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Title: Haruka in a Kimono [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: nikkou_chan
Uploaded On: Jun 28 1:05:56 2004
Description: Haruka from Kimi ga Nozomu Eien (she isn't Sakura from ccs although she may look like her ^^;;) Colored in photoshop, I used a real pattern for the kimono.
Image Properties: 520x637 94.66 kb
View (10) Visitor Reviews
Title: kamui [ Anime/Manga :: X ] By: Kikuchi
Uploaded On: Jun 27 21:33:05 2004
Charcters: Kamui Shirou
Description: This picture is pretty old to me, i've drawn it in 8th grade, though i can't seem to pick out the mistakes, it's always likr that, you draw something an you like it, but 10 days later you can see it's true colours, but for this one i can't seem to find any read more
Image Properties: 350x474 112.95 kb
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Title: Between Him [ Anime/Manga :: Great Teacher Onizuka (GTO) ] By: Kikuchi
Uploaded On: Jun 27 21:10:02 2004
Description: So what do you ppl out there think, yeh i'd understand there's a stack load of other images out there to look at, and well it's all cool if you miss some ppl But please i'd be happy for at least one reply, i'd like to hear from you ppl. It'd really help ;_ read more
Image Properties: 300x242 74.15 kb
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Title: My characters [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: In_Love_With_Kenshin
Uploaded On: Jun 27 19:58:40 2004
Description: This is a crew of my characters from my story Lunocrist. I used Photodelux to color it
Image Properties: 767x558 96.68 kb
Title: AU [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: linxlynks
Uploaded On: Jun 27 19:43:30 2004
Charcters: Sango
Description: This is my modern (or AU) version of Sango. I'm such a big fan of AU fanfics that I figured I'd draw a modern version of Sango. Its not as good as the original Sango, but I tried. Tell me what you think! Thanks for looking!
Image Properties: 350x500 46.98 kb
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Title: Gothic Gohan [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: the07kittycat
Uploaded On: Jun 27 19:43:16 2004
Charcters: Gohan
Description: This is what Gohan would probably look like as a Goth except his face came out pretty bad. It's not too bad for drawing on a folder while laying down watching tv though.
Image Properties: 718x1011 91.34 kb
Title: Elf - who's this? [ Miscellaneous :: n/a ] By: TK - baka
Uploaded On: Jun 27 19:21:07 2004
Description: This is something that I made up. I think it's one of the most cute pics I've done.
Image Properties: 314x400 56.31 kb
Title: witch [ Mythological :: Witch ] By: kuramarose8888
Uploaded On: Jun 26 7:04:08 2004
Description: My sister helped me with the colors. And I like it! Kitty
Image Properties: 232x309 19.21 kb
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Title: Plant People [ Mythological :: Other ] By: kuramarose8888
Uploaded On: Jun 26 6:41:17 2004
Description: This is a PG-13 fic for all to know who don't already. They are two of my 10 game character designs and their names are Galadriel and Rumil. They are plant/ fire species and are MINE, all mine... Kitty
Image Properties: 261x457 27.01 kb
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Title: Arizona Ishida [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Lyn_Marie
Uploaded On: Jun 25 21:02:41 2004
Charcters: Original
Description: Arizona is another one of my Digimon characters. She has the crest of Dispair. I like the first time I RP'd her better, though it's a bit gross. Matt Ishida is her father and Yolei is her mother. She was born when Matt was sixteen and Yolei was MIUCH young read more
Image Properties: 280x290 14.35 kb
Title: Corey Kamiya [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: Lyn_Marie
Uploaded On: Jun 25 21:00:38 2004
Charcters: Original
Description: This is Corey Kamiya, Tai's grand-daughter who inherited the crest of courage.
Image Properties: 471x508 24.18 kb
Title: Princess Serenity [ Anime/Manga :: Sailor Moon ] By: Silver Moon Dragon
Uploaded On: Jun 25 20:55:33 2004
Charcters: Princess Serenity
Description: I drew this a long time ago. Umm It's supposed to be the cover of the Sailor Moon Movie 'The Promise of the Rose'. I used pencil and colored pencils... I know it looks sloppy but thats cuz I was in a hurry lol. Once my scanner's fixed I'll post more read more
Image Properties: 508x654 50.38 kb
Title: Heaven or Hell [ Anime/Manga :: Yu Yu Hakusho ] By: Koritsune Dragonrider
Uploaded On: Jun 25 19:04:58 2004
Charcters: Hiei, Kurama, Kurama Youko
Description: A gift fic from Kuramagurl13! It's really a very good drawing of Kurama, Hiei and Youko. I hope you like it because I sure do!
Image Properties: 640x481 92.25 kb
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Title: Akamaru [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: YamiLuv/YugiLuv
Uploaded On: Jun 25 18:58:32 2004
Description: Kiba's puppy Akamaru.
Image Properties: 429x594 30.55 kb
Title: Shigeru and Matsue [ Miscellaneous :: Yaoi ] By: Merle_Miau
Uploaded On: Jun 25 17:44:00 2004
Description: Well took a few hours but i did, not so good as i wanted, an' still undone, but i liked it, it's pretty cute and... i liked the expression on Shigeru's face (The boy of the right). So i hope u liked it, another drawing of "Broken Wings" 'Cuz i really loved read more
Image Properties: 510x656 86.59 kb
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