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Title: Human Firey [ Anime/Manga :: Card Captor Sakura ] By: Jeremycards
Uploaded On: Feb 6 12:11:58 2004
Charcters: Clow Cards
Description: este es un dibujo que me hiso mi amiga matty para mi, mirenla! es firey la carta fuego pero en humana, asi aparece en mi fic (todavia no llege a esa parte) no se ve tierna? n.n ________ my friend matty draw this to me, its human firey! thats how she looks read more
Image Properties: 467x827 483.97 kb
View (4) Visitor Reviews
Title: Card Captor Jeremy [ Anime/Manga :: Card Captor Sakura ] By: Jeremycards
Uploaded On: Feb 6 12:03:02 2004
Charcters: Original Character
Description: hey ese soy yo, card captor jeremy, a que me veo cool no? vean mi fic card captors J pliz, mi amigo dark kuu me dibujo este dibujo ____________ hey thats me, card captor jeremy, i look cool isn't? watch my fic card captors j plz (is in spanish), my friend read more
Image Properties: 407x600 37.49 kb
Title: Aya Kitten [ Anime/Manga :: Weiss Kreuz ] By: Cigamina
Uploaded On: Feb 6 6:48:20 2004
Charcters: Aya Fujimiya, Youji Kudou
Description: If you can't read it, the words on Aya's sweater say: I'm his sweet, little kitten!!
Image Properties: 311x439 70.95 kb
View (2) Visitor Reviews
Title: High-Tech Elf [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: empty
Uploaded On: Feb 6 2:31:58 2004
Image Properties: 506x800 133.82 kb
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Title: Squall [ Computer/Video Game :: Final Fantasy Series ] By: cb b-man
Uploaded On: Feb 6 1:10:47 2004
Charcters: Squall Leonhart
Description: I entered this in the go-gaia.com ffcontest and i only got 300 or something reviews what do you think any good?
Image Properties: 630x571 137.4 kb
Title: Daring [ Anime/Manga :: Weiss Kreuz ] By: Tigerblade
Uploaded On: Feb 5 19:13:12 2004
Charcters: Omi Tsukiyono
Description: Omi has gone mad and he has his claws out to get whoever dares to challenge him. Umm...Please Review.
Image Properties: 1384x2038 345.6 kb
View (1) Visitor Reviews
Title: Gwyn and Liam - panic [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Kiyone
Uploaded On: Feb 5 19:02:38 2004
Description: 2 of my characters. Liam has every reason to panic... no one wants Gwyn on their bad side, being that she IS a Fire Elemental. ^____^ This was a bit of an experiment. I was watching Ranma1/2 when I drew the expressions, and the coloring is a lot more chunk read more
Image Properties: 800x600 68.58 kb
View (1) Visitor Reviews
Title: hikari no yami [ Anime/Manga :: FanFiction Linked Art ] By: Sol_Soldier
Uploaded On: Feb 5 8:22:27 2004
Description: two sides, darkness and light. shin no hikari and shin no yami
Image Properties: 360x504 35.14 kb
Title: Heero and music colour [ Anime/Manga :: Gundam Wing ] By: Sefarina Malaika
Uploaded On: Feb 4 21:10:46 2004
Charcters: Heero
Description: Same pic as before but with colour
Image Properties: 502x480 37.37 kb
Title: 24k Chocobo Anyone? [ Computer/Video Game :: Final Fantasy Series ] By: Piccolo's Girl
Uploaded On: Feb 4 12:41:18 2004
Charcters: Chocobo
Description: I was bored at a pep band game so I drew this to pass the time. :-P
Image Properties: 300x325 15.78 kb
View (1) Visitor Reviews
Title: Alucard grin [ Anime/Manga :: Hellsing ] By: Sillie
Uploaded On: Feb 4 5:56:53 2004
Charcters: Alucard
Description: This is a picture from the manga I bought... I just love Alucard... *grins* (oekaki)
Image Properties: 350x200 18.96 kb
View (1) Visitor Reviews
Title: Cornel [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: MorriAensland
Uploaded On: Feb 4 3:35:07 2004
Description: Zis is Cornel Garrick, one of my MANY Rp charries! Yay! And you know what...? Since, evidently, you have to PAY for an account here, go to http://petpages.neopets.com/~JC117neo To see ALL of my RP charries (Aya is one of them!)!!! Yes, I roleplay on neopet read more
Image Properties: 512x640 80.1 kb
Title: Clay Aiken & I [ Miscellaneous :: Original Characters W/O an Anime Series ] By: MorriAensland
Uploaded On: Feb 4 3:28:25 2004
Description: This is a little something I whipped up a few months ago... It's Clay Aiken... AND ME!!! And.. as with Aya... MY LIPS ARE ALL WROOOONG!!! NYAH!!! I guess lips just don't like me.. Ok, yeah, that sounded wrong. Well, I guess I only have one other thing to s read more
Image Properties: 708x910 147.09 kb
Title: Tears [ Anime/Manga :: Yu Yu Hakusho ] By: Kirara-chan
Uploaded On: Feb 3 21:36:46 2004
Charcters: Hiei, Yukina
Description: Hiei and Yukina, and the bond they share. I like this one because its simple and sweet. Review please! ^_^
Image Properties: 559x414 141.06 kb
View (12) Visitor Reviews
Title: Secrets [ Computer/Video Game :: Zelda ] By: ~*Shippo*~
Uploaded On: Feb 3 20:00:34 2004
Charcters: Link, Malon
Description: This is a picture from a fan fiction I am working on called 'Roxanne' The reason for the xMarinx thing in the corner is that is my name everywhere else on the internet. x.x hehe I was kind of proud of this one...but to get the full effect you really have t read more
Image Properties: 392x500 189.25 kb
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