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Title: Yuta's Forest [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: HPangel589
Uploaded On: Feb 11 20:53:07 2005
Charcters: Original Character
Description: For those of you who have read Broken Vow this is my protaganist Yuta Higurashi, Inuyasha and Kagome's Daughter. Drawn in color pencil
Image Properties: 415x600 15.35 kb
Title: Sheena [ Computer/Video Game :: Tales of Symphonia ] By: foxdog
Uploaded On: Feb 11 15:54:23 2005
Description: II think it came out pretty nicely for being on Paint but anyways Sheena is like my 2 fav heroine in the game and alot of classmates liked her when i drew her but since i dont' have a worknig scaner at the time this was all i could do u.u;; but hey at leas read more
Image Properties: 140x260 13.91 kb
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Title: Farf Loves You [ Anime/Manga :: Weiss Kreuz ] By: reverseangel
Uploaded On: Feb 11 9:28:06 2005
Charcters: Farfarello [aka Jei]
Description: Aawww ;_; so cute, who could refuse? *snerk* okee, I'm sick, but you love me right? Eh? Cause I seem to be on a V-day kick but just can't quite kick the Farf habit ^^ lol!
Image Properties: 339x485 83.97 kb
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Title: Demon [ Mythological :: Dragon/Dragons ] By: Lady Katasha
Uploaded On: Feb 11 6:59:03 2005
Charcters: Western Dragons
Description: The name sucks, I know. It was done in pencil and has no definite lines, it was all shaded. It took me a while just to get it like this, I had to play around with the scanner. Hope you like, it's my best dragon yet and I'm am very pleased with it.
Image Properties: 752x1248 217.17 kb
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Title: ...? [ Mythological :: Elf/Elves ] By: Lady Katasha
Uploaded On: Feb 11 6:51:24 2005
Charcters: Half Elf
Description: This is a little something that I did in my boring English class. And before you comment on the hands and arm, I can't draw them for my life.
Image Properties: 768x1280 252.29 kb
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Title: kakkoii shuichi!! [ Anime/Manga :: Gravitation ] By: hiru
Uploaded On: Feb 11 6:29:48 2005
Charcters: Shuichi Shindou
Description: i really like shuichi! he's cute! so how's d drawin? i knoe its different...
Image Properties: 928x1439 151.33 kb
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Title: Pisces Sora [ Computer/Video Game :: Kingdom Hearts ] By: CoyoteKid
Uploaded On: Feb 10 21:53:19 2005
Charcters: Sora
Description: Sora as a Dorsalback, as seen in Aoi Nikko's fic, "Pisces." Take everything you know about dolphins, throw in a little extra curiosity and lot more spunk, and you've got a Dorsalback. Marker, crayon, and paintpen on sketch pad paper.
Image Properties: 500x900 107.61 kb
Title: Pisces Sephiroth [ Computer/Video Game :: Kingdom Hearts ] By: CoyoteKid
Uploaded On: Feb 10 21:45:08 2005
Charcters: Sephiroth
Description: Another for Aoi Nikko's yaoiville.net fic, "Pisces." Here we see Sephiroth as a Razorfin, which I interpreted as a barracuda. Razorfins are born predators, and have even been known to eat other merpeople. Not a nice bunch, but they are solitary, so a group read more
Image Properties: 482x709 107.11 kb
Title: Pisces Riku [ Computer/Video Game :: Kingdom Hearts ] By: CoyoteKid
Uploaded On: Feb 10 21:37:24 2005
Charcters: Riku
Description: Fan art for a fan fic? Why not?! This is Riku as he appears in Aoi Nikko's "Pisces" fic, which is posted at www.yaoiville.net. In the story, Riku is a merboy of the intimidating 'Slaptail' species. Modeled off of an orca, obviously. Marker, crayon, whiteou read more
Image Properties: 500x909 104.97 kb
Title: HellThing [ Anime/Manga :: Hellsing ] By: Schlect
Uploaded On: Feb 10 20:14:38 2005
Charcters: Alucard
Description: Man oh man was this fun! My mouse even cooperated with me while I colored it! Well, here's to a good show. ;] (This wasn't drawn by me, only colored!)
Image Properties: 500x637 232.74 kb
Title: LostxPolitics [ Mythological :: Beast/Beasts ] By: Schlect
Uploaded On: Feb 10 8:40:23 2005
Description: Drew this for a guy who goes by LostxPolitics. I quite like how this image turned out. The inking is a bit different from my usual stuff.
Image Properties: 500x751 103.79 kb
Title: Hanyou Inuyasha [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: LuClipse85
Uploaded On: Feb 10 7:38:36 2005
Charcters: Inuyasha
Description: I consider this a redo of "Fan-Service For Kagome". One of my reviewers told me I made Inuyasha's muscles too big, so I decided to fix it. The background is supposed to be a sunset but I couldn't get the colors exactly right. This is also a scene from my s read more
Image Properties: 503x789 138.54 kb
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Title: R. Dorothy [ Anime/Manga :: Big O ] By: Yaoi Princess Serena
Uploaded On: Feb 9 23:22:30 2005
Charcters: Dorothy
Description: First drawing I did of Dorothy. When I first drew it, it was in colored pencil and looked bad when I scanned it, I re-did it in MS Paint.
Image Properties: 1649x1518 178.05 kb
Title: last moment to shine [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: ChibiChibi-chan
Uploaded On: Feb 9 23:15:45 2005
Description: "I know you don't think too much of me and I was happy just being with you. I told you I'd protect you no matter what and even if this is the end I won't break that promise, Mahzian." Little fluff momentness... Abby usin the last bit of her miko powers for read more
Image Properties: 630x700 251.94 kb
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Title: Kenny and Kenji [ Anime/Manga :: Rurouni Kenshin ] By: paki
Uploaded On: Feb 9 19:14:03 2005
Charcters: Himura Kenji, Kenshin Himura
Description: I noticed after I finished the picture that Kenshin's hair isn't that way now =_=;;
Image Properties: 673x1000 82.71 kb
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