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Title: Pouring Red Rain [ Anime/Manga :: Yu Yu Hakusho ] By: TheThiefKuronue
Uploaded On: Jun 17 10:56:17 2004
Charcters: Kurama
Description: My first use of color pencils... really! I never used them before... well I have but if you count when I was six then you can do that. Did recently age fourteen 2004 yada yada. You got to love the blood and angst! ^_^ Kurama: -_-U Note: The rest of my art read more
Image Properties: 2544x2268 278.88 kb
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Title: Within a Broken Mirror [ Anime/Manga :: Yu Yu Hakusho ] By: TheThiefKuronue
Uploaded On: Jun 17 10:49:30 2004
Charcters: Kurama
Description: I love this pic...why...I dunno. I guess I'm probably most of all happy with his hands and drawing someone sitting down is hard since it's harder to tell the height of the character. Done recently age fourteen 2004... fourth quarter of freshman year.Note: read more
Image Properties: 1188x1668 129.43 kb
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Title: Bleeding Sky [ Anime/Manga :: Yu Yu Hakusho ] By: TheThiefKuronue
Uploaded On: Jun 17 10:45:16 2004
Charcters: Kurama Youko
Description: One of my favorite pictures I've ever made and no I did not trace or use anything to touch up on it like a program. Done recently. June 2004 age 14. ^______^Note: The rest of my art can be viewed at: http://fanart.theotaku.com/artist.php?user_id=43086
Image Properties: 1648x1212 211.11 kb
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Title: Lucky Goten [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: Kalamity Kat
Uploaded On: Jun 17 8:48:57 2004
Charcters: Bra, Goten, Marron
Description: Just thought these three make the cutest couple. *ducks all the stones thrown her way* Just kidding!!! It's a crappy image, I know, and the colouing is awful, but since I *did* colour, I thought I might as well post it. v.v;
Image Properties: 564x491 71.96 kb
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Title: Chilling [ Anime/Manga :: Dragon Ball/Z/GT ] By: Kalamity Kat
Uploaded On: Jun 17 8:42:52 2004
Charcters: Mai, Yamcha
Description: This is one of my favourite fannon couples... Well, actually, I came up with it (although I'm sure a lot of people before me had the same idea) and I just needed to draw it. Actually, Tenshinhan/Lunch are my favourite DB couple at all, but this one comes p read more
Image Properties: 539x843 176.81 kb
Title: Charater from fanfic [ Anime/Manga :: Outlaw Star ] By: kurokagome
Uploaded On: Jun 17 7:11:23 2004
Charcters: Fan-made Character
Description: This picture is what you look like in my fanfic "For all it's worth." YES I did say YOU. Since it's a GENE/you story and all... To understand you'd have to reqad the story.
Image Properties: 295x772 30.87 kb
Title: Koorime Twins [ Anime/Manga :: Yu Yu Hakusho ] By: Starr Yasato
Uploaded On: Jun 16 21:09:29 2004
Charcters: Jaganshi Hiei, Yukina
Description: Just your basic pencil sketch. I like this picture for some strange reason...hm...hard to put my finger on why, but I do. So there.
Image Properties: 488x641 38.99 kb
Title: Masters of Wind and Ice [ Anime/Manga :: Yu Yu Hakusho ] By: TheThiefKuronue
Uploaded On: Jun 16 19:34:51 2004
Charcters: Jin the Wind Master, Touya
Description: Jin and Touya, two of the strongest Shinobi and two of the strongest friends. This isn't my best drawing definatly. I've done better. Anyway I was doing this while talking to dragondancer1014 (Bethany). Done in 2004, late fourteen.Note: The rest of my art read more
Image Properties: 1648x1104 142.06 kb
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Title: Purple Girl [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Youkai Hikari
Uploaded On: Jun 16 17:03:32 2004
Description: ARGH! Scan came out TERRIBLE! took forever to draw (kept screwing up) and two seconds to color in paint
Image Properties: 882x978 257.71 kb
Title: Kakashi [ Anime/Manga :: Naruto ] By: sungirl131
Uploaded On: Jun 15 19:45:57 2004
Charcters: Kakashi
Image Properties: 798x609 69.34 kb
Title: Different Tones [ Anime/Manga :: Gundam Wing ] By: Skeren Dreamera
Uploaded On: Jun 15 19:22:07 2004
Charcters: Duo Maxwell, Wufei
Description: Done as a birthday gift for Bagelbunion. Duo and Wufei are having a moment.
Image Properties: 597x523 48.98 kb
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Title: serenity [ Miscellaneous :: n/a ] By: EsmMora
Uploaded On: Jun 15 18:04:17 2004
Description: ok this is serenity from my fic, i wont upload her fiancee, because my friend wont like it and you fan girls will go crazy >>;
Image Properties: 527x600 49.02 kb
Title: kirara!! [ Miscellaneous :: Catgirl/boy-Cat Creatures ] By: miroku_lover1002
Uploaded On: Jun 15 17:24:27 2004
Description: I was bored...so I did this!! it's kilala...she's so cute!! by the way, that's Sango yellling at her...
Image Properties: 350x350 8.29 kb
Title: Demonic Inu Yasha [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: InuYoukaiOtaku
Uploaded On: Jun 15 16:37:48 2004
Charcters: Inuyasha
Description: I had this in a frame, so the edges might look a little weird. Hey, I'm lazy and didn't feel like being neat around the edges if it were gonna be framed. ^_~
Image Properties: 1260x1065 62.79 kb
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Title: Moomba [ Anime/Manga :: Final Fantasy Series ] By: InuYoukaiOtaku
Uploaded On: Jun 15 16:36:00 2004
Description: It's my first attempt for an animalistic creature ^_~ be nice..lol
Image Properties: 1260x1600 75.16 kb
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