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Title: Sunset [ Anime/Manga :: D. N. Angel ] By: Kikuchi
Uploaded On: Jun 25 0:28:53 2004
Charcters: Niwa Daisuke
Description: Hello everyone n__n this picture wasn't meant to turn out like Daisuke but he just looks like him so i just put it as D.N Angel fan art. eheh i dont have much to say but yeh hope you ppl out there make the most of my art, and i'm not really good with criti read more
Image Properties: 612x825 164.1 kb
View (1) Visitor Reviews
Title: Scream for Me [ Anime/Manga :: X ] By: Lizeth
Uploaded On: Jun 24 22:54:12 2004
Charcters: Fuuma Monou, Kamui Shirou
Description: X is such a bad influence. XD Full view please.
Image Properties: 638x698 190.38 kb
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Title: Chii? [ Anime/Manga :: Chobits ] By: Jp2o7
Uploaded On: Jun 24 21:10:54 2004
Charcters: Chii
Description: My brother drew this picture of Chii from the manga
Image Properties: 450x705 28.45 kb
Title: Sailor Mini Moon and Sailor Mini Uranus!! WOOT!!! [ Anime/Manga :: Sailor Moon ] By: frozen_in_shadow
Uploaded On: Jun 24 20:11:22 2004
Charcters: Sailor Chibi Moon
Description: HAH! WOOT! My first Fan art!! Sailor Mini Uranus is a chaicter I made up to go with one of my fan fics. It took me forever to get the picture done!!! First I drew it on paper, then sense our stupid scanner isn't working, I took a picture of it with the web read more
Image Properties: 637x825 130.43 kb
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Title: Chi playing in the rain [ Anime/Manga :: Chobits ] By: Jp2o7
Uploaded On: Jun 24 19:06:14 2004
Charcters: Chi
Description: Chi playing in the rain... with a flower in her hands (yes thats sopposed to be a flower)
Image Properties: 773x560 56.47 kb
Title: Taking over my Head [ Anime/Manga :: Zoids ] By: Taltos
Uploaded On: Jun 24 14:33:32 2004
Charcters: Fiona
Description: Image for the first chapter of my story Lonely Girls. Yes, that's Fiona. Yes, she's insane.
Image Properties: 513x515 23.56 kb
Title: Dancing [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: darkmousi
Uploaded On: Jun 24 13:01:00 2004
Description: I Have Heard that japanese Demon like to dance. ^^
Image Properties: 581x800 76.44 kb
Title: A Baby and his Blankie [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Charlotte
Uploaded On: Jun 24 12:06:39 2004
Charcters: Sesshomaru
Description: I've had this image in mind for weeks and since I couldn't get on the internet last night and had nothing better to do, I drew it. ^_^ *grins and gives baby Sessie's cheeks a tweak* Baby Sesshomaru- *pulls thumb out of his mouth* WAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHH *cove read more
Image Properties: 582x536 24.57 kb
Title: Edward Elric [ Anime/Manga :: Fullmetal Alchemist ] By: Filia-chan
Uploaded On: Jun 24 10:42:36 2004
Description: My first Fullmetal Alchemist fanart ^^
Image Properties: 680x820 100.61 kb
View (7) Visitor Reviews
Title: Wufei [ Anime/Manga :: Gundam Wing ] By: Luna13
Uploaded On: Jun 24 10:35:41 2004
Charcters: Wufei
Description: Le modèle que j'ai utilisé est tiré du doujin Mechanical God. ********** The model that I used is drawn from the doujin Mechanical God.
Image Properties: 697x980 76.7 kb
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Title: Ayumu and Hiyono [ Anime/Manga :: Spiral ] By: nikkou_chan
Uploaded On: Jun 24 2:00:07 2004
Description: Ayumu and Hiyono in a park. ^^ A leave was going to fall on Hiyono's head.. Colored in photoshop.
Image Properties: 550x644 88.84 kb
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Title: The Siblings Maxwell [ Anime/Manga :: Gundam Wing ] By: Skeren Dreamera
Uploaded On: Jun 23 20:40:16 2004
Charcters: Duo Maxwell, Relena
Description: This picture goes with the story Rewinding Time. It is of one Duo Maxwell and his sister Relena. ::grins:: enjoy.
Image Properties: 328x464 26.37 kb
View (2) Visitor Reviews
Title: Ugh... Capes... [ Miscellaneous :: Medieval ] By: Sammyosa
Uploaded On: Jun 23 20:33:46 2004
Description: I wasn't sure which catagory to put this picture under... I decided to but if under midevil because of the background and what naught. ^.^ I tried to be funny... His cape is stuck in a door... Capes are such a hassal... -.-'
Image Properties: 400x518 50.59 kb
Title: Inu-Yasha [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: Sammyosa
Uploaded On: Jun 23 20:21:51 2004
Charcters: Inuyasha
Description: I drew this in the earlier months of the year, then in the Spring, I found it in my closet and desided to paint it using water paints. After starring at it for sometime, I saw a bunch of mistakes... ^.^' Like his torso seems to long, but that was to avoid read more
Image Properties: 500x399 47.15 kb
Title: Angel Kurama [ Anime/Manga :: Yu Yu Hakusho ] By: Koritsune Dragonrider
Uploaded On: Jun 23 17:43:01 2004
Charcters: Kurama
Description: Here is Kurama in my story "Heaven or Hell." I'll be adding Youko soon and Hiei and Kurama together. Just wait!
Image Properties: 1275x1634 194.12 kb
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