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Title: Contemplating [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: skakujou
Uploaded On: Jan 28 7:02:57 2004
Charcters: Kohaku
Description: Kohaku. T __ T I cut off his right arm...
Image Properties: 500x901 60.83 kb
Title: Jrock dude? [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: FuuChan
Uploaded On: Jan 27 15:52:23 2004
Description: Eh...this is just a doodle I did at a friend's house a few days ago after listening to some Dir en Grey songs the night before...yeah. O.o;; I think it's pretty. And yes, it is a guy. XP
Image Properties: 459x573 24.29 kb
Title: Diablo [ Anime/Manga :: Trigun ] By: Nina Twister
Uploaded On: Jan 27 7:01:05 2004
Charcters: Sinister Black Vash
Description: This is my evil, sinister Vash! Yeah, its when he gets angry, therfore Its 'Diablo' I love this pic..It may be my fave. Yes, it did get alittle stretched out when I shrank it.
Image Properties: 331x348 38.17 kb
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Title: Blood and Thunder [ Anime/Manga :: Trigun ] By: Nina Twister
Uploaded On: Jan 27 6:59:06 2004
Charcters: Vash Stampede
Description: Vash...on a building...both guns... Okay okay, It may not be great, but I love the effect I got on his leather pants and left arm ^^;;
Image Properties: 640x480 98.85 kb
Title: Vash the Stampede [ Anime/Manga :: Trigun ] By: Nina Twister
Uploaded On: Jan 27 6:57:46 2004
Charcters: Vash Stampede
Description: U will probobly find that most of my fan-art is of vash...Im sorry I cant letter..and this one isnt very good ^^;;
Image Properties: 700x906 85.74 kb
Title: Vash and Nina [ Anime/Manga :: Trigun ] By: Nina Twister
Uploaded On: Jan 27 6:55:07 2004
Charcters: Original Character, Vash Stampede
Description: Yes, this pic is for an old book I wrote. Its Vash and me. I know U may hate me for not putting Meryl and Millie in there >< IM SORRY!! It was back when i hated Meryl with all my heart, soul and mind (but now I think she's cool^^)
Image Properties: 800x1126 335.7 kb
Title: The Wind Waker [ Computer/Video Game :: Zelda ] By: Kimya
Uploaded On: Jan 26 15:18:01 2004
Charcters: Link, Zelda
Description: A drawing of the Wind Waker, one of my favorite games of all times. :) Coloured with Photoshop, as usual. :)
Image Properties: 720x455 77.24 kb
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Title: RPG Link [ Computer/Video Game :: Zelda ] By: Kimya
Uploaded On: Jan 26 15:12:48 2004
Charcters: Link
Description: This is a quick drawing of Link I made for an RPG game some friends from Triforce MUCK and I are working on. Based on the official mangas. Hope you like it! :D
Image Properties: 543x538 76.27 kb
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Title: one piece [ Anime/Manga :: One Piece ] By: LadyKabuki
Uploaded On: Jan 26 14:42:34 2004
Description: just some love for one piece! will be coloring this piece soon. ^_^
Image Properties: 377x545 46.09 kb
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Title: Sesshy-Chan [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: PhibbiKitty
Uploaded On: Jan 26 14:15:45 2004
Charcters: Sesshomaru
Image Properties: 600x477 140.72 kb
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Title: Kikyou-ooh mysterious [ Anime/Manga :: InuYasha ] By: PhibbiKitty
Uploaded On: Jan 26 14:13:45 2004
Charcters: Kikyou
Description: Here's my picture of Kikyou. I know most people like Kagome a lot better but I would have to disagree. Please review.
Image Properties: 600x523 214.49 kb
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Title: Zabaione Costada [ Anime/Manga :: Please Teacher! ] By: hobie
Uploaded On: Jan 26 10:01:56 2004
Description: This is the Bounty Hunter after Mizhuo Kazami in the fanfic Onegai, Bounty Hunter found in the fanfics section.
Image Properties: 752x1510 145.69 kb
Title: The Dance of Distress: Kanako [ Anime/Manga :: Princess Nine ] By: Maiden of Mystery
Uploaded On: Jan 26 8:44:30 2004
Charcters: Kanako Mita
Description: ok this is a fanart i did on 1/24/04. It is of Kanako Mita from Princess Nine in the dress she wore in the episode in my second season entitled 'The Dance of Distress'. i think this fanart turned out very nicely considering i had trouble drawing her hair a read more
Image Properties: 637x825 160.58 kb
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Title: dragon girl [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: LadyKabuki
Uploaded On: Jan 25 19:09:18 2004
Description: just an original inspired by dragons.
Image Properties: 580x412 60.46 kb
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Title: mmm yum yums! [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: LadyKabuki
Uploaded On: Jan 25 19:06:42 2004
Description: just was in the mood for some candy yummmmm. original character and colored by kabuki
Image Properties: 412x580 42.07 kb
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