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Title: beginnings [ Anime/Manga :: Gundam Wing ] By: priscel
Uploaded On: Dec 27 11:57:48 2004
Charcters: Duo Maxwell, Heero
Image Properties: 792x985 92.69 kb
Title: Sad Kagome [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: moon_light_path
Uploaded On: Dec 27 9:48:13 2004
Charcters: Kagome Higurashi
Description: Umm this is my first ever posted fan art, I hope it's okay.
Image Properties: 812x783 357.67 kb
Title: One Destiny 2 [ Miscellaneous :: n/a ] By: sesshyshime
Uploaded On: Dec 27 3:29:50 2004
Description: This is two of the main characters from my book 'One Destiny'. This is (once again) Emilie Mae -human- with her counterpart/soul sister G'Sette (demon). Have to read the book when it comes out to know what that really means. Or just ask me (check bio for c read more
Image Properties: 670x1224 264.4 kb
Title: One Destiny [ Miscellaneous :: n/a ] By: sesshyshime
Uploaded On: Dec 27 3:18:30 2004
Description: This is one of my main characters in my book 'One Destiny'. I'll tell you more about it if you email or IM me (check bio). Her name is Emilie Mae. The shot is of her 'split identity'. Yeah, so Kagome like, but no...she's MUCH different. Trust me! The pic h read more
Image Properties: 546x1254 291.11 kb
Title: Anikin [ TV Series/Movie :: Star Wars ] By: sesshyshime
Uploaded On: Dec 27 3:13:46 2004
Charcters: Anakin Skywalker
Description: Hey everyone. Again, just a sketch, but this is NOT going to be colored later! I drew this way back in 2000 when I was only going on 18, so it stays just the way it is. Review... Loves Mistress
Image Properties: 858x1110 352.37 kb
Title: Gabriel [ Miscellaneous :: n/a ] By: sesshyshime
Uploaded On: Dec 27 3:10:29 2004
Description: Everyone, meet Gabriel. He's a 10 year old forest sprite in my book. All rights belong to me. You want him, ask me! He's not colored yet, none of my pics are. Just your basic sketch (I was bored 15 minutes ago!) Loves ~Mistress
Image Properties: 670x716 58.17 kb
Title: Are-chan [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: Misaki Kaibutsu
Uploaded On: Dec 26 8:20:32 2004
Description: Look everybody! It's Are-chan the prostitute man(boy)! Meet Arevik, the unwilling seven-year old French whore. He's very dead. And very cute, with his googly red eyes. Mouuuu...
Image Properties: 902x968 198.48 kb
Title: Shock! [ Miscellaneous :: Yaoi ] By: Misaki Kaibutsu
Uploaded On: Dec 26 8:14:49 2004
Description: Gwa ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha! Emm... Daniel (the long hair) kisses Aisu (cute, lovable demon guy). Shounen-ai/yaoi feelings ensue. Feel the love, love the feel. ^_^ Mou.
Image Properties: 777x801 87.55 kb
Title: Seth-chan [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: Misaki Kaibutsu
Uploaded On: Dec 26 8:07:24 2004
Description: Well, what can I say? I felt like posting my crap. ^_^ Seth-chan is a gay vegetarian gangsta. He has ankh earrings. Gwa ha ha ha ha! Oh, and... he's dead. Mou.
Image Properties: 673x698 70.92 kb
Title: More Than Meets The Eye... [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Cerulean San
Uploaded On: Dec 26 4:23:08 2004
Charcters: Anzu Mazaki, Jounouchi Katsuya
Description: I thing the title says it all. I made this one for my friend Katsuya Crimson. This couple has so many moments! Too bad not many support it ._.!
Image Properties: 469x547 133.61 kb
View (1) Visitor Reviews
Title: Arrogantshipping [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: Cerulean San
Uploaded On: Dec 26 0:16:22 2004
Charcters: Kaiba Seto, Mai Kujaku
Description: A gift I drew for my friend catie. i wonder why not many people like this coupling =S!
Image Properties: 300x400 44.5 kb
View (2) Visitor Reviews
Title: Mimato Forever! [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Cerulean San
Uploaded On: Dec 26 0:12:12 2004
Charcters: Mimi, Sora, Yamato/Matt
Description: Just an idea that popped up into my head O.o. ... ...I hate Sora >.>... ^-^ GO MIMATO!!!
Image Properties: 240x346 42.45 kb
View (4) Visitor Reviews
Title: Deadly Beauty [ Miscellaneous :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Konton Hakai
Uploaded On: Dec 25 18:01:30 2004
Description: A blonde beauty, with her hair in its braid, gorgeous emerald green eyes, and one deadly sword! The pose makes her look like she's saying, "Ha ha, I have a sword and you can't have it!" But that's to be expected since I didn't have a lot of info to go on a read more
Image Properties: 246x319 14.21 kb
Title: Hellhound [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: fire and napalm
Uploaded On: Dec 25 15:41:18 2004
Description: This is an original creature I created but it is used in my fanfiction 'Fluff' so I thought I'd upload it so anyone who wants to can get an idea of what they look like in my head, although not all are injured. This was just a practice sketch originally for read more
Image Properties: 800x615 97.61 kb
Title: Chibi Noël [ Anime/Manga :: Gundam Wing ] By: Luna13
Uploaded On: Dec 25 7:10:36 2004
Charcters: Duo Maxwell, Heero, Quatre, Trowa, Wufei
Image Properties: 600x842 35.09 kb
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