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Title: Silver, My Mewtwo [ Anime/Manga :: Pokemon ] By: Kurama1238
Uploaded On: Feb 7 11:40:09 2004
Charcters: Mewtwo
Description: Mewtwo
Image Properties: 640x480 44.62 kb
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Title: chibi firey [ Anime/Manga :: Card Captor Sakura ] By: Jeremycards
Uploaded On: Feb 6 12:17:58 2004
Charcters: Clow Cards
Description: esta imagen me la hiso mi amiga annita kinomoto! es firey humana pero en chibi, no esta preciosa? n.n ________ that pic was drawed to me by my friend annita kinomoto, is a chibi human firey, isnt she cute? n.n
Image Properties: 300x300 15.35 kb
Title: Human Firey 2 [ Anime/Manga :: Card Captor Sakura ] By: Jeremycards
Uploaded On: Feb 6 12:16:01 2004
Charcters: Clow Cards
Description: esta es otra imagen que me hiso matty de firey humana, aqui se ve mas sexi :P ______ thats other pic than my friends make to me of human firey, she looks more sexi here :P
Image Properties: 618x638 83.24 kb
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Title: Human Firey [ Anime/Manga :: Card Captor Sakura ] By: Jeremycards
Uploaded On: Feb 6 12:11:58 2004
Charcters: Clow Cards
Description: este es un dibujo que me hiso mi amiga matty para mi, mirenla! es firey la carta fuego pero en humana, asi aparece en mi fic (todavia no llege a esa parte) no se ve tierna? n.n ________ my friend matty draw this to me, its human firey! thats how she looks read more
Image Properties: 467x827 483.97 kb
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Title: Card Captor Jeremy [ Anime/Manga :: Card Captor Sakura ] By: Jeremycards
Uploaded On: Feb 6 12:03:02 2004
Charcters: Original Character
Description: hey ese soy yo, card captor jeremy, a que me veo cool no? vean mi fic card captors J pliz, mi amigo dark kuu me dibujo este dibujo ____________ hey thats me, card captor jeremy, i look cool isn't? watch my fic card captors j plz (is in spanish), my friend read more
Image Properties: 407x600 37.49 kb
Title: Aya Kitten [ Anime/Manga :: Weiss Kreuz ] By: Cigamina
Uploaded On: Feb 6 6:48:20 2004
Charcters: Aya Fujimiya, Youji Kudou
Description: If you can't read it, the words on Aya's sweater say: I'm his sweet, little kitten!!
Image Properties: 311x439 70.95 kb
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Title: High-Tech Elf [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: empty
Uploaded On: Feb 6 2:31:58 2004
Image Properties: 506x800 133.82 kb
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Title: Daring [ Anime/Manga :: Weiss Kreuz ] By: Tigerblade
Uploaded On: Feb 5 19:13:12 2004
Charcters: Omi Tsukiyono
Description: Omi has gone mad and he has his claws out to get whoever dares to challenge him. Umm...Please Review.
Image Properties: 1384x2038 345.6 kb
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Title: Gwyn and Liam - panic [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Kiyone
Uploaded On: Feb 5 19:02:38 2004
Description: 2 of my characters. Liam has every reason to panic... no one wants Gwyn on their bad side, being that she IS a Fire Elemental. ^____^ This was a bit of an experiment. I was watching Ranma1/2 when I drew the expressions, and the coloring is a lot more chunk read more
Image Properties: 800x600 68.58 kb
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Title: hikari no yami [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Sol_Soldier
Uploaded On: Feb 5 8:22:27 2004
Description: two sides, darkness and light. shin no hikari and shin no yami
Image Properties: 360x504 35.14 kb
Title: Heero and music colour [ Anime/Manga :: Gundam Wing ] By: Sefarina Malaika
Uploaded On: Feb 4 21:10:46 2004
Charcters: Heero
Description: Same pic as before but with colour
Image Properties: 502x480 37.37 kb
Title: Alucard grin [ Anime/Manga :: Hellsing ] By: Sillie
Uploaded On: Feb 4 5:56:53 2004
Charcters: Alucard
Description: This is a picture from the manga I bought... I just love Alucard... *grins* (oekaki)
Image Properties: 350x200 18.96 kb
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Title: Tears [ Anime/Manga :: Yu Yu Hakusho ] By: Kirara-chan
Uploaded On: Feb 3 21:36:46 2004
Charcters: Hiei, Yukina
Description: Hiei and Yukina, and the bond they share. I like this one because its simple and sweet. Review please! ^_^
Image Properties: 559x414 141.06 kb
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Title: A New Demon [ Anime/Manga :: Yu Yu Hakusho ] By: kuramarose8888
Uploaded On: Feb 3 16:37:49 2004
Charcters: Original Character
Description: Ok, this is my own demon design. This is a cat/ dragon. The cat part is seen in the ears and tail base. The dragon is in the tail tip, horns and small patches of scails... Umm, so I used colored pensils and charcole. So... that's it. Have a nice day! ~Kitt read more
Image Properties: 289x513 47.76 kb
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Title: Ryuukassatsu [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: panoramacon
Uploaded On: Feb 3 0:51:43 2004
Charcters: Fan-created Char
Description: This is a character I made up for playing Inuyasha RPGs online with. He's a dragon kind of like Ryuukotsusei only not as destructive and evil but that's not to say he's less powerful. I'm still working out the finer details of his personality and history b read more
Image Properties: 648x800 205.31 kb
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