," Gohan said quickly. He didn't want his friends feeling guilty, but sometimes he felt a little left out because he was so much younger than the others. They didn't always think about him, and often he was left by himself. The fact that his mother wouldn't let him have any friends didn't make things easier, nor the fact that he was a little bit of an outcast at school. Over all he was very lonely, but didn't want the adults to know, knowing they would worry about him if they did.
"I'm all right, really!" he told them earnestly.
Goku patted his son's shoulder and smiled down at him. "I am sorry, Gohan. We have just been so busy these past couple of days. I'll make it up to you."
Gohan smiled at his father with obvious hero-worship in his eyes. "That's OK, daddy! You're the best daddy in the world!"
Vegeta looked at them with an expression of disgust on his face. "I think I'm going to be ill," he commented grumpily.
Yamcha shot him a quick grin, then powered up a ki blast and fired it at Vegeta. "All right, then!" he quipped to the smaller Saiyan. "Then let's spar, and maybe it'll settle your poor, sensitive stomach!"
Vegeta snorted, dodged the ki blast without any effort and charged the younger man. "I'll show you sensitive," he growled and sent a barrage of ki blasts his way.
To his surprise, Yamcha was finding it easier to dodge Vegeta's blasts and blows than it had been before. Vegeta was still stronger than he was, but he thought that might not last much longer. ::I'll bet that'll irritate him,:: he thought with a grin. But if he knew the surly Saiyan, Vegeta would train with more intensity, and not allow anyone to be stronger than he was for very long. Yamcha felt a little guilty about that. It was obvious that his newfound strength was innate, and nothing he had really worked for, but Vegeta had worked for his strength every step of the way.
Yamcha had this sudden intense urge to swear fealty to Vegeta, as a way of making it up to him. Where had that come from? he wondered, startled. The thought surprised him enough that he didn't move fast enough for the next barrage of ki blasts from Vegeta, and they clipped him as he moved away at the last minute.
Vegeta snorted. "Pay attention!" he snapped. "Otherwise you are going to get more than singed." He folded his arms across his chest and snickered. "Who are you daydreaming about?"
Yamcha blushed, causing Vegeta to assume he had been thinking of Hakusai. At that reminder of her, the image of her writhing beneath him overwhelmed him suddenly, and he landed lightly, not even thinking of their sparring match at the moment. His senses were suddenly assaulted with the memory of her taste, her scent, the feel of her skin against his, the sound of her voice whispering in his ear. He groaned, his eyes closing and his fists clenching as he sank to his knees, his teeth gritted against a sudden wave of desire that he could not control.
Vegeta blinked. That was not quite the reaction he had expected when he had taunted the other man. Apparently he was worse off than Vegeta had assumed. If even the hint of Hakusai's name could make him do this then he was strongly bonded indeed.
"She will return." He eyed the other man thoughtfully, sympathetically. He knew the pain Yamcha was in and it was not at all enjoyable.
"She...?" Yamcha choked out through clenched teeth, not understanding. He felt another wave of desire shoot through him as he thought of Hakusai once again. For several minutes he remained like that, unable to move or even think, until the feelings that were coursing through him ebbed. He remained crouched on the ground, gasping for breath, as he regained his senses again.
When he realized where he was and what had happened, he looked up to see the other three staring at him in concern. He blushed, suddenly embarrassed and ashamed that they had seen him lose control that way. He had a sudden urge to fly as far and as fast away from them as he possibly could, especially from Vegeta, whom he was certain would only wish to humiliate him further.
Goku crouched down next to Yamcha and placed his hand on his shoulder. "Are you alright? Is the heat getting to you?"
Vegeta tilted his head to the side, his eyes narrowed as he studied the other warrior. He did not look all right and Vegeta understood what was happening to him all too well. At least he was not suicidal.
"I imagine it is another growth spurt," Vegeta said, knowing full well that was not what it was. "Painful, was it?"
Yamcha looked startled at Vegeta's statement, but then nodded. He didn't know what had made the smaller man say it was a growth spurt, but he leapt at that as an excuse. Gohan and Goku seemed to accept it readily, even though Yamcha suspected, for some reason, that Vegeta sensed the truth. But what was the truth? Yamcha wondered. Even he didn't understand what had overcome him.
He lifted the hem of his shirt, looking down at the stretch marks on his stomach, and winced. They were now quite red and angry; he was growing too fast and his body couldn't handle it. He wondered if it was doing damage to himself internally, and thought perhaps he should have another examination when he got back that afternoon.
"I think maybe Bulma should check me again," he muttered.
Goku nodded. "That's probably a good idea. If you grow too fast wouldn't that be bad for you?"
Vegeta shrugged. "It is possible. You should do what Kakarotto suggests. You do not look well."
Yamcha looked up at the sky and sighed. They hadn't been out there that long yet. "All right," he said heavily, not really wanting to stop yet. "I'll go have Bulma check it."
Gohan's eyes widened. "But we just got here!" he said plaintively.
Yamcha gave him a weak smile. "That's all right. You guys stay, I'll go back by myself, don't worry."
Vegeta snorted. "What happens if you have a growth spurt again as you are flying back?" he asked, eyes narrowing. "Someone needs to go with you."
Goku nodded. "I'll go. Gohan, why don't you stay here and train with Vegeta for a while, then? We will be back soon." The tall man bent and ruffled his son's hair. "That is, if you don't mind, Vegeta."
"Fine with me," Vegeta grumbled. Secretly the warrior was pleased that Goku had made the offer. That way if something happened, Yamcha would not be alone. As long as Yamcha was with someone he was in no danger of harming himself.
Yamcha wasn't going to admit that he was relieved Goku was going with him. He was a little afraid of being alone at the moment; he didn't know what had come over him a few minutes ago, but it frightened him. He lifted off, waved at the two smaller warriors, and then he and Goku headed back to the house.
Vegeta watched the two warriors fly off. He was not even aware of the concerned expression on his face. It had only been there for a moment, but Gohan saw it. When Vegeta looked back at Gohan, he frowned down at the little boy. "Now then where were we?"
Gohan wondered briefly why Vegeta was worried. It couldn't be Yamcha he was worried about, could it? He knew Vegeta hated Yamcha, even if he didn't understand why.
"You were going to teach me one of your ki attacks, because I taught you the Masenko. Which one are you going to teach me, Vegeta-sensei?" Gohan asked eagerly.
"Was I?" Vegeta asked, looking somewhat distracted. But then he started grinning at the little boy. "Yes, I did promise, didn't I?" Vegeta stepped away from him, looked around for a target, and smiled when he found one and started to draw in his ki.
"How about this one?" Vegeta wasn't sure why he was going to teach Gohan his newest attack. Or why he was concerned about Yamcha. It had to be the air on this planet. This place was too dangerous. Especially for Saiyans. When he had gathered enough ki, he extended his right arm, palm up, thumb folded in, and released the ki with a shout.
Vegeta grinned in satisfaction when the mountain and surrounding area was decimated by the attack. Not bad, he thought, pleased that his new attack was effective. Not bad at all.
Gohan studied the rubble, but he was really thinking of what he had seen Vegeta do. He started to gather his ki, then sensed that somehow the way he was gathering it was wrong, and dissipated it. He re-gathered it, this time the same way that Vegeta did, raised his arm up and held his hand out the way Vegeta had, releasing the blast with a shout.
"Big Bang Attack!"
He didn't allow it to be as large as Vegeta's, wanting to make sure he had it right before he tried to make it bigger.
Vegeta smiled, pleased with how fast Gohan had learned that attack, but knowing that he still needed to work on it. "Not bad, kid," he said. For Vegeta to say something like that was almost a compliment. "Try it again. Don't gather your ki so fast either. Focus all your energy onto your target." He demonstrated the attack again so Gohan could see what he meant and gestured the boy to try it again.
Gohan was glad that Vegeta had done it again; he hadn't been sure he had gotten it right from the first demonstration. He gathered his ki in a little more slowly, building it a particular way, then allowed it to shoot out from his palm with a shout. He was surprised how, without even trying to make it large, it was more devastating than he had expected.
Vegeta surveyed the damage the blast caused with interest. Although the blast was not large it had taken out far more of the countryside than Vegeta had expected. But then that was the advantage of this particular attack; you could wipe out a large area without much effort or ki. And in a battle these things were crucial to know. Vegeta gave Gohan a nod, an indication to do the blast again.
Gohan practiced the blast several more times, and after he felt comfortable with it, started modifying it slightly, tightening it to a narrow beam, and widening it for a larger area of effect. He didn't notice the surprise in Vegeta's eyes as he continued to modify the beam; imitating and modifying ki attacks from others was something that he unconsciously did well, and something he had no idea that other people might find more difficult.
"How do you do that?" Vegeta asked after a few minutes. "You modified that attack rather easily. It is not something that is done often or quickly. Yet you can. Who taught you to do this? That Namek friend of yours?"
"Taught me?" Gohan blinked at the Saiyan Prince in confusion. "I don't know. I just do it." He scratched his head, puzzled. "Piccolo-sensei didn't show me how to do it. He just made me survive on my own and taught me how to fight. He said I had to learn everything else on my own. Why? Can't you do it too?"
Vegeta shook his head. "No. I can't," he growled in irritation. "But you can. Must get that from your father."
When the two Saiyans landed back at Capsule Corp, they found Bulma just finishing her own breakfast. She looked at them in surprise. "I thought you two would be out sparring with Vegeta. What happened?"
Yamcha said nothing, just lifted the edge of his shirt and showed the stretch marks on his skin that were now red, angry and swollen. Bulma gasped in surprise, then walked over to him and touched one of them gently. Yamcha winced, and then realized that the skin was extremely tender. Whatever was going on, his Saiyan physiology wasn't enough to compensate for it.
"I'd better get you back to the lab," she murmured in a hushed, worried tone.
Bulma practically dragged him to the infirmary and attached a number of devices to his skin. She then proceeded to run several scans on him, noting the data that was being recorded. After about half an hour of this, with Goku hovering in confused worry in the doorway, Bulma looked up from the latest set of data on her screen with a concerned expression on her face.
"This is bad, Yamcha." She didn't even try to be gentle about it. She was far too upset to do so. "It looks like you're killing yourself with this sudden growth. If it doesn't stop.... How tall are you now, Yamcha?"
Yamcha moved to stand up, and winced when his ankle shot a sharp pain through him as soon as it touched the ground. "I don't know," he admitted. "I haven't measured myself since this started."
Bulma dragged him over to a scale, and watched the robotic arm measure Yamcha's form. Despite the fact that he was slightly hunched over in pain, she got the results. "You're already almost seven feet tall," she breathed in awe. "You've grown over half a foot in a couple of days. This can't be good."
She turned to the regeneration tank and pressed a few buttons, and the two Saiyans could see it springing to life. Yamcha eyed it suspiciously. "Bulma, what are you doing?"
"Putting you back in the tank, Yamcha," she said calmly. "I know it's what 'caused' this in the first place, but all it did was activate codes that were already in your DNA. That damage has been done, and this is the only thing that can repair the current damage to your system."
She turned back to him again, and he could see the anxiety in her face. "Yamcha, the damage your growth has done to your system is already bad enough. And if you continue to grow it'll only be worse. I think you should go into the tank, even if only for an hour or two. And I think you should stay in it overnight as well. It can't hurt, and it can only help...."
Yamcha hesitated, and then nodded, seeing how completely worried she was about him. It was a little gratifying to know she still cared, even if she did love Vegeta now. "All right," he agreed softly, and started to remove his clothing. He hesitated at his underwear, and Bulma smiled impishly.
"I saw you nude when I put you in the tank before. But if it makes you feel better, I won't look. Goku, can you help harness him in?"
The two Saiyans got Yamcha settled into the harness and into the tank, and then Bulma turned it on again. She touched the glass of the tank and looked anxiously at Yamcha inside of it. "Get better," she whispered to him. "I'll let you out again in an hour."
"Do you really think the tank will help?" Goku asked, following Bulma out of the infirmary. "I mean while Vegeta and Yamcha were sparring he nearly fell over. That was how much pain he was in. Won't the tank just make him grow more?"
Bulma giggled at Goku's naiveté. "No, Goku. It doesn't work that way. All the tank did was reactivate codes in his DNA that his mother had deliberately suppressed. That means that his body was suddenly flooded with commands saying 'this is what you should be', and is trying to make itself that way. But that damage has already been done; all that's left now is to fix the damage that the growth spurts are causing. The tank will help rebuild the tissues and the bones, and the minerals and vitamins that his body needs. Right now, to make him grow, his body is stealing other parts of his body to build itself. Then it'll turn around and want to rebuild that mass, and go in a vicious cycle. The tank will act as a buffer, because it'll give him what his body is trying to use to rebuild him." Bulma sighed. "But it would help if he would eat more! Right now he really needs that Saiyan appetite of his, and he is NOT eating enough!"
Goku sighed. "If you say so, Bulma. You know more about this stuff than I do. So you think he will be ok? Vegeta is worried about him." When Bulma gave him a surprised look, he replied with a shrug. "When we first got there, those two were sparring, and Vegeta was not fighting him at full strength. It's almost like he is protecting him for some reason."
"Protecting him? That's odd." Bulma frowned thoughtfully, trying to figure it out. She unconsciously glanced back at the infirmary. "Could it be because of the bond? He would be the only one who knows what Yamcha is going through." At Goku's surprised look, Bulma sighed and explained. "Vegeta believes that Hakusai and Yamcha somehow bonded with one another. I don't know if it's true or not, but Vegeta is convinced of it. And Yamcha does seem to be upset about something. It could be this whole thing about him being a Saiyan or his mother abandoning him, but either way he's going through some difficult times right now. We all need to look after him."
She put a hand on his arm. "Goku," she continued quietly, "if he is bonded to Hakusai, don't mention it to him, all right? I don't think he's ready for that information at the moment. And it really might not be that at all. The changes in his body, all the stuff we found out the other day, the fact that he almost died a few days ago, any of that could be a factor. Or all of it. But just watch him and make sure he is all right? Please?"
"Okay Bulma. I will." Goku shook his head. "But I think with me and Vegeta watching him he shouldn't have too many problems. I guess this has to be really hard for him. I can still remember when Radditz showed up. This has to be upsetting to say the least."
Bulma smiled warmly at him. Dear, sweet Goku.
"Yes, Goku. You're a good friend. Although I'm surprised that Vegeta cares what happens to Yamcha." She frowned. "Maybe it's because he's a Saiyan," she mused to herself, remembering what he had said once about it being a waste to kill Goku since he was one of the few remaining Saiyans. "He wouldn't have anyone to rule if he killed all of you, would he?" she murmured with a smile.
"Why don't you go back to the others, Goku?" I'll let him out of the tank in about an hour. But I have some work to do, and I'm sure you don't just want to stand around waiting, do you?"
"You sure?" When Bulma nodded, he turned and headed to the door. "I'll go train for awhile then come back with everyone else for lunch. I suppose we can let him out then. Unless you want us to come back sooner?"
Bulma hesitated, and then shrugged. Staying in the tank an extra hour or two couldn't hurt Yamcha. "No, lunch would be fine. Make it an early lunch, though. Think you can be back by ten or eleven? I'll make sure we have lunch ready by then, all right?"
"Okay then. See you later." Goku turned and headed out the door and back to where they had been sparring earlier. He got there in time to see Gohan practicing a blast he had never seen before and was amazed by the strength in it. "Hey Gohan. That's pretty good!" he said, beaming with pride for his son.
"Good is not the word," Vegeta grumbled looking over at Goku. "Your brat learns fast." ::So will mine, Kakarotto. Just wait until my son is born.::
"Always has," Goku said proudly. "So, can I see that again?" he asked his son.
"OK!" Gohan agreed to his father, but he hesitated. He looked at the scowl on Vegeta's face, and suddenly he felt bad for the small Saiyan. "Maybe I can teach you how to do it," he offered the older man. "Maybe it's something you can learn to do, too!" Goku had no idea what his son was talking about, but Gohan knew Vegeta would understand.
Gohan gathered up his ki, then raised his palm and shot the beam out. He opted for an extremely narrow one this time, which created a very clean hole all they way through one of the rock outcroppings in the area. "Cool, huh?" He smiled happily at his father.
"Very cool," Goku agreed. Vegeta snorted. "Well, it is," Goku said, winking at his son. "Bulma put Yamcha in the tank, by the way. She said she wants us to come back by ten or so."
"That doesn't give us too much time," Vegeta said, studying the sky. "Did she say why?"
"I guess she wants us there when Yamcha gets out of the tank. She asked me to keep an eye on him. She is worried."
Vegeta snorted, again. "She has good reason to be. Hakusai needs to be here. Then he will settle down."
"Because he is bonded to her?" Goku asked. When Vegeta looked at him in surprise, Goku shrugged. "Bulma told me."
"Yes. He is bonded to her," Vegeta said. "Let's get back to training, then. We only have an hour or so left."
"Vegeta?" Gohan asked hesitantly. "Maybe I can show you how I do that with ki techniques. But I don't really know how I do it...."
"Yes, show me," Vegeta commanded. "You probably do it unconsciously. Do the blast I just taught you. And show me."
Gohan nodded. "Hai, Vegeta-sama." He concentrated, forming the ki. "I just took it, and narrowed the beam, by focusing on the ki I have in my hands, and when I release it...." He let the ki flow out his palm, and continued speaking, but with more difficulty as he was also concentrating on the ki blast as well. "...I just make it so that it's concentrated in a narrower area, and I don't let it spread out." He panted, concentrating on explaining it while he was doing it was more difficult than he had expected. "That's all I know how to explain it.... I just concentrate on how I send it out, once I have the basic technique down."
"I see." Vegeta eyed the result of the blast with some interest. Vegeta decided that if a six-year-old could do it, then so could he. Unfortunately, the first time Vegeta did it, it wore him out so much that he was breathing heavily by the time he had released the blast.
"Takes practice, I guess," Goku said, placing a hand on the back of his head.
"Shut up, Kakarotto," Vegeta grumbled at him, still feeling a little winded. How did the kid do it so easily?
"We have to get back, anyhow," Goku commented. "By the looks of things we are probably late. And I am hungry."
"Then let's get going. Kid, we will work on that," Vegeta commanded. Then the three took to the air and headed back for Capsule Corp, arriving a little late, but starving nevertheless.
To be continued.....
And in the next exciting episode of DragonBall Z: A Light in the Darkness... Pu'ar shows up and causes problems.