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Title: CHI [ Anime/Manga :: Chobits ] By: BabyKaoru-sama
Uploaded On: Dec 15 13:31:42 2005
Charcters: Chi
Description: here's another pic I just got done finishing up ^^
Image Properties: 480x498 100.65 kb
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Title: Inuyasha in acrylic [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: JackieChan DragonAngel
Uploaded On: Dec 15 1:03:41 2005
Charcters: Inuyasha
Description: This is one of my favorite pictures. It was drawen in pencil and then painted in acrylic.
Image Properties: 463x747 47.49 kb
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Title: wishing waiting [ Miscellaneous :: Gaia Online ] By: red colored sigh
Uploaded On: Dec 14 17:03:31 2005
Description: Well ....this is a sketch of my gaia character!
Image Properties: 600x800 60.93 kb
Title: Wishful [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: Animekitty1
Uploaded On: Dec 14 14:05:19 2005
Description: This is something I drew a few months ago, but didn't have the chance to scan until now. It's an original character.
Image Properties: 293x828 40.83 kb
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Title: Just One Kiss? [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: MelMuff
Uploaded On: Dec 14 8:10:55 2005
Charcters: Inuyasha, Kagome Higurashi
Description: I drew this quite quickly but I did do a lot of erasing. I even burnt out one of the erasers on my pencil, even though it was already half gone. After I drew it, I inked it using a black pen then I coloured what I could in markers. Then I scanned it and co read more
Image Properties: 1047x813 474.64 kb
Title: ::Santa Mari:: [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: Moonlight Eclipse
Uploaded On: Dec 13 18:09:12 2005
Charcters: Freaks
Description: hehehe teh me wishing everybody Merry Christmas ^^ ~ PLEASE REVIEW ON DRAWING!~
Image Properties: 824x1225 209.17 kb
Title: 2D Gorillaz [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Moonlight Eclipse
Uploaded On: Dec 13 18:04:19 2005
Description: This is 2D from the band Gorillaz ^^ ~PLEASE COMMENT ON THE DRAWING!~
Image Properties: 959x1385 274.89 kb
Title: WereGarurumon [ Anime/Manga :: Digimon ] By: mykiwichan
Uploaded On: Dec 13 8:53:23 2005
Description: This is a picture I did in July 2004 for one of my best friend's who loved WereGarurumon, but I drew him as a her instead ^^; Just to switch things up a bit.
Image Properties: 675x455 133.29 kb
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Title: Meroko and Izumi [ Anime/Manga :: Full Moon Wo Sagashite ] By: mykiwichan
Uploaded On: Dec 13 7:44:46 2005
Charcters: Izumi Rio, Meroko Ui
Image Properties: 650x521 227.86 kb
Title: FMA-Aru helps [ Anime/Manga :: Fullmetal Alchemist ] By: frapachinocrazy4
Uploaded On: Dec 12 21:22:40 2005
Charcters: Alphonse Elric, Edward Elric
Description: its my first FMA fanart/comic done on the computer (Oc) its sloppy and colorful. please go easy on the reviews what it says Panel 1- This is Aru Aru-"HI" Panel 2- This is Edo Edo-"..." Panel 3- they say Hi Aru-"hi" Edo-"..." Panel 4- Edo is too short, so A read more
Image Properties: 200x600 32.54 kb
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Title: Toshi and Kanna [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: kytenluvinu
Uploaded On: Dec 12 17:59:50 2005
Charcters: FanFiction Linked Art
Description: This is Toshi that lovely young woman besides his is Kanna, after she transforms. Based on my fan fictions. Enjoy and reveiw. I'm going to make a color version as soon as I rebuild my patience with windows paint.
Image Properties: 1565x2198 348.76 kb
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Title: Cierzo again [ Miscellaneous :: Role Playing ] By: Cierzo
Uploaded On: Dec 12 17:55:28 2005
Description: This is Cierzo again , my character in the RPG I once played online. This time looking out a window.
Image Properties: 467x646 99.93 kb
Title: Garden of the leaf fairy [ Mythological :: Faery/Fairy/ Faeries ] By: tavis harts
Uploaded On: Dec 12 13:38:21 2005
Description: The second image I colored with open canvas. I am very proud of how this image turned out. :3 Hope everyone likes her.
Image Properties: 450x635 69.11 kb
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Title: Long-haired bishies [ Anime/Manga :: GetBackers ] By: Winged Golden Tiger
Uploaded On: Dec 12 10:48:18 2005
Charcters: Ban Midou
Description: I hope you like these two bishies because I sure does !! It's Ban and Ginji
Image Properties: 1483x1536 463.2 kb
Title: 28 Stars- Embrace [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: lord_of_the_pies
Uploaded On: Dec 12 10:46:00 2005
Charcters: Goku, Vegeta
Description: Another illutration for my fanfiction, 28 Stars, hence the orange background.
Image Properties: 599x704 109.4 kb
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