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Title: Messy [ Anime/Manga :: Fake ] By: Dragongirl85
Uploaded On: Jan 5 6:36:37 2005
Charcters: Bikky, Carol, Dee Laytner, Randy Ryo Maclean
Description: Umm... Well, let's see who's here. Dee, Ryo, Bikky, Carol, Ted, Drake, J.J, Diana, Berkley, Chief Smith... Umm, I think that was is... And it's enough too. O.o
Image Properties: 995x649 159.93 kb
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Title: Kasai [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: I_love_Inuyasha
Uploaded On: Jan 4 16:20:22 2005
Charcters: Fan-created Char
Description: This is Kasai, the demon who is in love with Kagome's father in my story Sweet 16.
Image Properties: 473x706 37.27 kb
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Title: Kinu [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: I_love_Inuyasha
Uploaded On: Jan 4 16:18:30 2005
Charcters: Fan-created Char
Description: This is Kinu, Kagome's grandmother in Sweet 16.
Image Properties: 479x662 43.55 kb
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Title: Raiu [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: I_love_Inuyasha
Uploaded On: Jan 4 16:13:05 2005
Charcters: Fan-created Char
Description: This is Raiu, Kagome's uncle in Sweet 16, he looks younger in this picture then the way I actually picture him, I'll probably draw one later of how he looks when Kagome meets him.
Image Properties: 711x550 37.66 kb
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Title: Hime [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: I_love_Inuyasha
Uploaded On: Jan 4 16:10:41 2005
Charcters: Fan-created Char
Description: This is Hime, Kagome's aunt from Sweet 16, I'll probably color it later, but right now, I don't feel like it
Image Properties: 525x714 39.34 kb
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Title: Sweet 16 [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: I_love_Inuyasha
Uploaded On: Jan 4 16:06:06 2005
Charcters: Inuyasha, Kagome Higurashi
Description: This is an image that I made to go along with my story Sweet 16
Image Properties: 473x438 40.68 kb
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Title: Belldandy [Coloured] [ Anime/Manga :: Ah My Goddess ] By: Meii
Uploaded On: Jan 4 15:32:41 2005
Charcters: Belldandy
Description: A sketch of Belldandy that I coloured with standard pencil crayons afterwards. It's the first time I've ever coloured anything, and it turned out pretty good ^^
Image Properties: 676x875 165.57 kb
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Title: Van [ Anime/Manga :: Vision Of Escaflowne ] By: Meii
Uploaded On: Jan 4 15:30:35 2005
Charcters: Van Fanel
Description: Something very quick and very rough.. I did this at 3 in the morning @_@ ^^;;
Image Properties: 676x875 71.84 kb
Title: InuYasha- Two Sides.. [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Meii
Uploaded On: Jan 4 15:28:42 2005
Charcters: Inuyasha
Description: A sketch I did a while ago based on a fairly popular pic of him floating around the internet.. I actually like it a lot, though ^^
Image Properties: 886x669 57.24 kb
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Title: Sesshoumaru [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: SakuraWings
Uploaded On: Jan 4 11:30:29 2005
Charcters: Sesshomaru
Description: Sesshoumaru using Oekaki I'm hungry...
Image Properties: 400x400 169.57 kb
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Title: Mail Days [ Miscellaneous :: n/a ] By: xFluffiesGirlx
Uploaded On: Jan 4 10:59:20 2005
Description: This Just a simple Chibi drawling that i wanted to put up i hope you all like.
Image Properties: 769x591 106.66 kb
Title: Nova [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: tuathafaerie
Uploaded On: Jan 4 7:31:05 2005
Charcters: Kagura
Description: The third image that corresponds with Heaven Cracks a Grin on Me, Kagura's star dress.
Image Properties: 952x1982 364.23 kb
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Title: When the Moon Hits Your Eye [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: tuathafaerie
Uploaded On: Jan 4 7:29:01 2005
Charcters: Kagura
Description: The second image corresponding to Heaven Cracks a Grin on Me, Kagura's moon dress.
Image Properties: 1190x1830 363.31 kb
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Title: A Sunrise to Remember [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: tuathafaerie
Uploaded On: Jan 4 7:27:27 2005
Charcters: Kagura
Description: The first image corresponding to Heaven Cracks a Grin on Me, Kagura's sun dress.
Image Properties: 964x2001 248.04 kb
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Title: want Kiss? [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: _Teana
Uploaded On: Jan 3 22:35:35 2005
Charcters: Anzu Mazaki, Yami Yugi
Description: Yami :Ahhhh...ummm...do you mind if we...oh forget, I'm gonna kiss you! Anzu : ah..
Image Properties: 595x506 50.59 kb
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