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Title: Gackt (lookin' like a samurai) [ Miscellaneous :: Music/Musicians ] By: spidee
Uploaded On: Jan 11 19:23:44 2005
Charcters: Gackt
Description: Gackt is a sexy beast! I luv gackt! (mind my email: gacktluvr@yahoo) lol ... hmmm i should draw more gackt pix
Image Properties: 494x640 39.96 kb
Title: Spiderman swingin' away!! [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Spiderman ] By: spidee
Uploaded On: Jan 11 19:21:54 2005
Charcters: Spiderman
Description: Spiderman is really really really cool!! I'll add more fanart later!! :)
Image Properties: 409x600 28.86 kb
Title: Lena [ Miscellaneous :: Realism ] By: mavshorty01
Uploaded On: Jan 11 18:53:23 2005
Description: I wasn't sure where to put this picture...It's supposed to be me :) I drew it out first and then used photoshop to color it. It's the first time I've EVER used photoshop so I'm pretty proud of it. Comment if you like :D
Image Properties: 2040x2550 194.24 kb
Title: Paragon [ Miscellaneous :: n/a ] By: Kyhan
Uploaded On: Jan 11 17:56:50 2005
Description: This is paragon. i forgot to discribe him.
Image Properties: 710x935 69.73 kb
Title: Mokuba Grew Up [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Konton Hakai
Uploaded On: Jan 11 17:16:49 2005
Charcters: Mokuba Kaiba, Rebecca Hawkins
Description: Mokuba grew up and seems to have grabbed himself a girlfriend...who just happens to be Rebecca Hawkins! *^_^* I like Mokuba grown up! This is my first time trying out my Paint Shop Pro 8, so please don't laugh...I made this after I received a request. This read more
Image Properties: 427x443 29.4 kb
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Title: Kino Makoto [ Anime/Manga :: Sailor Moon ] By: Aldsvider
Uploaded On: Jan 11 12:24:56 2005
Charcters: Sailor Jupiter
Description: Sketch...
Image Properties: 687x811 288.38 kb
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Title: InuYasha [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Yami_Bakura_Itemri
Uploaded On: Jan 11 0:50:05 2005
Charcters: Inuyasha
Description: Just a lil sketch of Youkai InuYasha
Image Properties: 365x442 31.35 kb
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Title: Yami and Feral Imp [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Yami_Bakura_Itemri
Uploaded On: Jan 11 0:46:31 2005
Charcters: Yami Yugi
Description: A quace` painting on A4. Umm.. this isnt by anyway copied. It's all my own work. Incase anyone thought it was too good that it was... ^^"
Image Properties: 598x873 130.93 kb
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Title: There's just something about YAMIZ [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Yami_Bakura_Itemri
Uploaded On: Jan 11 0:39:33 2005
Charcters: Bakura, Malik Ishtar, Ryou Bakura, Yami Bakura, Yami Malik, Yami Yugi
Description: Bweehehehehe... Humouse groupie pic. All just started with Bakura licking the Mil. eye... but then i thought.. heh, why not XD lets make something else of it.
Image Properties: 777x590 102.57 kb
Title: Yami Yugi [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Yami_Bakura_Itemri
Uploaded On: Jan 11 0:34:08 2005
Charcters: Yami Yugi
Description: Anouther earlier piece this time Yami Yugi. Heh.. turned out much better than the other 2 by far...
Image Properties: 367x809 45.96 kb
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Title: Yami Bakura [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Yami_Bakura_Itemri
Uploaded On: Jan 11 0:29:15 2005
Charcters: Yami Bakura
Description: T_T Oh hell.. anouther one of my earlier pieces... Ok ok.. so I guess you saw how the Mil. Items in the last one looked..
Image Properties: 516x705 44.62 kb
Title: Yami Bakura [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Yami_Bakura_Itemri
Uploaded On: Jan 11 0:26:15 2005
Charcters: Yami Bakura
Description: Ahhh... this is a horrible one >< I'll just blame it on the fact that I drew this when i was just starting out as a YuGiOh fan... so I wasnt quite so intune with the character like I am now. ^^" So yeah.. an earlier crappier piece... Prolly drawn on read more
Image Properties: 375x699 36.94 kb
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Title: Possesion [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Yami_Bakura_Itemri
Uploaded On: Jan 11 0:14:05 2005
Charcters: Yami Bakura, Yami Malik
Description: Just a lil pose of my two snuggly-poo yamis ^.^ It's hard to tell which one is the Possesive one here. XD
Image Properties: 552x786 58.63 kb
Title: Give me all your smigg! [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Yami_Bakura_Itemri
Uploaded On: Jan 11 0:05:37 2005
Charcters: Yami Bakura
Description: Bakura's very possessive about his Smiggies.
Image Properties: 834x601 126.37 kb
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Title: Bakura's 10 Commandments [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Yami_Bakura_Itemri
Uploaded On: Jan 11 0:01:39 2005
Charcters: Yami Bakura
Description: Bwaahhahaha... For those who dont understand about the commandments.. it's RPG related. ^^" Okkiedai... so to some that arnt part of the RP's that I am you may not understand what it's all about.
Image Properties: 850x588 120.51 kb
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