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Title: Mermaid [ Mythological :: Mermaid/Merfolk ] By: corynth
Uploaded On: Sep 20 16:45:34 2002
Description: I'm quite pleased with how this one turned out. My one real gripe with this pic is that I realized 1/3 of the way through that she's in a classic Sub-Mariner pose. This made me wince pretty badly when taken in conjuction with the fact that she's an underwa read more
Image Properties: 803x718 118.06 kb
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Title: Uri winter gear [ Mythological :: Angels ] By: Meachy
Uploaded On: Sep 19 21:53:45 2002
Description: Character from my still pending webcomic. Uri, kicking her winter coat and jeans. (note of interest) I'm practicing using a smudge tool in photo editor on pencil art to try and give certain textures a 3-D ish look... Let me know what you think. THank You.. read more
Image Properties: 518x932 79.24 kb
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Title: Uri Fear [ Mythological :: Angels ] By: Meachy
Uploaded On: Sep 19 21:05:52 2002
Description: Pic from one of the first few strips of Arched Angel (I know, I know) it's behind schedule, but it's still comming. This is Uri in a state of fear filled shock.
Image Properties: 937x586 48.02 kb
Title: The ever so very kawaii Xellos [ Anime/Manga :: Slayers ] By: ChibiMelina
Uploaded On: Sep 19 19:51:11 2002
Charcters: Xelloss
Description: he is to damn kawaiiiii ^o^
This is my first time attempting to draw him. I had watched the entire series SEVERAL times, and every time (mostly in NEXT) I would see him I would screem "XELLOS! XELLOSSSS! KAWAIIII!!!"..... XD
Image Properties: 434x607 83.76 kb
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Title: yaoi drow kiss [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: hclark
Uploaded On: Sep 19 16:32:19 2002
Description: bah the compression on this pic is badTarolin's first kiss with Bri'laynthis pic is done on opencanvas
Image Properties: 400x298 85.89 kb
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Title: Kyo [ Miscellaneous :: Music/Musicians ] By: saiyaku
Uploaded On: Sep 19 15:15:36 2002
Description: I love Kyo from Dir en grey...he's a great singer!!!
And he is so kawaii. ^_~
Image Properties: 635x780 67.02 kb
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Title: Pitching a Tent, Anyone? [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: corynth
Uploaded On: Sep 19 10:10:03 2002
Description: So, I wasn't sure whether or not to label this as adult, but since the boobs in it (check the reflection in the glasses) are about the caliber of Leisure Suit Larry breasts, I figured I'd be safe. As for the title, just take note of the fortuitous placemen read more
Image Properties: 701x859 78.94 kb
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Title: Young Tiger [ Miscellaneous :: Animal(s) ] By: El Chupacabras
Uploaded On: Sep 19 9:32:00 2002
Charcters: Cats, Tigers
Description: I drew this some time ago... I wonder why I never uploaded it? Together with this I drew another Tiger, but I drew it on DIN A 3 and I only have a DIN A 4 Scanner and scanning in larger drawings than that is always very difficult. ;_;
Maybe I'll scan read more
Image Properties: 583x581 110.76 kb
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Title: Chichiri w/o Mask [ Anime/Manga :: Fushigi Yuugi ] By: Tao Shi
Uploaded On: Sep 19 9:25:24 2002
Charcters: Chichiri
Description: I dunno what this is. I drew it this mornig while in the waitng room at the hospial (my grandma's okay. Just a check up or something). Anyhow, it was about 7 30 am when I got the urge to do something. And this is it. Keep in mind too, that I'm only running read more
Image Properties: 398x600 35.8 kb
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Title: Lust [ Mythological :: Faery/Fairy/ Faeries ] By: dream sketcher
Uploaded On: Sep 19 7:32:13 2002
Description: I will let this drawing speak for its self, this is a loverly drawing done with 2 to 9b pencils
Image Properties: 531x686 60.38 kb
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Title: Arwen [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Lord of the Rings ] By: dream sketcher
Uploaded On: Sep 19 7:28:28 2002
Charcters: Arwen
Description: a drawing of what i think arwen should look like, it has a black background done on computer.
Image Properties: 531x759 77.14 kb
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Title: rukawa [ Anime/Manga :: Slam Dunk ] By: the wizard
Uploaded On: Sep 19 7:18:16 2002
Description: messy messy painted pic of rukawa...
Image Properties: 522x497 33.99 kb
Title: Kagome Higurashi [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Coronet
Uploaded On: Sep 19 3:39:55 2002
Charcters: Kagome Higurashi
Description: This was done while I was at school and amazingly bored. I colored it with Photoshop when I got home. I don't know why I have Kagome holding onto Miroku's staff and Inuyasha's beads. O_o I have way too much free time in school.
Image Properties: 548x550 59.52 kb
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Title: Inuyasha & Kagome [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Coronet
Uploaded On: Sep 19 3:36:22 2002
Charcters: Inuyasha, Kagome Higurashi
Description: This was done as a collaboration between myself (Coronet) and my friend, Precious Flame. I drew the art and she colored it since I don't have a tablet. This was meant to be a gift for a friend who was gone for a full month and just ended up snaking its way read more
Image Properties: 486x628 218.53 kb
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Title: Pestilence: Plague Angel [ Mythological :: Angels ] By: radiation_boyy
Uploaded On: Sep 19 3:28:33 2002
Description: Right!
This is No.2!
Pestilence...bringer of disease and sickness and I dunno how many time's I've had to explain to people just that....
Oh well...
Took me about the same length of time coz of being busy with Main Lesson books...an read more
Image Properties: 591x867 132.59 kb
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