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Title: Leechmon [ Anime/Manga :: n/a ] By: takarajewels
Uploaded On: Feb 1 18:06:29 2004
Charcters: Original
Description: Leechmon, my original Digimon! Yes, I know she ressembles Palmon, but I was only ten at the time of her creation, and since I love her design, henceforth refuse to change it! XD Anyhow, this is my first oekaki uploaded here, and I hope you all like it.
Image Properties: 400x400 15.26 kb
Title: Relics Page 40 [ Books/Stories/Comics :: Original ] By: Kiyone
Uploaded On: Feb 1 17:13:13 2004
Description: The next page of my comic. Just finished shading it. I didn't feel like taking forever on it, so this is how it looks. :P The rest of the comic should be up and running sometime in the next week. When it is, I'll give the link. ^___^
Image Properties: 800x1032 207.15 kb
Title: Sessy the dog [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: JackieChan DragonAngel
Uploaded On: Feb 1 16:09:56 2004
Charcters: Sesshomaru
Description: This is something that I've never seen done before, so I thought that I would draw it. Sesshoumaru in dog form. It was drawen in pencil and then painted in acrylic.
Image Properties: 528x450 49.8 kb
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Title: Amelda, Varon and Rapheal [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: GoZumie_
Uploaded On: Feb 1 7:33:52 2004
Description: There are Amelda, Varon and Rapheal. Old pic. I really love Doom Series much! ^_^ I WANT TO DRAW DARTZ BECAUSE I FEEL SHY MY SISTER WILL BE THINK I LIKE HIM!! I CAN'T DRAW DARTZ!!! *sniff*
Image Properties: 750x612 207.55 kb
Title: Our Time(Trowa and Relena) [ Anime/Manga :: Gundam Wing ] By: gigicerisier
Uploaded On: Feb 1 5:34:33 2004
Charcters: Relena, Trowa
Description: This is same as previous,I coloured it by using Microsoft Paint.
Image Properties: 588x838 77.1 kb
Title: Zelda Wind Waker [ Computer/Video Game :: The Legend of Zelda ] By: Kankywompous
Uploaded On: Jan 31 20:20:00 2004
Charcters: Zelda
Description: Medium:Pencil and Photoshop 6 This was done exactly the same as I did Link. I decided to do Zelda after Link turned out so good. Enjoy.
Image Properties: 338x576 233.93 kb
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Title: Link-WindWaker [ Computer/Video Game :: The Legend of Zelda ] By: Kankywompous
Uploaded On: Jan 30 21:03:27 2004
Description: Medium: Pencil drawing/Photoshop 6 This is a combination of a hand drawn image and photo Manip. I drew wind waker Link all growed up and scanned it in then colored it. After coloring I scanned in part of a map for Wind Waker and filtered it with the defaul read more
Image Properties: 362x629 232.9 kb
Title: Grim Reaper [ Mythological :: Demons/Gargoyles ] By: danny_pooh
Uploaded On: Jan 30 16:39:19 2004
Charcters: Devils
Description: I did this in about 4 hourse with a 4B pencil. It lost alot of quality but I still think it turned out pretty good.
Image Properties: 400x516 134.75 kb
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Title: The Thief Bakura LOVE Pharaoh Atem! Xp [ Anime/Manga :: Yu-Gi-Oh! ] By: GoZumie_
Uploaded On: Jan 30 16:17:19 2004
Charcters: Yami Yugi
Description: He in love with him! XD I'm not Bakura x Yami Yugi fan. I thoght The Thief Bakura in love with Pharaih Atem! XD I drew this is pic! Hahahahaha!
Image Properties: 751x550 76.65 kb
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Title: Black, white, blue and Red? [ Miscellaneous :: Catgirl/boy-Cat Creatures ] By: Matrix the Hedgehog
Uploaded On: Jan 30 15:42:06 2004
Description: Two of Redderz's characters Requiem, Kujuu, and my character Fearcat in Cat forms.
Image Properties: 945x472 87.14 kb
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Title: Twhich Pheonix [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: Matrix the Hedgehog
Uploaded On: Jan 30 15:39:44 2004
Description: This is the redesgined picture of my old pheonix character Twhich.
Image Properties: 551x787 84.22 kb
Title: MAX [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: Matrix the Hedgehog
Uploaded On: Jan 30 15:36:44 2004
Description: This is Max Evelyn with his new look, (my main Sonic character)
Image Properties: 748x354 122.68 kb
Title: Burnt Darkness [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: Matrix the Hedgehog
Uploaded On: Jan 30 15:34:35 2004
Description: This picture of Nox, my new character, took me 2 hours to complete, I used Photoshop 6.0…
Image Properties: 630x984 130.81 kb
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Title: Sega Guys 4 [ Computer/Video Game :: Sonic Series ] By: Matrix the Hedgehog
Uploaded On: Jan 30 15:30:29 2004
Charcters: Knuckles, Shadow, Sonic
Description: 3 and an half hours, plus 20 layers later, it's finally finished....so tell me what you think, it's the first time I've done a picture just useing layers. Sonic, Knuckles, Shadow, Lyrics are © by Sonic Team/Sega.
Image Properties: 669x1094 110.32 kb
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Title: Seraph Great Angel of Life [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: Matrix the Hedgehog
Uploaded On: Jan 30 15:25:32 2004
Description: History on Seraph's past….and Yes this is what Seraph looks before he join with Max's body...but in the Hell Knight series, Seraph is freed ~~~~~~~ Goddess Uno created the Four Realms: Matter, Nature (or mortal Realm), Celestial, and Super-celestial. read more
Image Properties: 354x748 29.85 kb
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