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Title: Ice [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Harry Potter ] By: Nepenthe
Uploaded On: Sep 24 21:27:17 2002
Charcters: Snape
Description: Supposed to be prof. Snape...though this is a bit on the angsty side ^^; oh well...inspired by everything from 'serial experiments lain' to 'queen of the damned' --go figure... please review? i'll review you if you review me ;0)
Image Properties: 337x550 62.72 kb
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Title: Precious [ Anime/Manga :: Angel Sanctuary ] By: Nepenthe
Uploaded On: Sep 24 20:24:47 2002
Description: Barbelo. pen and ink with a little computer shading. Nine Inch Nail lyrics in the corner. Sadly i forgot her little hair thing in this one...but Kaori Yuki left it out once in the comic, so i guess i can too...Barbelo is so...gorgeous! *^^* please review!
Image Properties: 462x650 69.2 kb
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Title: Whee! [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: Reddawg
Uploaded On: Sep 24 19:46:20 2002
Charcters: Gohan, Piccolo (Ma Junior)
Description: Yay, it's my two fave chars from the series! w00t! XD Ok, ok...I'm going now...
Image Properties: 585x514 31.58 kb
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Title: Here, Fratley! [ Computer/Video Game :: Final Fantasy Series ] By: Reddawg
Uploaded On: Sep 24 19:21:55 2002
Description: Whee, more FF art. XD I like Sir Fratley, he's coo.
DOne in pencil, a while ago.
Image Properties: 394x800 40.71 kb
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Title: Freya [ Computer/Video Game :: Final Fantasy Series ] By: Reddawg
Uploaded On: Sep 24 19:20:44 2002
Charcters: freya
Description: Hey, it's Freya! Done a while ago, in pencil.
Image Properties: 575x800 37.53 kb
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Title: Horohoro [ Anime/Manga :: Shaman King ] By: SWsan
Uploaded On: Sep 24 18:52:51 2002
Description: Weeeeeeee! Horohoro grinning! X3 I wuv him! Done with (tria, prisma and copic markers)
Image Properties: 516x600 70.88 kb
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Title: Chibi Bebop #2 [ Anime/Manga :: Cowboy Bebop ] By: Reddawg
Uploaded On: Sep 24 18:42:53 2002
Charcters: Spike Spiegel
Description: Now Spike's been chibified! XD Ok, I need a life, but it's still cute.
Done on Oekaki.
Image Properties: 200x300 7.4 kb
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Title: Chibi Bebop [ Anime/Manga :: Cowboy Bebop ] By: Reddawg
Uploaded On: Sep 24 18:41:45 2002
Charcters: Edward, Ein
Description: It's Ed and Ein all chibified and cute. XDDone on oekaki.
Image Properties: 300x300 9.95 kb
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Title: Ed....MOVE! [ Anime/Manga :: Cowboy Bebop ] By: Reddawg
Uploaded On: Sep 24 18:39:17 2002
Charcters: Edward, Spike Spiegel, Ein
Description: "But Edward wants to see!"
XDOk, randomness. But it turned out cute, so I'm posting it.
Done on Oekaki.
Image Properties: 300x300 33.82 kb
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Title: "Well helloooo, mister gambler..." [ Computer/Video Game :: Final Fantasy Series ] By: TaoStrife
Uploaded On: Sep 24 12:59:22 2002
Charcters: Setzer/Final Fantasy 6, Edgar Roni Figaro
Description: Hehe, Edgar's so much fun to draw ^_^ And Setzer just lends himself to this situation, I think.
As the title suggests, I doodled this in a very silly mood.
Pencil, Photoshop, Photodraw
Image Properties: 598x850 89.16 kb
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Title: Er... Wolfy! [ Anime/Manga :: Trigun ] By: Jule
Uploaded On: Sep 23 18:30:22 2002
Charcters: Nicholas D. Wolfwood
Description: Been working on collages and computer stuff for school. Decided to take a break and do some good ol' Trigun fan art. :PJust a little Wolfwood posing.
Image Properties: 504x744 46.27 kb
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Title: Who's next? [ Computer/Video Game :: Final Fantasy Series ] By: Juu-Chan
Uploaded On: Sep 23 11:19:28 2002
Charcters: Reno
Description: One of my all time favourites. Reno! With that nice weapon he's always carrying around! I'm thinking of inking and colouring this one, add some background among other things, tell me if it's worth doing that. By the way, I got some questions asking what ki read more
Image Properties: 654x651 33.06 kb
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Title: Draco and Hermione 02 [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Harry Potter ] By: Rosemon
Uploaded On: Sep 23 10:07:56 2002
Charcters: Hermione, Draco
Description: The same as my other D&H pic...just felt like drawing it...
Image Properties: 600x667 79.58 kb
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Title: Draco and Hermione [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Harry Potter ] By: Rosemon
Uploaded On: Sep 23 10:05:56 2002
Charcters: Hermione, Draco
Description: Don't ask why...i just felt like drawing it...
Image Properties: 600x672 76.02 kb
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Title: Zombie X-mas [ Mythological :: Vampires/Succumbus/Undead ] By: Raven Xavier
Uploaded On: Sep 23 9:17:59 2002
Description: My concept for a horror-themed Christmas card =^_^=
Image Properties: 320x435 50.12 kb
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